Academic Programs Catalog

The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management

The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management

David Souder, DEAN

The faculty of The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management (commonly referred to as the Broad College) at Michigan State University is dedicated to continuous quality improvement in all of its activities.  To that end, the faculty has adopted the following:

Core Vision

To be a top-of-mind business school as reflected by the recognition of our brand, the reputation of our people, and the rankings of our programs.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Eli Broad College of Business and the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University is to create and disseminate knowledge through collaborative relationships while developing transformational leaders who make business happen.



Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate students are required to complete a core curriculum that exposes them to diverse subjects and develops a well-rounded business background. Within the undergraduate program, area requirements include writing, mathematics, integrative studies, basic disciplines and functional fields in business, and elective courses enhancing a student’s course of study. An important component of the business curriculum is the major field of concentration. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss major fields of concentration, electives, education abroad, community service, work experience and leadership development opportunities.

Students completing undergraduate programs in the Broad College receive the Bachelor of Arts degree.

Direct Admission for First-Year Students
Direct admission to the Broad College of Business is only offered to first-year students who are entering MSU in the fall semester.  Students who matriculate in the spring semester and transfer students are not eligible for direct admission. 

High school seniors are offered the opportunity to enter the Broad College of Business as first-year students or as a first-year student accepted into the Broad College.  To be considered for Direct Admission, applicants must:

  1. Be admitted to Michigan State University as a first-year student matriculating in the fall semester.
  2. List one of the following business majors (accounting, finance, management, human resource management, marketing, supply chain management) as the intended major when applying to MSU.
  3. Complete and submit the Broad Direct Admission supplemental application.

To maintain admission to the Broad College, a direct admit student must meet the following requirements no later than the end of a student’s 3rd semester at MSU:

  1. Achieve a 3.0 minimum cumulative grade-point average.
  2. Achieve a 3.0 minimum grade-point average in specific Broad College pre-core courses.  Pre-core requirements are Tier 1 Writing (WRA 101 or equivalent), EC 201 and/or EC 202, STT 200 or approved substitution. 
  3. Earn credit in CSE 102. 

Admission to the College

Admission to the Broad College of Business and a specific major provides access to enroll in certain courses required for the major. Enrollment in the Broad College of Business is limited, and admission to the College is competitive.

Current MSU students and transfer students must apply for Broad College admission by April 1 for a fall semester admission. When needed an off-cycle admission process can be added.

Admission is a holistic process that is based primarily on the cumulative grade-point average and grades in the pre-core courses listed below. Non-academic factors and experiences will also be considered.

Students seeking admission should contact the Eli Broad College Undergraduate Academic Services.

Minimum criteria for admission to the college are:

  1. Completion of 28 credits.
  2. Completion of Computer Science and Engineering 102.
  3. Completion of the following pre-core courses which will be used to calculate a student's pre-core grade-point average:
    1. Statistics 200 or approved substitution.
    2. University's Tier I writing requirement. One course from WRA 101, WRA 195H, LB 133, MC 111, MC 112, or RCAH 111.
    3. Economics 201 or 202. If both Economics 201 and 202 are completed at the time of admission consideration, both courses will be considered in the admission decision.

Students who are admitted to the college with fewer than 56 credits designate their major preference as Business-Admitted. Students selecting this major preference are advised by faculty members and advisors in the Eli Broad College of Business. Through careful selection of courses, students are encouraged to explore a variety of areas to help in selecting a major. Students remain in Business-Admitted until they attain junior standing and are admitted to a Broad College major through the major application process. Some majors may have limited enrollment and require a competitive process. Students may re-enter the competitive process in the college during subsequent admission periods to change majors. Students must be admitted to a degree-granting college by the time they have completed 56 credits.

Admission to Hospitality Business

For information about the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Hospitality Business, refer to the statement on The School of Hospitality Business.

Academic Standards and Policies

A Policy Statement for Undergraduate Students is shared with each student with the notice of admission to the college and is available on the Broad College Web site. Each student is responsible for knowing and adhering to these college policies.

The student's academic advisor plays a major role in helping a student develop an academic progression plan. Students are encouraged to discuss the major field of concentration requirements with their faculty. It is important for each student to take a proactive approach in selecting the area of concentration. At the onset of the senior year, students are advised to visit the Undergraduate Academic Services office for a careful review of their progress, and to plan a program for their senior year. Responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with the student.

Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree

1. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of the catalog.
The completion of Mathematics 103 and Statistics 200, 201, or 315 [referenced in item 2. a. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.
2. The requirements for the BUSINESS CORE PROGRAM that consists of (55 or 56 credits):
a. All of the following courses (18 or 19 credits):
CSE 102 Algorithmic Thinking and Programming 3
EC 201 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
EC 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
MKT 250 Business Communication: Oral and Written Skills 3
MTH 103 College Algebra 3
STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
STT 201 Statistical Methods 4
STT 315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business 3
Students who place into Statistics 200, 201, or 315 on the mathematics placement test and who complete Statistics 200, 201, or 315 will not be required to complete Mathematics 103.
b. All of the following courses (31 credits):
ACC 201 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ACC 202 Principles of Management Accounting 3
BUS 100 Business Major and Career Exploration 1
FI 311 Financial Management 3
GBL 385 Business Law and Ethical Leadership 3
IBUS 310 International Business 3
ITM 209 Business Analytics and Information Systems 3
MGT 315 Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 3
MKT 300 Managerial Marketing 3
MKT 317 Market Analytics 3
SCM 303 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
c. An approved course or experience with international content (3 credits):
To foster the development of a global mindset, the Broad College requires an approved 3-credit 300-level or higher course or experience with significant international content. The Broad College’s Undergraduate Academic Services (UAS) unit maintains an approved list of courses and experiences for satisfying this requirement. An approved course may not be used to satisfy a University Integrative Studies requirement. Along with MKT 310 and MGT 409, this 3-credit international requirement assures that Broad undergraduates have sufficient exposure to global issues that affect business decisions.
d. A senior-level capstone course to integrate competencies (3 credits):
MGT 409 Business Policy and Strategic Management 3
3. The requirements for one of the majors identified below.
4. A minimum grade–point average of 2.00 in courses in the Major Field of Concentration.
5. At least 9 credits of general elective courses outside the Broad College. Courses that are used to satisfy University requirements [referenced in item 1. above] and courses that are used to satisfy BUSINESS CORE PROGRAM requirements [referenced in item 2. a., b., and d. above] may not be used to satisfy this requirement.
6. A maximum of 3 credits of internship or other work experience may be earned towards a Bachelor of Arts degree in the college.

The majors to which the requirements that are referenced in the Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree statement apply are listed below by the units that administer them:

Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Department of Finance 
Department of Management
        Human Resource Management
Department of Marketing
Department of Supply Chain Management
        Supply Chain Management

Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Hospitality Business

For information about the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Hospitality Business, refer to the statement on The School of Hospitality Business.

Transfer Course Credit

The Office of Admissions in the Eli Broad College of Business evaluates transfer-course credit in business fields based on guidelines provided by its academic units for courses of similar content and level taken at accredited colleges and universities of comparable academic quality. Courses similar in title to those offered by the Broad College at the 300–400 level are not authorized to receive specific course credit if taken at the 100–200 level at another institution; general course credit may be granted for such courses transferred from an accredited institution. Students who request the transfer of a 300-400 level business course must work with their academic advisor. A maximum of 9 transfer credits may be applied and must have been taken at an AACSB accredited institution.

Honors Study

The Broad College encourages honors students to develop distinctive undergraduate programs in the fields offered by the several departments. A member of the faculty is selected to serve as advisor to Honors College students in each major field, and it is their responsibility to help each student plan a rigorous and balanced program that also will reflect the student's special interests and competencies. Independent study experience is strongly encouraged when relevant to the student's total program.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option (this program is in moratorium Fall 2024 through Summer 2026)

An Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option (E and I) is a project consisting of original work that builds on the content of a course in which a student is enrolled but extends the experience of that course beyond the typical scope and content. E and I Experiences Options allow undergraduates the opportunity to add entrepreneurial content to courses already in the student’s program, thus providing a flexible alternative for those interested in exploring entrepreneurial ideas beyond the normal course requirements. An E and I Experiences Option can be in any course in any discipline. Students propose the E and I Experiences Option to the instructor of record for the course. E and I Experiences Option requests must be accompanied by the Application for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option form. E and I Experiences Options that are approved and completed will be designated on the student’s transcript. For more information, students should contact the undergraduate advising office of their college.

Minor in Business

The minor is designed to provide students a pathway to take a breadth of courses providing them awareness of key business concepts and development of technical business skills that complement competencies in the student’s major with the ability to apply and leverage these skills in a business context.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University with the exception of majors in The Eli Broad College of Business. The minor is administered by The Eli Broad College of Business.

With the approval of the department and college that administer the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Requirements for the Minor in Business

In consultation with the Broad College of Business Undergraduate Academic Services office, students must complete 15 credits from the following courses:    

ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts 3
FI 320 Introduction to Finance 3
GBL 323 Introduction to Business Law 3
MGT 325 Management Skills and Processes 3
MKT 327 Introduction to Marketing 3
SCM 304 Survey of Supply Chain Management 3

Minor in Information Technology

The minor in information technology is available to students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University. The Eli Broad College of Business is the primary administrative unit in collaboration with the College of Engineering and the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.

The minor is designed to provide students with a multidisciplinary understanding of the role and basic mechanics of information technology in the contemporary workplace. Information technology specialists learn how to design and model information systems and business processes, plan and manage information systems projects, and program and test the resulting systems. Students develop core competencies in their primary area of study and broaden their horizons as they interact with others from different disciplinary backgrounds on real-world systems projects. Students completing the minor will be well-prepared for employment in technology-oriented environments and will also understand how to be thought leaders as information technology applications continue to evolve in organizations and society. 


To be considered for admission, a student must have been formally accepted into a degree program at Michigan State University. Applicants must have completed (a) Computer Science and Engineering 102 or 201 or 231 and (b) Mathematics 124 or 132.

Students seeking admission to the minor must complete an application. Admission is based on a combination of cumulative grade-point average, stated interest, and experience in information technology. Students are required to provide a written statement and resume.

Requirements for the Minor in Information Technology

Students must complete the requirements specified below (19 to 20 credits):

1. All of the following courses (13 credits):
CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I 4
ITM 311 Systems Analysis and Design 3
ITM 444 Information Technology Project Management 3
MI 201 Media and Information Technologies and Industries 3
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
CSE 102 Algorithmic Thinking and Programming 3
CSE 201 Fundamentals of Information Technology 3
3. At least 3 credits from the following courses (3 or 4 credits):
ACC 321 Accounting Information Systems 3
CSE 232 Introduction to Programming II  4
ITM 209 Business Analytics and Information Systems 3
ITM 481 Introduction to Business Analytics 3
MI 231 Game and Interactive Media Development 3
MI 349 Web Design and Development 3
MI 361 IT Network Management and Security 3
STT 180 Introduction to Data Science 4

With the approval of the department that administers the student’s degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements of the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. In certain cases, prerequisites for minor electives may be waived with advance approval. Students should consult with the Eli Broad College of Business Undergraduate Academic Services office.

Minor in Sales Leadership

Students who are enrolled in bachelor's degree programs in The Eli Broad College of Business may apply for admission to the Minor in Sales Leadership. For additional information, refer to the Minor in Sales Leadership statement in the Department of Communication section of this catalog.

Graduate Study

The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management prepares students for academic and professional careers in business, public service, and teaching. Graduate degree programs are offered through the Broad School and the departments of Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and The School of Hospitality Business.

The departmental faculties are recognized nationally and internationally for their scholarly articles, books and monographs, and their participation in research and educational programs around the world. The breadth of faculty competencies makes possible the extensive graduate programs that exist in the Broad School. The following degree programs are available:  Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy.

Business administration applies modern-day methodologies and frameworks in service of helping organizations create value. Business administration graduate programs place additional weight on the application of knowledge gleaned: closely tying concepts with techniques, theory with practice, and classroom touchpoints with experiential opportunities. The Master of Business Administration degree (both traditional and STEM) are oriented primarily toward managerial practice. Three M.B.A. degree options are offered: a traditional Full-Time M.B.A., a STEM eligible Full-Time M.B.A., and an Executive M.B.A. (Program in Integrative Management) designed to prepare students for management and leadership roles in global organizations. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is intended primarily for prospective academic scholars and management researchers.

In addition to the Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs in business administration, the Broad School offers Master of Science degree programs in accounting; accounting and data analytics (online); business data science and analytics; business research (requires admission to a College of Business doctoral program); finance; financial planning and wealth management; healthcare management; management strategy and leadership; marketing research; customer experience management (online); and supply chain management (online). The Broad School also offers a graduate Specialization in Business Concepts for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation for students enrolled in master's or doctoral degree programs at Michigan State University.

The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management also offers a growing number of graduate certificates, proffering subsets of courses from our Master of Science programs, where adult learners can earn graduate credit for a stand-alone certificate, and apply the course work towards the respective master's program.

International applicants must fulfill the university's English language proficiency requirements as described in the Graduate Education section of this catalog. International students should apply approximately nine months in advance of the semester in which they wish to be admitted. For further information, refer to the International Student Admission statement in the Graduate Education section of this catalog.

Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) full-time, two-year degree program is designed to prepare students for management and leadership roles in global business organizations, from entry–level management positions to top executive roles.  Specifically, the program is designed to create an understanding of the strategic positioning of the firm, its value chain, and how business activities contribute to the firm's total performance; to develop critical leadership and business analysis skills; and to build a high level of competence across all business functions plus deep knowledge in at least one discipline to prepare the student for a successful career in business.

Full-time M.B.A. students must select a concentration from business analytics, finance, human resource and strategic management, marketing, or supply chain management. They have flexibility to choose preferred elective course work to support their career goals such as risk management, talent development, insights and analytics, product and services innovation, consulting, entrepreneurship, global business, leadership and strategy, and strategic performance management, or any of the approved concentrations. Courses for joint program degrees must be approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program. Courses from other colleges may also be used with the approval of the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program.

Only Plan B (without thesis) is available to students who are enrolled in the M.B.A. degree programs.

For information about the Master of Business Administration degree program with a major in Integrative Management offered on weekends for fully-employed professionals, refer to the Master of Business Administration Degree:  Program in Integrative Management statement.

For information about the Master of Business Administration degree program with a major in STEM offered full-time, refer to the Master of Business Administration Degree:  STEM statement.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, students must meet the requirements specified below.


The full-time M.B.A. program normally extends over 21 months and consists of two fall and spring semesters and an enrichment experience during the intervening summer. Applicants are admitted to the program for fall semester only. 

A strong education in any field is good preparation for graduate study in business administration. Prior academic work in business is helpful, but not required. Students with undergraduate degrees in the sciences, engineering, economics, and the liberal arts are encouraged to apply.  Two or more years of work experience after completing a bachelor's degree is strongly recommended.

To be considered for admission to the full-time M.B.A. program, an applicant must:

  1. Submit to the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program a completed full-time M.B.A. application packet that is available at
  2. Take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and have the scores submitted to the Broad School. The test must be taken not more than five years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. Equivalents may be considered with the approval of the Director of Admissions.
  3. Complete the required personal interview with a representative of the full-time M.B.A. Program Office.

