Academic Programs Catalog

College of Veterinary Medicine

College of Veterinary Medicine

Douglas Freeman, Interim DEAN

In 1907, recognizing that animal agriculture was a significant part of a healthy state economy, the Michigan legislature authorized a course of study leading to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. This program, inaugurated in 1910, was the beginning of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Since that time, society has come to value animals in additional roles beyond their role in agriculture. Pets are a source of companionship and comfort for people of all ages.  And the pleasure that the general public enjoys from zoos and from nature depends in large part on the well being of the animals that are found there.

The present–day College of Veterinary Medicine is the only veterinary college in the state of Michigan and one of 30 nationally.  It is organized in six  departments — Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology, Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physiology, and Small Animal Clinical Sciences — and includes the Veterinary Medical Center and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

The college offers the programs that are listed below:
— a preveterinary program
— a professional program leading to the Doctor of  Veterinary Medicine degree
— a certificate program in veterinary nursing
— a Bachelor of Science degree program in veterinary nursing
— graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees
— a graduate certificate in food safety
— intern and residency training programs in various clinical specialties

Veterinary Nursing

Taylor Epp, Director

Veterinary nurses are compassionate, highly motivated paraprofessionals dedicated to animal health care. As integral members of the veterinary health care team, they are entrusted with diverse medical responsibilities that include animal nursing care, laboratory specimen analysis, surgical assistance, anesthesia, radiographic imaging (x-ray), nutritional management, dental prophylaxis, physical therapy, and client education. These varied duties afford the veterinary paraprofessional a profound impact on every aspect of animal care. Their involvement enables veterinary hospitals and animal care and research facilities to offer expanded services efficiently and effectively.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recognizes two levels of training for the veterinary paraprofessional:  a two-year certification and a four-year bachelor's degree.  The Certificate of Completion at Michigan State University is a two-year training program. After completion of the pre-clinical courses, students complete clinical clerkship training at the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center. Through the clinical clerkships, the students develop and apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills in a functional hospital setting.  The two-year level of training is most appropriate for individuals who seek employment in privately owned veterinary clinical practices.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Veterinary Nursing requires four years of academic training. In addition to the core curriculum of the Certificate of Completion, the students complete the general education requirements of Michigan State University and elective courses.  The elective courses allow the students to focus on potential career paths within the veterinary profession such as production animal medicine, equine and companion animal medicine, pathology, biomedical research, and practice management. Their training offers exposure to clinical specialty areas such as emergency medicine, cardiology, ophthalmology, equine anesthesia, and necropsy.  The four-year bachelor's degree level of training is linked with employment in research facilities, vivaria, industry, educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and large-group or specialty practices.

The state of Michigan requires that any person practicing as a veterinary professional must be licensed and registered with the state. Regulation of veterinary professionals is the responsibility of the Veterinary Board of Examiners in the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulation. The credentialing examination is only available to qualified graduates of accredited training programs. The Veterinary Nursing Program is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and graduates of the Certificate of Completion or Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing are eligible to take the National Board Examinations for licensure.

Enrollment in the Veterinary Technology Program’s academic certificate and degree options is limited.  Students are admitted for fall semester only.  Applications for admission are accepted through early February of the year that admission is sought. For additional information, contact the Veterinary Nursing Program, Veterinary Medical Center, 736 Wilson Road, Room A-22, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1316 or visit

The Certificate of Completion articulates with an Associate in Applied Sciences degree from Lansing Community College.  For specific degree requirements for the Associate in Applied Science, contact Lansing Community College at

Bachelor of Science


The number of students who can be admitted to the Bachelor of Science degree program in veterinary technology is limited.  All persons who are interested in applying for admission to the bachelor's degree program in veterinary nursing must complete an application which can be found, along with the application process instructions, by visiting

Applications for admission to the bachelor's degree program in veterinary nursing are accepted through early February of the year that admission is sought.

Students who are enrolled in colleges and universities other than Michigan State University should contact Michigan State University's Office of Admissions and the College of Veterinary Medicine regarding admission to the bachelor's degree program in veterinary nursing as transfer students.

To be considered for admission, an applicant must have a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 and a minimum of a 2.5 grade-point average of the last 12 credits completed and a minimum of a 2.0 grade in all math and science courses:

  1. Completion of at least 28 credits of the University graduation requirements or transfer equivalents including:
    1. One of the following: (Mathematics 101 and 103) or (Mathematics 103 and 114) or (Mathematics 116 or 124 or 132 or 152H). See item 2. b. under Requirements for a full list of applicable math combinations.
    2. Biological Science 161 and 171.
    3. Tier I writing course.
    4. Additional credits selected from an Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities course numbered below 211, an Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities course numbered 211 or higher, an Integrative Studies in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 200-level course, and an Integrative Studies in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 300-level course.

The final selection of students to be admitted to the baccalaureate degree program in veterinary nursing is based on the cumulative grade-point average of all courses taken, the grade-point average calculated on all courses in mathematics and the physical and biological sciences, and the grade-point average of the last 12 credits. The selection process also  includes submission of a personal statement, letters of recommendation and documentation of 80 hours of veterinary related experience.

Students who complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Veterinary Nursing will be qualified to take the National Board Examinations for licensure as veterinary-technicians.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Veterinary Nursing

  1. The requirements for a bachelor's degree as specified in the Undergraduate Education section of the University catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Veterinary Nursing.
    The completion of the Mathematics courses referenced in item 2. b. below may also be used to satisfy the University mathematics requirement.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Veterinary Nursing major is met by completing the following courses:  Veterinary Medicine 410 and 412. Those courses are referenced in items 2. a. below.

