Academic Programs Catalog

Other Departments and Offices for Research and Services

Office of Research and Innovation

Office of Research Regulatory Support

Laura McCabe, Associate Vice President for Research Regulatory Support

Michigan State University researchers seek to conduct their research in ways that protect the health and safety of research subjects and investigators, as well as the environment. The Office of Research Regulatory Support (ORRS) offers online and in-person training and other resources to help researchers assure safety in their labs, conduct research responsibly, and comply with relevant regulations. ORRS also pursues accreditation and certifications to ensure that programs relating to human and animal subjects as well as environmental health and safety meet federal regulations. These efforts aim to maintain Michigan State University‘s respected compliance record. The major units within the office include:

Human Research Protection Program (HRRP) - protects individuals who are subjects of research and/or clinical investigations through MSU's commitment to follow ethical standards described in the Belmont Report and applicable federal, state, local, and university requirements. The program is fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research  Protection Programs, Inc. The HRPP includes the offices of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Compliance, and provides support to the MSU IRB committees. For more information, call 1-517-355-2180, email or visit

Animal Care Program - Provides support and oversight of all animal-related research, teaching, and outreach at Michigan State University, including ethical review of animal care; procurement, husbandry and veterinary care of animals; training and educational opportunities; and public outreach. The animal care program is comprised of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Campus Animal Resources. The MSU animal care program is fully accredited by the AAALAC International. For more information visit

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee implements the regulatory oversight requirement; contact the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at 1-517-432-8103; or email Campus Animal Resources provides veterinary and daily husbandry care, as well as technical support, procurement and other administrative support for animal research and teaching endeavors in the biomedical housing facilities, as well as animal health oversight of agricultural species at MSU. For more information call 1-517-353-5064, or  email

Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) - serves as a proactive provider of regulatory guidance, education, training, and compliance assistance to the university community to ensure that all faculty, students, and staff work in a safe and productive environment. The office acts as the primary liaison between the university and federal, state, and local
environmental health agencies, including Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Michigan Department of Energy, Great Lakes and Environment and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. For more information, call 1-517-355-0153 or visit

Conflict Disclosures and Management (CDM) - Provides guidance and assists MSU faculty, staff, and researchers with identifying, disclosing, and managing their outside activities and potential conflicts of interest. Related to the management of conflicts of interest, CDM supports MSU’s faculty Conflict Review Committee. The office also provides training and education related to conflict of interest disclosure requirements that is consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. For more information, email or visit
Export Control and Trade Sanctions - Oversees the university's compliance with federal export control regulations, which impose controls on export controlled technologies including materials, equipment, data and software, and trade sanction regulations, which apply to certain individuals, entities and governments around the world, based on U.S. policy and national security goals. The unit maintains a university wide software license for restricted party screening and identifying lists of debarred parties and entities, and provides ongoing training programs for MSU personnel. Learn more at For more information about ORRS, call 1-517-432-4500 or visit