Academic Programs Catalog

Other Departments and Offices for Research and Services

Other Departments and Offices for Research and Services

Like other major universities, Michigan State University maintains a range of structural units to support activities and functions which, collectively sustain an environment in support of the intellectual enterprise that is Michigan State University. Such activities and functions include research; outreach and engagement programs; cultural events; health, counseling, and recreative services; and public information.

Some of the major units are described in the statements that follow.


International Studies and Programs

Steven D. Hanson, Vice Provost and Dean

Michigan State University (MSU) conducts education, research, and outreach and engagement on the East Lansing campus and in countries all over the world. The university’s international work is coordinated and facilitated by the Office of International Studies and Programs (ISP). The wide array of activities and programs gives students, faculty and staff at MSU many ways to explore global issues and gain global experience and knowledge. Faculty members in virtually every discipline conduct international research to enhance MSU’s courses.

ISP has geographic and thematic units located at the East Lansing campus. They include the African Studies Center, Asian Studies Center, Canadian Studies Center, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation, Center for Gender in Global Context, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies. Through its colleges, MSU offers area-specific focuses in African Studies, Asian Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Russian and East European Studies, Western European Studies, and Muslim Studies. Three of these centers are designated as national resource and language resource centers through the U.S. Department of Education Title VI program.

The Global Youth Advancement Network (GYAN) supports global citizenship education for faculty, staff, and students and promotes opportunities for international communication, collaboration and careers.

ISP’s centers coordinate their activities with all of MSU’s colleges. Along with the thematic and geographic units, MSU is also home to the Center for International Business Education and Research, the National LCTL Resource Center, the Institute of Global Health, and the Office of International Studies in Education.

MSU’s study abroad programs are managed by ISP. Its Office of Education Abroad coordinates more than 275 MSU programs in over 60 countries worldwide. They range from English literature in London, to natural resources in Brazil, to education in South Africa, to Antarctic system science in Antarctica and Argentina. The Office for Global, Health, Safety, and Security, also under ISP, supports the health, safety, and security of all MSU international travelers.

ISP also administers the Japan Center for Michigan Universities on behalf of a consortium of 15 Michigan public universities. The center’s programs build relationships among Japanese, American and other nationalities through internships and active learning and participation in language and culture.
ISP oversees the Office for International Students and Scholars, which serves approximately 1,200 visiting international scholars and more than 6,500 international students annually on campus. ISP facilitates partnerships, joint research, and development programs between MSU and a variety of international academic institutions, governments, private foundations, and the World Bank, and currently maintains about 280 collaborative agreements worldwide.

The Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship (Global IDEAS) was established at ISP to assist faculty with grant proposals for international projects. The office also helps connect faculty with other funding sources and potential collaborators: partners abroad, at development firms, at other universities, and across disciplines.

For more information, call 1-517-355-2350, email or visit

African Studies Center

Jamie Monson, Director

Founded in 1960, the African Studies Center promotes understanding of Africa on campus, in the State of Michigan, and throughout the nation. It’s one of the most prominent centers for the study of Africa in the nation with 150 associated MSU faculty in 54 departments. The center encourages teaching and research concerning Africa and partnerships with Africans and African institutions. The center does not award degrees; rather, it generates and promotes Africa-related perspectives through undergraduate and graduate teaching programs and through interdisciplinary programs.

Fellowships are awarded by the Center for African Language and Area Studies in departments with African studies faculty. The faculty represent the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Letters, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, College of Education, College of Human Medicine, College of Music, College of Natural Science, College of Nursing, College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Social Science, and the College of Veterinary Medicine.

An undergraduate minor in African Studies and a Global and Area Studies major are available for interested students. For additional information, refer to the College of Social Science section of this catalog. More than 20 study programs in Africa are available for shorter periods and semesters.

The Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures currently offers courses in Arabic, Hausa, and Swahili. By special arrangement, instruction is available in 30 African languages including Acholi, Aka/Twi, Amharic, Babara/Dyula/Mandingo, Bemba, Fula (Fulfulde, Pulaar), Igbo, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kpelle, Krio, Lingala, Luganda, Malagasay, Mende, Nyanja/Chichewa, Oromo, Sesotho, Shona, Somali, Temne, Tigrinya, West African Pidgin, Wolof, Xhosa/Zulu, and Yoruba.

The center administers an Outreach Program including the African Media Program which evaluates instructional materials about Africa and brings Africa-related materials into schools, colleges and universities, adult education programs, youth groups, community institutions, businesses, and the media.

For more detailed information, call 1-517-353-1700, email, or visit

Asian Studies Center

Siddharth Chandra, Director

The Asian Studies Center was established in 1962 to further knowledge and understanding of the countries of Asia, with a concentration on East Asia. In 2000, the center became the nation’s first all-Asia National Undergraduate Resource Center, expanding the center’s focus to include regions as diverse as Central and Southeast Asia.

The center’s primary function is to enrich education in the social sciences, humanities, and professional school training through Asia-centered curricular, extra-curricular, and outreach activities. The center’s programming is designed to educate people who wish to become area specialists, and integrate knowledge of Asia into their disciplinary studies. It also strengthens undergraduate and graduate academic programs, stimulates research and publications, and aids in partnerships with Asian institutions.

The center coordinates Asian Studies offerings within the various disciplines on campus. The Asian Studies Center does not award degrees; students are enrolled in participating colleges and departments. An undergraduate degree program in East Asian Languages and Cultures, an Asian concentration in the Bachelor of Arts degree in Global and Area Studies, and a Minor in Asian Studies are available. For additional information on degree programs, refer to the College of Social Science and the Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages in the College of Arts and Letters sections of this catalog.

Asian languages taught in the Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures include Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Nepali, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Thai, Korean, and others. Other academic units offering courses on Asia include Agricultural Economics, Anthropology, Art, Art History, and Design, Economics, Geography, History, James Madison, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology. Interdisciplinary courses on Asia are also offered at the undergraduate level. Graduate students may receive funding through the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) grant program for advanced Asian language study in furtherance of their programs of study.

The center brings distinguished scholars as visiting professors to the campus in cooperation with interested departments, invites other specialists to the campus for lectures or seminars. The center also arranges special institutes on research and teaching and secures research support for faculty and graduate students. It houses several Asian country councils and various undergraduate and graduate student academic award programs.

For more information, call 1-517-353-1680, email, or visit

Canadian Studies Center

Rebecca Malouin, Director

The Canadian Studies Center is a multidisciplinary unit with over 70 faculty and graduate students representing over 30 departments, the Libraries, and the Michigan State University Museum. The center’s mission is derived from MSU’s land-grant ethic of teaching, research, and outreach. Since its inception in 1958 as a faculty interest group, the Canadian Studies Center has become a major generator of scholarship related to Canada in the United States. MSU faculty offer a broad array of courses, both undergraduate and graduate, and are involved in diverse research and outreach activities focusing on Canada and its relations with the United States, Latin America, the Pacific Basin, and Europe.

In partnership with the Canada-U.S. Fulbright program, the center hosts an annual senior Canadian Visiting Scholar and regularly arranges visits to campus of distinguished Canadian scholars, government personnel, and artists who lecture in courses, conduct seminars and colloquia, and consult with students and faculty. The annual CN Forum on Canada-U.S. Relations provides an opportunity for students and government and business leaders from Michigan and Ontario to meet with national leaders as conferences, film series, and art exhibits are presented.