    Students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Veterinary Nursing may complete the alternative track in Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences that consists of the following courses: Biological Sciences 161, 162, 171, and 172; and Chemistry 141. The completion of Biological Science 171 satisfies the laboratory requirement. Biological Science 162 and 172 and Chemistry 141 may be counted toward both the alternative track and the requirements for the major referenced in item 2. below.
  2. The following requirements for the major (90 to 97 credits):
    a. All of the following courses (75 credits):
    BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3
    BS 162 Organismal and Population Biology 3
    BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2
    BS 172 Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory 2
    CEM 141 General Chemistry 4
    VM 110 Veterinary Medical Terminology 1
    VM 120 Veterinary Comparative Nutrition 2
    VM 130 Comparative Anatomy for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 140 Pharmacology for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 150 Hospital Procedures and Communication 2
    VM 155 Veterinary Nursing Careers and Professional Development 1
    VM 160 Small Animal Nursing Skills 3
    VM 165 Large Animal and Laboratory Animal Nursing Care Techniques 2
    VM 170 Hematology and Immunology for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 175 Clinical Pathology Laboratory I for Veterinary Nurses 1
    VM 176 Clinical Pathology Laboratory II for Veterinary Nurses 1
    VM 205 Preventive Animal Health Care for Veterinary Nurses 3
    VM 210 Surgical Nursing for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 215 Surgical Nursing and Anesthetic Management Laboratory 1
    VM 245 Parasitology for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 250 Veterinary Comparative Clinical Physiology 5
    VM 255 Small Animal Diseases and Management 3
    VM 265 Dentistry Techniques for Veterinary Nurses 1
    VM 270 Advanced Skills Development for Veterinary Nurses 1
    VM 275 Large Animal Diseases and Management 3
    VM 295 Biomedical Research and Regulatory Issues for Veterinary Nurses 1
    VM 303 Anesthesiology for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 304 Radiology for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 305 Hospital Practice Management for Veterinary Nurses 2
    VM 410 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Anesthesiology (W) 3
    VM 411 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Radiology 3
    VM 412 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Companion Animal Medicine (W) 3
    VM 413 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Companion Animal Surgery 3
    One of the following courses (3 credits):
    VM  414 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Equine Medicine and Surgery 3
    VM  415 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Food Animal and Equine Medicine and Surgery 3
    VM 450 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Emergency Medicine 3
    VM 451 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Cardiology 3
    VM 452 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Neurology 3
    VM 453 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Ophthalmology 3
    VM 454 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Critical Care 3
    VM 458 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Companion Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound 3
    VM 466 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Large Animal Anesthesia 3
    VM 470 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Food Animal Medicine 3
    VM 480 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Clinical Pathology 3
    VM 482 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Necropsy 3
    VM 483 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Biomedical Research 3
    VM 484 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 3
    VM 486 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Clinical Parasitology 3
    VM 490 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Special Problems 3
    b. One of the following options (0 to 7 credits):
    (1) One of the following courses:
    MTH 116 College Algebra and Trigonometry 5
    MTH 124 Survey of Calculus I 3
    MTH 132 Calculus I 3
    MTH 152H Honors Calculus I 3
    (2) MTH 103 College Algebra 3
    One of the following:
    MTH 101 Quantitative Literacy I 3
    MTH 102 Quantitative Literacy II 3
    MTH 114 Trigonometry 3
    MTH 201 Elementary Mathematics for Teachers I 3
    STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
    STT 201 Statistical Methods 4
    (3) MTH 103A College Algebra I 3
    MTH 103B College Algebra II 3
    One of the following:
    MTH 101 Quantitative Literacy I 3
    MTH 102 Quantitative Literacy II 3
    MTH 114 Trigonometry 3
    MTH 201 Elementary Mathematics for Teachers I 3
    STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
    STT 201 Statistical Methods 4
    (4) Successfully complete the proctored mathematics placement exam with a score of 19 or higher.
    c. One of the following options, 15 credits from Elective Group 1 or 15 credits from Elective Group 2. Courses used to satisfy requirement 2. a. above may not be used to fulfill this requirement.
    Veterinary Nursing Elective Group 1
    VM 414 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Equine Medicine and Surgery 3 to 6
    VM 415 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Food Animal and Equine Medicine and Surgery 3 to 6
    VM 450 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Emergency Medicine 3
    VM 451 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Cardiology 3
    VM 452 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Neurology 3
    VM 453 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Ophthalmology 3
    VM 454 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Critical Care 3
    VM 458 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Companion Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound 3
    VM 466 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Large Animal Anesthesia 3
    VM 470 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Food Animal Medicine 3 to 6
    VM 480 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Clinical Pathology 3
    VM 482 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Necropsy 3
    VM 483 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Biomedical Research 3 to 12
    VM 484 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 3 to 12
    VM 486 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Clinical Parasitology 3
    VM 490 Veterinary Nursing Clerkship in Special Problems 3 to 12
    Veterinary Nursing Elective Group 2. Complete 15 credits in courses from one of the following concentrations. All course selections must be approved by the Veterinary Nursing Program.
    Business Communication
    ACC  230 Survey of Accounting Concepts  3
    AFRE  100 Decision-making in the Agri-Food System 3
    AFRE  130 Farm Management I        3
    AFRE 203 Data Analysis for the Agri-Food system    3
    AFRE  222 Agribusiness and Food Industry Sales       3
    AFRE  232 Commodity Marketing I              3
    AFRE  240 Food Product Marketing              3
    AFRE  315 Labor and Personnel Management in Agri-Food System    3
    AFRE  327 Global Agri-Food Industries and Markets               3
    AFRE  435 Financial Management in the Agri-Food System  3
    COM  100 Human Communication  3
    COM  225 An Introduction to Interpersonal Communication  3
    COM  240 Introduction to Organizational Communication  4
    EC  201 Introduction to Microeconomics               3
    EC  202 Introduction to Macroeconomics             3
    EAD  315 Student Leadership Training        3
    FI  320 Introduction to Finance  3
    HRLR  211 Introduction to Organizational Leadership       3
    HRLR  311 Applied Organizational Leadership           3
    General Animal Science
    ANS  110 Introductory Animal Agriculture           3
    ANS  110L Introductory Animal Agriculture Laboratory               1
    ANS  134 Dairy Production I            3
    ANS  200C Dairy Cattle Genetics and Evaluation    2
    ANS  200E Introductory Animal Welfare Assessment               1
    ANS  201 Animal Products               3
    ANS  201L Animal Products Laboratory        1
    ANS  210 Introduction to Disciplines in Animal Agriculture          3
    ANS  211 Animal and Product Evaluation  3
    ANS  222 Introductory Beef Cattle Management    3
    ANS  234 Dairy Production II           3
    ANS  252 Introduction to Management of Avian Species 3
    ANS  262 Introductory Sheep Management             3
    ANS  272 Introductory Swine Management             3
    ANS  305 Applied Animal Behavior              3
    ANS  305L Applied Animal Behavior Laboratory        1
    ANS  307 Animal Reproduction      3
    ANS  309 Animal Health and Disease Management               3
    ANS  313 Principles of Animal Feeding and Nutrition (W)             4
    ANS  314 Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals (W)            4
    ANS  334 Dairy Management I        3
    ANS  401 Ethical Issues in Animal Agriculture 1
    ANS  407 Food and Animal Toxicology        3
    ANS  413 Non-Ruminant Nutrition  4
    ANS  418 Animal Agriculture and the Environment 3
    ANS  422 Advanced Beef Cattle Feedlot Management 3
    ANS  425 Animal Biotechnology     3
    ANS  427 Environmental Toxicology and Society     3
    ANS  442 Advanced Horse Management    3
    ANS  445 Equine Exercise Physiology          4
    ANS  455 Avian Physiology              4
    ANS  472 Advanced Swine Management    3
    ANS  480 Animal Systems in International Development     3
    ANS  483 Ruminant Nutrition         3
    General Zoo and Wildlife
    EPI  390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health 4
    FW  101 Fundamentals of Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology and Management 3
    FW  110 Conservation and Management of Marine Resources 3
    FW  181 Introduction to Science, Technology, the Environment and Public Policy 3
    FW  364 Ecological Problem Solving 3
    FW  413 Wildlife Research and Management Techniques 3
    FW  423 Principles of Fish and Wildlife Disease 3
    FW  423L Principles of Fish and Wildlife Disease Laboratory 1
    FW  424 Population Analysis and Management 4
    FW  444 Conservation Biology 3
    FW  449 Wildlife Policy 3
    FW  491 Special Topics in Fisheries and Wildlife 1 to 3
    IBIO  313 Animal Behavior 3
    IBIO  341 Fundamental Genetics 4
    IBIO  355 Ecology 3
    IBIO  355L Ecology Laboratory (W) 1
    IBIO  369 Introduction to Zoo and Aquarium Science 3
    IBIO  408 Histology 4
    IBIO  413 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience (W) 4
    IBIO  415 Ecological Aspects of Animal Behavior (W) 3
    NEU  300 Neurobiology 3
    Sustainability and Policy
    AFRE  100 Decision-making in the Agri-Food System  3
    AFRE  206 World Food, Population and Poverty        3
    ANR  250 Global Issues in Agriculture and Natural Resources 3
    ANS  124 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 2
    ANS  418 Animal Agriculture and the Environment 3
    ANS  424 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Integration and Synthesis  3
    ANS  480 Animal Systems in International Development     3
    CSS  101 Introduction to Crop Science       3
    CSS  120 Issues in Food and Agriculture     3
    CSS  124 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 1
    CSS  222 New Horizons in Biotechnology  2
    EC  201 Introduction to Microeconomics               3
    EC  202 Introduction to Macroeconomics              3
    EPI  390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health 4
    FW  434 Human Dimensions of Fisheries and Wildlife Management (W) 3
    FW  445 Biodiversity Conservation Policy and Practice  3
    IBIO  446 Environmental Issues and Public Policy    3
    HRT  251 Organic Farming Principles and Practices               3
    PHL  380 Nature of Science            3
    SOC  161 International Development and Change  3
    SOC  252 Introduction to Environmental Sociology 3
    Pharmacology and Toxicology
    ANS 407 Food and Animal Toxicology             3
    ANS  427 Environmental Toxicology and Society     3
    BMB  200 Introduction to Biochemistry      4
    EPI  390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health 4
    NEU  300 Neurobiology     3
    PHL  380 Nature of Science             3
    PHM  350 Introductory Human Pharmacology         3
    PHM  351 Fundamentals of Drug Safety       3
    PHM  431 Pharmacology of Drug Addiction               3
    PHM  450 Introduction to Chemical Toxicology        3
    Ecology and Resource Management
    AFRE  265 Ecology and Economics  3
    ANS  124 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 2
    ANS  418 Animal Agriculture and the Environment               3
    FOR  419 Applications of Geographic Information Systems to Natural Resources Management 4
    FW  181 Introduction to Science, Technology, the Environment  3
    FW  364 Ecological Problem Solving           3
    FW  413 Wildlife Research and Management Techniques         3
    FW  417 Wetland Ecology and Management          3
    FW  423 Principles of Fish and Wildlife Disease     3
    FW  423L Principles of Fish and Wildlife Disease Laboratory        1
    FW  424 Population Analysis and Management     4
    FW  434 Human Dimensions of Fisheries and Wildlife Management (W) 3
    FW  463 Wildlife Disease Ecology                              3
    IBIO  355 Ecology                3
    IBIO  355L Ecology Laboratory (W)      1
    Animal Management
    AFRE  130 Farm Management I       3
    ANS  110 Introductory Animal Agriculture           3
    ANS  110L Introductory Animal Agriculture Laboratory               1
    ANS  134 Dairy Production I            3
    ANS  222 Introductory Beef Cattle Management    3
    ANS  233 Dairy Feed Management              3
    ANS  234 Dairy Production II           3
    ANS  252 Introduction to Management of Avian Species  3
    ANS  262 Introductory Sheep Management             3
    ANS  272 Introductory Swine Management             3
    ANS  309 Animal Health and Disease Management              3
    ANS  334 Dairy Management I       2
    ANS  401 Ethical Issues in Animal Agriculture         1
    ANS  422 Advanced Beef Cattle Feedlot Management     3
    ANS  442 Advanced Horse Management    3
    ANS  472 Advanced Swine Management    3
    Animal Products and Nutrition
    ANS  110 Introductory Animal Agriculture           3
    ANS  201 Animal Products               3
    ANS  201L Animal Products Laboratory        1
    ANS  211 Animal and Product Evaluation  3
    ANS  233 Dairy Feed Management              3
    ANS  313 Principles of Animal Feeding and Nutrition (W)             4
    ANS  407 Food and Animal Toxicology        3
    ANS  413 Non-Ruminant Nutrition               4
    ANS  483 Ruminant Nutrition         3

