Academic Programs - Index
Click on an index entry to be taken to that section of the catalog.
AAbrams Planetarium -
College of Natural ScienceAbrams Planetarium -
The CampusAcademic Achievement Graduate Assistantships -
Graduate AssistantshipsAcademic Advisement -
Undergraduate EducationAcademic Advisement -
Enrollment and RegistrationAcademic Alliance Courseshare -
Doctoral ProgramsAcademic Alliance Traveling Scholar Program -
Doctoral ProgramsAcademic Apparel at Commencement -
Graduation HonorsAcademic Calendar -
Organizational InformationAcademic Opportunities -
Undergraduate EducationAcademic Placement Tests -
New Student Orientation and TransitionsAcademic Program Terminology -
General Procedures and RegulationsAcademic Standards -
Master's ProgramsAcademic Standards -
Doctoral ProgramsAcademic Standing -
Undergraduate EducationAcademic Standing of Undergraduate Students -
Academic StandingAcademic Student Affairs Offices in the Colleges -
Student ServicesAccelerator Science and Engineering - Graduate Cer -
Graduate StudyAccelerator Science and Engineering - Master of Sc -
Graduate StudyAccounting -
Undergraduate ProgramAccounting - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyAccounting Analytics - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyAccounting and Data Analytics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyAccounting and Information Systems, Department of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementAccounting Foundations - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyAccreditation -
The Academic ProgramActuarial Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsActuarial Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdditional Benefits, Other Information -
Graduate AssistantshipsAdditional Major -
Graduation RequirementsAdditional Major in Arabic -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdditional Major in Chinese -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdditional Major in German -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdditional Major in Global Studies in the Arts and -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsAdditional Major in Japanese -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdditional Major in Russian -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdministration of Research and Graduate Study -
Graduate StudyAdministrative Ruling on Holds on Enrollment, Regi -
CostsAdministrative Ruling-University Housing Requireme -
University Housing PolicyAdmission -
Graduate EducationAdmission -
Undergraduate EducationAdmission as a Freshman to Lyman Briggs College -
Lyman Briggs CollegeAdmission to a Degree Program -
AdmissionAdmission to a Degree-Granting College -
Academic AdvisementAdmission to the Accelerated Second Bachelor's Deg -
Undergraduate ProgramAdmission to the College of Agriculture and Natura -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdmission to the College of Arts and Letters -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdmission to the College of Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdmission to the College of Music -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdmission to the College of Natural Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsAdmission to the Teacher Certification Program -
Teacher CertificationAdult-Gerontology-Clinical Nurse Specialist - Grad -
Graduate StudyAdvanced Microscopy, Center for -
College of Natural ScienceAdvanced Payments and Deposits -
CostsAdvanced Payments and Deposits -
First-year Student AdmissionAdvanced Placement Program (College Board AP Exams -
First-year Student AdmissionAdvertising Analytics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramAdvertising and Public Relations -
Graduate StudyAdvertising and Public Relations, Department of -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesAdvertising Creative -
Undergraduate ProgramAdvertising Management -
Undergraduate ProgramAfrican American and African Studies -
Undergraduate ProgramsAfrican American and African Studies, Department o -
College of Arts and LettersAfrican American and African Studies, Doctor of Ph -
Graduate StudyAfrican American and African Studies, Master of Ar -
Graduate StudyAfrican American and African Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAfrican Studies Center -
International Studies and ProgramsAfrican Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAfter Academic Dismissal -
Readmission after Academic Recess or DismissalAfter Academic Recess -
Readmission after Academic Recess or DismissalAgribusiness Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsAgribusiness Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAgricultural Industries -
ProgramsAgricultural Operations -
ProgramsAgricultural Technology, Institute of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesAgricultural, Food and Resource Economics - Doctor -
Graduate StudyAgricultural, Food and Resource Economics - Master -
Graduate StudyAgricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Depart -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesAgriculture and Natural Resources Exploratory Unde -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesAgriculture and Natural Resources, College ofAgriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education -
Graduate StudyAgriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsAgriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education, -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsAgronomy, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAll Other Undergraduate and Graduate Students -
Student Health InsuranceAll Students -
Maximum and Minimum CreditsAlumni Memorial Chapel -
The CampusAmerican Council on Education (ACE) -
Master's ProgramsAmerican Indian and Indigenous Studies, Minor in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsAmerican Studies - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyAnatomy and Structural Biology, Division of -