The center supports the Freshman Seminar Abroad in Quebec City and seeks to make resources available to Michigan public schools and programs. In addition, center faculty consult with the private and public sector on issues affecting Canada and maintain inter-institutional relationships with Canadian universities. The MSU Libraries rank among the top ten U.S. libraries in its support of Canadian Studies programs, and the MSU Press is a major U.S. publisher of scholarly books and monographs on Canada.

For more information, call 1-517-353-9349, email, or visit

Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies

Volodymyr Tarabara, Director

Michigan State University offers hundreds of undergraduate and graduate courses relating to Europe, Eurasia, and the former Soviet Union. The Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies facilitates teaching, research, and outreach activities relating to these areas. There are two undergraduate minors directly associated with the Center: the European Studies minor and the Russian and Eurasian Studies minor. MSU faculty direct study abroad programs in 25 countries in the region including Azerbaijan, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

The center coordinates visiting speakers, film series, conferences and workshops of interest to students, faculty, and the surrounding community. Numerous opportunities for study in Europe and Eurasia are available, with support from the center’s 70 core faculty and numerous partnerships with universities throughout Europe and Eurasia. The center also serves as a resource for elementary and secondary schools as well as for civic organizations and groups throughout the state.

For information about the minor in Russian and Eurasian Studies, refer to the College of Arts and Letters section of this catalog. For information about the minor in European Studies, refer to the James Madison College section of this catalog.

For additional information, call 1-517-355-3277, email, or visit

Center for Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship (Global IDEAS)

Allan Hruska, Director

Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship (Global IDEAS) catalyzes interdisciplinary thought, research, and action to solve global challenges in an international development context. We facilitate communities of practice; build partnerships and community, identify opportunities for faculty and staff to develop proposals, and provide a suite of services in proposal development and program implementation that includes effective and timely management of project start-up. 

Global IDEAS offers services to MSU faculty and researchers interested in engaging in international development. Via the Community of Practice on Global Development, we bring together MSU colleagues into conversations with important stakeholders on campus, across the country, and around the globe. These sessions deepen and broaden the contacts, networks, and discussions of challenges and potential opportunities to engage directly in their mitigation. 

Global IDEAS provides ongoing tools and services to faculty members to identify research team members and funding opportunities. This includes a weekly funding newsletter, an online database of funding opportunities, and a database of over 1300 MSU faculty and researchers engaged in international work. Our team also manages and uses the International Data Portal that provides public-facing information about MSU’s international engagement and helps to build new partnerships.

Global IDEAS supports and coordinates larger international development proposals. We provide a suite of services in proposal development, including partner negotiation, budget preparation and routing, timeline and task identification and agreements, proposal review and evaluation, packaging and submission. We also support project start-up, especially during the first six-month period.

We work with partners around the world in the context of our Equitable Partnership policy. Global IDEAS supports teams of researchers and innovators and MSU leadership to strategically build our global community and deepen our global impact within the framework of MSU strategic plan.


Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Laurie Medina, Director

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) supports scholarship on Latin America and the Caribbean by catalyzing interdisciplinary collaborations on campus and forging partnerships with institutions in the region. The center identifies emerging opportunities for research, educational exchanges, and engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean and serves as an information hub for faculty and students with interests in the region. 

The CLACS Core Faculty consists of more than 150 tenure-stream and non-tenure-stream faculty and staff actively engaged in teaching, research, service, and librarianship on Latin America and the Caribbean. Representing 65 departments and programs across 16 MSU colleges, core faculty members offer a broad range of courses that focus on the region, covering languages and literatures, histories and politics, ecologies and economic development trajectories. CLACS collaborates with faculty to organize co-curricular events to support and enhance their Latin American and Caribbean content courses. To support faculty research, the center offers Strategic Partnership Funding for collaborations with international partners at institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

MSU offers academic and extracurricular opportunities for students interested in Latin America and the Caribbean. For undergraduates, MSU offers an interdisciplinary major in Global and International Studies with a track in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as an interdisciplinary minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies that can be combined with any major. The center provides scholarships for undergraduate students to pursue study abroad, internships, or research opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean. At the graduate level, CLACS offers a certificate in Latin American and Caribbean Studies that can be combined with majors in any academic discipline. It also offers funding to support pre-dissertation research in the region for graduate students. In addition, CLACS collaborates with organizations that represent students from the region to create programs and events that address their priorities.

As part of the land grant tradition, CLACS also provides expertise and educational resources related to Latin America and the Caribbean to K-16 educators, the mid-Michigan community, businesses, and government.

For more information, email, call 1-517-353-1690, or visit

Office for International Students and Scholars

Krista McCallum Beatty, Director

The Office for International Students and Scholars, or OISS, provides services and support to Michigan State University’s international students, scholars, employees and families who study, conduct research, and teach at MSU. These services include advising on immigration regulations, health insurance and health care, student success and well-being, financial needs, and other personal concerns in order to support successful experiences on campus and in the community. OISS creates engagement opportunities designed to help students and scholars build a sense of belonging in the U.S. and at MSU, and contribute to the internationalization of the campus and surrounding communities. Engagement opportunities include orientation, cultural events, workshops on intercultural communication, and ways for campus and community members to get involved in creating a welcoming community through volunteering. OISS is MSU’s primary information resource on issues related to international students and scholars, collaborating with administrative offices, academic colleges, departments, and schools, student affairs and the local community. The office also acts as a liaison with national and international organizations and agencies to best serve MSU international students and scholars.

For more information, call 1-517-353-1720, email, or visit

Office of Education Abroad

A key component of excellence in higher education today, study abroad is an integral part of the student experience, especially at MSU where one in four seniors have studied abroad by the time they graduate. Participating in MSU’s nationally-recognized study abroad program helps its students prepare for our global society – gaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare them for the challenges of living and working in a globalized world. With over 275 study abroad programs including every continent, students have access to study, intern, and research in more than 60 countries. A wide variety of courses abroad are available including Integrative Studies, required electives, and major-specific courses. Programs take place during every semester including winter and spring breaks, which, in combination with the diverse course selection and the variety of locations makes it possible for all majors to participate. Additionally, MSU offers a freshman seminars abroad that provide recently-graduated first-year students the opportunity to explore learning outside of the U.S. before their first semester on campus.

The Office of Education Abroad also administers the American Semester program, which allows students from MSU’s international partner universities to study at MSU for a semester or two and transfer credits to their home institution.

Students are encouraged to explore study abroad opportunities as early as the summer before their freshman year. For additional information, see the Guest Status at Another Institution in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog.

For more information, visit the Study Abroad Advising Center in room 108 of the International Center, call 1-517-353-8920, email, or visit


Center for Gender in Global Context

The Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) in International Studies and Programs (ISP) draws together the strengths of the program in Women, Gender, and Social Justice in the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Social Science and the Gender, Development and Globalization Program in ISP. These programs have historically looked at gender in the U.S. and in international contexts. The center emphasizes women and gender in a global context, with distinctive new programs promoting teaching, research, and outreach relevant to 21st century concerns.

Working in conjunction with the academic colleges, the center promotes outstanding undergraduate and graduate education, facilitates research and scholarship of the highest caliber, and conducts innovative outreach and active learning. The center also works with colleges and departments to provide students with academic and active learning opportunities focused on gender and global change through gender-related degrees, specializations, and minors.

GenCen is recognized as a National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI program. The center publishes Gendered Perspectives on International Development (GPID) Working Papers and Resource Bulletin, publications featuring scholarly work and the most recent set of resources in international gender and development studies and issues.