Minimum standards for admission are:

  1. A bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution.
  2. An academic record equivalent to at least 3.00 (B) in the last two years of undergraduate work.
  3. Scores on the GMAT that reflect  a general aptitude for success in graduate study.
  4. Personal attributes such as demonstrated management potential and maturity.
  5. Personal qualifications of sound character, intellectual curiosity,  perseverance, and a drive to succeed.

Admission to the program is competitive, and meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. Although all of the above minimum standards must normally be met, the applicant's overall record is considered.

Each full-time M.B.A. student is required to have a personal laptop computer with a minimum configuration approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program.

Students who are admitted to the full-time M.B.A. program must participate in a non-credit orientation program designed to prepare students for success in the team-based management education program and curriculum.

Requirements for the Master of Business Administration Degree

  1. Complete 61 credits including:
    1. All required core courses which include courses in the following functional and critical skill areas: accounting, business communication, career management, economics, finance, management, marketing, statistics, and supply chain management. 
      MBA 802 Financial Accounting and Reporting Strategy 1.5
      MBA 804 Applied Data Analysis for Managers 1.5
      MBA 808 Leadership and Teamwork 1
      MBA 812 Accounting for Decision-Making and Control 1.5
      MBA  814 Applied Economics 1.5
      MBA  816 Managerial Communication Strategy and Tactics 1.5
      MBA  817 Designing and Delivering Impactful Business Presentations  1.5
      MBA  820 Marketing Management 3
      MBA  821 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Concepts 3
      MBA  822 Corporate Investment Decisions 3
      MBA  824 Managing the Workforce 1.5
      MBA  843 Career Management 1
      MBA  845 Integrative Action Projects 4
      MBA  850 Strategic Management 1.5
    2. A concentration in business analytics; corporate, social responsibility and sustainability; entrepreneurship; finance; healthcare management; human resource and strategic management; marketing; or supply chain management (12 credits) or other approved concentration approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. program. Students may take two concentrations if their schedule permits.
    3. At least 3 credits of international business selected from courses approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. program.
  2. Students may use remaining elective credits to design an academic program to support their professional goals using courses across the business college disciplines. Students may select electives outside the college with the approval of the Director of the full-time M.B.A. program. Exceptions must be approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. program.
  3. Enrichment Experience
    Each student is required to participate in an enrichment experience approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program. Generally, the student participates in the enrichment experience during the summer between the first and second years of the program.  The enrichment experience may involve a domestic or international internship, intensive foreign language study, an international or domestic study trip, a field or consulting project, or an approved graduate assistantship.  Some of these options may involve additional costs to the student and may be able to accommodate only a limited number of students. 

Academic Standards

Students are expected to (1) maintain a minimum grade–point average of 3.00 each semester, (2) maintain a minimum cumulative grade–point average of 3.00, and (3) complete all courses listed on the Candidacy Form. A student's academic progress is monitored by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the Director.

A student who does not maintain a cumulative 3.00 grade–point average will be placed on final probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a cumulative 3.00 grade–point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.

Transfer Credits

For a student who is pursuing a full-time M.B.A. degree from MSU jointly with a Juris Doctor degree from the Michigan State University - College of Law, a maximum of 12 credits from the Michigan State University College of Law may be transferred to the full-time M.B.A. degree program.

For a student who is pursuing a full-time M.B.A. degree from MSU jointly with a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from Michigan State University - College of Human Medicine, a maximum of 12 credits from the MSU College of Human Medicine may be transferred to the full-time M.B.A. degree program.

For a student who is pursuing a full-time M.B.A. degree from MSU jointly with a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree from Michigan State University - College of Osteopathic Medicine, a maximum of 12 credits from the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine may be transferred to the full-time M.B.A. degree program.

Master of Business Administration Degree: Program in Integrative Management

The M.B.A. degree program with a major in integrative management can be completed in 20 months and generally consists of five semesters of course work. Students are admitted to the program for fall semester only, and generally complete the required courses in a defined sequence with the other members of their class cohort.

The program in integrative management is designed for professionals who meet the admission requirements and want to advance in their careers without interrupting their full–time employment to pursue graduate study.  The objective of the program is to prepare graduates to be successful organizational leaders who are able to make sound business decisions based on integrating information across the various business disciplines and to effectively manage businesses in an evolving global environment.  The integrative theme is carried out through the coordination of course modules, through in–depth analyses of organizations and by team efforts that require cross–functional perspectives and build on peer strengths.

In addition to the requirements of the university, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be admitted to the Master of Business Administration Program in Integrative Management, an applicant should:

  1. Be employed full–time in a managerial position and/or have demonstrated potential for career advancement and leadership in the public or private sector.
  2. Be recommended for acceptance into the program by two or more professional colleagues.
  3. Have a bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution. The educational institution, academic program, and academic record are considered.
  4. Have a general aptitude for graduate study or meet experiential or advanced degree requirements. Other relevant indicators of academic success and significant managerial experience may also be considered.
  5. Have significant work experience that will enhance contributions to the team and the program. 
  6. Have personal attributes such as demonstrated management potential and maturity, leadership qualities, intellectual curiosity, perseverance, and a drive to succeed.
  7. Successfully complete an interview where professional goals are articulated and how the program will contribute to personal success.

Admission to the program is competitive, and meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission to the program.

Prior to enrollment in the Master of Business Administration Program in Integrative Management, the student should have completed college-level courses in algebra and statistics and be proficient in word processing and spreadsheets.

Each student is required to have a laptop computer with a minimum configuration approved by the program office.

Requirements for the Master of Business Administration Degree in Integrative Management

The student must complete 45 credits from the following courses:

PIM 800 Managerial Skills 1 to 3
PIM 801 Organizational Analysis 1 to 3
PIM 802 Integrative Case Competition 1 to 3
PIM 803 Leadership Development 1 to 3
PIM 804 Strategic Vision 1 to 3
PIM 811 Financial Accounting Concepts 1 to 3
PIM 812 Managerial Accounting 1 to 3
PIM 813 Information Systems 1 to 3
PIM 814 Financial Statement Analysis 1 to 3
PIM 821 Managerial Economics 1 to 3
PIM 822 Macroeconomics for Managers 1 to 3
PIM 831 Legal Environment of Business 1 to 3
PIM 832 Entrepreneurship 1 to 3
PIM 841 Corporate Finance 1 to 3
PIM 842 Managerial Finance 1 to 3
PIM 845 Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring 1 to 3
PIM 850 Analysis and Decision Modeling 1 to 3
PIM 851 Business Analytics and Management Decision-Making 1 to 3
PIM 852 Negotiation 1 to 3
PIM 853 Human Resource Management 1 to 3
PIM 855 Strategic Management I 1 to 3
PIM 856 Strategic Management II 1 to 3
PIM 862 Customer and Competitor Analysis 1 to 3
PIM 863 Marketing Systems 1 to 3
PIM 870 Supply Chain Management 1 to 3
PIM 871 Innovation of Products and Services 1 to 3
PIM 872 International Strategies 1 to 3
PIM 873A Current Business Issues: Finance 1 to 3
PIM 873F Current Business Issues: Management 1 to 3
PIM 874 The Global Marketplace 1 to 3
PIM 875 Supply Chain Management II 1 to 3
PIM 876 Ethics in the Workplace 1 to 3
PIM 881 Leadership Communications 1 to 3
PIM 891 Special Topics in Business 1 to 3

Academic Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 in order to graduate from the program. Any cumulative grade-point average less than 3.00 will be consider probationary status. The number of individual courses with grades below 3.0 is limited to no more than three. Students on probation for two or more semesters may be dismissed from the program.

Master of Business Administration Degree: STEM

The STEM Master of Business Administration full-time, two-year degree program is designed to prepare students for management and leadership roles in new economy organizations where decision-making is largely data-driven. The program operates in tandem with the MBA program, however the STEM M.B.A. degree limits the number of qualitative electives. 

Full-time STEM M.B.A. students must select a concentration from management science, finance, marketing, or supply chain management. They have flexibility to choose preferred qualitative elective course work to support their career goals. Courses from other colleges may also be used with the approval of the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program.

Only Plan B (without thesis) is available to students who are enrolled in the STEM M.B.A. degree programs.


The full-time STEM M.B.A. program normally extends over 21 months and consists of two fall and spring semesters and an enrichment experience during the intervening summer. Applicants are admitted to the program for fall semester only. 

A strong education in any field is good preparation for graduate study in business administration. Prior academic work in business is helpful, but not required. Students with undergraduate degrees in the sciences, engineering, economics, and the liberal arts are encouraged to apply.  Two or more years of work experience after completing a bachelor's degree is strongly recommended.

To be considered for admission to the full-time STEM M.B.A. program, an applicant must:

  1. Submit to the Director of the full-time STEM M.B.A. Program a completed full-time M.B.A. application packet that is available at
  2. Take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and have the scores submitted to the Broad School. The test must be taken not more than five years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. Equivalents may be considered with the approval of the Director of Admissions.
  3. Complete the required personal interview with a representative of the full-time STEM M.B.A. Program Office.
Minimum standards for admission are:
  1. A bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution with a clear focus on quantitative preparation, as opposed to evidence of quantitative strength.
  2. An academic record equivalent to at least 3.00 (B) in the last two years of undergraduate work.
  3. Scores on the GMAT that reflect  a general aptitude for success in graduate study and a clear acumen for future quantitative work.
  4. Personal attributes such as demonstrated management potential and maturity.
  5. Personal qualifications of sound character, intellectual curiosity, perseverance, and a drive to succeed.
  6. Evidence of professional potential in a quantitative field as evidenced by earlier experience, letter of recommendation, or undergraduate preparation.
Admission to the program is competitive, and meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. Although all of the above minimum standards must normally be met, the applicant's overall record is considered.

Each full-time STEM M.B.A. student is required to have a personal laptop computer with a minimum configuration approved by the Director of the full-time STEM M.B.A. Program.

Students who are admitted to the full-time STEM M.B.A. program must participate in a non-credit orientation program designed to prepare students for success in the team-based management education program and curriculum.

Requirements for the STEM Master of Business Administration Degree
A total of 61 credits is required for the degree.
1. Complete all of the following:
a. All of the following core courses:
MBA 802 Financial Accounting and Reporting Strategy 1.5
MBA 804 Applied Data Analysis for Managers 1.5
MBA 806 Social Issues in Management 1.5
MBA 808 Leadership and Teamwork 1.5
MBA 812 Accounting for Decision-Making and Control 1.5
MBA  814 Applied Economics 1.5
MBA  816 Managerial Communication Strategy and Tactics 1.5
MBA  817 Designing and Delivering Impactful Business Presentations  1.5
MBA  820 Marketing Management 3
MBA  821 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Concepts 3
MBA  822 Corporate Investment Decisions 3
MBA  823 Information Technology Strategy 1.5
MBA  824 Managing the Workforce 1.5
MBA  843 Career Management 1
MBA  845 Integrative Action Projects 4
MBA  846 Executive Lecture Series 1
MBA  850 Strategic Management 1.5
b. A quantitatively-driven concentration in management science, finance, marketing, or supply chain management (12 credits) or other approved concentration approved by the Director of the full-time STEM M.B.A. program. Students may take two concentrations if their schedule permits.
c. At least 3 credits of international business selected from courses approved by the Director of the full-time STEM M.B.A. program.
2. Students may use remaining elective credits to design an academic program to support their professional goals using courses across the business college disciplines. Students may select electives from the following courses:
ACC 822 Information Systems Project Management 1.5
ACC 843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics 1.5
FI 845 Financial Modeling and Simulation I 1.5
FI 846 Financial Modeling and Simulation II 1.5
FI 852 Financial Derivatives I 1.5
FI 855 Financial Derivatives II 1.5
FI 857 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 3
FI 859 Mergers and Acquisitions 1.5
FI 862 Corporate Strategy Valuation 3
FI 863 Corporate Restructuring and Governance 1.5
FI 865 Corporate Real Options Valuation 1.5
FI  869 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital 1.5
FI 870 Venture Capital and Private Equity 1.5
FI 872 Financial Data Analytics I 1.5
FI 873 Financial Data Analytics II 1.5
FI 875 Behavioral Finance I 1.5
FI 891 Topics in Finance 4.5
MGT 856 Corporate Strategy 1.5
MKT 806 Marketing Research for Decision Making 1.5
MKT 809 Pricing, Profitability and Marketing Metrics 1.5
MKT 810 Open Innovation Management 1.5
MKT 811 Brand Insights 1.5
MKT 816 Marketing Analysis 1.5
MKT 819 Predictive Analytics 1.5
MKT 823 Applications in Predictive Analytics 1.5
MKT 829 Digital Marketing 1.5
MKT 861 Marketing Research Strategy and Analysis 1.5
MKT 864 Data Mining for Marketing 1.5
MKT 867 Survey Design and Sampling 1.5
SCM 825 Strategic Sourcing 1.5
SCM 826 Manufacturing Design and Analysis 1.5
SCM 827 Competing Through Supply Chain Logistics 1.5
SCM 833 Decision Support Models 1.5
SCM 834 Supply Chain Process Modeling and Simulation 1.5
SCM 852 Supply Management 1.5
SCM 853 Operations Strategy 1.5
SCM 854 Integrated Logistics Systems 1.5
SCM 855 Supply Chain Management Technology and Applications I  1.5
SCM 856 Supply Chain Management Technology and Applications II 1.5
SCM 869 Service Supply Chains 1.5
Topics in Finance must be approved by the Director of the STEM MBA.
3. Enrichment Experience
Each student is required to participate in an enrichment experience approved by the Director of the full-time M.B.A. Program. Generally, the student participates in the enrichment experience during the summer between the first and second years of the program.  The enrichment experience may involve a domestic or international internship, intensive foreign language study, an international or domestic study trip, a field or consulting project, or an approved graduate assistantship.  Some of these options may involve additional costs to the student and may be able to accommodate only a limited number of students. 

Academic Standards

Students are expected to (1) maintain a minimum grade–point average of 3.00 each semester, (2) maintain a minimum cumulative grade–point average of 3.00, and (3) complete all courses listed on the Candidacy Form. A student's academic progress is monitored by the Director of the full-time STEM M.B.A. Program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the Director.

A student who does not maintain a cumulative 3.00 grade–point average will be placed on final probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a cumulative 3.00 grade–point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.

Master of Science

The Broad School offers Master of Science degree programs with majors in accounting, business data science analytics, business research, finance, foodservice business management, hospitality business management, marketing research, and supply chain management.

For information about the Master of Science degree program in accounting, refer to the Department of Accounting and Information Systems section.

For information about the Master of Science degree program in finance, refer to the Department of Finance section.

For information about the Master of Science degree program in hospitality business management, refer to The School of Hospitality Business section.

For information about the Master of Science degree program in marketing research, refer to the Department of Marketing section.

For information about the Master of Science degree program in supply chain management, refer to the Department of Supply Chain Management section.

Business Data Science and Analytics - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Business Data Science and Analytics addresses the study, research, and application of analytics. Its focus is on business analytics, the use of data in various forms and often large sets to make optimal business decisions. This multidisciplinary program prepares analytics professionals for careers based in data information, collection, and analysis in many types of organizations and has broad appeal to a wide variety of academic and professional audiences.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be admitted to the Master of Science degree in Business Data Science and Analytics, an applicant must have:

  1. a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  2. an academic record equivalent to at least 3.00 (B) in undergraduate course work.
  3. completed, with a grade of 3.0 or higher, college-level courses in calculus and statistics.
  4. experience in programming languages, such as Python, Java, HTML, C and C++, and statistical software tools.
  5. strong scores on the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or extensive work experience.
  6. working knowledge of personal computers including word processing, spreadsheets, networking, and database management systems.