Preprofessional Program for Veterinary Medicine

Students who meet the requirements for admission to the university as freshmen and sophomores, as shown in the Undergraduate Education section of the catalog, may select the preveterinary program in the College of Veterinary Medicine as their major preference.  A strong high school preparation in science, including chemistry, biology, and physics, is highly desirable.  Students who are enrolled in the preveterinary program are enrolled in the Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative, but receive academic advising in the College of Veterinary Medicine Preveterinary Advising Center. 

The courses in mathematics and natural science required for admission to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine are included in the requirements for the preveterinary program.  Students who are enrolled in the preveterinary program should complete the university requirements for bachelor's degrees.  Courses that are used to satisfy University requirements may also be used to satisfy certain requirements for admission to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine.

University regulations require that a student who has arrived at junior standing must select a major leading to a baccalaureate degree.  The College of Veterinary Medicine does not offer a bachelor's degree program for preveterinary students.  Therefore, upon reaching junior standing, students who have been enrolled in the preveterinary program and who have not been admitted to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine must be admitted to a major in another college in order to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree. Students interested in the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine are not required to complete a baccalaureate degree to be considered for admission.

Enrollments in the preveterinary program are not limited.  However, because of the limitation on the number of students admitted each year to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine, completion of the preveterinary program does not assure admission to the professional program.

Because admission to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine is competitive and the majority of successful applicants have completed at least three years of a bachelor's degree program, students who are enrolled in the preveterinary program are encouraged to plan toward a baccalaureate degree in a major consistent with their interests and alternative educational and career goals.  Students in any major may apply for admission to the Professional Program.  For additional information, refer to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine statement.

Requirements for the Preveterinary Program

1. All of the following courses (38 credits):
BMB 401 Comprehensive Biochemistry 4
BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3
BS 162 Organismal and Population Biology 3
BS 171L Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2
CEM 141 General Chemistry 4
CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1
CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3
CEM 252 Organic Chemistry II 3
CEM 255 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2
MTH 116 College Algebra and Trigonometry 5
PHY 231 Introductory Physics I 3
PHY 232 Introductory Physics II 3
PHY 251 Introductory Physics Laboratory I 1
PHY 252 Introductory Physics Laboratory II 1
2. Upper-level Biology Elective (3-credit minimum) A course selected from cell biology, genetics, histology, immunology, neurobiology, or physiology.
3. Students who are enrolled in the preveterinary program should complete the University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of the catalog.
The completion of Mathematics 116 referenced in item 1. above may also satisfy the University mathematics requirement.
Students who are enrolled in the Preveterinary Program in the College of Veterinary Medicine may complete an alternative track to Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences that consists of the following courses: Biological Science 161, 162, and 171L and Chemistry 141.  The completion of Biological Science 161 and 171L satisfies the laboratory requirement.  Biological Science 161, 171, and 171L and Chemistry 141 may be counted toward both the alternative track and the requirements for the preveterinary program referenced in item 1. above. 
Students who are enrolled in the preveterinary program will be required to meet the Tier II writing requirement approved for the student's major leading to the bachelor's degree.

Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine

The professional veterinary medicine program is designed to provide basic and applied medical education with flexible, high-quality clinical training opportunities that prepare career-ready graduates. Graduates may become licensed as private veterinary practitioners in any state, and they are well positioned for successful pursuit of a wide variety of careers, including those in: (1) private practice, general or specialized by species or discipline; (2) government, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Public Health Service, the U.S. Army and Air Force, and state, county, and local health agencies, for important work related to livestock disease control, meat and poultry inspection, development of biological products, prevention of the entry of foreign animal diseases, and public health; (3) biomedical research at colleges and universities, government agencies, biological and pharmaceutical companies, or private medical research institutions, for the benefit of animals and people; and (4) education, typically at colleges of veterinary medicine.

The professional program leading to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Admission to the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine

The College of Veterinary Medicine strives to select individuals with the academic ability, preparation, motivation, emotional intelligence, and social competence to succeed as veterinary students and future veterinarians. Student diversity is promoted to help meet the needs of a diverse society. A wide variety of experiences are represented in each entering class, with academic backgrounds including the sciences, the arts and humanities, and various advanced degrees.

A new class of students begins the four–year professional program each fall semester. Applications for admission and related materials must be received by the deadline as specified by the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS).

Factors considered by the Admissions Committee in determining an applicant’s relative competitive position are:

  1. Academic performance: A minimum last-3-semester grade-point average (GPA) in combination with a minimum science prerequisite GPA of 3.0 is required for an application to receive review.
  2. File review of nonacademic experiences and attributes fitting to the values of the College.
  3. Multiple Mini Interviews by faculty, staff, alumni, and other vested individuals trained to assess for the qualities considered important for positive professional outcomes (by invitation).
Applications, regular or transfer, are reviewed by the Committee on Student Admissions. Final selection of applicants is based on a combination of academic performance, evidence of significant accomplishments in nonacademic areas, and performance in interviews.

Applicants are considered for admission in the following order of priority:
  1. Residents of the state of Michigan, as defined by Michigan State University. (Since Michigan State University is a public, tax-assisted institution, admission priority is granted to residents of Michigan.)
  2. Residents of states other than Michigan, including U.S. Territories and Trust Possessions.
  3. All others.
Requirements to be completed by students prior to enrollment:

All science prerequisite requirements must be completed by students prior to the application deadline each year. All science prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in each course and a minimum science prerequisite GPA of 3.0. Up to 50% of the science prerequisite requirements may be satisfied with binary grading. General education requirements must be completed by July 1 prior to fall matriculation. Each course must receive a minimum grade of 2.0.   

Science Prerequisite Courses
College Algebra and Trigonometry (or precalculus or calculus)
Physics I and II with laboratories
Chemistry I with laboratory
Biology I and II with laboratory
Organic Chemistry I and II with laboratory
Upper Level Biology Elective (3 credit minimum), such as Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Immunology, Genetics, Microbiology, or Histology
Advanced Placement (AP) credits are accepted for College Algebra and Trigonometry, Physics I and II, Chemistry I, and Introductory Biology I and II.