Through its grant-writing services, GenCen promotes interdisciplinary, gender-focused faculty research. The center also sponsors speakers’ series, colloquia and other events during the year.

For more information, call 1-517-353-5040, email or visit

Information Technology Services

Melissa Woo, Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Information Officer

Global technology trends increasingly shape and raise expectations of students, prospective students, faculty, researchers, staff, alumni, and visitors to Michigan State University.

To meet these digital expectations, Information Technology Services (MSU IT) works with academic, auxiliary, and administrative leaders to provide the primary leadership for strategic, financial, and policy initiatives utilizing technology across MSU.



Students, faculty, researchers, staff, alumni, and visitors increasingly experience Michigan State University through a digital lens. Our community expects contemporary, mobile, and digital solutions for research, teaching and learning, advancement activities, and enterprise systems.

MSU IT’s mission is to enable the University’s excellence in education, research, and outreach through the delivery of world class information technology solutions. The services that MSU IT offers include online learning services, user support, digital collaboration tools, wireless and wired network connectivity, data storage, analytics, cybersecurity, and enterprise administrative applications.

MSU IT services are designed to:

  • Stabilize, manage, and improve core technology services such as the wireless and wired network, and data storage to support the university’s growth.
  • Enable student, faculty, and staff success through providing technology services that assist them in achieving their goals.
  • Provide a cybersecurity framework with standards and initiatives to help protect institutional data.
  • Integrate data and information so it is readily accessible and useful for learning, research, analytics, and administrative work. 
MSU IT’s technology solutions support educators and students through access to instructional design and pedagogy course workshops, campus computer labs and technology classrooms, and other collaborative technology tools.

MSU IT oversees the university’s wired and wireless network, data center, identity and access management, data storage, and MSU NetID and Spartan Card activities.

MSU IT oversees cybersecurity through university initiatives like multi-factor authentication, vulnerability management, incident response, and establishes IT standards, guidelines, and policies.

MSU IT Service Desk provides technology support for the MSU community 24/7/365 on the phone and
online. The MSU Tech Store provides educational discounts and in-person technology assistance except
when the university is under remote operations.

The IT Service Desk can be contacted at, or by phone at 1-517-432-6200 (toll free 1-844-678-6200).

Please visit for information about MSU IT.


Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Laboratory

Thomas Glasmacher, Director

Located on south campus, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Laboratory is the world’s leading laboratory for education and research in rare-isotope science, and a leading laboratory in accelerator science and in applications of rare isotopes to meet societal needs. The FRIB Laboratory is a major administrative unit within Michigan State University. FRIB’s staff of approximately 800 includes faculty, postdoctoral fellows, technicians, engineers, and graduate and undergraduate students.  

FRIB contributes to training the next generation of U.S science and technical talent. MSU’s nuclear physics graduate program has been a top-ranked program nationally for 29 years, according to U.S. News and World Report, and MSU awards 15 percent of the nation’s nuclear physics PhDs annually. At FRIB, graduate student researchers conduct groundbreaking research and develop new technology in the areas of experimental or theoretical nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, nuclear astrophysics, cryogenic engineering, accelerator physics and engineering, and related computational science alongside leading scientists and engineers from around the world. FRIB is world-unique and features custom FRIB-developed technology and instrumentation to operate FRIB and harness its power to enable scientists to pursue research and derive knowledge not possible elsewhere. The doctoral degree programs are administered through MSU academic departments, primarily Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, and Engineering departments. Admission and program of study are subject to the regulations of the appropriate department. The FRIB Laboratory plays an important role in undergraduate education, providing experience for undergraduate students in a highly stimulating environment where students are exposed to forefront nuclear science research and technologies. FRIB employs about 145 undergraduate students.

MSU operates the FRIB scientific user facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC), supporting the mission of the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics. FRIB is the only accelerator-based DOE-SC user facility on a university campus. 

The FRIB Laboratory ensures the nation’s continued competitiveness in nuclear science by using innovative technology needed for groundbreaking rare-isotope experiments. FRIB enables scientific research with fast, stopped, and reaccelerated rare-isotope beams produced by in-beam fragmentation, supporting a community of approximately 1,800 scientists from around the world. 

Visit or email

University Outreach and Engagement

Dr. Kwesi Craig C. Brookins, Vice Provost

The Office of the Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement (UOE) supports the academic mission of the university by facilitating community-engaged scholarship, including community-engaged research and creative activities, teaching and learning, service, and commercialized activities. Keys ways that UOE supports the community-engaged work of MSU faculty, staff, students, and community include:

  • Creating and sustaining community-university partnership networks that address critical issues through reciprocal, systemic, mutually beneficial activities
  • Consulting on the design, implementation, and assessment of collaborative research and its broader impacts
  • Providing professional development and learning programs that build capacity for community engagement and scholar- ship
  • Documenting engaged scholarship across MSU and recognizing exemplary community engagement
  • Working with units to institutionalize community engagement and leading national conversations about engaged scholarship

In addition, UOE units:

  • Support over 22,000 students annually in community-engaged academic and co-curricular experiences in collaboration with the Office of Student Life and Engagement
  • Provide opportunities for the public to engage with the university through the MSU Science Festival and other public venues
  • Engage in research and learning activities focused on community and economic development and the concerns of Latino, Native American, and other marginalized communities
  • Conduct programming for gifted and talented youth and, under-resourced students, and provide information for families about MSU K-12 programs
  • Provide space and connections in Detroit, Lansing, and Flint

For more information, visit,  e-mail, or call 1-517-353-8977. University Outreach and Engagement is housed on the Garden Level, Kellogg Center.


Julian Samora Research Institute

Dr. Kwesi Brookins, Interim Director

The Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI) generates, disseminates, and applies knowledge to serve the needs of Latino communities in the Midwest and the United States.  To achieve its mission, the JSRI:  1) serves as the hub of an interdisciplinary research program on social, cultural, health and economic issues confronting Latino populations and communities;  2) advances Latino scholarship by encouraging and supporting Latino-focused faculty and students to conduct research and engage in mentoring, research assistantships, fellowships, symposia and related activities; and 3) transmits and disseminates knowledge and research findings to various academic, government, community and private institutions and officials.

In addition, JSRI provides technical expertise to the broader community on policy development issues facing Latinos, and promotes the development of Latino cultural and human capital through leadership development, community empowerment, and education.  Through the generation, transmission and application of knowledge, JSRI is committed to transforming lives.  By engaging Latino-focused researchers, agencies, practitioners, policymakers and Latino communities in collaborative learning, community-based projects, and responsive engagement, JSRI joins University Outreach and Engagement and the larger university community in contributing to the advancement of the larger society – both locally and globally.

For more information, visit, e-mail, or call 1-517-432-1317. JSRI is housed on the Garden Level, Kellogg Center.

Center for Community and Economic Development

Rex LaMore, Director

The Center for Community and Economic Development is committed to creating, applying, and disseminating valued knowledge through responsive engagement, strategic partnerships, and collaborative learning. We are dedicated to co-creating sustainable prosperity and equitable economies with communities.

Since its establishment in downtown Lansing, Michigan, in 1969, CCED, in partnership with public and private organizations, has developed and conducted numerous innovative programs that address local concerns while building the capacity of students, scholars and communities to address future challenges. This work includes the MSU EDA University Center for Regional and Economic Innovation (REI), funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration (EDA). REI supports innovative MSU Student Led-Faculty guided partnership (credit and non-credit) in the community and economic development throughout the state of Michigan. CCED focuses its resources on the unique challenges of distressed communities throughout the state of Michigan.