Admission to the program is selective and meeting the minimum standards does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered, including the student’s statement of objectives, recommendations, academic transcripts, and other documentation as required.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Business Data Science and Analytics

The Master of Science degree in Business Data Science and Analytics is available only under Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree.

1. Students must complete 30 credits from the following courses:
ACC 822 Information Systems Project Management 1
CSE 801A Introduction to Big Data Analysis 3
CSE 801B Introduction to Data Mining 3
CSE 891 Selected Topics 1
ITM 818 Data Management and Visualization in Analytics 3
ITM 843 Career Management 1
ITM 881 Network Analytics 3
ITM 883 Business Analytics Problem Solving 2
ITM 885 Machine Learning and Optimization in Analytics 3
ITM 886 Communication Strategies for Analytics 1
ITM 887 Analytics Proseminar 1
ITM 888 Capstone: Business Analytics 1
ITM 893 Business Analytics  Internship 1
MKT 829 Digital Marketing 3
STT 805 Statistical Modeling for Business Analytics 3
Other courses may be used to fulfill this requirement with approval of the program director. Information Technology Management 818, 888, and 893 are experiential analytics project courses which engage students in analytics project work in partnership with corporate and/or non-profit organizations.
2. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Business Research - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree with a major in Business Research provides a graduate-level degree for individuals with skills in research methods  and graduate-level course work in a business-related area.  The program is only available under Plan B (without thesis). The curriculum is flexible and allows students to choose courses that will meet their specific professional needs. Courses are offered in all of the major areas of the College of Business.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Applicants for admission must possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution, a superior academic record, and very strong scores on either the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Persons admitted must have the qualifications of perseverance and intellectual curiosity, and an interest in scholarly research. Evidence of these qualities is obtained from an appraisal of a statement of purpose submitted by the applicant and letters of recommendation.

Admissions decisions are made by a faculty committee in the department of the student’s major field of concentration and are reviewed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Business Research

The Master of Science degree in Business Research is available under Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. The student’s program of study must be approved by the program director.

  1. Complete at least 12 credits in 800-900 level courses in research methods such as statistics, econometrics, or other areas.
  2. Complete at least 18 additional credits of 800-900 level courses, including at least 12 credits from courses offered by the College of Business.
  3. Successfully complete a final examination or evaluation.
Academic Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.0 in all graduate courses.

Healthcare Compliance - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Compliance is designed to provide career development for professionals seeking to advance their career in the healthcare compliance arena. The program is targeted at students interested in applying to graduate or professional school and individuals working in healthcare industry. The certificate is available only online.


To be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Compliance, a student must:

  1. have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 2.5 or a graduate grade-point average of 3.0. Grade-point average is not indicative of student success in the graduate certificate.
  2. be currently employed in the healthcare industry.
  3. provide a personal statement.
The applicant’s overall record is considered. Students are educated during the recruitment process regarding the pace of the program, and length of time to complete the graduate certificate. Non-qualified students will be assisted with identifying alternate program options, if needed.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Compliance

Students must complete a minimum of 10 credits from the following:
1. All of the following courses (8 credits):
HCM 821 Healthcare Regulations 2
HCM 822 Healthcare Compliance 2
HCM 823 Enterprise Risk Management 2
HCM 824 Implementing Compliance Systems 2
2. At least 2 credits from the following courses:
HCM 801 Critical Thinking and Innovation in Healthcare 2
HCM 807 Law and Ethics in Healthcare 2
HCM 809 Organizational Behavior in Healthcare 2

Healthcare Leadership - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership is designed to provide career development for professionals seeking to advance their career in the healthcare leadership arena. The program is targeted at students interested in applying to graduate or professional school and individuals working in healthcare industry. The certificate is available only online.


To be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership, a student must:

  1. have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 2.5 or a graduate grade-point average of 3.0. Grade-point average is not indicative of student success in the graduate certificate.
  2. be currently employed in the healthcare industry.
  3. provide a personal statement.
The applicant’s overall record is considered. Students are educated during the recruitment process regarding the pace of the program, and length of time to complete the graduate certificate. Non-qualified students will be assisted with identifying alternate program options, if needed.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership

Students must complete a minimum of 10 credits from the following:
1. All of the following courses (8 credits):
HCM 817 Healthcare Leadership 2
HCM 818 Strategic Decision Making 2
HCM 819 Market Analysis and Planning 2
HCM 820 Negotiations 2
2. At least 2 credits from the following courses:
HCM 801 Critical Thinking and Innovation in Healthcare 2
HCM 807 Law and Ethics in Healthcare 2
HCM 809 Organizational Behavior in Healthcare 2


Healthcare Management - Master of Science

The Master of Science in Healthcare Management is designed to meet the needs of the healthcare industry and appeal to professionals in many different healthcare and healthcare-related organizations. Healthcare is a large and growing industry with its own set of regulatory and business challenges. The future of healthcare organizations will require professionals who are grounded in management principles, strategic thinking, and innovation.

The program develops depth and breadth in business principles and skills sets within the context of healthcare systems and management. Courses are designed to prepare students to advance to add value to their organizations and advance in their careers. The program emphasizes the changing nature of healthcare and the need for strategic management. The applied course work includes healthcare-specific courses in key business areas such as financial management, marketing, supply chain, and human resource management.

The curriculum also includes critical topics for healthcare management addressed within unique areas to healthcare such as: managing quality, risk, and performance management, healthcare systems and policy, healthcare technology and innovation, and managerial epidemiology. The capstone class integrates the various topics into a comprehensive framework that can be applied as a practicum, paper, or other approach.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be admitted to the Master of Science degree in Healthcare Management degree, an applicant must:

  1. Be currently employed in the healthcare industry, including hospitals, pharmaceuticals, physician associations, surgical centers, medical suppliers, assisted care facilities, device manufacturers, insurance, consulting, or in public policy.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  3. Have a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.00 in the last two years of their program.
  4. Have a high degree of potential for advancement to an organizational leadership role.
International applicants are required to complete the TOEFL or IELTS with minimum scores set by Michigan State University and the program.

Admission to the program is selective and meeting the minimum standards listed does not guarantee admission. The applicant's overall record is considered, including the student's statement of objectives, recommendations, academic transcripts, and other documentation as required.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Healthcare Management

The Master of Science degree in Healthcare Management degree is available only online and only under Plan B (without thesis). A total of 34 credits are required for the degree. The degree consists of a business core and a capstone. Other courses as approved by the program director may be used to fulfill degree requirements.
1. All of the following courses (34 credits):
HCM 801 Critical Thinking and Innovation in Healthcare 2
HCM  802 Cost Analysis in Healthcare 2
HCM  804 Financial Management in Healthcare 2
HCM  805 Quality, Risk, and Performance Management 2
HCM  806 Healthcare Information Systems 2
HCM  807 Law and Ethics in Healthcare 2
HCM  808 Healthcare Systems and Economic Policy 2
HCM  809 Organizational Behavior in Healthcare 2
HCM  810 Human Resource Management in Healthcare 2
HCM  811 Healthcare Strategic Management 2
HCM  812 Supply Chain Management in Healthcare 2
HCM  813 Healthcare Services Marketing 2
HCM  814 Hospitality and the Patient Experience 2
HCM  815 Managerial Epidemiology and Population Health 2
HCM  816 Healthcare Management Capstone 4
HCM 825 Analytics in Healthcare 2
2. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards

Students must achieve a minimum 2.00 grade in a course in order for that course to count toward the 42 credit degree requirement. Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher in all graduate courses in order to graduate from the program.


International Business - Master of Science (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2018 through Spring 2024)

The Master of Science degree in International Business is designed for recent graduates with non-business undergraduate degrees for whom international business knowledge will provide a strong combination of skills for future leadership roles in global organizations. The program provides a cross-functional international perspective across the major business disciplines: management, marketing, supply chain, finance, and accounting. It offers an educational experience that combines theory and experiential learning and is available only online. Students may email for additional information.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be considered for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  2. Have a cumulative undergraduate academic record equivalent to a 3.0 or higher.
  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses or equivalent prior to admission for students who have a non-business undergraduate degree:
    ACC    230    Survey of Accounting Concepts        3
    BUS    250    Business Communications: Oral and Written Skills    3
Admission to the program is selective. Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission to the program.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in International Business

The Master of Science degree in International Business is available only under Plan B (non-thesis) and is available only online. A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. 

Students must complete 30 credits from the following courses:
1. International Core. All of the following courses (21 credits):
ACC 801 International Accounting 3
FI 802 International Finance 3
MGT 854 Global Strategy 3
MKT 815 Cross-Cultural Understanding 3
MKT 842 International Marketing 3
MKT 852 Global Value Chains 3
MKT 860 Understanding and Assessing the Global Business Environment 3
2. Complete one of the following, a project or study abroad experience (3 credits):
MKT 882 International Business Field Study 3
MKT 894 The Global Marketplace 3
3. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 858 Strategic Management 3
MGT 873 Strategic Decision Making 3
SCM 870 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
SCM 873 Supply Chain Management: Sourcing, Operations and Distribution 3
4. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards

Students who are enrolled in the Master of Science degree in International Business are expected to maintain: (1) a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester, (2) a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0, and (3) complete all courses listed on the candidacy form.

A student who does not maintain a 3.0 grade-point average will be placed on probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a cumulative 3.0 grade-point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.


Management Studies - Master of Science (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2020 through Spring 2024)

The global business world is highly competitive, driven by economics, technology, and innovation, and change is constant. In many fields, the career assumptions of the past will not be valid for occupations of the future. Increasingly, fast-paced decisions must be made by professionals in many roles who can work across company divisions and take into account many different perspectives. It is important to develop professionals from many field who have an integrative view of business and can provide insightful business perspectives.

The Master of Science Degree in Management Studies offers a broad range of business disciplines directed at early-career professionals. Essential business knowledge and skill sets are represented in accounting, finance, marketing, supply chain, and management. The program features courses in teamwork and leadership, persuasive communication, analytics for decision-making, and project management principles. Meeting at the crossroads between undergraduate degree completion and career, it combines classroom and online learning with work experience, providing a unique on-the-job platform directed at early career professionals in collaboration with the employing organization. The program culminates with a management project class that brings together the various business topics into a comprehensive framework that can be applied as a practicum, paper, or other approach based in the company environment.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be admitted to the Master of Science degree in Management Studies degree, an applicant must:

  1. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution. If a candidate applies within 15 credits of graduation for an undergraduate degree, the bachelor’s degree is waived if the applicant has a cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 in the last two years of undergraduate work.
  2. Have a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.00 in the last two years of their program.
International applicants are required to complete the TOEFL or IELTS with minimum scores set by Michigan State University and the program.

Applicants to the program who do not meet the above requirements may provide further documentation of their aptitude by securing a strong score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), or Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Michigan State University graduates with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.25 or higher are not required to complete the GMAT or GRE. Waivers of this requirement are only considered for students that have graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor’s degree.

Admission to the program is selective and meeting the minimum standards listed does not guarantee admission. The applicant's overall record is considered, including the student's statement of objectives, recommendations, academic transcripts, and other documentation as required.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Management Studies

The Master of Science degree in Management Studies degree is available only under Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. Other courses as approved by the program director may be used to fulfill degree requirements.
1. All of the following courses (30 credits):
ACC 822 Information Systems Project Management 2
FI 801 Managerial Finance 2
MBA 804 Applied Data Analysis for Managers 2
MBA 812 Accounting for Decision Making and Control 2
MBA 814 Applied Economics 2
MBA 821 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Concepts 2
MBA 823 Information Technology Strategy 2
MGT 805 Special Topics in Management 2
MGT 824 Developing Managerial Skills 2
MGT 840 Leadership and Team Management 2
MGT 850 Competitive and Business Strategy 2
MGT 873 Strategic Decision Making 2
MGT 881 Creating an Ethical Organization 2
MGT 888 Communication Strategies for Business 2
MKT 805 Marketing Management 2
2. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards

Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade in a course in order for that course to count toward the 30 credit degree requirement. Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 or higher in all graduate courses in order to graduate from the program.


Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in business administration is earned primarily by prospective college or university teachers and research personnel. This program provides an opportunity for developing a high degree of specialization in one of the following major fields of concentration:  accounting, information technology management, finance, logistics, marketing,  organizational behavior–human resource management,  operations and sourcing management, and strategic management.

A guidance committee assists the doctoral student in planning a rigorous program of multidisciplinary study. Graduates are expected to be capable of specialized and innovative research.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, students must meet the requirements specified below.

The business administration programs to which the requirements that are referenced in the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Business Administration statement apply are listed below by the units that administer them:

Department of Accounting and Information Systems
    Information Technology Management
Department of Finance 
Department of Management
    Organizational Behavior—Human Resource Management
    Strategic Management
Department of Marketing
Department of Supply Chain Management
    Operations and Sourcing Management


Applicants for admission must possess a bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution, a superior academic record, and very strong scores on either the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Persons admitted must have the qualifications of perseverance and intellectual curiosity, and an interest in scholarly research. Evidence of these qualities is obtained from an appraisal of a statement of purpose submitted by the applicant and letters of recommendation.

Admissions decisions are made by a faculty committee in the department of the student's major field of concentration and are reviewed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Business Administration

The following degree requirements are applicable to all doctoral students in business administration. Students should contact individual departments concerning any additional requirements they may impose.  The general requirements are:

  1. Complete a major field and one minor field of study. A major field consists of a minimum of three courses totaling at least 12 credits; a minor field consists of a minimum of three courses totaling at least 9 credits. Specific major and minor fields may require additional courses and credits.
  2. Know and be able to apply concepts, tools, and techniques of business practice. A student who enters the doctoral program without having earned a business degree from an institution accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business should develop a broad understanding of the functional areas of business: Accounting, Finance, Management, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing. Such background, if necessary, would be provided by undergraduate or master's level course work as specified by the student’s program guidance committee.
  3. Achieve competence in economic and/or behavioral analysis by completing graduate level course work in these areas.  Specific requirements are established by the student’s major department.
  4. Complete a minimum of four graduate–level courses totaling at least 12 credits in research related areas.  The areas chosen are expected to be relevant to the student's dissertation research and in subsequent professional endeavors.
  5. Pass a written comprehensive examination in the major field and successfully complete the requirements for the minor field, which may also include a written comprehensive examination.  At the option of the student's major department, an oral component may be added to the major comprehensive examination.  The student's major field advisor must certify to the Doctoral Programs Office that the student has met the requirements for taking a particular written comprehensive examination before the student will be permitted to sit for that examination.
  6. Defend a dissertation proposal orally in an open meeting.  Because the purpose of this requirement is to provide faculty input for the dissertation research, it should be satisfied before the majority of the research effort is undertaken.  A successful defense of the dissertation proposal is achieved when three–fourths of the student's dissertation committee, including the chairperson, approves the defense.  The guidance committee will report to the Doctoral Programs Office the successful completion of this requirement.

    All of the members of the student's guidance committee should be in attendance at the defense of the dissertation proposal.  The date, time, and place for the defense of the dissertation proposal will be announced to the Broad School faculty ten days in advance of the event.