General Education Requirements

Prerequisite individual General Education courses must receive a minimum grade of 2.0 (C) on a 4.0 scale. All general education requirements must be completed by July 1 of the matriculation year. If a bachelor's degree will be earned by July 1 of the matriculation year, all general education requirements are considered fulfilled and individual courses will not be reviewed. A Baccalaureate degree is not required.

Arts and Humanities - two courses.
Social Science - two courses.
English - one course (3 semester credits) of English composition.

Advanced Placement (AP) credits are accepted to fulfill any of these requirements.


This pathway has been established by the College of Veterinary Medicine in cooperation with the Honors College at Michigan State University in order to provide an admission avenue for students who wish to complete a bachelor's degree consisting of advanced, scholarly studies in concert with their entry to the four–year professional veterinary medical degree program.  All Michigan State University preveterinary students who are members of the Honors College may choose to participate in this program.  Up to ten MSU students may be chosen each year to be granted admission to the veterinary medical program contingent upon completion of a bachelor's degree in a major of the students choice.

The following components will be considered in selecting candidates for this admission pathway:

  1. Completion of at least 50 percent of the required preveterinary science courses.
  2. Minimum 3.5 cumulative and preveterinary science grade–point averages.
  3. Bachelor's degree program proposal planned in consultation with the Honors College advising staff and a departmental honors advisor demonstrating enriched, advanced, and scholarly work in a major of the student's choice.
  4. Evidence of quality veterinary and animal exposure.
  5. Completion of at least three Honors College experiences beyond the minimum preveterinary requirements.
  6. Performance in the regular veterinary admission criteria including grade–point averages, and file review.
  7. Personal statement describing the scholarly content of the proposed bachelor's degree program and its relevance to the individual's career and personal goals.
  8. Evaluations from the advisor in the student's degree program, a veterinarian, and an individual of the applicant's choice.

Students who wish to enter the professional veterinary medical program before earning a bachelor's degree may apply through the regular veterinary admission process.

The College of Veterinary Medicine's Committee on Student Admissions selects the candidates for this pathway and reserves the right to modify the criteria and process. Applications not meeting the above criteria will be dismissed.

Academic Standards

Once admitted to the Veterinary Scholars Pathway, students must maintain a 3.5 cumulative and preveterinary science grade-point average during completion of the Honors College degree.

Additional Information

For additional information concerning admission to the professional program, contact the Admissions Office, College of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medical Center-South Building, 784 Wilson Road, Room F-104 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824–1314. Note:  Prospective applicants should maintain contact with the College's Admissions Office for current information.

Statement on Advanced Status

Rarely will students be considered for admission to the program with advanced standing.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree

  1. The University requirements for the bachelor's degree as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog.
  2. Preveterinary program requirements.
  3. At least 56 credits of the professional program in Veterinary Medicine.

Health Requirements for Students in the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine

  1. The student must be covered by a personal health insurance policy throughout enrollment in the program.
  2. The student's tetanus vaccination must be current throughout enrollment in the program.
  3. The student must have a rabies vaccination prior to participation in senior clerkships. Rabies vaccination is recommended for entering students.
  4. The student must participate in TB monitoring which consists of two TB tests, one in the first semester and one at graduation.
Requirements for the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Completion of the following 157-credit, four-year professional program with a grade-point average of at least 2.0. Completion of the college's core competencies during the four-year professional program. Students must successfully complete all pre-clinical core competencies before matriculating to the clinical phase of the curriculum.

SEMESTER 1 (Fall) (19 credits) 2
VM 500 Veterinary Science I 1
VM  501 One Health I  1
VM  502 Veterinary Doctoring I  1
VM  503 Veterinary Career and Practice Management I  2
VM  515 Animals in Society  3
VM  516 Musculoskeletal System I  3
VM  517 Nervous System I  3
VM  518 Cardiovascular System I  3
VM  519 Cutaneous System I 
SEMESTER 2 (Spring) (19 credits)
VM  504 One Health II  1
VM  505 Veterinary Doctoring II  1
VM  506 Veterinary Career and Practice Management II  1
VM  520 Respiratory System I  3
VM  523 Immunologic and Hematologic Systems I  3
VM  525 Digestive System I  3
VM  527 Endocrine System I  3
VM  528 Reproductive System I  2
VM  529 Urinary System I  2
SEMESTER 3 (Fall) (19 credits)
VM  507 One Health III  1
VM  508 Veterinary Doctoring III  1
VM  509 Veterinary Career and Practice Management III  1
VM  530 Veterinary Science II  4
VM  531 Immunologic and Hematologic Systems II  3
VM  534 Cutaneous System II  3
VM  535 Reproductive System II  3
VM  536 Respiratory System II  3
SEMESTER 4 (Spring) (19 credits)
VM  510 One Health IV  1
VM  512 Veterinary Doctoring IV  1
VM  537 Veterinary Career and Practice Management  IV  1
VM  565 Cardiovascular System II  2
VM  568 Urinary System II  3
VM  569 Musculoskeletal System II 2
VM  571 Nervous System II  3
VM  575 Digestive System II  3
VM  577 Endocrine System II  3
SEMESTER 5 (Fall) (19 credits)
VM  539 Veterinary Career and Practice Management V  1
VM  578 Clinical Reasoning I  8
VM  579 Clinical Reasoning II  7
VM  580 Surgical and Anesthetic Skills  3
SEMESTER 6 (Spring) (17 credits)
VM  581 Clinical Reasoning III  5
VM  582 Veterinary Clinical Experience  3
Complete 9 credits in required or elective clerkships.
SEMESTERS 7 (Summer), 8 (Fall), 9 (Spring)
Students will be required to complete 30 required clerkship credits and an additional 15 credits of elective clerkship credits. Students complete their 9-credits of Preceptorship during Year 4 through enrollment in VM 611. The 9 credits in VM 611 must be completed in three consecutive, separate enrollments in consultation with the student’s advisor. Satisfactory completion of semesters one through six of the professional curriculum is required for enrollment in any of the listed clerkships.
LCS 616 Large Animal Medicine and Surgery 6
PDI 630 Diagnostic Pathology Clerkship 3
SCS 611 Diagnostic Imaging Clerkship 3
SCS 625 Small Animal Primary Care Clerkship 3
SCS 626 Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Clerkship 3
SCS 646 Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship 3
SCS 647 Small Animal Internal Medicine Clerkship 3
SCS 648 Anesthesia Clerkship 3
SCS 695 Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Clerkship 3
LCS 610 Clinical Problems in Large Animal Clinical Sciences 3
LCS 611 Research Problems in Large Animal Clinical Sciences 3
LCS 613 Special Problems in Large Animal Clinical Sciences at Off-Campus Sites 3
LCS 614 Equine Clinical Proficiency Clerkship 3
LCS 615 Equine Emergency and Critical Care Clerkship 3
LCS 621 Practice-Based Ambulatory Clerkship 3
LCS 622 Advanced Equine Clinical Clerkship 3
LCS 623 Equine Musculoskeletal Diseases Clerkship 3
LCS 624 Equine Theriogenology Clerkship 3
LCS 625 Equine Herd Health Clerkship 3
LCS 626 Advanced Equine Surgery Clerkship 3
LCS 627 Advanced Equine Medicine Clerkship 3
LCS 628 Techniques in Equine Anesthesia and Surgery 3
LCS 632 Advanced Food Animal Medicine and Surgery 3
LCS 640 Large Animal Anesthesia Clerkship 3
LCS 646 Equine Neonatal Medicine Clerkship 3
LCS 647 Concepts of Agricultural Practice Clerkship 3
LCS 660 Wildlife Disease Ecology and Management 3
LCS 677 Veterinary Preceptorship 3
LCS 678 Government and Corporate Veterinary Practice 3
LCS 679 Food Animal Production Medicine I 3
LCS 682 Food Animal Production Medicine II 3
LCS 685 Ruminant Health Problem Solving Clerkship 3
LCS 690 Veterinary Public Health Field Experience Clerkship 3
LCS 691 Veterinary Public Health Research Clerkship 3
MMG 690 Veterinary Microbiology Clerkship 3
PDI 610 Veterinary Gross Anatomy Dissection 3
PDI 611 Research Problems in Veterinary Anatomy 3
PDI 631 Necropsy Clerkship 3
PDI 632 Problems in Veterinary Pathology 3
PDI 633 Special Problems in Veterinary Pathology 3
PDI 634 Endocrinology Clerkship 3
PDI 635 Special Problems in Histopathology and Cytology Clerkship 3
PDI 636 Aquatic Animal Medicine Clerkship 3
PHM 658 Research Problems in Pharmacology or Toxicology 3
SCS 613 Diagnostic Ultrasound Clerkship 3
SCS 630 Spay/Neuter Clerkship 3
SCS 640 Cardiology Clerkship 3
SCS 641 Comparative Ophthalmology Clerkship 3
SCS 642 Zoo and Wildlife Clerkship 3
SCS 644 Dermatology Clerkship 3
SCS 651 Advanced Comparative Ophthalmology Clerkship 3
SCS 654 Clinical Medical Oncology Clerkship 3
SCS 670 Clinical Nutrition for Small Animals 3
SCS 690 Veterinary Molecular Biology Clerkship 3
SCS 693 Problems in Small Animal Clinical Sciences Clerkship 3
SCS 694 Small Animal Specialty Practice Clerkship 3
VM 611 Veterinary Externship 3
VM 690 Special Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3
VM 692 Career Development and Business Skills 3