In carrying out the mission of the CCED we:

  • Create and support an innovative learning environment for collaborative learning in community and economic development
  • Provide training and direct assistance designed to increase the capabilities of community-based organizations, private enterprises and public institutions
  • Conduct research that assists in the development and implementation of effective problem-solving strategies
  • Provide a multidisciplinary capacity to respond to the complex, interrelated issues of distressed communities
  • Promote and expand MSU's capacity to provide needed training, direct assistance, and research to address the issues of communities
For more information, visit, email, or call 1-517-353-9555. CCED is housed at 1615 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI.

Native American Institute

Kevin Leonard, Interim Director

The Native American Institute (NAI) was founded in October 1981 with the mission to help Tribal Nations, Native communities, Indigenous organizations, businesses, and Native partners on and off campus plan and prepare to meet the current and future needs of their communities. Through this time period, Michigan tribes achieved significant advances in their community and economic development. The NAI has worked to provide assistance and add value to these community development efforts wherever and whenever possible.

NAI supports campus and community collaboration and provides opportunities for faculty, staff, students and the public to learn about issues facing American Indians and Indigenous peoples. Through these efforts, NAI promotes sovereignty, self-determination, preservation of Anishinaabeg culture and language, traditional knowledge, capacity building, leadership and well-being as defined by Tribal Nations and Indigenous partners across the state. In alignment with our mission and core values, the NAI supports collaborative scholarship and programming for Tribal Nations, Native communities, Indigenous organizations, businesses, and Native partners on and off campus.

For more information, visit, email, or call 1-517-353-6632. NAI is housed on the Garden Level, Kellogg Center.

Office of the President

Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., President

Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

Jabbar R. Bennett, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

The Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion works to advance Michigan State University’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategic priorities. The office plays a key role in meeting federal, state and local compliance requirements for equal opportunity in admissions, recruitment, retention, advancement, and organizational operations. In addition, the office helps to lead and coordinate a range of initiatives and programs that aim to increase diversity, ensure equity, promote inclusion and advance outreach and engagement across the institution. The office partners with senior executives, faculty, staff, students and alumni to support the safety, well-being and overall success of members of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged groups, and offers a broad spectrum of educational and training opportunities which promote a culture of dignity, respect, empathy and accountability at Michigan State University.  

For more information, visit; email; or call 1-517-353-4563.


Research Integrity Officer

Charles Cox, Research Integrity Officer

The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is responsible for ensuring the MSU Procedures concerning Allegations of Misconduct in Research and Creative Activities are carried out in an unbiased, confidential, and professional manner. Research Misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or any other practice, that seriously deviates from practices commonly accepted in the discipline or in the academic and research communities generally in proposing, performing, reviewing, or reporting research and creative activities. Misconduct does not include honest error or honest differences in the interpretation or judgment of data. Initial inquiries regarding potential research misconduct cases are held in strict confidence. The RIO is located at Wills House, 287 Delta Court, Room 106 and can be reached at 1-517-432-6698 or by e-mail at  Visit for more information.

The MSU Alumni Office

The MSU Alumni Office continues to evolve in the ways in which it provides value to the university, alumni community, collegiate peers, corporate partners, students and fans of the university. With a focus on philanthropy, service and learning we provide a wide-range of opportunities for Spartans to stay connected to the university. From annual events such as our Global Day of Service, Grandparents University, Alumni University, Homecoming, Spartan Pathways Travel and Odyssey to Oxford to hundreds of in-person engagement opportunities across the United States and around the world; through both regional events hosted by our own staff as well as a variety of events conducted by over 125 alumni clubs across the globe.

For those who cannot be with us in person, The MSU Alumni Office offers hundreds of online engagement opportunities through our Web site in a variety of subject matter. By offering a wide variety of programming developed alongside our campus partners, we're able to offer experiences for Spartans both near and far. This includes original online content created by the MSU Alumni Office, livestreams of guest lecturers, some of MSU's favorite professors, and high-profile alumni who are transforming the world today.

The MSU Alumni Office embodies Michigan State University's world-grant mission to make the world a better place through collective Spartan power. Through engagement and continuing education, The MSU Alumni Office fosters lifelong connections with more than 500,000 Spartans around the world. Visit


Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance (OCR)

Nicole Schmidtke, Title IX Coordinator

The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance (OCR) is comprised of the Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department (POE), the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), the Office of the ADA Coordinator, Support & Equity Office, and the Resolution Office (RO). OCR supports the campus community in creating and maintaining a safe environment and a culture of respect through educating all campus community members regarding how to prevent, identify, appropriately respond to, and report discrimination, harassment, stalking, sexual assault, and relationship violence; conducting impartial, fair, supportive, and equitable investigations of complaints under MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy (RVSM Policy) and MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy (ADP); and connecting those impacted by discrimination, harassment, relationship violence, and sexual misconduct with campus and community resources. For more information, please visit OCR’s website at or phone at 1-517-355-3960.



Shannon Lynn Burton, University Ombudsperson

The University Ombudsperson is appointed by the President to help students resolve disputes in a confidential, impartial, independent, and informal manner. After assessing the validity of each complaint, the University Ombudsperson advises students on possible remedies and, where indicated, actively assist students in securing a fair resolution of the matter. The Ombudsperson also advises faculty, administrators, and staff of university policies and regulations that might guide their decisions. To support these efforts, the Office of the University Ombudsperson has broad powers of investigation, including direct and ready access to university officers and faculty and to official records. Communication with the Office of the University Ombudsperson does not put the university on notice. The Office of the University Ombudsperson was established in 1967 with the adoption of Student Rights and Responsibilities at Michigan State University. For further information, see, or e-mail or call 1-517-353-8830.


Office of the Provost

Thomas D. Jeitschko, Ph.D., Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs provides leadership for matters that affect academic programs, research, and outreach. The Provost is the principal academic officer of the University with administrative responsibility for the colleges including the Michigan State University College of Law, academic programs, and all academic units including the Honors College and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.

The Office of the Provost also has administrative responsibility for academic support units: Undergraduate Education; the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation; International Studies and Programs; the Graduate School; Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs; Enrollment and Academic Strategic Planning (including the Office of Admissions, the Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of the Registrar); Faculty and Academic Staff Development; University Collections and Arts Initiatives; University Health and Wellbeing; Accreditation, Assessment, Curriculum, and Compliance; MSU Libraries; Student-Athlete Support Services; University Outreach and Engagement ; the WorkLife Office; and the Office of Academic Governance.

In addition, the Office has university-wide responsibility for summer session programs, commencement, liaison with academic governance standing committees, and awards for faculty and graduate assistants.

The Office of the Provost has responsibility at the dean’s level for the Department of Aerospace Studies and the Department of Military Science. The two departmental units and selected administrative units are described in the statements which follow.

For more information visit, e-mail, or call 1-517-355-6550.

Department of Aerospace Studies

The United States Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) is a nationwide program that allows students to pursue commissions (become officers) in the United States Air Force (USAF) or United States Space Force (USSF) while simultaneously attending college. The program consists of three-year, four-year, or five-year academic programs depending on the student's major. The program is broken into two distinct segments; the General Military Corps (GMC) and the Professional Officer Corps (POC), both of which are taken on-campus. In addition, prior to admission into the POC, AFROTC cadets must complete a two--week field training encampment off-campus.