    With the exception of doctoral dissertation research credits, all course work listed on the student's approved guidance committee report must be completed with grades reported before the student will be permitted to defend the dissertation proposal.
  7. Complete a doctoral dissertation judged to be a satisfactory contribution to knowledge by the student's guidance committee and successfully defend the dissertation in an open meeting.

Academic Standards

A record of performance and action consistent with high professional standards is required of every degree candidate.

To be in good standing, a doctoral student must attain at least a 3.25 cumulative grade–point average by the end of the second semester of full–time enrollment and thereafter or, on the initiative of the department of the student's major field of concentration and with the approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the student will be dismissed from the doctoral program.

A comprehensive appraisal of each doctoral student's performance is made annually by a review committee composed of faculty members in the department of the student's major field of concentration. The formal review must include the following areas:  performance in course work and on comprehensive examinations, performance in teaching and/or other duties that might be required of a graduate assistant, participation in department colloquia, and progress toward the completion of degree requirements. As a result of the review and based upon college and department standards, one of the following actions will be taken:  (1) the student will remain on regular status in the doctoral program, (2) the student will be placed on probationary status that is conditioned on specific improvements in performance, or (3) the student will be dismissed from the doctoral program. Copies of the results of the yearly appraisal will be provided to the student, the student's major field advisor, and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Department of Accounting and Information Systems

Marilyn F. Johnson, Chairperson

Undergraduate Program

The Department of Accounting and Information Systems provides a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in accounting. The undergraduate accounting student follows a rigorous course of study that includes financial accounting theory and practice, cost and managerial analysis, individual and corporate income taxation, auditing concepts and issues, and accounting information systems. Students receive technical accounting skills, exposure to business analytics and communication training.    



The Department of Accounting and Information Systems provides a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in accounting.  The program provides an excellent foundation in accounting.  Students, who complete the program along with the offered government and not-for-profit accounting course, meet the State of Michigan educational requirements to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in Michigan. 

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting

  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 and 124 [referenced in item 2. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Accounting major is met by completing Accounting 301 and 331.  Those courses are referenced in item 3. a. below.
  2. The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Major Field of Concentration:  All of the following courses with a minimum grade–point average of 2.00 (19 credits):
    ACC 250 Preparing for an Accounting Career 1
    ACC 300 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 3
    ACC 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 3
    ACC 321 Accounting Information Systems 3
    ACC 341 Accounting for Management Decision Making 3
    ACC 411 Auditing 3
    ACC 331 Federal Income Tax Accounting 3
    Students who plan to sit for the CPA Examination in Michigan must presently complete Accounting 308 (or its equivalent at another institution).

Graduate Study

The Department of Accounting and Information Systems offers a Master of Science degree program in Accounting, a Master of Science degree program in Accounting and Data Analytics, and a Graduate Certificate in Accounting Analytics, a Graduate Certificate in Accounting for Management Decision Making, a Graduate Certificate in Accounting Foundations, a Graduate Certificate in Taxation, and a Graduate Certificate in Transaction Services.  Those programs are described below.

In addition, the department offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree program with a major in Accounting.  For information about that program, refer to the Doctor of Philosophy statement in the Broad College section.

Accounting - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Accounting is a STEM designated program designed for persons interested in advancing their knowledge of accounting and quantitative and data analysis skills. It provides an opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge in at least one concentration area of accounting along with skills in data analysis, statistics, modeling and forecasting, and the design and testing of computer systems and applications. Students will also complete courses in several related fields such as communication, finance, management, marketing, or supply chain management. Each student’s program of study is developed according to chosen professional objectives, complementary to prior academic work.

This degree is relevant for persons interested in pursuing careers in the public accounting profession that typically require the Certified Public Accountant certification, or in similar positions in corporate accounting, advisory and consulting services, and government. It provides students with the skills a professional accountant is expected to possess such as quantitative and data analysis skills applied in an accounting setting, critical thinking and strategic problem-solving abilities, oral and written communication skills, and well-developed interpersonal skills including the ability to work effectively with groups and to provide leadership.  

There is increasing evidence that an undergraduate college degree may be insufficient to provide the breadth and depth of accounting knowledge and the skill development necessary for professional success. All states require at least 150 semester hours of college credits to obtain a Certified Public Accountant certification.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Students may start the program in any semester (fall or spring), or summer session, as space permits. Applications for admission to the program must be received by January 15 for fall semester or summer session, and March 1 for second-round admission consideration, as space permits. Students desiring to start in spring semester must apply by October 1.

To be considered for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. Submit to the Director of the Master of Science degree in Accounting program a completed application packet that is available on the program Web site.
  2. Take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and have the scores submitted to the Master of Science degree in Accounting program. The GMAT test must be taken not more than five years or the GRE not more than two years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. Current Michigan State University students in the undergraduate accounting or finance major with both an overall grade-point average and junior-senior level accounting course grade-point average of 3.0 or higher are not required to take the GMAT.

The minimum standards for admission to the Master of Science degree in Accounting are:

  1. a bachelor's degree in accounting from a recognized educational institution with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0; or a bachelor’s degree in another major from a recognized educational institution with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 and completion of the following prerequisite courses:  intermediate financial accounting, and probability and statistics.
  2. a strong GMAT/GRE score. Students with qualifying credentials may be able to waive the GMAT/GRE and applicants should consult with the program director to see if they are eligible for the waiver.
  3. a grade-point average of at least 3.0 for any junior-and-senior level courses taken as an undergraduate.

Admission to the program is competitive. Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered including letters of recommendation, the students statement of objectives, work experience, extra curricular activities, and TOEFL and IELTS scores. Admission is also subject to space availability.
The program accepts qualified applicants whose undergraduate degree is not in accounting and only includes an intermediate-level financial accounting course. These students will be required to complete collateral course work and their program of study will typically require more than 30 credits for the degree. Students should contact the director of the program to determine course deficiencies. Credits earned in collateral course work does not count toward the Master of Science degree in Accounting.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Accounting

A minimum of 30 credits, with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0, is required for the degree under Plan B (without thesis). At least 24 credits must be at the 800-level. The student’s program of study must be approved by the Program Director of the Master of Science in Accounting.

1. Complete both of the following course (6 credits):
ACC 827 Accounting Analytics 3
COM 875 Communication Leadership Skills in Organizations 3
2. Complete one of the following concentrations. Alternative courses can be substituted with the approval of the Program Director.
Information Systems
Four of the following courses:
ACC 822 Information Systems Project Management 3
ACC 823 Advanced Enterprise Database Systems 3
ACC 824 Governance and Control of Enterprise Systems 3
ACC 825 Object Oriented Business Information Systems 3
ACC 826 Enterprise Information Systems 3
Students who did not complete their undergraduate degree in accounting from Michigan State University also need to complete:
ACC 821 Enterprise Database Systems 3
Public and Corporate Accounting
The following course:
FI 801 Managerial Finance 3
Four of the following courses:
ACC 807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision-Making - An Analytics Approach 3
ACC 808 Analyzing Financial Reporting Decisions 3
ACC 814 Advanced Auditing 3
ACC 833 Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders 3
ACC 841 Corporate Sustainability Strategy Development and Implementation 3
ACC 843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics 3
ACC 845 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Measurement and Disclosure 3
ACC 850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions 3
ACC 830 Tax Research 3
ACC 833 Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders 3
ACC 836 U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions 3
ACC 850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions 3
FI 801 Managerial Finance 3
Transaction Services
ACC 807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision-Making - An Analytics Approach 3
ACC 850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions 3
ACC 891 Special Topics in Accounting and Information Systems 3
FI 845 Financial Modeling and Simulation I 1.5
FI 846 Financial Modeling and Simulation II 1.5
3. Electives.
Students must select at least 9 to 12 credits, of which 9 must be outside the accounting major. For students in the public and corporate accounting, transaction services, and taxation concentrations, information systems courses are considered outside of the accounting major. For students in the information systems concentration, all other accounting courses are considered outside of the accounting major.

Academic Standards

Students who are enrolled in the Master of Science degree in Accounting degree program are expected to maintain:  (1) a minimum grade–point average of 3.0 each semester, and (2) a minimum cumulative grade–point average of 3.0.

The Program Director monitors the progress of students who are enrolled in the Master of Science in Accounting degree program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the director.

A student who does not maintain a 3.0 grade–point average will be placed on final probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a 3.0 grade–point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.

Accounting and Data Analytics - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Accounting and Data Analytics program is designed for students wishing to pursue an advanced degree in accounting. Prior background in accounting is not a prerequisite for admission. The program includes a set of foundational accounting courses to prepare students who possess no accounting background. The program will equip students with the technical accounting knowledge and data analysis skills that are in high demand in organizations in all sectors of the economy. The degree will prepare students for accounting careers within public accounting, corporations, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Courses taken in the program will count towards the education requirements of professional certifications such as the Certified Public Accountant and Certified Management Accountant. Students entering the program without a background in accounting or business may need additional course work to meet certification requirements. The program is available only online.


Students may start the program in any semester. Admission decisions are competitive and will be made on a rolling basis. The minimum requirement for consideration is a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution with a recommended minimum grade-point-average of a 3.0. However, admission decisions are made holistically considering the applicant's full application including letters of recommendation, the applicant’s statement of objectives, work experience, and TOEFL and IELTS scores if relevant.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Accounting and Data Analytics
Students must complete an approved program of study with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. A minimum of 30 credits under Plan B (without a thesis) is required. Students without a background in accounting must complete the foundational accounting courses which will count towards the credits required for the degree. The requirement to complete individual foundational courses may be waived at the discretion of the program director.

1. All of the following courses (18 credits) unless waived by the program director.
Foundations of Accounting, Information Systems, and Data Analysis
ACC  870 Principles of Financial and Managerial Accounting  3
ACC  871 Accounting Database Systems 3
ACC  872 Financial Reporting and Data Analysis  3
ACC  873 Principles of Federal Income Tax Accounting  3
ACC  874 Performance Measurement and Control Systems  3
ACC  875 Auditing – Assurance and Data Analysis  3
2. Complete at least one of the following concentrations:
Accounting Analytics (9 credits)
ACC  827 Accounting Analytics 3
Two of the following courses (6 credits):
ACC  814 Advanced Auditing  3
ACC  822 Information Systems Project Management 3
ACC  843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics  3
Managerial Analysis for Decision Making (9 credits)
ACC  807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision Making- An Analytics Approach  3
ACC  841 Corporate Sustainability Strategy Development and Implementation 3
ACC  843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics  3
Taxation (12 credits)
ACC  830 Tax Research  3
ACC  833 Federal Income Tax of Corporations and Shareholders  3
ACC  836 U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions  3
ACC  850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions  3
Transaction Services (12 credits)
ACC  807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision Making- An Analytics Approach  3
ACC  850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions  3
ACC  891 Special Topics in Accounting and Information Systems (Transaction Service Capstone)  3
FI  845 Financial Modeling and Simulation I  1.5
FI  846 Financial Modeling and Simulation II  1.5
3. Choose electives from courses within the concentrations to meet the 30 credit minimum.


Corporate Accounting - Master of Business Administration

For information about the Master of Business Administration degree program with a major in Corporate Accounting, refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

Information Technology Management - Master of Business Administration

For information about the Master of Business Administration degree program with a major in Information Technology Management, refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

Accounting Analytics - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Accounting Analytics is designed to meet the needs of accounting professionals by providing a foundation of understanding accounting implications of emerging data analytical technologies, technical skill development, and the management of projects. The certificate is available only online and is not open to students in the Master of Science Degree in Accounting.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Accounting Analytics

Students must complete 9 credits from the following:
1. The following course (3 credits):
ACC 827 Accounting Analytics 3
2. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
ACC 814 Advanced Auditing 3
ACC 822 Information Systems Project Management 3
ACC 843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics 3


Managerial Analysis for Decision Making - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Managerial Analysis for Decision Making is designed to meet the needs of business and accounting professionals, as well as career changers. The objective of this certificate is to provide essential tools and skills to make business decisions using accounting information. It focuses on the preparation, analysis and use of accounting information for planning and control purposes and aids in the understanding of how accounting is useful to facilitate decision making of managers and employees within the firm, as opposed to parties external to the firm such as investors. The certificate is available online only and is not open to students enrolled in the Master of Science Degree in Accounting.


To be considered for admission, students:

  1. must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
  2. must have education and/or experience in accounting or finance or related field.
  3. have recommended minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Managerial Analysis for Decision Making

Students must complete all of the following courses (9 credits):
ACC 807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision Making-An Analytics Approach 3
ACC 841 Corporate Sustainability Strategy Development and Implementation 3
ACC 843 Value Chain Accounting and Analytics 3
Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a minimum 2.0 grade in each course for the course to count towards the certificate program.

Accounting Foundations - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Accounting Foundations is designed to prepare students with basic accounting knowledge and provide essential tools and skills to understand accounting principles. The certificate is available online only.



  1. must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
  2. have a recommended minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Accounting Foundations
1. Both of the following courses (6 credits):
ACC  870 Principles of Financial and Managerial Accounting      3
ACC  872 Financial Reporting and Data Analysis      3
2. Complete one of the following courses (3 credits):
ACC  871 Accounting Database Systems      3
ACC  873 Principles of Federal Income Tax Accounting      3
ACC  874 Performance Measurement and Control Systems      3
The program director can guide students regarding which course to choose depending upon the individual’s interests and career goals.
Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a minimum 2.0 grade in each course for the course to count towards the certificate program.

Taxation - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Taxation is designed to meet the needs of business and accounting professionals, as well as career changers by providing an understanding of principles of tax and tax planning and builds the skills students need to deepen that knowledge and adapt to continual changes in the tax law and profession. The program also introduces the student to the roles of data analysis and automation in tax planning and compliance. The certificate is available online only and is not open to students enrolled in the Master of Science Degree in Accounting.


To be considered for admission, students:

  1. must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
  2. must have education and/or experience in accounting or finance or related field.
  3. have recommended minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Taxation

Students must complete all of the following courses (12 credits):
ACC 830 Tax Research 3
ACC 833 Federal Income Tax of Corporations and Shareholders 3
ACC 836 U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions 3
ACC 850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions 3
Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a minimum 2.0 grade in each course for the course to count towards the certificate program.


Transaction Services - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Transaction Services is designed to meet the needs of business and accounting professionals, as well as career changers. The program focuses on the technical accounting knowledge and professional communication skillset necessary for individuals interested in transaction services such as mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, bankruptcies, and other deal transactions. It supports roles, including accounting and tax implications of mergers and acquisitions, the role of accounting in the various stages of transactions, and advanced accounting data analysis. The certificate is available online only and is not open to students enrolled in the Master of Science Degree in Accounting.


To be considered for admission, students:

  1. must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
  2. must have education and/or experience in accounting or finance or related field.
  3. have recommended minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Transaction Services

Students must complete all of the following courses (12 credits):
ACC 807 Using Financial Statement Data for Decision Making-An Analytics Approach 3
ACC 850 Accounting and Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions 3
ACC 891 Special Topics in Accounting and Information Services (Transaction Services Capstone) 3
FI 845 Financial Modeling and Simulations I 1.5
FI 846 Financial Modeling and Simulations II 1.5
Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a minimum 2.0 grade in each course for the course to count towards the certificate program.