Student Performance

The Committee on Student Performance monitors student performance in accordance with established College standards and offers assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the professional curriculum. An important function of this committee is to determine the reasons for student difficulties and recommend study schedules, counseling, and other means of helping the student perform in a satisfactory manner. The Committee on Student Performance may take appropriate academic disciplinary action consistent with the academic standards of the College and the Medical Student Rights and Responsibilities document.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Refer to the statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities in the General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations section of this catalog.

Graduate Study

The College of Veterinary Medicine offers graduate programs in each of six departments: Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physiology, and Small Animal Clinical Sciences. These departments participate in the training of the master's degree programs. Doctor of Philosophy degree programs are offered in all departments except Small Animal Clinical Sciences. In addition, there are two college-based graduate programs: Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology (CMIB) (Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy) and Food Safety (Master of Science). Trainees in the CMIB program work on a diverse diseases and biological processes with foci ranging from the molecular, cellular, and organismal and population level. CMIB alumni are employed in academia, industry and government positions. In addition, the college is home to the online Food Safety Professional Master of Science program, highly valued by the food industry.

Post-D.V.M. training in various recognized clinical specialties are available including those in Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Ophthalmology, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery, Large Animal Surgery, and Large Animal Internal Medicine.

Several colleges and departments offer Ph.D. programs with admission through The BioMolecular Science Gateway. These include graduate programs in: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Physiology. The BioMolecular Science Gateway is administered through the College of Natural Science. For additional information, refer to the statement on the doctoral programs in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.

The College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the College of Engineering, and the College of Natural Science administer the graduate specialization in environmental toxicology.  The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the primary administrative unit.  For additional information, refer to the Graduate Specialization in Environmental Toxicology statement in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources section of this catalog.

Several colleges and departments within Michigan State University cooperate in offering interdepartmental Doctor of Philosophy degree programs with majors in cell and molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience, which are administered by the College of Natural Science. For additional information, refer to the statement on the doctoral programs in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.

Students who are enrolled in master’s and doctoral degree programs in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the College of Natural Science, and the College of Veterinary Medicine may elect the Graduate Specialization in Fish and Wildlife Disease Ecology and Conservation Medicine. For additional information, refer to the statement on Graduate Specialization in Fish and Wildlife Disease Ecology and Conservation Medicine in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources section of this catalog.

Master of Science

For the master's degree, departments of the College of Veterinary Medicine recommend Plan A with thesis unless otherwise specified.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university as described in the Graduate Education section of this catalog, students must meet the requirements specified below.


A bachelor's degree is required of all applicants for graduate study. Admission must be approved by the department in which the applicant proposes to do the major work. Scholastic record, experience, personal qualifications, and area of subject–matter interest are considered by the department in determining the applicant's acceptability.

Upon admission, the master's student is classified in one of two categories:

  1. Regular status: for those who have an undergraduate grade–point average of 3.00 or above and are otherwise qualified to undertake a master's program.
  2. Provisional status: for those who have some remediable inadequacy of qualifications or subject–matter preparation.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree

Up to 10 credits may be allowed for thesis research (course number 899). The distribution of credits among major and minor areas is determined by the student's major department.


A minimum of 9 credits must be earned in residence on campus unless a department specifies more than 9 credits.

Time Limit

For the master's degree, the student must complete all requirements within six calendar years from the beginning of the first semester in which credit was earned toward the degree.

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy degree programs are offered in anatomy, large animal clinical sciences, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university as described in the Graduate Education section of this catalog, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Admission to a doctoral program requires the approval of the department in which the applicant's major work is to be done.

The doctoral student is classified in one of two categories:

  1. Regular status: for those who have a grade–point average in prior graduate work of 3.00 or above and who are otherwise qualified to undertake a doctoral program.
  2. Provisional status: for those who have some remediable inadequacy of qualifications.

Dual Degree Programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine

Students who are enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree program may be granted approval to pursue simultaneously either a research–focused Master of Science degree or a Doctor of Philosophy degree. For additional information, interested students should refer to the Requirements for a Joint Master's Degree and Medical Degree or Special Programs statements in the Graduate Education section of this catalog. They should also contact the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the College.

Dual Degree Medical Scientist Training Program

The Dual Degree Medical Scientist Training Program is a special program for students who want to earn both a professional veterinary doctoral degree (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and a graduate research doctoral degree (Doctor of Philosophy). The program seeks to meet a national need for veterinarians who are proficient in research as well as in veterinary medicine, and who will pursue careers as faculty members in veterinary medical school and research institutions.

The program is designed to select, educate, and train highly motivated students having outstanding research and academic qualifications. Trainees pursue veterinary medical and graduate studies in parallel, meet regularly with peers in seminars, and engage in veterinary medical-level and graduate-level courses and clerkships, as well as in research with highly qualified mentors.

A student who is interested in this program should contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

For additional information, refer to the statement on Special Programs in the Graduate Education section of this catalog.


Post-D.V.M. Clinical Education Programs

Internships. The Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences offers 13–month rotating internships designed to provide general clinical training for the post–D.V.M. student and a basis for further education in a specialty area.

Residencies. Residencies designed to meet the training requirement for board certification are offered in a variety of clinical specialties by the departments of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, and Pathology. Concurrent work toward an advanced degree is possible.


Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology

Nationwide, there is a need for scientists who understand modern molecular biology in the context of integrated systems and can apply this understanding to human and animal health. Addressing this national need with an interdepartmental graduate program in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology will offer graduates the understanding of how molecular and cellular events integrate into whole-animal systems, knowledge of how appropriate animal models can be used to study human and animal disease, and understanding of how species differences and similarities can be used to investigate basic biology and disease.

Graduates of the master’s and/or the doctoral program in comparative medicine and integrative biology will find employment in academia, governmental research and regulatory agencies, and in pharmaceutical industry research. They will become leaders in discovery and problem-solving research in medical science and will play an instrumental role in the translation of new knowledge to address current issues in human and animal health and well-being. The overall program is designed to develop an integrative approach to research in clinical, cellular, and molecular problems in comparative medicine and integrative biology. It emphasizes development of a firm scientific background in clinical and basic biomedical sciences and the conduct of original research.


To be considered for admission, applicants must hold a bachelor’s or higher degree in life sciences or related fields and have achieved a grade-point average of at least 3.0. As biological sciences interface more and more with disciplines such as bioinformatics, mathematics, and engineering, it is possible that students holding degrees in fields other than life sciences may contribute to and benefit from training in comparative medicine and integrative biology. The admissions committee may recommend that degree holders in other fields be admitted if their background is deemed appropriate to a particular research area in the college. The committee is chaired by the associate dean for research and graduate studies of the College of Veterinary Medicine and has representatives from each department, as appointed by the chair of each department. An applicant’s acceptance will be based on the academic record including grade-point average, quality of previous training, performance on standard tests such as the GRE, and proficiency in English as demonstrated by standard tests such as the TOEFL or equivalents; statement of professional goals, three letters of reference, and availability of appropriate mentors.

