Late Drops, Adds and Section Changes

After the first 1/14th of the term of instruction (the fifth class day of the Fall and Spring semesters), students must process adds and section changes at the teaching department and must obtain approval from the authorizing officers (Instructor, Assistant Dean, Department Chair). Drops after the middle of the term of instruction must be processed by the Assistant/Associate Dean's office of the student's college.

The last day for dropping courses with no grade reported is the middle of the term of instruction. Click on the section number of the course in the Class Search to ascertain the date.
Excerpt from the Academic Programs Catalog.
General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations
    General Procedures and Regulations
        Change of Enrollment
Students are expected to complete the courses in which they enroll. If a change is necessary, it may be made only with the appropriate approvals as explained below.
ADD AND DROP PERIOD. Students may add courses in the student information system up until the open add end date. This date is displayed in the student information system Class Search and corresponds to the first 1/14th of the course. Students may drop courses in the student information system up until the Last Day to Drop with No Grade
Reported. This date is displayed in the student information system Class Search and corresponds to the middle of the course. Classes that do not meet for the standard duration of the semester, known as dynamically dated classes, will have different drop dates than standard term classes, including the open add end date, the last day to drop with refund, and the last day to drop with no grade reported. 
CHANGE OF OPTION FOR CR-NC (CREDIT-NO CREDIT) GRADING. Choice of the CR-NC grading system must be communicated by the student to their college or department by the middle of the course. This date is visible in the student information system Class Search as the Last Day to Drop with No Grade Reported. Requests may not be made or changed after this date.
CHANGE OF OPTION FOR VISITOR. Choice of enrollment in a credit course as a visitor on a non-credit basis must be made no later than the open add end date. This date is displayed in the student information system Class Search and corresponds to the first 1/14th of the course. More information on the visitor option, including how to select this option, can be found in Class Visitor section of this catalog.
TO ADD A COURSE AFTER THE ADD AND DROP PERIOD. Normally, no course may be added after the open add period. Any add after this must be processed beginning with the department offering the course. Final approval rests with the associate/assistant dean of the student’s college.
DROPPING A COURSE AFTER THE LAST DAY TO DROP WITH NO GRADE REPORTED. The Last Day to Drop with No Grade Reported is displayed in the student information system Class Search and corresponds to the middle of the course. A student may drop a course after this date only to correct errors in the enrollment or because of events of catastrophic impact, such as serious personal illness. If the student is passing the course, or there is no basis for assignment of a grade at the time of the drop, a W grade will be assigned. If failing, a 0.0 (or N in a P-N graded course) will be assigned. The course will remain on the student’s academic record. Classes that do not meet for the standard duration of the semester, known as dynamically dated classes, will have different drop dates than standard term classes, including the open add end date, the last day to drop with refund, and the last day to drop with no grade reported. Undergraduate Students: To initiate a drop after the Last Day to Drop with No Grade Reported, the student must obtain approval from the office of the associate/assistant dean of their college. Exceptions are James Madison College, Lyman Briggs College, and the Residential College in Arts and Humanities.
Graduate Students: To initiate a drop after the Last Day to Drop with No Grade Reported, students must obtain approval from their advisor or major professor and their graduate program director. This is especially important if appointed as a graduate assistant.
DROPPING ALL COURSES. See the statement on Withdrawal from the University.