Department of Finance

Andrew Y. Simonov, Chairperson

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Finance offers a Bachelor of Arts degree program with a major in finance.

Finance majors can concentrate in (1) corporate finance and (2) financial markets and investments, or in both.  The former involves the financing and investment activities of an organization as well as its governance practices, while the latter explores financial investment decisions, portfolio selection and management, and behavioral finance. In addition students can complete a Minor in Insurance and Risk Management or take a wealth management program.

Qualified students are encouraged to pursue honors courses, study abroad programs, non-credit internship opportunities with national and international corporations, and cross-college specializations such as international business and entrepreneurship.


Finance encompasses business financial administration, management of financial institutions, investments, financial markets, and the management of risk. Business financial administration includes obtaining external funds in the money and capital markets, selecting and evaluating investment projects, coordinating the flow of funds from operations, and determining the benefits to be returned to suppliers of capital. An understanding of financial concepts and practices along with knowledge of the instruments and participants in the financial markets is vital to sound financial decision making.

The study of financial institutions involves analyzing the management of commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, insurance companies, and pension funds. The role of these institutions in the economy is examined. Financial policies and strategies in an increasingly competitive institutional marketplace are emphasized.

The field of investments involves the analysis and selection of securities with special emphasis on stocks and bonds. The role of these instruments in portfolios of individuals and financial institutions is explored.

Financial markets represent the environment within which corporations, financial institutions, and investors create financial assets and liabilities. The nature of the various financial instruments is examined, as well as market innovations and structural changes.

The finance major includes a course in intermediate accounting in addition to courses in finance. The program provides a valuable foundation for initial employment and continued career development in business administration. Employment opportunities exist with industrial firms, public utilities, commercial banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, credit unions, savings and loan associations, and agencies of local, state, and federal government.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Finance

  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 and Statistics and Probability 200 [referenced in item 2. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Finance major is met by completing Finance  414.  That course is referenced in item 3. a. (1) below.
  2. The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Major Field of Concentration. A minimum grade-point average of 2.0 in the courses that are listed below. Students intending to take additional course work in Accounting should substitute ACC 300 Intermediate Financial Accounting I for ACC 305.
    (1) All of the following courses (9 credits):
    ACC 305 Intermediate Accounting for Finance Majors 3
    FI 312 Introduction to Investments 3
    FI 414 Advanced Business Finance (W) 3
    (2) Complete an additional 9 credits from an approved list of Finance elective courses available from the college's undergraduate academic services unit.

Minor in Financial Planning and Wealth Management

The Minor in Financial Planning and Wealth Management, which is administered by the Department of Finance, is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the field of financial planning and wealth management. The program develops knowledge of the industry’s financial, accounting, taxation, and regulatory environments, as well as the art of relationship management and the importance of a thorough appreciation of individual client differences and diversity. The program should be of interest to students whose undergraduate major is not in business or finance.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University.  With the approval of the department and college that administer the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. At least 9 credits counted towards the requirements for this minor must be unique. Unique credits must not be used to fulfill another university, college, or major requirement in the student’s program.

Students who plan to complete the requirements of the minor should consult an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Academic Services unit in the Eli Broad College of Business. Finance majors pursuing the minor should consult with their academic advisor to ensure that both their major and minor requirements are satisfied.


To be considered for admission to the Minor, a student must have completed one course from item a. and one course from item b. with a grade of at least 3..0 in each course:

a. STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
STT  201 Statistical Methods   4
STT  231 Statistics for Scientists 3
STT  315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business 3
STT  351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering  3
STT  421 Statistics I  3
STT  441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3
b. FI  311 Financial Management 3
FI  320 Introduction to Finance 3
Students must provide a completed online application, including a statement of purpose and a resume. This online application must be received by the Department of Finance by March 15 for the fall or summer semester admission, and by October 1 for the spring semester admission. By applying to the Minor, a student would agree to allow the selection committee to review the student’s grades.

Admission to the Minor is competitive and, therefore, not guaranteed. Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered, including the student’s statement of objectives, and extra-curricular activities. Admission is subject to space availability.

Requirements for the Minor in Financial Planning and Wealth Management
Complete 15 credits from all of the following:
FI 312 Introduction to Investments 3
FI 370 Introduction to Financial Planning and Wealth Management 3
FI 380 Principles of Insurance and Risk Management 3
FI 460 Estate and Income Tax Planning 3
FI 470 Advanced Financial Planning and Wealth Management 3

Academic Standards

Students enrolled in the minor are expected to maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester, as well as a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0. A student who does not maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average will be placed on probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average; otherwise, the student will be dismissed from the minor.

The Program Director is responsible for monitoring the progress of students enrolled in the program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the Director.


Minor in Insurance and Risk Management

The Minor in Insurance and Risk Management, administered by the Department of Finance, provides the student with fundamental knowledge of risk management skills and the application of insurance to mitigate those risks. The minor is a valuable addition to any business degree/career allowing the student to better identify and manage risk in any industry or at a personal level, and to understand key insurance concepts. In addition, the minor is an effective introduction to the insurance industry, teaching the fundamental concepts, coverages, operations, and financial aspects of the insurance industry. 

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department and college that administer the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.


Students who plan to complete the requirements of the minor should consult the undergraduate advisor in the Department of Finance to apply. To be admitted to the minor students must have completed two of the following courses with a grade of 3.0 through selection of a course from item a. and a course from item b.:

a. STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
STT 201 Statistical Methods 4
STT 231 Statistics for Scientists 3
STT 315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business 3
STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3
STT 421 Statistics I 3
STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3
b. FI 311 Financial Management 3
FI 320 Introduction to Finance 3

Students must provide a completed online application, including a statement of purpose and resume. The online application must be completed by March 15th. Admission decisions are made in late spring each year. Admission is highly competitive and therefore not guaranteed. By applying to the minor, you give consent to the selection committee to review your grades.

Requirements for the Minor in Insurance and Risk Management

Students must complete 15 credits from the following:
1. At least two of the following courses (5 or 6 credits):
EC 301 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
EC 330 Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 3
FI 413 Management of Financial Institutions 3
FI 414 Advanced Business Finance (W) 3
FI 480 Financial Risk Management 3
MKT 319 Customer and Market Insights 3
STT 467 Insurance Operations 3
2. All of the following courses (9 credits):
FI 380 Principles of Insurance and Risk Management 3
FI 381 Enterprise Risk Management and Insurance Theory 3
FI 481 Advanced Enterprise Risk Management and Industry Applications 3


Graduate Study

The Department of Finance offers a Master of Business Administration degree program with a concentration in Finance. For information about that program, refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

The department also offers a Master of Science degree program in Finance and a Master of Science degree program in Financial Planning and Wealth Management. A Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning and Wealth Management is also available. Those programs are described below.

In addition, the department offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree program with a major in Finance.  For information about that program, refer to the Doctor of Philosophy statement in the Broad College section.

Finance - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree with a major in finance provides graduate-level financial training to individuals with career experience and an undergraduate degree in finance or a related field. The program is only available under Plan B (without thesis). The curriculum is flexible and allows students to choose courses that will meet their specific professional needs. Courses are offered in all of the major areas of finance including financial management, financial institutions, investments, and international finance.


To be considered for admission to the Master of Science degree in Finance an applicant must:

  1. Submit to the Department of Finance a completed application packet that is available from the department.
  2. Have an undergraduate degree from a recognized educational institution.
  3. Have at least two-years of full-time work experience after earning the bachelor’s degree.

Admission to the program is competitive and is based on the applicant’s overall record. Although not required, it is recommended that students take either the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test. Strong scores on these tests raise the likelihood of admission. International students must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Finance

The program is available under Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. The student’s program of study must be approved the program director.

1. Complete one of the following courses: (3 credits):
FI 801 Managerial Finance 3
FI 980 Theory of Finance 3
Students who pass a departmental waiver examination for Finance
801 or 980 will not be required to complete Finance 801 or 980.
2. Complete at least 15 credits of 800-900 level courses offered by the Department of Finance.
3. Complete at least 12 credits of courses in finance or in fields related to finance including other business disciplines, economics, statistics,  and mathematics. At least 6 credits must be at the 800-level or above.
4. Pass a final certifying examination on the course work.

Academic Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.25 in all graduate courses.

Financial Planning and Wealth Management - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Financial Planning and Wealth Management is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the field of financial planning and wealth management. The program develops knowledge of the industry’s financial, accounting, taxation, and regulatory environments, as well as the art of relationship management and the importance of individual client differences.


Students may begin the program in any semester, as space permits. Applications for summer or fall admission must be received by March 15. Applications for spring admission must be received by October 1.

To be considered for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. submit a completed application packet to the Director of the program, available on the program Web site.
  2. take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and have the scores submitted to the program Director. The GMAT test must be taken not more than five years or the GRE not more than two years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. Current Michigan State University students with an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or higher are not required to take the GMAT or GRE.
The minimum standards for admission to the program are:
  1. a bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0.
  2. completion of the following prerequisite courses, or their equivalents at MSU or at another institution:
    1. an introduction to accounting
    2. probability and statistics
  3. a strong GMAT/GRE score. Students with qualifying credentials may be able to waive the GMAT/GRE requirement. Applicants should consult with the program Director to see if they are eligible for the waiver.
Admission to the program is competitive and subject to space availability. The program accepts qualified applicants whose undergraduate degree is not in business or finance. Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered including letters of recommendation, the student’s statement of objectives, any relevant work experience, extra-curricular activities, and TOEFL or IELTS scores when appropriate.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Financial Planning and Wealth Management

The program is available under Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree, as described below.
1. Students must complete 18 credits from the following:
FI  801 Managerial Finance 3
FI  830 Introduction to Financial Planning and Wealth Management 3
FI  832 Principles of Insurance and Risk Management  3
FI  836 Estate and Income Tax Planning 3
FI  838 Advanced Financial Planning and Wealth Management   3
FI  850 Introduction to Investments I 1.5
FI  851 Introduction to Investments II 1.5
2. Complete an additional 12 credits from an approved list of elective courses available from Department of Finance.
3. Completion of a final examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards
Students who are enrolled in the Master of Science Degree in Financial Planning and Wealth Management program are expected to maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester, as well as a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0. A student who does not maintain a 3.0 grade-point cumulative average will be placed on probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a 3.0 grade-point cumulative average, otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.
The Program Director is responsible for monitoring the progress of students who are enrolled in the program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the Director.


Financial Planning and Wealth Management - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning and Wealth Management is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the field of financial planning and wealth management. The program develops knowledge of the industry’s financial, accounting, taxation, and regulatory environments, as well as the art of relationship management and the importance of individual client differences.


Students may begin the program in any semester, as space permits. Applications for summer or fall admission must be received by March 15. Applications for spring admission must be received by October 1.

To be considered for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. submit a completed application packet to the Director of the program, available on the program Web site.
  2. take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and have the scores submitted to the program Director. The GMAT test must be taken not more than five years or the GRE not more than two years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. Current Michigan State University students with an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or higher are not required to take the GMAT or GRE.
The minimum standards for admission to the program are:
  1. a bachelor's degree from a recognized educational institution with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0.
  2. completion of the following prerequisite courses, or their equivalents at MSU or at another institution:
    1. an introduction to accounting
    2. probability and statistics
  3. a strong GMAT/GRE score. Students with qualifying credentials may be able to waive the GMAT/GRE requirement. Applicants should consult with the program Director to see if they are eligible for the waiver.
Admission to the program is competitive and subject to space availability. The program accepts qualified applicants whose undergraduate degree is not in business or finance.

Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered including letters of recommendation, the student’s statement of objectives, any relevant work experience, extra-curricular activities, and TOEFL or IELTS scores when appropriate. 

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning and Wealth Management
Students must complete 18 credits from the following:
FI  801 Managerial Finance 3
FI  830 Introduction to Financial Planning and Wealth Management 3
FI  832 Principles of Insurance and Risk Management  3
FI  836 Estate and Income Tax Planning 3
FI  838 Advanced Financial Planning and Wealth Management  3
FI  850 Introduction to Investments I 1.5
FI  851 Introduction to Investments II   1.5
Other classes may be used to fulfill these requirements with department approval. Students that are continuing their education at MSU may substitute up to 9 credits in their program from equivalent 400-level courses in Finance taken in their undergraduate program. The department maintains a list of course equivalencies for courses in the Department of Finance.

Academic Standards

Students who are enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning and Wealth Management program are expected to maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester, as well as a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0. A student who does not maintain a 3.0 grade-point cumulative average will be placed on probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a 3.0 grade-point cumulative average, otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.

The Program Director is responsible for monitoring the progress of students who are enrolled in the program. A policy statement containing additional information relative to academic standards is available from the Director.


Department of Management

Kent Miller, Chairperson

Undergraduate Programs

The focus of management is the design, development, control, motivation, and operation of organized activities. At the individual level, it is concerned with topics such as employee motivation and performance, job satisfaction, and employee attitudes. At the interpersonal level, topics of interest include group behavior, leadership, negotiations, and human resource management activities related to compensation, staffing, and employee development. At the firm level, topics include firm performance, strategic decision making, entrepreneurship, and executive behavior.

Majors follow one of two programs—either (1) a program in management which is broad in scope and aimed at developing the student’s grasp of management activities (planning, organizing, and decision-making) and cross-functional coordination of business organizations or (2) a program in human resource management that is more specialized in scope and focuses on staffing, personnel training and development, compensation, and workforce diversity.

In addition, students may pursue any of three minors: (1) entrepreneurship and innovation, (2) retail management, and (3) sports business management. The entrepreneurship and innovation minor fosters thinking and skills to lead new ventures. The minor in retail management prepares students for careers in retail business firms. Students in the sports business management minor gain knowledge and experience relevant to pursuing careers in the sports industry. All three minors incorporate courses from across the university.


The management major allows students to explore courses from the several departments within the Broad College. Students enjoy a high degree of flexibility in selecting courses to satisfy the major field of concentration requirement. The student's program of study is designed within the context of the student's personal, academic, and career goals.

Graduates of the management program may seek entry–level positions in business and government which require a breadth of knowledge within the general field of business, as well as specific business–related skills.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management

  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Management.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 and 124 [referenced in item 2. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Management major is met by completing Management 460.  That course is referenced in item 3. a. (1) below.
  2. The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    1. Major Field of Concentration:  A minimum grade–point average of 2.00 in courses in the Major Field of Concentration that consists of courses approved in advance by the student's academic advisor and that must include (15 credits):
      1. MGT    460    Capstone for Management Majors (W) (3)
      2. Four courses at the 300–400 level from Accounting, Finance, General Business and Business Law,  Management, and Marketing and Supply Chain Management, in addition to Management 460.  Two of these courses must be in different areas, excluding Management.  Courses that are used to satisfy BUSINESS CORE PROGRAM requirements [referenced in item 2. of the College's statement on Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs] may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

With the advance approval of their academic advisors, students who wish to emphasize international business may meet the requirements for the Major Field of Concentration by completing General Business and Business Law 460, Management 460, and three additional 300–400 level courses with an international orientation.  Such courses are offered in the departments of Finance, Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management majors focus on the management of human resources in organizations: on the role and development of the manager as a leader, and on the mission and specific functions of the human resources department.