AFROTC classes are held on college campuses in the United States and Puerto Rico, and students register through normal course registration processes.  AFROTC consists of Aerospace Studies classes (Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force, Team and Leadership Fundamentals, Leading People and Effective Communication, and National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty), and a corresponding Leadership Laboratory for each year whereby students apply leadership skills, demonstrate command and effective communication, develop physical fitness, and practice military customs and courtesies.  College students enrolled in the AFROTC program are known as “cadets.”  Cadets who successfully complete both AFROTC training and college requirements will graduate and simultaneously commission as Second Lieutenants in the active duty Air Force.



The AFROTC program offers qualified high school applicants the opportunity to compete for a 4-year scholarship.  The application may be submitted online from July 1st of the student’s junior year through December 31st of their senior year of high school.  Visit for more information and the application for the High School Scholarship program.

In-College Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis for 2 to 3.5 years.  Applicants competing for In-College Scholarships must be enrolled as a cadet and nominated by a member of the detachment cadre (professor, associate, or assistant professors).  Enrollment in AFROTC courses alone does not constitute grounds for scholarship consideration.

Scholarships cover tuition, fees, a book allowance, and a monthly subsistence allowance referred to as a “stipend.”  Stipends range from $300-$500 monthly depending on the student’s academic classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).


General Military Course (GMC)

The GMC consists of four 1-credit courses, normally completed during the freshman and sophomore years.  The AS 100 level, "Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force," is a survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force.  The AS 200 level, "Team and Leadership Fundamentals," focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. The topics include skills that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. The courses will prepare cadets for their field training experience where they will be able to put the concepts learned into practice. The purpose is to instill a leadership mindset and to motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate.

Students in the three-year program must be concurrently enrolled in both the freshman (100-level) and the sophomore (200-level) courses each semester of their sophomore year.

Portions of the GMC may be accredited for students with prior military experience or for students who transfer from another ROTC program.


Professional Officers Course (POC)

Students are accepted into the POC on a competitive basis provided they have at least two years of full-time undergraduate course work remaining.  Performance in the GMC and the Field Training encampment are among the factors considered.

The POC consists of four 3-credit courses that extend over a two-year period.  The AS 300 level, "Leading People and Effective Communication," teaches cadets advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.  The AS 400 level, "National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty," is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The final semester provides information that will prepare the cadets for Active Duty.

Students who successfully complete the requirements of the POC and their degree programs will be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Air Force or United States Space Force  and will enter active duty within one year.  Delay of entry to active duty to study at the master’s or doctoral level may be permitted.  There are many career opportunities individuals can qualify for, including but not limited to pilot, space and missile operations, cyberspace operations, engineering, medical and nursing career fields.


Leadership Laboratory

Leadership Laboratory consists of a series of 1-credit hour labs that accompany the academic class each semester throughout the program.  As part of the GMC and POC, the student is a member of an organized cadet corps that conducts a leadership laboratory.  Instruction is conducted within the framework of the cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop each student’s leadership potential.

Field Training

Students in the program compete to attend a two to three-week field training encampment at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL.  Students attend this encampment the summer between their sophomore and junior years.  Encampment expenses are paid for by the U.S. Air Force.

Professional Development Training (PDT)

PDTs are an integral component to the AFROTC curriculum and are comprised of outside-the-classroom events intended to motivate and inspire GMC cadets and to further development and enhance leadership skills for POC cadets.  PDTs are designed to progress cadets from academic experience into operational application and understanding of the Air Force.  Opportunities include Summer Programs at or with the United States Air Force Academy such as SOAR, Field Engineering Readiness Laboratory, Operations Air Force at various bases around the globe, or internships with the Air Force Research Laboratory and Air Force Global Strike Command, to name a few. For more information, visit; email; or call 1-517-355-2168. 


Department of Military Science

The U.S. Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Program offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to qualify as commissioned officers in the United States Army. The ROTC program provides preparation for leadership in any profession, military or civilian.


General Eligibility Requirements

To enroll in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, the student must:

  1. Be of good moral character.
  2. Be a citizen of the United States. (Foreign nationals may enroll by special request.)
  3. Be enrolled as a full–time student at Michigan State University.
  4. Execute an oath of loyalty to the United States.
  5. Not be a conscientious objector.

Additional requirements exist for Advanced Course participation. Contact the Department of Military Science for specific information.

Uniforms and Textbooks

The department provides students with Army uniforms and equipment required for military training. Students also receive all textbooks required for Military Science classes from the department. Upon graduation or dis-enrollment, students must return all materials and equipment to the department.

ROTC Scholarships

The ROTC program offers four-year, three-year, and two-year scholarships to qualified students. An Army ROTC scholarship can provide all or most of the tuition and fees at Michigan State University.  The scholarship also provides an allowance for text books. Scholarship students also receive a monthly allowance for up to ten months per year ranging from $300 to $500. Scholarship students must meet university admissions criteria.

ROTC Basic Course

The Basic Course, normally completed in the freshman and sophomore years, provides the student with a general knowledge of the military's role in our society, and the missions of the Army.  It is possible for a sophomore to complete the Basic Course in one year through prior arrangement with the department. Non-scholarship students incur no military obligation for participating in or completing the Basic Course. Successful completion of the Basic Course is a prerequisite for enrollment in the ROTC Advanced course.  Additionally, selected sophomores and juniors can also qualify for the Basic Course by completing ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, KY in the summer, or through prior military service, either active or reserve.

ROTC Advanced Course

The Advanced Course is the professional phase of the ROTC program. The Advanced Course includes courses in leadership skills, training and personnel management, ethics, military justice, and military tactics. Students must complete a military history course through the Department of Military Science or through another approved list of MSU approved courses. Military Science IV students must complete a department approved staff ride during their final year of studies. Finally, all Advanced Course cadets must meet the Army standards for physical fitness and height/weight requirements. All Advanced Course students must attend a four–week Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY.  Students normally attend the Advanced Camp the summer between their junior and senior years.

Upon satisfactory completion of the Advanced Course requirements and the awarding of the bachelor's degree, the student is eligible for a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, the U.S. Army Reserve, or the Army National Guard.

Special Opportunities

Selected students participating in the ROTC program may attend Airborne, Air Assault, Sapper Leader Course, Mountain Warfare, or Northern Warfare training. Additionally, selected students have the opportunity to participate in a Project Global Officer, Nurse Summer Training Program, or Cadet Troop Leadership Training in which they perform the duties of an officer at an Army installation. Non–scholarship students in the Advanced Course may elect to serve as officer trainees in local National Guard and Army Reserve units, thereby receiving additional training, experience, and financial support while attending college.


Credit for Previous Military Training

Students with previous collegiate military training may receive transfer credit for corresponding Military Science courses completed satisfactorily in a senior division ROTC unit in another college or university. Students with prior military service may enroll for Advanced Course training. See

Selected Administrative Units

Office of Financial Aid

Keith Williams, Executive Director

The core mission of the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) is to assist Michigan State University students in funding their educational costs through federal, state, private, and institutional financial assistance that includes grants, scholarships, fellowships, work programs, and loans.  Approximately 75% of all MSU students receive some form of financial aid.

Approximately one-half of all financial aid is awarded based upon financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which is completed annually by students and parents online at

OFA staff members advise students through individual meetings, phone calls, and e-mail regarding both short-and long-term financial assistance.  Additionally, they provide general college financing information for students, parents, faculty, staff, high school counselors, and prospective students through a variety of workshops, presentations, and events.