Department of RadiologyAnesthesia, Department of -
College of Human MedicineAnimal Science -
Undergraduate ProgramAnimal Science - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyAnimal Science, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesAnimal Science- Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyAnimal Studies: Social Science and Humanities Pers -
Graduate StudyAnimation and Comics Storytelling in Media, Minor -
Undergraduate ProgramsAnthropology - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramAnthropology - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramAnthropology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyAnthropology - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyAnthropology, Department of -
College of Social ScienceAnthropology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramApparel and Textile Design -
Undergraduate ProgramsApparel and Textiles -
Undergraduate ProgramsApplication Procedure -
AdmissionApplication Procedure for High School Seniors -
Undergraduate Admission to the UniversityApplication Procedure for Transfer Students -
Undergraduate Admission to the UniversityApplication to a Graduate Program -
AdmissionApplied Behavior Analysis - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyApplied Behavior analysis and Autism Spectrum Diso -
Graduate StudyApplied Credits to a Master's Degree -
Doctoral ProgramsApplied Development in International Agriculture a -
Undergraduate ProgramsApplied Engineering Sciences -
College of EngineeringApplied Mathematics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyApplied Mathematics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyArabic -
Undergraduate ProgramsArabic, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsArt -
ArtsArt Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsArt History and Visual Culture -
Undergraduate ProgramsArt History and Visual Culture, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsArt, Art History, and Design, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersArts -
Campus ActivitiesArts and Cultural Management - Undergraduate Certi -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsArts and Cultural Management, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyArts and Cultural Management, Minor in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsArts and Humanities -
Residential College in the Arts and HumanitiesArts, Cultural Management and Museum Studies - Mas -
Graduate StudyArts-Living Learning Community -
Undergraduate ProgramsAsian Pacific American Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAsian Studies Center -
International Studies and ProgramsAsian Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsAssignment -
University Housing PolicyAssistantship Levels -
Graduate AssistantshipsAssociated Students of Michigan State University ( -
Student Governing GroupsAstrophysics -
Undergraduate ProgramsAstrophysics and Astronomy - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyAstrophysics and Astronomy - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyAthletic Facilities -
The CampusAthletic Training - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyAthletics -
Campus ActivitiesAttendance -
General Procedures and RegulationsAxia Institute -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementBBasic Features of the Program -
The Honors CollegeBasic Medical Science, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyBeaumont Tower -
The CampusBeverage Science and Technology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsBicycles -
Transportation Services on CampusBig Ten Academic Alliance Courseshare -
Doctoral ProgramsBig Ten Academic Alliance Traveling Scholar Progra -
Doctoral ProgramsBiochemistry and Molecular Biology -
Undergraduate ProgramsBiochemistry and Molecular Biology - Doctor of Phi -
Graduate StudyBiochemistry and Molecular Biology - Master of Sci -
Graduate StudyBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of -
College of Human MedicineBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceBiochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology -
Undergraduate ProgramsBioethics and Social Justice, Center for the -
College of Human MedicineBioethics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramBiological Science Program -
College of Natural ScienceBiological Science-Secondary Education -
Undergraduate ProgramBiology, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsBiology, Lyman Briggs College -
Undergraduate ProgramBiomedical Engineering, Department of -
College of EngineeringBiomedical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyBiomedical Engineering, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyBiomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program -
College of Natural ScienceBiomedical Laboratory Operations - Master of Scien -
Graduate StudyBiomedical Laboratory Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsBiomedical Laboratory Science - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and ImmunologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and ImmunologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Pharmacology and ToxicologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Microbiology, Genetics, and ImmunologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of PhysiologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of PhysiologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Department of PhysiologyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBioMolecular Science Gateway - First Year -
Graduate StudyBiostatistics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyBiostatistics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyBiosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Departmen -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesBiosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Departmen -