Courses in the human resource management major, augmented by offerings in psychology, sociology, and economics, prepare the student for two broadly defined career paths. The first, a general managerial orientation designed to build skills in analyzing and effectively dealing with individuals in the work place, concentrates on topics of motivation, organization design, leadership, and development of interpersonal skills. The second orientation provides techniques essential to successful careers in human resources management. It stresses selection and training techniques, human resources planning, compensation, labor relations, and training and evaluation. Neither area is exclusive and exposure to both is often suggested.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in  Human Resource Management

The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resource Management.

The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Human Resource Management major is met by completing Management 460.  That course is referenced in item 3. a. (1) below.

The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.

The following requirements for the major:

a. Major Field of Concentration:  A minimum grade–point average of 2.00 in the courses that are listed below (15 credits):
(1) The following course  (3 credits):
MGT 460 Capstone for Management Majors (W) 3
(2) Twelve credits from the following courses (12 credits):
EC 380 Labor Relations and Labor Market Policy 3
HRLR 313 Employment Relations 3
HRLR 314 Legal Environment of Work 3
HRLR 414 Legal Standards in a Global Workplace 3
HRLR 420 Comparative Human Capital Systems 3
MGT 411 Organizational Staffing 3
MGT 412 Compensation and Reward Systems 3
MGT 413 Personnel Training and Development 3
MGT 414 Diversity in the Workplace 3
MGT 475 Negotiation and Conflict Management 3
MGT 476 Globalization and International Management 3
MGT 490 Independent Study 1 to 3
MGT 491 Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
No more than 6 credits of courses offered outside the Department of Management may count toward fulfilling this requirement.

Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed to provide students with the mindset and skills that will enable them to passionately pursue and engage in opportunities without regard to currently controlled resources.

The minor demonstrates entrepreneurship as an activity that involves the discovery, evaluation, and engagement of opportunities to either solve a problem, or bring about desired change. At its core, the minor prepares students to become change agents. It focuses on two aspects of the entrepreneurial experience: the entrepreneurial mindset and the venture creation process, as well as placing great emphasis on experiential learning. Students completing the minor will have an appreciation of innovation in all aspects of society and an awareness of entrepreneurship as a viable career option. Students will become capable of being effective innovators and change agents in an organization and will develop the execution capability to launch a venture of their own.

The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is administered by the Department of Management and is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University. Students who are interested in the minor can declare the minor by visiting

At least 6 credits counted towards the requirements for this minor must be unique. Unique credits must not be used to fulfill another university, college, or major requirement in the student’s program.

Requirements for the Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Students must complete 15 credits in courses from the following list. A 2.0 grade-point average must be maintained in courses completed for the minor. Students must also complete two Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences.

1. Complete both of the following courses (6 credits):
CAS 114 Creativity and Innovative Entrepreneurship 3
ESHP 190 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3
2. Complete 9 credits from the following courses (9 credits):
ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts 3
ACM 271 Introduction to Arts and Cultural Management 3
ACM 465 Leadership and Innovation for Arts, Cultural and Museum Management 3
CAS 214 Social Media and the Start-Up 3
CSUS 200 Introduction to Sustainability 3
CSUS 473 Social Entrepreneurship and Community Sustainability 3
EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2
EGR 440 Engineering Entrepreneurship 3
ESHP 170 Business Model Design and Prototyping 3
ESHP 230 The Entrepreneurial Mindset 3
ESHP 380 Entrepreneurship: Planning, Modeling and Adaptive Execution 3
ESHP 480 Innovation in Action 3
FI 444 Entrepreneurial Finance 3
GBL 467 Emerging Enterprise Law 3
HB 358 Hospitality Entrepreneurship 3
HRT 404 Horticulture Management (W) 3
MGT 325 Management Skills and Processes 3
MGT 352 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Process 3
MI 301 Bringing Media to Market 3
MI 450 Creating Human-Centered Technology (W) 3
MI 452 Media Entrepreneurship and Business Strategies 3
MI 462 Social Media and Social Computing 3
MI 472 Digital Business and Commerce 3
MI 480 Information and Communication Technologies and Development 3
MI 488 Information and Communication Technology Development Project (W) 3
MKT 355 Entrepreneurial Marketing 3
MKT 410 Product Innovation and Management 3
MKT 420 New Product Design and Development 3
MUS 101 Freshman Seminar: Practical Foundations for Success in Music 1
MUS 496 Your Music Business 1 or 2
PKG 485 Packaging Development 3
REL 185 Introduction to Religion and Nonprofits 3
REL 285 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Religion 3
THR 208 Innovation through Improvisation 2
Additional approved Entrepreneurship and Innovation elective courses are available at:
3. Completion of two Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences
Students may complete this requirement by choosing from options offered on the Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Web site. See

Minor in Retail Management (this program is in moratorium effective Summer 2023 through Summer 2026)

The Minor in Retail Management, which is administered by the Department of Management, prepares students for careers in the field of retailing, and financial retailing. It is designed to enhance the career potential of students studying general management and marketing by providing a program of study dedicated toward a specific industry and career path. The minor will also be particularly valuable to students in advertising and public relations, finance, and food industry management.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University in the Eli Broad College of Business, in the Advertising major, or in the Food Industry Management major.  With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Students who plan to complete the requirements for the minor should apply through the undergraduate advisor in the Undergraduate Academic Services Office in the Broad College of Business. Students must have completed either ACC 201 or ACC 202 or ACC 230 prior to admission to the minor.

Requirements for the Minor in Retail Management

Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits from the following:

1. One of the following courses (3 credits):
MGT 315 Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 3
MGT 325 Management Skills and Processes 3
2. Both of the following courses (6 credits):
ADV 481 Retail Strategy Analysis 3
MGT 460 Capstone for Management Majors (W) 3
3. One of the following courses (3 credits):
MGT 371 Retail Planning and Buying 3
SCM 371 Procurement and Supply Management 3
4. Two of the following elective courses (6 credits): 3
ADV 375 Consumer Behavior 3
AFRE 340 Food Marketing Research and Analytics 3
AFRE 445 Strategic Management for Food and Agribusiness Firms (W) 3
MGT 352 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Process 3
MGT 411 Organizational Staffing 3
MGT 412 Compensation and Reward Systems 3
MGT 413 Personnel Training and Development 3
MGT 414 Diversity in the Workplace 3
MGT 475 Negotiation and Conflict Management 3
MGT 491 Special Topics in Management 3
MKT 302 Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behavior 3
MKT 313 Consultative Selling 3
MKT 319 Customer and Market Insights 3
MKT 355 Entrepreneurial Marketing 3
MKT 383 Sales Management 3
MKT 410 Product Innovation and Management 3
MKT 412 Digital Marketing 3
SCM 373 Logistics and Transportation Management 3

Minor in Sports Business Management

The Minor in Sports Business Management, which is administered by the Department of Management, provides students the academic foundation and practical experience to pursue careers in intercollegiate and professional sports and the sports business industry. The minor is intended for students who wish to enhance their marketability for highly competitive careers in areas related to sports business management including sports associations and leagues, intercollegiate and professional sports organizations and teams, sports entertainment and media services, and firms that primarily supply the sports and entertainment industry. Students will apply their knowledge of business to the industries of sports through course work and hands-on experience in supervised fieldwork and internships.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in the Eli Broad College of Business and to students in the following colleges and majors: College of Communication Arts and Sciences: Advertising Management, Communication Leadership and Strategy, Games and Interactive Media, Digital Storytelling, Journalism, Public Relations. College of Education:  Kinesiology. College of Social Science: Economics,  and Human Capital and Society. Students outside the colleges and majors listed above may be considered on a case-by-case basis for admission to the minor with the approval of the Department of Management. With the approval of the department and college that administers the student's degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor's degree.


Students applying to the sports business management minor must have completed at least 56 credits by the end of the Spring semester in which they are applying. Admission decisions will be distributed to students in early April each year. Admission is highly competitive and therefore not guaranteed. By applying to the minor, you are agreeing to allow the 
admissions committee to review your grades.

Requirements for the Minor in Sports Business Management

Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits from the following:

Curriculum Foundations in Sports Business Management 
All of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 479 Sports Business Management  3
MGT  493A  Sports Business: Internship  3
MGT  493B  Sports Business: Fieldwork Seminar  3
Foundations in Management 
1. One of the following courses (3 credits):
    HRLR  201 Human Capital and Society  3
     MGT  315 Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior  3
     MGT  325 Management Skills and Processes  3
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
HRLR  313 Employment Relations  3
MGT  411 Organizational Staffing  3
MGT  412 Compensation and Reward Systems  3
MGT  414 Diversity in the Workplace  3
MGT  460 Capstone for Management Majors (W)  3
MGT  475 Negotiation and Conflict Management  3
Relevant Electives (6 credits) 
Complete at least 6 credits from the following courses: 
Customers and Sales
ADV  352 Media Sales  3
HB  376 Hospitality Sales Process  3
MKT  313 Consultative Selling  3
MKT  302 Consumer Behavior  3
Media and Branding
ADV  431 Monitoring and Measuring Social Media of Brands  3
JRN  218 Sports in Contemporary Media 3
MI  334 eSports and Online Broadcasting  3
PR  330 Social Media Management  3
Planning, Operations, and Strategy
EC  370 Economics of Sports  3
GEO 215 Sports Geography  3
HRLR  314 Legal Environment of Work  3
HB  420 The Business of Golf  3
HB  425 Golf Operations and Management  3
KIN  454 Facility Planning and Construction  3
KIN  456 Ethical Issues in Athletics  2
Sports and Society
GBL  323 Introduction to Business Law  3
HST  324 History of Sports in America  3
HST  329 College Sports in the United States  3
HST  397 Global Soccer  3
ISS  328 The Social Science of Sports (I)  4
Special Topics
Selection of either of these courses requires approval by the Department of Management to ensure appropriate content.
ADV  492 Special Topics in Advertising: Sports and Entertainment Public Relations 3
MGT  491 Special Topics in Management: Women Leadership in Sports  3
A maximum of 3 credits of internship or other work experience may be earned, used as elective credits towards the following degrees: Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management; a maximum of 2 credits of internship or other work experience may be earned toward the Accounting degree.


Graduate Study

The Department of Management offers a Master of Business Administration degree program with a concentration in Human Resource and Strategic Management. For information about that program, refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

In addition, the department offers Doctor of Philosophy degree programs with majors in Organizational Behavior–Human Resource Management and in Strategic Management.  For information about those programs, refer to the Doctor of Philosophy statement in the Broad College section.

The department also offers an online Master of Science degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership. This program focuses on leading, motivating and rewarding individuals, making decisions, thinking strategically, and selecting and developing human resources.

Management, Strategy, and Leadership - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership is designed to integrate management theories with applications to provide students with the intellectual and analytic skills demanded by aspiring general managers. The program combines the Broad School’s commitment to excellence in management education with online accessibility.

The degree program is intended for working managers and available only online. Students will complete the program in 20 to 24 months. To allow flexibility, students may start in any semester and students may be admitted on a rolling basis. By using technology-based modules in all classes, the program offers much flexibility to students.  All courses are facilitated by faculty to ensure intensive discussions and application of materials to student experiences. The flexible program incorporates hands-on activities designed to develop skills in leadership, decision making and strategic planning that are hallmarks of the Broad School’s other graduate programs.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university, The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be admitted to the Master of Science degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership, an applicant must:

  1. Have at least three years of full-time managerial experience in the private or public sector.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  3. Have a preferred undergraduate grade-point average of 3.00.
  4. Have a high degree of potential for advancement to an organizational leadership role.
  5. Possess important personal and managerial attributes, such as intellectual curiosity, strong communication skills, maturity, openness to new ideas and change, leadership qualities, analytical thinking ability, perseverance, and an ability to lead and work in teams.
  6. Have some background knowledge of and exposure to word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  7. Have access to a computer with a minimum configuration approved by the Department of Management.

Applicants to the program may compensate for deficiencies in their background by securing a strong score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or by providing other information that clearly demonstrates outstanding managerial competence and potential. Submitted GMAT scores must not be more than five years old, as measured relative to the date an application is submitted to the Management, Strategy, and Leadership program.

Students who are admitted to the program and placed into a non-credit preparatory module(s) deemed necessary by the program, may be required to participate in an introduction to faculty and the curriculum, analytic or quantitative analysis skills.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership

The Master of Science degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership is available online and only under Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. Students must work closely with their advisor to ensure courses are taken in the correct sequence.

Students must complete 20 credits from the following courses:
MGT 801 Analyzing Your Organization 2
MGT 804 International Management 2
MGT 810 Human Resource Management for General Managers 2
MGT 817 Managing the Learning Organization 2
MGT 824 Developing Managerial Skills 2
MGT 840 Leadership and Team Management 2
MGT 842 Leading a Strategy Change 2
MGT 850 Competitive and Business Strategy 2
MGT 863 Negotiations and Conflict Resolution 2
MGT 881 Creating an Ethical Organization 2
2. Complete 10 credits from the following courses. Students opting for a concentration must complete all four courses in it.
Human Resource Management
MGT 811 Fundamentals of Human Resource Staffing 2
MGT 814 Managing Diversity in the Workplace 2
MGT 818 Talent Management and Development 2
MGT 822 Developing Reward and Compensation Systems 2
Strategic Management
MGT 828 Strategic Control 2
MGT 843 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2
MGT 856 Corporate Strategy 2
MGT 873 Strategic Decision Making 2
3. Students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the program and a 2.0 grade in each course in order for the course to count towards the program.
4. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Human Resource Management and Development - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Development is designed to meet the needs of human resource managers and professionals from a wide variety of fields and backgrounds. This online certificate focuses on a broad spectrum of human resource concerns and issues for the future.


Students must:

  1.  have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution.
  2. have a preferred undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
  3. have three or more years of full-time managerial experience in the private or public sector.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Development

1. Complete the following courses (3 credits):
MGT 802 Strategic Analysis 1
MGT 810 Human Resource Management for General Managers 2
2. Complete three of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 811 Fundamentals of Human Resources Staffing 2
MGT 814 Managing Diversity in the Workplace 2
MGT 817 Managing the Learning Organization 2
MGT 818 Talent Management and Development 2
MGT 822 Developing Reward and Compensation Systems 2
3. Students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a 2.0 grade in each course in order for the course to count towards the program.

Leadership and Managing Teams - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Managing Teams focuses on the universal themes of managers from any organization:  effective leadership and team management, negotiation, and organizational design and development. This online certificate is designed to meet the needs of working professionals from a wide variety of fields and backgrounds while focusing on a broad spectrum of skill sets including team design and dynamics, managing diversity, and creating an ethical organization.


Students must:

  1. have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution.
  2. have a preferred undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
  3. have three or more years of full-time managerial experience in the private or public sector.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Managing Teams

1. Complete the following courses (3 credits):
MGT 802 Strategic Analysis 1
MGT 824 Developing Managerial Skills 2
2. Complete three of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 814 Managing Diversity in the Workplace 2
MGT 840 Leadership and Team Management 2
MGT 863 Negotiations and Conflict Resolution 2
MGT 881 Creating an Ethical Organization 2
3. Students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a 2.0 grade in each course in order for the course to count towards the program.

Strategic Management - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management is designed to develop experienced professionals into resourceful and knowledgeable leaders who can define strategies and guide organizations. This online certificate program is designed to meet the needs of working professionals from a wide variety of fields and backgrounds.