For information on available aid and the application process, visit the Office of Financial Aid Web site at, e-mail, or call 1-517-353-5940. Dedicated access email addresses and phone lines are available for graduate and professional students and can be found on the OFA website.


Office of Academic Governance

The Secretary for Academic Governance directs the Office of Academic Governance and serves as secretary and parliamentarian to the Academic Congress, University Council, Steering Committee, Faculty Senate, and University Committee on Academic Governance. The Office of Academic Governance provides staff support to various academic governance bodies, manages university-wide elections, and assists colleges, departments, and schools with parliamentary inquiries and the preparation and interpretation of unit bylaws.

For more information, visit, e-mail, or call 1-517-355-2337.

Student-Athlete Support Services

Todd Edwards, Executive Director

Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS) provides each student-athlete with guidance, resources and support that will enhance their development both academically and personally. This is accomplished within a proactive success driven environment that delivers quality academic services and career development opportunities.

Academic, personal and professional support is essential to college success, and Michigan State University Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS) helps student-athletes from our 23 varsity sports reach their full potential.

The SASS philosophy is to offer an academic support program, integrated with University programming, dedicated to assisting student-athletes with the transition into college. This all-encompassing support continues throughout each student-athletes collegiate career until the day they receive a diploma, lands a job, or enters graduate school.

The SASS staff, knowledgeable about NCAA and Big Ten regulations, consists of eight academic coordinators and three learning specialists. These staff members work proactively building academic profiles on each student-athlete to help uphold their rigorous academic and athletic schedules. They do this by assessing individual needs, gathering daily information on academic progress, providing academic assistance through a broad tutorial program, and assisting the development of learning strategies. Freshmen, transfer student-athletes, and those with learning disabilities receive extra attention while adjusting to their new routines in college. There are also three staff members dedicated to working in student-athlete development, which includes career development and services.

With a nationally recognized facility, the Clara Bell Smith Student-Athlete Academic Center (the Smith Center), SASS offers a wide range of services including; academic counseling, computer lab access, tutoring in all subject areas, career planning and services, community service opportunities, personal development workshops, assisting in monitoring athletic eligibility, providing priority registration, and making sure that athletes are advised about current NCAA, Big Ten and University rules and regulations.

Visit or call 1-517-355-2204.

WorkLife Office

Jamie Hutchison , Director

The WorkLife Office (WLO) supports faculty, staff, and postdocs with family care needs (including childcare, adult care, and elder care), career transitions, workplace, well-being, and assisting newcomers with relocation and community resources, along with research into best practices for workplace wellness, including flexible work arrangements  in a contemporary employment setting. Education and support around workplace dynamics, resources, and climate are provided.

The WLO collaborates with partners across campus and in the community. Through consultation, education, resources, and referrals, the WLO staff coordinates services to provide support to faculty and staff at MSU to ensure more satisfying and productive careers.

Visit:, e-mail, or call 1-517- 353-1635.


Office of Research and Innovation

Douglas A. Gage, Vice President for Research and Innovation

Research and creative activity are part of the daily life of professors and students alike at Michigan State University. What scientists learn in their laboratories becomes what they teach and transfer into the marketplace. The goal of such curiosity, creativity, and learning, is a deeper understanding of individuals, society, and the world.

In the land-grant, problem-solving tradition, Michigan State University’s research breakthroughs have improved life for people around the world, from cross-fertilization of corn in the 1870s to successful anticancer drugs in the 1960s and to current efforts in climate resilient agriculture, supply chain management, and novel approaches to STEM education.
In collaboration with the Provost, the office is responsible for recruiting outstanding faculty through MSU's Global Impact Initiative, and maintaining synergy between research and creative scholarship and the education of graduate students through The Graduate School. The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation:

  1. promotes excellence in research at Michigan State University by providing many types of support, such as:
    1. seed funding for promising research and creative activity
    2. coordination and support of the research grant proposal process
    3. the latest research training, facilities and infrastructure
    4. proactive opportunities for sponsored research
    5. protection and licensing of intellectual property
    6. support for scale-up and commercialization of technologies, and
    7. recognition of research excellence in faculty recruitment, retention, and career development
  2. oversees the ethical conduct of research, including conflict of interest issues
  3. implements university policies relevant to research and creative activities
  4. enhances the safety of researchers and research subjects
  5. assures compliance with state and federal regulations regarding research, export control, and trade sanctions
  6. seeks ways to contribute to the state’s economic development by leveraging the university's intellectual capital.
  7. serves as the interface between the Henry Ford Health and MSU Research communities.

Michigan State University has more than 100 active research centers and institutes on campus, as well as field research sites throughout the state of Michigan. The Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering (IQ) exemplifies the interdisciplinary capacity and ability to attract outstanding faculty to such entities. Most centers and institutes are interdisciplinary and several are joint initiatives between MSU and other universities around the world. Examples of these research collaborations include:

  1. The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC), Michigan State University (MSU), and the State of Michigan. Located on-campus and operated by MSU, FRIB will provide intense beams of rare isotopes, that is, short-lived nuclei not normally found on Earth.
  2. The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC), funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and led by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, to conduct transformational biofuels research.
  3. The 4.1m Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope in Cerro Pachon, Chile, operated by a consortium including Michigan State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, and the country of Brazil.

The university also maintains a wide array of research support facilities, such as the Research Technology Support Facility (RTSF), which provides technical and analytical support for biomedical and agricultural research in genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and mass spectrometry, the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER), which provides advanced computational resources for research, and the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT), which provides training, grant development, and consulting in statistics for faculty, staff, and graduate students.

The Office of Research and Innovation strongly encourages student research and creative activities at the undergraduate and the graduate level. The unit also supports entrepreneurship opportunities for students.
For more information, email, call 1-517-355-0306, or visit

MSU Bioeconomy Institute

Charles A. Hasemann, Associate Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development

The MSU Bioeconomy Institute (MSU-BI) complements and extends MSU campus research by enabling the production at scale of both biological and chemical products.  MSU-BI supports faculty, not-for-profit, and for-profit companies of all sizes by providing microbial fermentation and specialty chemical process development, scale-up,  and manufacturing. Our fermentation facility is located in Lansing, MI, while the specialty chemistry facility is in Holland, MI. The Holland facility also has extensive laboratory space available for lease to small technology-based companies, in partnership with the regional business incubation services provided by Lakeshore Advantage.

For more information, call 1-616-395-8958 or visit

Office of Research Regulatory Support

Laura McCabe, Associate Vice President for Research Regulatory Support

Michigan State University researchers seek to conduct their research in ways that protect the health and safety of research subjects and investigators, as well as the environment. The Office of Research Regulatory Support (ORRS) offers online and in-person training and other resources to help researchers assure safety in their labs, conduct research responsibly, and comply with relevant regulations. ORRS also pursues accreditation and certifications to ensure that programs relating to human and animal subjects as well as environmental health and safety meet federal regulations. These efforts aim to maintain Michigan State University‘s respected compliance record. The major units within the office include:

Human Research Protection Program (HRRP) - protects individuals who are subjects of research and/or clinical investigations through MSU's commitment to follow ethical standards described in the Belmont Report and applicable federal, state, local, and university requirements. The program is fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research  Protection Programs, Inc. The HRPP includes the offices of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Compliance, and provides support to the MSU IRB committees. For more information, call 1-517-355-2180, email or visit