Upon admission to the program, the admissions committee will appoint a temporary advisor. Within six months after entrance into the program, a major advisor will be selected by mutual agreement between the student and the proposed major advisor, after consultation with the associate dean for research and graduate studies and the department chair from the home department of the proposed major advisor.

The major advisor will be required to submit a student’s progress report to the admissions committee by December 30 of each year. The committee will conduct an individual interview with each graduate student annually to assess progress in the program. Assessment of the student’s progress will be reported to the major advisor, chairperson of the advisor’s department, and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.


Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology - Master of Science

The College of Veterinary Medicine offers a master of science program in comparative medicine and integrative biology to develop an understanding of major concepts in comparative medicine and integrative biology as well as to acquire comprehensive knowledge of a major field and related subjects. Plan A consists of prescribed course work, original research of an important problem in human and animal health or biology, a thesis, and a final oral examination. Plan B consists of prescribed course work and a final research paper.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine, students must meet the requirements specified below.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology

The student must complete a total of 30 credits for the degree under Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis), with at least 12 of those non-research credits in courses at the 800-900 level. Student’s who lack sufficient background in certain areas may be asked to take collateral courses at the 400-500 level. These collateral courses are not counted toward degree requirements. The student’s program of study must be approved by the student’s major advisor and must meet the requirements specified below: 

Requirements for Both Plan A and Plan B (30 credits):
1. The following course:
VM 820 Current Topics in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology 2
2. One of the following courses:
STT 421 Statistics I 3
STT 422 Statistics II 3
PHM 830 Experimental Design and Data Analysis 3

Additional Requirements for Plan A:

  1. One course from at least two of the following three major areas:   Molecular Life Sciences, Integrative Biology, and Pathology. A list of  approved courses is available from your academic advisor.
  2. Complete at least 10 credits of 899 Master’s Thesis Research.
  3. Fulfill the Graduate School requirement for Responsible Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RCRSCA).
  4. Successfully defend the master's thesis.

Additional Requirements for Plan B:

  1. One course from each of the following three major areas: Molecular Life Sciences, Integrative Biology, and Pathology. A list of approved courses is available from your academic advisor.
  2. Fulfill the Graduate School requirement for Responsible Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RCRSCA).
  3. Submit a satisfactory research paper.

Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology - Doctor of Philosophy

The College also offers the Doctor of Philosophy degree focused on depth of understanding across disciplines, acquisition of research skills and the conducting of original research.

The objective of the first two years of the program is to acquire and/or document a high degree of competence in fundamental and basic biomedical sciences and to develop research skills. This objective is achieved through specific course requirements and laboratory research.

Students may elect to take their comprehensive exam after completion of at least 12 credit hours of course work. The comprehensive examination consists of the submission of a written research proposal, and an oral presentation of the dissertation proposal to the student's guidance committee. 

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine, students must meet the requirements specified below.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology

The student must complete a minimum of 18 credits of non-research courses, with at least 12 credits in courses at the 800 level and above.

In rare cases, a student may lack sufficient background in certain areas and may be asked to complete collateral courses at the 400 or 500 level. Credits earned in such collateral courses are not counted towards the degree.

Students must complete the following requirements for the degree:
1. At least two enrollments in:
VM 820 Current Topics in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology  2
2. At least 14 credits in electives that are approved by the student's guidance committee and that include at least one course from each of four major areas: molecular life sciences, integrative biology, pathology, and statistics and epidemiology.
3. The following course (24 to 36 credits):
    VM 999 Doctoral Dissertation Research
4. Successfully defend the doctoral dissertation.
5. Fulfill the Graduate School requirement for Responsible Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RCRSCA).

Food Safety - Master of Science

The Master of Science in Food Safety is an online program designed for students who want to enhance their study of food safety.

The Master of Science is offered by the College of Veterinary Medicine. This integrated multidisciplinary program is designed for students with various disciplinary interests and experiences. It is particularly relevant for students whose professional careers are at the interface of research, regulatory affairs, production, marketing, finance, and management.


Applicants will be accepted after review by an admissions committee of faculty. An academic specialist will serve as the student’s academic advisor and will assist the student in planning a program of study that is related to the student’s interests and professional goals and that fulfills college and university requirements.

Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited and recognized college or university with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The applicant must have completed at least 6 credits of college-level course work in biological sciences, including 3 credits in microbiology. A 300-level course or higher is recommended. The applicant must prove or demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English and submit a personal statement and three letters of recommendation. Experience in the workplace is weighed heavily in meeting requirements for admission.

Applicants who do not meet all of the requirements listed above may be admitted provisionally and permitted to enroll for collateral course work, not to count toward the degree. This course work must be approved beforehand by the program director.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Food Safety

The student must complete 30 credits under Plan B (without thesis). The specific program of study must be approved by the student’s academic advisor.

1. One of the following courses (3 credits):  
  FSC 810 International Food Laws and Regulations 3
  FSC 811 U.S. Food Laws and Regulations 3
2. All of the following courses (18 credits):  
  VM 810 Food Safety Introduction and Professional Management 3
  VM 811 Evolution and Ecology of Foodborne Pathogens 3
  VM 812 Food Safety Toxicology 3
  VM 815 Applied Project in Food Safety 3
  VM 830 Food Safety Research Methods 3
Foodborne Disease Epidemiology for the Professional 3
3. Nine additional credits in electives approved by the student's academic advisor.  
4. Pass a final applied project.  

Food Safety - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Food Safety embodies the principles of prevention of foodborne illness. The certificate is a fully online program that addresses the needs of the food industry, government, and public health for their employees to be educated in many of the aspects of safeguarding food supply. The certificate is not open to students pursuing the Master of Science degree in Food Safety.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Food Safety

Students must complete 12 credits from the following:
1. All of the following courses (9 credits):
VM 811 Evolution and Ecology of Foodborne Pathogens 3
VM 812 Food Safety Toxicology 3
VM 831 Foodborne Disease Epidemiology for the Professional 3
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
FSC 810 International Food Laws and Regulations 3
FSC 811 U.S. Food Laws and Regulations 3
VM 814 Packaging for Food Safety 3
VM 817 Livestock Pre-Harvest Food Safety 3
VM 821 Food Protection and Defense 3
VM 824 Global Food Safety 3
VM 825 Quantifying Food Risk 3
VM 834 Current Issues in Food Safety 3
VM 835 Food Safety for Produce 3
VM 840 Anti-Counterfeit Strategy and Product Production 3
Other 800-level courses may be used to fulfill this requirement with program advisor approval.


Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences

Annette O'Connor, Chairperson

The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences offers courses designed to meet the needs of the professional program in veterinary medicine and post-D.V.M. clinical training programs that provide the basis for specialty board certification in large animal medicine and surgery.

Many members of the faculty participate in graduate training at the master's and doctoral level through the interdepartmental program in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology.

Several colleges and departments within Michigan State University cooperate in offering interdepartmental Doctor of Philosophy degree programs with majors in cell and molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience, which are administered by the College of Natural Science. For additional information, refer to the statement on the doctoral programs in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.

Graduate Study

Large Animal Clinical Sciences - Master of Science

The principal objectives of the Master of Science program are to introduce candidates to research and to prepare them for positions requiring advanced education. Opportunities are available in veterinary and medical colleges, animal and veterinary science departments, industrial research and development, U. S. Public Health Service, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and private business organizations or practices.

The master's degree student is usually required to develop a course of study which requires writing a thesis based upon original research (Plan A). In rare instances, a student may be permitted to elect a non–thesis (Plan B) course of study upon recommendation of the guidance committee and the approval of the department's faculty.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine, students must meet the requirements specified below.


The candidate must possess a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree or an equivalent degree and be accepted by the graduate faculty of the department.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Large Animal Clinical Sciences

The student must complete 30 credits under either Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis).
Students majoring in large animal clinical sciences may elect to support the major field with courses in two or three additional areas. Supporting and minor courses may be in anatomy, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, bacteriology, virology, immunology, mycology, parasitology, nutrition, animal science, statistics, chemistry, genetics, or education.

