Academic Programs Catalog

Other Departments and Offices for Research and Services

University Outreach and Engagement

Julian Samora Research Institute

Dr. Kwesi Brookins, Interim Director

The Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI) generates, disseminates, and applies knowledge to serve the needs of Latino communities in the Midwest and the United States.  To achieve its mission, the JSRI:  1) serves as the hub of an interdisciplinary research program on social, cultural, health and economic issues confronting Latino populations and communities;  2) advances Latino scholarship by encouraging and supporting Latino-focused faculty and students to conduct research and engage in mentoring, research assistantships, fellowships, symposia and related activities; and 3) transmits and disseminates knowledge and research findings to various academic, government, community and private institutions and officials.

In addition, JSRI provides technical expertise to the broader community on policy development issues facing Latinos, and promotes the development of Latino cultural and human capital through leadership development, community empowerment, and education.  Through the generation, transmission and application of knowledge, JSRI is committed to transforming lives.  By engaging Latino-focused researchers, agencies, practitioners, policymakers and Latino communities in collaborative learning, community-based projects, and responsive engagement, JSRI joins University Outreach and Engagement and the larger university community in contributing to the advancement of the larger society – both locally and globally.

For more information, visit, e-mail, or call 1-517-432-1317. JSRI is housed on the Garden Level, Kellogg Center.