Animal Care Program - Provides support and oversight of all animal-related research, teaching, and outreach at Michigan State University, including ethical review of animal care; procurement, husbandry and veterinary care of animals; training and educational opportunities; and public outreach. The animal care program is comprised of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Campus Animal Resources. The MSU animal care program is fully accredited by the AAALAC International. For more information visit

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee implements the regulatory oversight requirement; contact the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at 1-517-432-8103; or email Campus Animal Resources provides veterinary and daily husbandry care, as well as technical support, procurement and other administrative support for animal research and teaching endeavors in the biomedical housing facilities, as well as animal health oversight of agricultural species at MSU. For more information call 1-517-353-5064, or  email

Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) - serves as a proactive provider of regulatory guidance, education, training, and compliance assistance to the university community to ensure that all faculty, students, and staff work in a safe and productive environment. The office acts as the primary liaison between the university and federal, state, and local
environmental health agencies, including Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Michigan Department of Energy, Great Lakes and Environment and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. For more information, call 1-517-355-0153 or visit

Conflict Disclosures and Management (CDM) - Provides guidance and assists MSU faculty, staff, and researchers with identifying, disclosing, and managing their outside activities and potential conflicts of interest. Related to the management of conflicts of interest, CDM supports MSU’s faculty Conflict Review Committee. The office also provides training and education related to conflict of interest disclosure requirements that is consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. For more information, email or visit
Export Control and Trade Sanctions - Oversees the university's compliance with federal export control regulations, which impose controls on export controlled technologies including materials, equipment, data and software, and trade sanction regulations, which apply to certain individuals, entities and governments around the world, based on U.S. policy and national security goals. The unit maintains a university wide software license for restricted party screening and identifying lists of debarred parties and entities, and provides ongoing training programs for MSU personnel. Learn more at For more information about ORRS, call 1-517-432-4500 or visit

MSU Innovation Center

Charles Hasemann, Associate Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development

The MSU Innovation Center provides resources to MSU faculty and staff to develop and support corporate research relationships, protection and commercialization of novel innovations, new company startups, and a growing portfolio of business and community partnerships.

MSU researchers turn to the MSU Innovation Center for help translating their scientific discoveries into products and new businesses that benefit society and spur economic growth. We work directly with faculty, students and commercial partners, bringing hundreds of discoveries annually into a pipeline of patents, products and startup businesses.

The MSU Innovation Center operates just off campus in the City Center Building at 325 E. Grand River Ave. At that address, several MSU and MSU Research Foundation Groups are co-located, meeting the needs of MSU’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

MSU Business-CONNECT - serves as the front door for businesses to connect with MSU  researchers, and facilities to advance technologies and research. These project partnerships can be with large multinational organizations or small business enterprises alike. The unit negotiates all of MSU's corporate sponsored projects, which total more than $25 million annually.

MSU Technologies - facilitates MSU's technology transfer and commercialization, supporting commercial development and public use of technologies and licensable copyrighted materials developed by MSU faculty and staff. Whether it's guidance on the patent process, identifying funding opportunities for technology development, or securing a license, MSU Technologies can assist. Over the past several years, $4 million in royalties have been annually distributed to MSU faculty members and  their departments to be reinvested in research.  MSUT also supports MSU’s research enterprise by finalizing confidentiality agreements, material transfer agreements and data use agreements.

Spartan Innovations - helps MSU's students and faculty launch sustainable startups. This subsidiary of the MSU Research Foundation supports their efforts by connecting them to experienced business leaders, investors, and cultivating community collaborations.

Learn more at or visit us on social: @msuinnovation.


MSU St. Andrews

Charles Hasemann, Associate Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development
Troy Terwillegar, Site Manager

Michigan State University engages in exploratory and development chemistry in the historic St. Andrews Laboratory in Midland, Michigan. From this base, and in partnership with MSU Extension, we also operate a STEAM education center, providing valuable learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics to students of all ages K-12, their families, and teachers from throughout the Great Lakes Bay area. Support for both the facility and educational programming is provided by a number of  Midland area family foundations. Visit or call 1-989-374-9904 for more information.


Sponsored Programs Administration

Twila Reighley, Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration

The Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) office departments, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA), collaborate with MSU's researchers and administrators to provide effective and efficient administration throughout the proposal and award cycle. The MSU research award life cycle includes proposal development and submission, award negotiation and acceptance, account setup and modifications, award management, and lastly, award closeout. Learn more by visiting Please email or with questions, or call 1-517-355-5040.

Division of Student Life and Engagement


Gender and Sexuality Campus Center

The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC), leads and collaborates on university initiatives to prepare students to thrive in a diverse world. We enhance the campus climate, as well as academic and support services for students marginalized by their sexuality or gender identity. We serve as a hub for information, resources and opportunities for LGBTQIA2S+ students, such as social, academic and community organizations, counseling and other advocacy. We provide consultation to faculty, staff and student leaders regarding individual student issues; creating inclusive and affirming practices; and curricular and cocurricular learning around sexuality and gender.

For more information, contact the GSCC at 1-517-353-9520; email; or visit

Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions

The Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions (OCAT) supports students as they navigate cross-cultural encounters and develop a cultural identity. OCAT engages students on issues related to academic transitions, culture, race and ethnicity. Specifically, OCAT prompts students’ involvement in broad-based university learning experiences (e.g., education abroad, alternative spartan breaks, internships, etc.), while also connecting them to campus resources, people and programs that lead to deeper student learning and personal success. In part, the office accomplishes this by building critical alliances and connections with academic units. OCAT strives to bring together individuals and groups of students from diverse racial, ethnic, international and domestic backgrounds for meaningful interactions.  CAT employs multiple strategies to accomplish these goals, including signature programs, such as Maximizing academic Growth in College (MAGIC), Council on Racial Ethnic Students (CORES), Spartan Remix, and more. Visit

Career Services Network

The Career Services Network (CSN) helps students in all stages of their professional development – from the early stages of exploring career options and choosing a major, to internships and job searches. CSN support includes

  1. One-on-one advising appointments with career advisors to assist students in self-assessment, career exploration, decision-making, resumes and cover letters, job search strategies, interview preparation and negotiating offers.
  2. Career assessment tools to help students align interests and preferences to job types and work environments: Strong Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Choices 360. Assessments are interpreted with a career advisor.
  3. Career exploration events, such as guest speakers, alumni panels, networking sessions and industry trips (e.g., Spartan Start-Up entrepreneurship; sports careers; entertainment journalism; careers within government; careers in non-profits).
  4. Workshops ranging from resume writing and career exploration to networking and interviewing skills.
  5. Career Fairs, including MSU Fall Career Days, Graduate and Law School Fair, Diversity Career Fair, Summer Job and Internship Fair, Teacher and Administration Career Fair and more.
  6. On campus interviews with employers for entry-level and internship positions with over 10,000 interviews conducted annually.
  7. Career resources:  including Handshake, an interactive system that manages job, internship, part-time campus employment listings, on-campus interviews, as well as a comprehensive calendar of career events and workshops. 
For more information, visit

Community and Student Relations

The Director of Community and Student Relations serves Michigan State University students and the community with respect to MSU student-related topics, by fostering effective interactions and increasing open communication with the Mid-Michigan community. For more information, call 1-517-432-7527 (TTY 353-6651); visit 556 E. Circle Drive, Student Services Building, Room 113; or visit

OFF-CAMPUS listing service. An off-campus housing listing Service, endorsed by MSU, is available to assist students with locating apartments, houses and roommates based on personal preference and budget. The search begins at


Recreational Sports and Fitness Services

Recreational Sports and Fitness Services (RSFS) provides safe, supportive and active environments for the diverse fitness needs of the MSU community. RSFS engages the community through sports, fitness and recreation opportunities through a variety of ways, including club and intramural sports, fitness programs and numerous other opportunities. Three intramural buildings provide space for more than 25 organized intramural sports and over 28 student sports clubs. MSU students, faculty, staff, retirees and alumni may choose from a diverse array of activities, including formal league and tournament play to less competitive and informal recreational activities, exercise and fitness programs. RSFS’ Adaptive Recreation provides spaces and opportunities for persons with disabilities to take join in the activities, from hand cycles that can be checked out, to drop-in adaptive recreation, such as Boccia Ball, Pickleball and Badminton, as well as blind soccer and adaptive shooting.