Students must:

  1. have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution.
  2. have a preferred undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0.
  3. have three or more years of full-time managerial experience in the private or public sector.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management

1. Complete the following courses (3 credits):
MGT 802 Strategic Analysis 1
MGT 850 Competitive and Business Strategy 2
2. Three of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 828 Strategic Control 2
MGT 842 Leading a Strategy Change 2
MGT 843 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2
MGT 856 Corporate Strategy 2
MGT 873 Strategic Decision Making 2
3. Students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses in the certificate and a 2.0 grade in each course in order for the course to count towards the program.

Department of Marketing

Suman Basuroy, Chairperson

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Marketing provides undergraduate education in marketing, which involves the selection of target markets and the development of strategies and tactics that create, deliver, and communicate value to customers and in so doing generate profitable revenue for the firm. This includes generating consumer and competitive insights through market research, making strategic decisions related to the marketplace, and managing the marketing mix (i.e., products, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing communications).  Instruction in this field is designed to provide an understanding of the concepts necessary for performance in both managerial and entry-level positions in profit and non-profit organizations.

The major is structured to offer sequential study useful for broad personal and professional development.  The required courses are designed to provide necessary understanding, integration, and skill development in marketing fundamentals, while specialty courses offer students the opportunity to apply concepts and gain additional knowledge in accordance with student interests and career paths. Emphasis is placed on the integration of critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and broad communication skills.

The department also offers a Minor in International Business and in Sales Leadership.  This program affords students the opportunity to acquire and develop skills needed to effectively engage with customers in a consultative fashion and to thrive as value-added sales and business development leaders.  More information about the Minor in Sales Leadership may be found at



The Marketing program at Michigan State University is known for producing leaders who can effectively manage the marketing function at for-profit and nonprofit organizations. The marketing program is designed to help students understand business activities that create customer value, such as identifying customer needs through market research, segmenting markets, targeting and positioning products and services, developing and managing new and existing products, making products/services available to customers, communicating the benefits of the product or service to customers, designing outstanding customer experiences, and sustaining mutually beneficial customer relationships. The marketing program provides an opportunity for students to develop the analytical, planning, implementation, and process control skills necessary for rewarding careers in marketing management, marketing strategy, marketing research, and business development/sales.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Marketing

  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 and 124 [referenced in item 2. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Marketing major is met by completing Marketing 460.  That course is referenced in item 3. a. (1) below.
  2. The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Major Field of Concentration:  A minimum grade–point average of 2.00 in the courses that are listed below (18 credits):
    (1) All of the following courses (12 credits):
    MKT 302 Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behavior 3
    MKT 313 Consultative Selling 3
    MKT 319 Customer and Market Insights 3
    MKT 460 Marketing Strategy (W) 3
    (2) Six credits from the following courses:
    MKT 355 Entrepreneurship: Strategic Marketing Planning and Launch 3
    MKT 383 Sales Management 3
    MKT 410 Product Innovation and Management 3
    MKT 412 Digital Marketing 3
    MKT 415 International Marketing Management 3
    MKT 420 New Product Design and Development 3
    MKT 430 Key Account and Customer Relationship Management 3
    MKT 490 Independent Study 1 to 3
    MKT 491 Special Topics in Marketing 3

Students may elect to complete more than 6 credits from the courses that are listed in item 3. a. (2) above with the understanding that the grades  earned in such courses will be included in the computation of the grade–point average of courses in the Major Field of Concentration.

Minor in International Business

The Minor in International Business will be attractive to students who plan careers with an international orientation and who wish to add breadth to their major. The minor is designed for students who desire to increase their understanding of various regions of the world and the global marketplace.

The Minor in International Business is administered by the Department of Marketing and is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs in The Eli Broad College of Business.

Students who are interested in the minor must contact The Eli Broad College of Business Undergraduate Academic Services unit.

With the approval of the department and college that administers the student's degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor's degree.

Requirements for the Minor in International Business

The student must complete the requirements specified below with a grade-point average of 2.0 in all courses taken to fulfill requirements 1. and 2.:

1. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
EC 340 Survey of International Economics 3
FI 451 International Financial Management 3
GBL 460 International Business Law and Sustainability 3
MGT 476 Globalization and International Management 3
MKT 415 International Marketing  3
A course taken to fulfill this requirement may not be used to fulfill requirement 2.
2. Complete an additional 9 credits in courses approved by The Eli Broad College of Business that include international business content. The college’s Undergraduate Academic Service unit maintains an approved list of courses for satisfying this requirement. Any other courses must be approved by the student’s academic advisor prior to enrollment in the course.
3. Completion of a study abroad program (6 credits) or a pre-approved international internship (credit or non-credit) as approved by The Eli Broad College of Business.
4. Demonstrate competency in a foreign language equivalent to four semesters of study at the university-level. The results of the Michigan State University foreign language placement test will be considered in determining whether or not the student has fulfilled this requirement.

Undergraduate Certificate in Brand Marketing

The Undergraduate Certificate in Brand Marketing, which is administered by the Department of Marketing, is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the field of Brand Management/Marketing.

The undergraduate certificate is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University in marketing, advertising management or packaging. With approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the undergraduate certificate may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Students who plan to complete the requirements of the undergraduate certificate should consult the undergraduate advisor in the Department of Marketing.

To be considered for admission into the certificate program, students must have completed and obtained a grade of 3.0 in MKT 300 Managerial Marketing, only offered to undergraduate business college students. Packaging and Advertising Management students must complete and obtained a grade 3.0 MKT 327 Introduction to Marketing, offered to non-business students.

All students must:

  1. complete an application, including a statement of purpose and a resume. Applications must be received by the Department of Marketing by March 15 for fall semester admission and by October 1 for the spring semester admission.
  2. agree to allow the selection committee to review the student’s grades. Interviews will be held by the selection committee.
Admission to the certificate program is limited and competitive and is not guaranteed. Meeting the minimum standards does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered, including the student’s statement of objectives and extra-curricular activities. Admission is subject to space availability.

Requirements for the Undergraduate Certificate in Brand Marketing
Students must complete 9 credits from the following:
1.      The following courses (9 credits):
ADV 330 Advertising Management Strategy 3
MKT 475 Brand Marketing 3
PKG 430 Packaging for Fast Moving Consumer Goods 3
2. Attendance to the Professional Development Series for Brand Marketing through the Russell Palmer Career Management Center.

Graduate Study

The Department of Marketing offers Master of Business Administration degree programs with a concentration in Marketing.  For information about this program, refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

The department also offers a Master of Science degree in Marketing Research and Analytics.  This is a specialized program that enables students to build or accelerate careers in marketing research.  A Master of Science degree in Customer Experience Management is available online to prepare individuals for careers in customer service management. The degree can be completed in one calendar year (full-time) or twenty months (part-time).

In addition, the department offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree program with a major in Marketing.  For information about this program, refer to the Doctor of Philosophy statement in the Broad College section.

Students may also pursue a Graduate Specialization in Business Concepts for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation.

Customer Experience Management - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Customer Experience Management prepares individuals for careers in customer experience management. The degree can be completed in one calendar year (full-time) or twenty months (part-time). The program is specifically designed to develop skills in organizational development and change, understanding customers and employees, experience design and innovation, employee experience and engagement, and data analytics and continuous improvement technical skills. The program is available only online.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


For admission to the master's degree program in customer experience management on regular status, the student must:

  1. Submit to the Department of Marketing a completed application packet that is available from the department.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  3. Have a grade-point average of at least 3.00 in the last two years of undergraduate work.
  4. Take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and have the scores submitted to the Master of Science in Customer Experience Management program. The test must be taken not more than five years prior to the submission of the application for admission to the program. The GMAT score may be waived based on previous work experience.

Admission to the program is competitive, and meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered including letters of recommendation, the student’s statement of objectives, work experience, extra-curricular activities, and TOEFL scores (for international students). Admission is also subject to space availability.  

Prior to enrollment in the Master of Science degree in Customer Experience Management, the student must have:

  1. a working knowledge of personal computers including word processing, spreadsheets, networking, and database management systems.
  2. a basic understanding of marketing and the management of people.
  3. a lap-top computer.

Students who do not meet the requirements for admission to the program on regular status may be admitted on a provisional basis to remove deficiencies. Collateral course work will not count towards the requirements for the degree.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Customer Experience Management

The Master of Science degree in Customer Experience Management is available only under Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30 credits are required for the degree.

The students must complete the following:

MKT 878 The Customer-Centric Organization 2
MKT 879 Organizational Development and Change 2
MKT 880 Consumer Decision Making and Behavior 2
MKT 881 Qualitative Research 2
MKT 883 Qualitative Data Synthesis and Analysis 2
MKT 885 Experience Analytics 2
MKT 886 Human-Centered Design and Innovation 2
MKT 887 Customer Experience Strategy 2
MKT 888 Customer Experience Design 2
MKT 889 Digital Customer Experience Design 2
MKT 892 The Employee Experience 2
MKT 893 Employee Engagement 2
MKT 895 Customer Relationship Management 2
MKT 896 Measuring the Experience 2
MKT 897 Data Analysis, Integration and Visualization 2


Marketing Research and Analytics - Master of Science

Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Marketing Research and Analytics prepares individuals for careers in marketing research and is designed  to develop consulting, research strategy, and marketing analysis skills. This degree program is  available under Plan B (without thesis) and may be  completed in a 12-month or 20-month format.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the University and of the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be considered for admission to the Master of Science degree in Marketing Research and Analytics, an applicant must:

  1. Submit a completed application for graduate study to the Master of Science Marketing Research and Analytics program that is available online from the Office of Admissions.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  3. Have a minimum of a 3.5 grade-point average or a grade-point average in the 3.0-3.49 range with relevant experience, or submit a competitive Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or GRE score to the Marketing Research and Analytics program.

Admission to the program is competitive and subject to space availability. Meeting the minimum standards above does not guarantee admission. The applicant’s overall record is considered including a resume, an academic statement, and bachelor's degree transcripts. An English Language test accepted by MSU Admissions is required for international applications only.

Prior to enrollment in the Master of Science degree in Marketing Research, the student must have:

  1. Completed, with a grade of 3.00 (B) or higher, college-level courses in statistics, covering probability theory and distributions, descriptive   statistics, sampling, estimation, and hypothesis testing. The admission committee may elect to allow an applicant to take the Marketing Research and Analytics Statistics Refresher course (1 credit) in lieu of this requirement.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Marketing Research and Analytics

The Master of Science degree in Marketing Research and Analytics is available under Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credits is required for the degree. 

1. All of the following courses:
MKT 805 Marketing Management 2
MKT 806 Marketing Research for Decision Making 2
MKT 816 Marketing Analysis 2
MKT 819 Predictive Analytics 2
MKT 831 Communications in Marketing Research 1
MKT 832 Marketing Research Online Communities 1
MKT 833 Social Listening and Text Analytics 2
MKT 834 Consulting in Marketing Research 1
MKT 835 Storytelling in Marketing Research 1
MKT 843 International Marketing Research 2
MKT 856 Consulting Practicum in Marketing 3
MKT 865 Emerging Topics in Business 1
MKT 867 Sampling and Research Design 2
MKT 877 Emerging Research Design and Methods 2
MKT 880 Consumer Decision Making and Behavior 2
MKT 881 Qualitative Research 1
MKT 891 Special Topics in Marketing 1
MKT 897 Data Analysis, Integration and Visualization 2
2. Successfully complete a final examination or evaluation.

Graduate Specialization in Business Concepts for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2021 through Spring 2024)

The Graduate Specialization in Business Concepts for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation provides graduate students the opportunity to explore and understand the relationship between principles and practices of business and environmental sustainability and conservation of our natural resources. The specialization provides students with an awareness of the challenges of environmental sustainability in today’s complex world as well as an understanding of appropriate business management tools needed to address these issues.

The specialization is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in master’s or doctoral degree programs at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the specialization may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the masters’ or doctoral degree. The students program of study must be approved by the advisor for the specialization.

Requirements for the Graduate Specialization in Business Concepts for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation

The student must complete 12 credits from the following:

1. All of the following courses (12 credits):
FW 885 Leadership in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 3
MKT 805 Marketing Management 3
MKT 859 Venture Management Practicum 3
SCM 800 Supply Chain Management 3
Course substitutions are possible with approval of the advisor for the specialization.

Department of Supply Chain Management

Jason Ward Miller, Chairperson

Undergraduate Program

The Department of Supply Chain Management provides undergraduate education in supply chain management which includes the business functions of procurement, operations, logistics, inventory management, transportation, lean manufacturing, warehousing and customer service. Instruction of foundational knowledge in these fields provides an understanding of the concepts necessary for performance in managerial positions as well as entry-level positions in profit, non-profit, and government organizations.

The supply chain management program provides sequential study of business processes useful for well-rounded personal and professional development. The required courses are designed to provide necessary understanding, integration and skill development. Specialty courses offer opportunities to apply concepts in accordance with student interests and prospective career paths. Emphasis is placed on quantitative analytical skills, business communication skills and integration of concepts learned in other disciplines.

Qualified students are encouraged to pursue honors courses, study-abroad programs and co-op and internship experiences with national and international corporations.


Supply Chain Management

The Bachelor of Arts degree program in supply chain management focuses on the integration of value–adding components from manufacturing operations, purchasing, transportation, and physical distribution that are critical to the enhancement of global competitiveness.  The objectives of the program are to provide students with a comprehensive background in each of the broad areas referenced above and to allow them to pursue concentrations within their areas of interest.

Students in the supply chain management program complete courses designed to develop specific skills in the planning and control of the value–creating processes in private and public enterprises.  These processes include manufacturing systems and their management; product and material movement systems; and purchasing the materials, products, and services needed to produce the firm's output and managing their flows through the organization.  Students may select such areas of study as physical distribution system design and administration, purchasing techniques and strategies, computer integrated manufacturing, and manufacturing strategies.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Supply Chain Management

  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Supply Chain Management.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 and Statistics and Probability 200 [referenced in item 2. below] may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Supply Chain Management major is met by completing Supply Chain Management 470 or 472.  Those courses are referenced in item 3. a. below.
  2. The requirements of The Eli Broad College of Business for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the majors that comprise the Business Administration Programs.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Major Field of Concentration:  A minimum grade–point average of 2.00 in courses taken for the major (19 credits):
    (1) All of the following courses (12 credits):
    SCM 371 Procurement and Supply Management 3
    SCM 372 Manufacturing and Service Operation Management 3
    SCM 373 Logistics and Transportation Management 3
    SCM 475 Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management 3
    (2) One of the following courses (3 credits):
    SCM 470 Integrated Supply Chain Management Capstone (W) 3
    SCM 472 Experiential Learning with Industry Problems in Supply Chain (W) 3
    (3) Complete an additional 4 credits from an approved list of courses available from the department.

Graduate Study

The Department of Supply Chain Management offers Master of Business Administration degree programs with a concentration in Supply Chain Management and a Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management offering higher level studies in the major concepts of supply chain: logistics, procurement and operations. The department also offers a Graduate Certificate in Elements of Global Supply Chain Management. For information about the M.B.A. program refer to the Master of Business Administration statement in the Broad College section.

Supply Chain Management - Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management is available through the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management. The program is completed over 20 months, five semesters with three 3-day on-campus sessions and eight week online sessions.  Students in the program must complete the required courses in the defined sequence.