Academic Standards

A second semester of grades averaging below 3.00 constitutes cause for withdrawal from the program.

Large Animal Clinical Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy degree program is designed to provide veterinary medical graduates the experience and training necessary to develop an integrative approach to animal disease research. The program emphasizes the development of a firm scientific background in fundamental and basic biomedical sciences, in–depth knowledge in an area of veterinary science, and the conduct of in–depth original research.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Applicants for admission must hold a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree or another medical degree and have a grade–point average of at least 3.00 in two previous years of graduate or professional study. At least one year of clinical experience is recommended. A Master of Science degree is not required.

Applicants must submit an autobiographical sketch, a statement of interest and objectives, and three letters of recommendation from individuals capable of judging their academic capabilities and accomplishments. The department's Graduate Postgraduate Training Committee reviews applications for admission and recommends persons for admission to the department chairperson. The admissions decision is based upon the applicant's academic record and professional goals, the letters of recommendation, and space and faculty availability.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Large Animal Clinical Sciences

The doctoral program is divided into three phases:  Phase I culminating with a qualifying examination, Phase II culminating with a comprehensive examination, and Phase III culminating with the completion and defense of the dissertation. There is no foreign language requirement.

Phase I consists of fundamental and basic biomedical sciences courses in which the student must demonstrate a high degree of competence. The student must complete 15 credits of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physiologic chemistry. No fewer than 3 credits must be in biochemistry. The student must also complete no fewer than 3 credits of statistics and no fewer than 6 credits in courses emphasizing mechanisms of animal disease. In order to continue in the doctoral program, the student must pass a qualifying examination formulated and conducted by the qualifying examination committee.

Phase II consists of at least 13 credits in an area of veterinary science chosen by the student. The 13 credits must be in courses at the 400 level or above. At least 8 of the 13 credits must be in courses at the 800 level or above, and it is recommended that these credits be from one of the following departments:  anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and toxicology, microbiology, pathology, statistics and probability, or community health science. With the agreement of the department that administers the courses, the 8 credits may contribute to a minor from that department, but a minor is not required for the program.

The comprehensive examination is given by the student's guidance committee toward the end of Phase II when the student has completed most of the required courses. The examination consists of two parts:  an oral examination and the presentation of a dissertation proposal. The oral examination is designed to evaluate the student's depth of knowledge in their chosen area of veterinary science and includes, but is not limited to, material from the required courses. The student must pass the oral examination before he or she may present the dissertation proposal. The proposal must be presented no earlier than 15 days, and no later than 45 days, after the student has passed the oral examination.

Phase III consists of conducting animal disease research, completing the dissertation, and defending the dissertation.

Academic Standards

A candidate may not receive more than three grades below 3.0 in courses required for the degree.

Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology

Victor J. DiRita, Chairperson


The Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology is administered jointly by the colleges of Veterinary Medicine,  Human Medicine, Natural Science, and Osteopathic Medicine.  All four of these colleges offer a Master of Science degree in microbiology, genetics, and immunology and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in microbiology, genetics, and immunology. For additional information about the department and its graduate degree programs, refer to the statement on the Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.

BioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year

Students seeking a doctoral degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, cell and molecular biology, genetics and genome sciences, microbiology, genetics and immunology, pharmacology and toxicology, or molecular, cellular, and integrative physiology should apply through the BioMolecular Science Gateway—First Year for admission to any of these Ph.D. programs. Students should select the Ph.D. program in which they have the greatest interest. During the first two semesters of enrollment, students will have the opportunity to choose and complete at least four courses in appropriate disciplinary subjects. In the spring semester of the first year, they will have the opportunity to continue with the Ph.D. program initially selected or change to one of the other five programs that aligns most closely with their educational goals. For additional information about the individual Ph.D. programs, refer to the statements in the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology, and Physiology in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, statements on the programs in Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics and Genome Sciences in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, and statement on the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Osteopathic Medicine section of this catalog.

Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation

Dalen W. Agnew, Chairperson

The Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation offers courses for students in the professional program in Veterinary Medicine.  The department offers Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs.  Residency training in diagnostic veterinary anatomic or clinical pathology is also available.

Graduate Study

Many members of the faculty participate in graduate training at the master's and doctoral level through the interdepartmental program in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology.

Several colleges and departments within Michigan State University cooperate in offering interdepartmental Doctor of Philosophy degree programs with majors in cell and molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience, which are administered by the College of Natural Science. For additional information, refer to the statement on the doctoral programs in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.


Residency Training in Veterinary Pathology

The veterinary residency program is designed to provide post–D.V.M. advanced training for proficiency in the practice of pathology. Scheduled rotational assignments are available in the areas of necropsy, clinical pathology, and surgical pathology. Residents also receive experience in teaching and are exposed to the research activities of the department. Residents must identify their area of interest in either clinical pathology or anatomic pathology. Appointments are for a 2 to 4 year period depending on the background and career objectives of the individual resident. Annual evaluations are conducted, and reappointments are contingent on the student's performance.


Pathology for Graduate Students in Related Fields

Students majoring in related fields may elect to take supportive courses in pathology. Such students are expected to have an adequate background in biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, gross anatomy, and histology. Also, due to limited facilities, permission must be obtained from the department chairperson prior to enrollment.



Graduate education and research may be directed to either human or animal pathology. Major areas of research in pathology provide the basis for advanced degree programs. These areas include toxicologic pathology, oncology, neuropathology, hematology in a broad sense, immunopathology, pathology of infectious diseases, reproductive and cardiovascular pathology, and pathology of animal models for human disease. Comparative aspects of disease processes may encompass a variety of species, including humans and domestic or wild mammals and birds, and may emphasize anthropozoonoses dealing with diseases transmissible across species lines. An interdisciplinary approach to problem solving will be applied in all instances where indicated.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine students must meet the requirements specified below.


With few exceptions, the graduate student majoring in pathobiology will have a professional degree in some branch of medicine. Students holding a bachelor's degree and seeking graduate training in pathology are advised to inquire about possible openings before going through the process of formal application. The doctoral candidate will usually have, in addition, a master's degree in a medical or paramedical science; however, possession of a master's degree does not guarantee admission to a doctoral program.

Academic Standards

In all graduate study programs in pathobiology, the student is expected to assume much responsibility. In research, particularly, the qualified student must demonstrate ability to independently plan, initiate, and carry to completion the project which the student undertakes.


Pathobiology - Master of Science

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Pathobiology

The student must complete 30 credits under Plan A (with thesis). The student is required to prepare a manuscript judged by the academic advisor and the director of thesis research as suitable to submit for publication in an appropriate scientific journal.


A minimum of 10 semester credits must be acquired in residence.


Pathobiology - Doctor of Philosophy

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Pathobiology

The student is required to prepare a manuscript judged by the academic advisor and director of dissertation research as suitable to submit for publication in an appropriate scientific journal.

The minimum number of credits required for the degree depends principally upon the student's educational background and level of scholarly attainment. Those students who are well advanced in training or who have had considerable professional experience in pathology and can submit bona fide evidence of scholarship and attainment may not be required to take as many as the usual 40 credits of course work beyond the master's degree.


Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Anne McLaren Dorrance, Chairperson

The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology is administered jointly by the colleges of Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine. The College of Veterinary Medicine is the primary administrative unit. All three colleges offer a Master of Science degree program in Laboratory Research in Pharmacology and Toxicology, a Doctor of Philosophy degree program in Pharmacology and Toxicology, and a Graduate Certificate in Safety Pharmacology. The College of Osteopathic Medicine offers an online Master of Science degree program in Pharmacology and Toxicology, an online Master of Science degree program in Integrative Pharmacology, and an online Graduate Certificate program in Safety Pharmacology. For additional information about the department and its graduate degree programs, refer to the statement on the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Osteopathic Medicine section of this catalog.

The department is responsible for teaching the fundamental and applied aspects of pharmacology and toxicology and offers courses at the undergraduate, professional, and graduate levels. The principal objective of the departmental Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program is to prepare students for pharmacology- and toxicology-related careers. 

A Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology is available to undergraduates through the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology

The Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology is designed to introduce science-oriented students to the field of pharmacology and toxicology. It provides student an opportunity to enhance their career and better position students for entry into professional programs including medical, veterinary, pharmacy schools, and to graduate programs in biomedical disciplines and careers within research.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Students who plan to complete the requirements for the minor should consult an undergraduate advisor in the department.

Requirements for the Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology

Students must complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following:

1. One of the following courses (3 credits):
PHM 350 Introductory Human Pharmacology 3
PHM 430 Human Pharmacology 3
2. The following course (3 credits):
PHM 450 Introduction to Chemical Toxicology 3
3. Complete 9 or 10 credits from the following Science courses:
IBIO 450 Cancer Biology (W) 3
PHM 211 Pharmacology and Toxicology in Society 2
PHM 321 Common Drugs 3
PHM 351 Fundamentals of Drug Safety 2
PHM 421 Clinical Toxicology 3
PHM 422 Fundamentals of Neuropharmacology 2
PHM 431 Pharmacology of Drug Addiction 3
PHM 454 Leadership and Teams for Scientists and Health Professionals 3
PHM 461 Tropical Medicine Pharmacology 2
PHM 480 Special Problems 3 to 6
PHM 483 Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases 3
PHM 487 Current Topics in Pharmacology and Toxicology 2
STT 231 Statistics for Scientists 3
STT 464 Statistics for Biologists 3
Students should consult their academic advisor for section specific information for enrollment in PHM 480.
Students who complete PHM 211 in item 3. must complete 10 credits to fulfill this requirement.
Students who complete PHM 454 in item 3. must complete 9 credits to fulfill this requirement.

BioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year

Students seeking a doctoral degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, cell and molecular biology, genetics and genome sciences, microbiology, genetics and immunology, pharmacology and toxicology, or molecular, cellular, and integrative physiology should apply through the BioMolecular Science Gateway—First Year for admission to any of these Ph.D. programs. Students should select the Ph.D. program in which they have the greatest interest. During the first two semesters of enrollment, students will have the opportunity to choose and complete at least four courses in appropriate disciplinary subjects. In the spring semester of the first year, they will have the opportunity to continue with the Ph.D. program initially selected or change to one of the other five programs that aligns most closely with their educational goals. For additional information about the individual Ph.D. programs, refer to the statements in the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology, and Physiology in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, statements on the programs in Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics and Genome Sciences in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, and statement on the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Osteopathic Medicine section of this catalog.

Department of Physiology

Karl Olson, Chairperson

The Department of Physiology is administered jointly by the colleges of Veterinary Medicine, Human Medicine, Natural Science, and Osteopathic Medicine.  All four of these colleges offer a Master of Science degree program in molecular, cellular, and integrative physiology and Doctor of Philosophy degree program in molecular, cellular, and integrative physiology. For additional information about the department and its graduate degree programs, refer to the statement on the Department of Physiology in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.

BioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year

Students seeking a doctoral degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, cell and molecular biology, genetics and genome sciences, microbiology, genetics and immunology, pharmacology and toxicology, or molecular, cellular, and integrative physiology should apply through the BioMolecular Science Gateway—First Year for admission to any of these Ph.D. programs. Students should select the Ph.D. program in which they have the greatest interest. During the first two semesters of enrollment, students will have the opportunity to choose and complete at least four courses in appropriate disciplinary subjects. In the spring semester of the first year, they will have the opportunity to continue with the Ph.D. program initially selected or change to one of the other five programs that aligns most closely with their educational goals. For additional information about the individual Ph.D. programs, refer to the statements in the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology, and Physiology in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, statements on the programs in Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics and Genome Sciences in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog, and statement on the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Osteopathic Medicine section of this catalog.

Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Robert Charles Fowkes-Gajan, Chairperson

The Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences offers courses designed to meet the needs of the professional program in veterinary medicine and post–D.V.M. clinical training programs that provide the basis for specialty board certification in various areas such as dermatology, diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, ophthalmology, internal medicine, cardiology, anesthesiology and surgery.

Many members of the faculty participate in graduate training at the master's and doctoral level through the interdepartmental program in Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology.

Several colleges and departments within Michigan State University cooperate in offering interdepartmental Doctor of Philosophy degree programs with majors in cell and molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience, which are administered by the College of Natural Science. For additional information, refer to the statement on the doctoral programs in the College of Natural Science section of this catalog.


Graduate Study

Small Animal Clinical Sciences - Master of Science

The department offers advanced studies leading to the Master of Science degree. The program is designed primarily for graduate veterinarians in the residency training program in the department.

Emphasis in the program is placed on clinically oriented research which is well supported by the facilities available and the clinical case volume. Graduates of this program will find opportunities in all areas of practice, teaching, and research.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Veterinary Medicine, students must meet the requirements specified below.


The candidate must possess a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree or its equivalent and have the potential qualifications for graduate study. Licensure to practice veterinary medicine in the State of Michigan is usually required.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Small Animal Clinical Sciences

The student must complete 30 credits under Plan A (with thesis).

Supporting courses may be taken in such areas as anatomy, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, nutrition, parasitology, statistics, virology, chemistry, and animal genetics.

Academic Standards

Three grades below a 3.0 in graduate courses will remove a student from degree candidacy.

Transfer Credits

As many as 9 semester credits of graduate work (excluding research and thesis credits) may be transferred from other institutions, upon approval of the department chairperson, the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, and the student's guidance committee.


Post-D.V.M. Clinical Training Programs

These programs are supported by the clinical service activities of a highly specialized faculty utilizing the facilities and support staff of The Veterinary Teaching Hospital.



The department offers thirteen–month rotating internships designed to provide general clinical training for the post—D.V.M. student as well as to provide a basis for further specialty training. Selection of trainees is normally made through the National Internship–Residency Matching Program.



Residencies designed to meet the training requirements for specialty board certification are currently offered in dermatology, internal medicine, and surgery. The dermatology residency is two years in length and the others are three years in length with yearly evaluation of progress and continuance based on trainee performance. Concurrent work toward the Master of Science degree is encouraged. Selection of trainees is normally accomplished through the National Internship Residency Matching Program.


Institute for Integrative Toxicology

Norbert E. Kaminski, Director

The Institute for Integrative Toxicology was established to facilitate and coordinate the varied programs in departments and colleges across the Michigan State University campus related to toxic substances which include multidisciplinary research, education, and training in toxicology.  These programs address almost all aspects of environmental toxicology with particular focus on adverse effects of chemical contaminants on living organisms.  Research spans a broad range from studies of biochemical and molecular mechanisms of toxicity to studies on the distribution and fate of chemicals in various environmental media.

The Institute for Integrative Toxicology administers the doctoral Program in Environmental and Integrative Toxicological Sciences providing students with excellent training in a basic science discipline and training and credentials in environmental and integrative toxicological sciences.  Students who complete this multidisciplinary course of study earn the Ph.D. degree in a basic science discipline with a dual major in environmental toxicology.  In this way and through its colleges, Michigan State University makes study in the area of environmental toxicology available to graduate students.

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Michigan State University

Rachel Reams, Director

In the more than 30 years since its inception, the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Michigan State University has become one of the country’s premier veterinary diagnostic laboratories whose mandate is to protect the public by ensuring the health of animals in Michigan and around the nation.

The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is a full-service laboratory with expertise provided in anatomic pathology, bacteriology, clinical pathology, endocrinology, immunodiagnostics/parasitology, nutrition, toxicology, and virology.

Faculty are appointed in academic departments and participate in teaching, research, diagnostic, and service programs.

It is fully accredited for all species by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.

Veterinary Medical Center

Chris Gray, Director

The MSU Veterinary Medical Center provides specialty referral services for animals from across the state of Michigan as well as nationwide, and also offers primary care small animal services to the community. The Center, which treats more than 28,000 patients each year, provides the environment for teaching veterinary and veterinary technology students, as well as interns and residents. It maintains facilities for clinical research activities for graduate and postdoctoral students, residents, and faculty. Board-certified specialists deliver world-class care in anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, internal medicine, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurology, and surgery across all species. The Center is accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association.