For information, refer to Recreational Sports and Fitness Services in the General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations section of this catalog, call the Recreational Sports office at 1-517-355-5257,  or visit

Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities

Refer to the statement on Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities in the General Information section of this catalog for additional information.

Spartan Experiences

The Office of Spartan Experiences engages MSU students in active learning, leadership development and enhancing their education for their success. Fall Welcome and Spring Welcome events are organized by Spartan Experiences to promote academic, cultural, recreational, and personal programs that help ease students’ transition to the university.

Spartan Experiences also offers programs throughout the year to help students find opportunities to be engaged and grow while at MSU. For more information, call 1-517-355-8286 (TTY 355-2217) or visit

FRATERNITY AND SORORITY LIFE. Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) staff serves as liaisons between the university and the collegiate chapters, parents, alumni/ae and (inter)national organizations to provide educational programs, services and resources to support the ideals of Greek Life. The work of the staff and student members of FSL provides experiences that merge nearly every segment of the MSU campus community into one cohesive program, promoting self-governance, leadership development, academic achievement, community service and friendship. Staff assist the four major governing boards individually responsible for managing and providing services to their member organizations.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT and STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISING. Staff members assist student government leaders by advising, consulting, and serving as a resource on university policies and procedures.  Staff also register over 1000 student organizations, as well as the programs and events sponsored by these groups, and provide consultation to enhance student group development.  Leadership training and development programs help those in student government and other organizations increase their effectiveness as leaders.


Center for Community Engaged Learning

The Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) supports MSU faculty and students  through its programs and resources to both advance community engaged learning and prepare students for lifelong civic and social responsibility. They also support MSU faculty and academic staff to create course-based community engaged learning opportunities.

The center encourages students to develop academic, personal, professional and civic skills while making a positive difference by contributing to the common good of local, national and international communities through service.

Students can learn about volunteer opportunities at

Transportation assistance is offered to students, including maps, free CATA bus tokens and shuttle rides to select service sites in Greater Lansing. Learn more at

Service-Learning Orientations are hosted throughout the semester, to help students learn more about the “Tools of Engagement” ( which are vital for meaningful and effective community engagement experiences. 

Advisors are available to assist MSU service/civic-oriented registered student organizations. The office has long-standing advising relationships with several prominent MSU student organizations (e.g., Alternative Spartan Breaks, Spartans Rebuilding Michigan, etc.) and we are eager to connect with and support other similar student groups.

Academic Consultants offer their educational expertise to help faculty and students identify and utilize high-impact teaching strategies to maximize service-learning outcomes.

Campus and Community Networking to help faculty, staff, students, and community agencies identify potential partnerships and connect with other like-minded campus/community members.

Learn more about CCEL


MSUvote is a non-partisan campus committee focused on increasing registered student voters and informing and educating students on candidates and issues to bolster student participation in elections. MSUvote provides resources on registering to vote and voter guides for each state and Washington D.C. For questions or information about MSUvote resources and services, visit the Student Services Building, or visit


Student Veterans Resource Center

The Student Veterans Resource Center (SVRC) supports and helps military personnel and their families find and navigate information, resources and others who will support their success at Michigan State University.

The center provides numerous services and support, including space for meetings, studying and socializing; VA benefits and health information; financial aid application support; transition services; career development and employment/internship opportunities; and referrals to programs and services, both on and off the MSU campus.

Find more information at where messages can also be sent to the team under the About Us tab. 


Student Parent Resource Center

The Student Parent Resource Center (SPRC) provides support, resources and campus and community connections for MSU student parents. While that looks different for each family, SPRC, located in the University Village Community Center, this team of three works supports MSU student parents, so they can focus on academics, their experience and development, successfully reaching graduation and their families.

SPRC helps student parents meet and build their community with other student parent peers, integrate with the rest of MSU and fulfill needs that are outside of the classroom and college experience, such as food, diapers and childcare.

Learn more at Contact the office at 517-432-3745 or


Women*s Student Services

Women*s Student Services (WSS) works to promote diversity, equity and inclusion for a safer, more respectful, and more welcoming campus. The center provides a variety of programs and services, including workshops focused on leadership and mentoring, the WILD Conference and Fem Fest.

Learn more at To contact the office, call 1-517-355-8286 or email


Pre-College Opportunities

Upward Bound Program

Upward Bound of Michigan State University is a previously federally funded program designed to help disadvantaged youths with academic potential todevelop and refine skills for post-secondary education.

Once a part of the Trio Programs established by the U.S. Congress in accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, the program is now fully funded by Michigan State University. For more than fifty years, this federally funded program has provided academic enrichment to hundreds of high school youth in the Lansing area. These students traditionally have come from low-income families and/or families in which neither parent has obtained a bachelor’s degree.

The program partners with Lansing School District’s Everett, Sexton, and Eastern High Schools to help approximately 125 Lansing-area high school first-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors develop the academic and social skills necessary for matriculation in post-secondary education. Upward Bound provides admissions, financial aid counseling, and academic assistance to participants to expedite their admission to college. It also serves as a forum for university units to examine concepts and methods related to the recruitment, instruction, and motivation of students from less advantaged backgrounds.

The Upward Bound program continues to expand opportunities for its students by offering experiences through a variety of programs focusing on cultural enrichment and personal growth. This includes study skills, workshops, cultural field trips, study abroad opportunities, college visits, career exploration, and job shadowing experiences. In addition, it provides programs to help parents and students navigate the financial aid process.

MSU’s Upward Bound Program office is located in South Wonders Hall, Room S36. Call 1-517-353-6701 or visit


Gifted and Talented Programs

Serving as a major resource for the state of Michigan, Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs provide curricula designed for academically gifted pre-college students. Accelerated Common Core compliant academic year programming is available for high achieving students in grades 7-10 to earn high school credit. Programs are: Cooperative Highly Accelerated Mathematics Program (CHAMP), Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature (ISHALL), Michigan’s Accelerated NihonGo for Americans (M.A.N.G.A. – Japanese Language and Culture), Accelerated Chinese Experience (ACE – Chinese Language and Culture) and Amo Linguam Latinam (ALL Latin language).

Summer programs for grades 3-11 offer both commuter and residential options. The Mathematics, Science, and Technology (MST) summer program provides curriculum for students who excel in STEAM fields. The Intensive Studies for Gifted and Talented (IS4GT) is a one-week advanced program in a specific concentrated curriculum for gifted students grades 6-11. Gifted University for Parents and Precocious Youth (GUPPY) is designed for young gifted and talented students (3-6 grades) to attend classes taught by MSU faculty and staff at Michigan State University for the week or weekend. This GATE program will offer young, gifted students a variety of accelerated exploratory educational presentations and hands-on experiences. For additional curriculum and application information visit, email, or call 1-517-432-2129.