The program is designed for individuals with an undergraduate degree plus a minimum of two years of related experience. All students are expected to maintain full-time employment throughout the program. The program is specifically designed to prepare students for advancement in supply chain management careers with supply chain management companies or within supply chain management divisions within a corporation. Careers may also be in management, consulting, supplier business development, and supply chain management software support. The program provides an understanding of the role the supply chain manager can play in an enterprise supply chain and overall strategy. The program exposes students to leading supply chain management operating practices, analysis methods, technology applications, and strategy development.


To be considered for admission to the program, an applicant must:

  1. submit an online application which includes a requirement to attach a resume and essays.
  2. have an undergraduate degree with at least a 3.0 grade-point average. Official transcripts must be provided.
  3. have a minimum of two years of professional supply chain work experience.
  4. provide three individual recommendations from supervisors, coworkers, etc. regarding supply chain management work experience.
  5. be prepared to provide Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores. Qualified applicants with three or more years of supply chain work experience and a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average 3.0 are not required to submit either a GMAT or GRE score for admission consideration. Applicants may compensate for deficiencies in their background by providing a strong score on the GMAT or GRE. Submitted GMAT or GRE scores must not be more than five years old.
  6. Be prepared for a review of undergraduate transcripts for quantitative content and the grades achieved in those quantitative courses.

Admission to the program is competitive. Meeting the minimum standards does not guarantee admission. Admission decisions are based on the applicant’s overall record, including previous academic work, work experience, job responsibilities, extra-curricular activities, references, and demonstrated potential for graduate and professional success. It is expected that all candidates will have an introductory awareness of statistics, accounting, finance, marketing, and human resource management, and a working knowledge of software for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and data-based management systems. Each student is expected to have a laptop computer with a minimum configuration approved by the program office.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Supply Chain Management

A total of 31 credits are required for the degree under Plan B (without thesis). The student must meet the requirements as specified below:

1. Both of the following courses (6 credits):
SCM 870 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
SCM 879 Supply Chain Management – Strategy and Applications 3
2. Complete 25 credits of electives as approved by the student’s guidance committee:
COM 874 Communication in Supply Chain Management 2
SCM 848 Analysis of Supply Markets and Suppliers 2
SCM 871 Applied Data Analysis 3
SCM 872 Distribution Fulfillment 2
SCM 874 Total Quality Management and Lean Enterprise 3
SCM 875 Manufacturing Planning and Control 2
SCM 876 Logistics Operations, Methods, and Systems 2
SCM 881 Global Supply Chain Management 2
SCM 882 Supply Chain Management Project Management Research Paper 3
SCM 883 Technology and Product Innovation Management 2
SCM 886 Strategic Sourcing 2
SCM 887 Packaging Design/Engineering Optimization in Supply Chain 2
SCM 888 Product Protection and Safety for Supply Chain Managers 2
SCM 890 Independent Study 1 to 3
3. Successful completion of a final evaluation.

Academic Standards

Students are expected to (1) maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 for each program residency module, (2) maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0, and (3) complete all courses listed on the Candidacy Form. A student’s academic progress will be monitored by the director of the master’s program in supply chain management or his/her delegate.

A student who does not maintain a cumulative 3.0 grade-point average for two consecutive residency modules will be placed on final probation. Students will be given the next two residency modules to achieve a cumulative 3.0 grade-point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will normally occur.

Elements of Global Supply Chain Management - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Elements of Global Supply Chain Management is designed to provide a basic supply chain and business education for those entering the industry or looking to make a career change. The certificate is targeted at students new to the supply chain field who are missing the academic credentials to advance in their careers. The certificate is available only online.
To be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Elements of Global Supply Chain Management, a student must:

  1. have a minimum undergraduate grade-point average of 2.5.
The applicant’s overall record is considered. Work experience or internships that generated exposure to supply chain concepts will be considered. Students are educated during the recruitment process regarding the pace of the program, and length of time to complete the graduate certificate.              

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Elements of Global Supply Chain Management

Students must complete all of the following courses (11 credits):
SCM 801 Introduction to Global Business and Supply Chain 2
SCM 803 Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics 3
SCM 805 Basic Elements of Strategic Sourcing 2
SCM 806 Basic Elements of Logistics and Warehousing 2
SCM 807 Basic Elements of Operations Management 2

The School of Hospitality Business

Karthikeyan Namasivayam, Director

The hospitality industry is an exciting and fast growing industry throughout the world.  Because it is part of the larger service economy, it offers graduates a wide range of career opportunities in management and entrepreneurship.  The School of Hospitality Business prepares its students to enter management positions in lodging, food and beverage service, consulting, event planning, human resources, sales, information systems, marketing, as well as real estate investment management. Graduates find opportunities in venues such as hotels, restaurants, resorts, casinos, cruise lines, clubs as well as in sports and entertainment.

The School of Hospitality Business was established in 1927, and in 1944 became the first hospitality program to be housed in a collegiate school of business.

Because of its unique industry-specific status within the Broad College of Business, The School of Hospitality Business curriculum is business-focused and driven by the hospitality industry. Our graduates are equipped to face the challenges in this ever-changing industry, including operations, management, finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, information systems, law, production, facilities and emerging industry trends.


Undergraduate Programs

Hospitality Business

The undergraduate major in hospitality business blends hospitality business operations and fundamental areas such as accounting, finance, and marketing applied to hospitality business. Substantial work experience in the hospitality industry is required for hospitality business majors. Each student must complete 800 hours of work experience (400 hours in a Level 1. Internship and 400 hours in a Level 2. Internship). The internships must have the prior approval of the Student and Industry Resource Center Director. The Level 1. Internship must be completed prior to enrollment in Hospitality Business 307 and both internships Level  1. and Level 2.) must be completed prior to enrollment in Hospitality Business 489.

Students who are enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program in The School of Hospitality Business may elect the Minor in Hospitality Real Estate.  For additional information, please refer to the Minor in Real Estate statement below or visit The School of Hospitality Business - MSU Broad College of Business.  

Students who are enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program in The School of Hospitality Business may elect the Minor in Food Processing and Technology.  For additional information, refer to the Minor in Food Processing and Technology statement in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition statement in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources section of this catalog.


Enrollment in The School of Hospitality Business is limited, and admission to the school is competitive. Students must apply for school admission by April 1 for a fall semester admission or by November 1 for a spring semester admission. Admission is based primarily on the cumulative grade-point average and grades in the core courses listed below.  Academic and non-academic factors and experiences will also be considered. Minimum criteria for admission to the school are:

  1. Completion of 28 credits.
  2. Completion of the following core courses:
    1. Economics 201
    2. Statistics 200 or approved substitution 
    3. Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures 101 or other university Tier I course that fulfills the university writing requirement
Students seeking admission to The School of Hospitality Business should contact The School's undergraduate academic advising staff.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Hospitality Business
  1. The graduation requirements of the University as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Hospitality Business.

    The completion of Mathematics 103 referenced in item 2. a. (1) below partially satisfies the University mathematics requirement.

    The completion of Statistics and Probability 200 referenced in item 2.a.(2) satisfies the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Hospitality Business major is met by completing Hospitality Business 489.  Those courses are referenced in item 2. b. below.
  2. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Hospitality Business Core (18 credits):
    All of the following courses:
    ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts 3
    EC 201 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
    EC 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
    MKT 327 Introduction to Marketing 3
    MTH 103 College Algebra 3
    STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
    Students who place into Statistics 200 with a designated score on the Michigan State University mathematics services placement exam and successfully complete Statistics 200  will not be required to complete Mathematics 103.
    b. Major Field of Concentration:  All of the following courses with a minimum grade–point average of 2.00 (45 credits):
    HB 100 Introduction to Hospitality Business 3
    HB 203 Hospitality Communication 3
    HB 207 Hospitality Management and Leadership 3
    HB 237 Hospitality Lodging Systems 3
    HB 265 Hospitality Foodservice Systems 3
    HB 273 Hospitality Business Analytics 3
    HB 302 Hospitality Managerial Accounting 3
    HB 307 Hospitality Human Resources 3
    HB 311 Hospitality Finance 3
    HB 337 Hospitality Information Systems 3
    HB 365 Hospitality Foodservice Systems II 3
    HB 437 Hospitality Revenue Management 3
    HB 447 Hospitality Business Law 3
    HB 470 Real Estate Asset Management 3
    HB 489 Hospitality Business Strategy (W) 3
    c. Hospitality Business International Elective. One course approved by the student’s academic advisor.
    d. Hospitality Business Specialized Electives
    Complete an additional 9 credits from an approved list of Hospitality Business Specialized Electives available from the school's undergraduate academic advisor. Courses used to satisfy other degree requirements may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

Minor in Real Estate

The Minor in Real Estate prepares students for careers related to hospitality and commercial real estate including investment acquisition, appraisal, asset management, brokerage, consulting, development, market analysis, and mortgage lending.

The minor, which is administered by The School of Hospitality Business, is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s programs at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department or school and college that administers the student’s degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree program.


Enrollment in the minor is limited, and admission to the minor is competitive. Admission is based primarily on the cumulative grade-point average and grades in the core courses listed below. Academic and non-academic factors and experiences will also be considered. Minimum criteria for admission to the minor are:

1. Completion of 28 credits.
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
ACC 201 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts 3
3. The following course (3 credits):
EC 201 Introduction to Microeconomics 3

Requirements for the Minor in Real Estate

1. One of the following courses (3 credits):
HB 273 Hospitality Business Analytics 3
ITM 209 Business Analytics and Information Systems 3
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
FI 311 Financial Management 3
FI 320 Introduction to Finance 3
HB 311 Hospitality Finance 3
3. One of the following courses (1 or 3 credits):
FI 355 Financial Modeling 3
HB 472 Real Estate Financial Modeling 1
4. All of the following courses (9 credits):
HB 282 Real Estate Principles 3
HB 470 Real Estate Asset Management 3
HB 474 Real Estate Valuation 3

Graduate Study

The School of Hospitality Business offers several options for graduate study that prepare students for success in a strategic and global hospitality industry. Each program offers a flexible curriculum designed to meet the specific professional needs of students with diverse backgrounds and career objectives.

The School of Hospitality Business supports doctoral students in programs at MSU that allow for a focus on the hospitality industry. Students admitted into Ph.D. programs that allow for a hospitality emphasis and receive support from The School of Hospitality Business will take core courses in the doctoral discipline, teach and work in The School of Hospitality Business, and form a guidance committee of faculty from both units. The School is only able to support a limited number of doctoral students.

Hospitality Business - Master of Business Administration

The majority of Master of Business Administration degree graduates with a major in hospitality business enter the hospitality industry in management positions, in corporate staff positions, in consulting positions, or as teachers in hospitality management programs at the secondary, or two–year or four–year college, level.

Students who have had less than six months of full–time work experience in the hospitality industry prior to enrolling in the program must complete 400 hours of approved professional work experience while enrolled in a collateral course:  HB 454  Professional Work Experience II (W).

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the Broad School, students must meet the requirements for the Hospitality Business Major Field of Concentration specified below.

1. Complete of a minimum of four courses (12 credits) including:  
  a. The following course:  
    HB 885 Seminar in Food and Beverage Systems Management 3
  b. Three of the following courses (9 credits):  
    HB 807 Workforce Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
    HB 837 Hospitality Computer Information Systems 3
    HB 875 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 3
    HB 882 Financial Management in the  Hospitality Industry 3
    HB 890 Independent Study 3

Hospitality Business Management - Master of Science (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2020 through Fall 2027)

The Master of Science degree in Hospitality Business Management is available only under Plan B (without thesis). The program contains a core of functional courses in hospitality business and related disciplines.  Curriculum flexibility encourages the design of individualized programs of study which meet the specific professional needs of each student.  Graduates of this program seek employment opportunities in corporate-level positions within hospitality companies, consulting firms, or other service organizations. The student must discuss the planned program with The School's Graduate Programs Coordinator before enrolling in the program.


To be considered for admission to the Master of Science degree in Hospitality Business Management an applicant must:

  1. submit scores on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
  2. have official transcripts of all previous academic work sent to The School of Hospitality Business Graduate Programs Coordinator.

In addition to prior academic preparation, the applicant’s scores GMAT or GRE scores, and the undergraduate grade-point average will be considered in the admissions decision.  Applicants must also have completed at least one year of professional work experience.  Students with limited academic preparation in the hospitality field may be required to complete collateral courses which will serve as prerequisites for required courses. These courses will not count towards requirements for the degree.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Hospitality Business Management

The program is available under Plan B (without thesis). A total of 36 credits are required for the degree. The student’s program of study must be approved by the graduate program coordinator.

1. All of the following courses (24 credits):
CEP 822 Approaches to Educational Research 3
HB 807 Workforce Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
HB 837 Hospitality Information Technology 3
HB 847 Hospitality Business Law 3
HB 882 Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
HB 885 Hospitality Business Research 3
HB 886 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 3
SCM 800 Supply Chain Management 3
2. Complete 9 credits of focused elective courses as approved by the Graduate Programs Coordinator.  These courses are based on the specific academic interests of the student.  Course work is typically selected from the following disciplines: hospitality business; management; marketing; supply chain management; communications; advertising; labor and industrial relations; community, agriculture, recreation and resource studies; or other disciplines.  Students must meet the prerequisites for all elective courses.
3. Complete 3 credits of hospitality business field study course work focusing on a project related to the student’s major approved by the student’s academic advisor.
4. Pass a final written comprehensive examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards

To remain in the program and earn a Master of Science degree in Hospitality Business Management, a student must:

  1. Maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester.
  2. Maintain a cumulative minimum grade-point average of 3.0.


Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2020 through Fall 2027)

The Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business is designed to provide the growing field of hospitality business education and research with individuals who possess the theoretical knowledge, research skills, and hospitality business course work necessary to advance hospitality education.

The Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business is administered by The School of Hospitality Business within The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management and is available as an elective for students who are enrolled in master’s or doctoral degree programs outside of The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University. Students who are interested in the specialization should contact the Graduate Programs Coordinator in The School of Hospitality Business and provide a statement regarding the relevance and usefulness of the specialization for them and their major program of study.

With the approval of the department or school and college that administers the student’s degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the specialization may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the master’s or doctoral degree. The student’s program of study must be approved by the Graduate Programs Coordinator and the Director of The School of Hospitality Business.

Requirements for the Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business

The student must:
1. Complete four of the following courses (12 credits):
HB 807 Workforce Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
HB 837 Hospitality Information Technology 3
HB 841 Contemporary Trends in Cuisine and Culture 3
HB 847 Hospitality Business Law 3
HB 882 Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
HB 885 Hospitality Business Research 3
HB 886 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 3
2. Complete the following course (3 credits):
HB 890 Independent Study  3
Complete a research paper that reflects the integration of the student’s discipline and hospitality business.

The Axia Institute

In 2014, Michigan State University opened a new facility about 80 miles from its East Lansing, Michigan campus which is dedicated to the study of value chain management. The Axia Institute helps businesses solve some of the world’s greatest challenges by providing high-impact value chain solutions. The Institute expands on Michigan State University’s #1 ranked Supply Chain Management program. It is strategically positioned as the premier value chain innovation center, poised to deliver revolutionary advances in the functional areas of procurement, manufacturing, data analytics, materials management, packaging, logistics and customer service to companies globally. The Axia Institute’s programs and events include the Mid-Michigan Value Chain Certificate Program, summits, and industry-specific forums. The Institute provides opportunities for both research and student involvement with global corporations headquartered in the region.  For more information, visit or call 1-989-423-2046.