College of EngineeringBiosystems Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramBiosystems Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyBiosystems Engineering - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyBoard -
Organizational InformationBoard of Trustees Awards -
Graduation HonorsBooks -
Other InformationBrand Marketing - Undergraduate Certificate -
Undergraduate ProgramsBroadcast Journalism, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsBusiness Administration - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyBusiness Concepts for Environmental Sustainability -
Graduate StudyBusiness Data Science and Analytics - Master of Sc -
Graduate StudyBusiness Research - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyBusiness, Minor in -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementBusiness-CONNECT -
Office of Research and InnovationCCampus Activities -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsCanadian Studies Center -
International Studies and ProgramsCancellation of Enrollment -
General Procedures and RegulationsCareer Services Network -
Division of Student Life and EngagementCareer Services Network -
Other ServicesCATA Bus Service -
Transportation Services on CampusCell and Molecular Biology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyCell and Molecular Biology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyCenter for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies -
International Studies and ProgramsCenter for Gender in Global Context -
International Studies and ProgramsCenter for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanit -
College of Arts and LettersCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies -
International Studies and ProgramsCertified Copy of Diploma -
General Procedures and RegulationsChange in Program -
AdmissionChange of Enrollment -
General Procedures and RegulationsChange of Section within a Course -
General Procedures and RegulationsChanging a Major -
EnrollmentCharles Drew Science Scholars -
Undergraduate ProgramsChemical Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsChemical Engineering -
Graduate StudyChemical Engineering -
Graduate StudyChemical Engineering and Materials Science, Depart -
College of EngineeringChemical Physics -
Undergraduate ProgramsChemical Physics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyChemistry - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsChemistry - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsChemistry - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyChemistry - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyChemistry, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceChemistry, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsChicano/Latino Studies - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyChicano/Latino Studies, Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyChicano/Latino Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsChild Development - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyChild Development and Early Childhood Education: B -
Undergraduate ProgramsChildren's and Young Adult Literature, Graduate Ce -
Graduate StudyChinese -
Undergraduate ProgramsChinese, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsChinese, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsCities: Environment, Design, and Society, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsCitizens Scholars -
Undergraduate ProgramsCivil and Environmental Engineering, Department of -
College of EngineeringCivil Engineering -
Graduate StudyCivil Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsCivil Engineering -
Graduate StudyCivil Rights and Title IX Education and
Complianc -
Office of the PresidentClass Councils -
Programming OrganizationsClass Visitor -
General Procedures and RegulationsClassical and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Minor -
Undergraduate ProgramsClassification of Students -
EnrollmentClinical Laboratory Sciences - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyClinical Medicine - Master of Arts -
College of Human MedicineClinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyCoaching, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsCode of Teaching Responsibility -
General Procedures and RegulationsCode of Undergraduate Academic Advising Responsibi -
General Procedures and RegulationsCognitive Science, Interdepartmental Graduate Spec -
Interdepartmental Graduate SpecializationsCognitive Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsCollaborative Learning Center
Neighborhood Student Success CenterCollaborative Piano - Doctor of Musical Arts -
Graduate StudyCollaborative Piano - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyCollateral Courses -
AdmissionCollege of Arts and Letters 3 + 3 Option -
College of Arts and LettersCollege of Human Medicine Scholarship Fund -
Graduate-Professional Student ScholarshipsCollege of Osteopathic MedicineCollege of Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship Fund -
Graduate-Professional Student ScholarshipsCollege of Social Science, Admission to the Colleg -
Undergraduate ProgramsCollege-Level Examination Program (CLEP) -
First-year Student AdmissionColleges, Schools and Departments -
The Academic ProgramComic Art and Graphic Novels, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsCommunication -
Graduate StudyCommunication -
Graduate StudyCommunication -
Undergraduate ProgramCommunication Arts and Sciences, College ofCommunication Arts and Sciences, College of 3 + 3 -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesCommunication Leadership and Strategy -
Undergraduate ProgramCommunication, Department of -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesCommunicative Sciences and Disorders -
Graduate StudyCommunicative Sciences and Disorders -
Graduate StudyCommunicative Sciences and Disorders, Bachelor of -
Undergraduate ProgramCommunicative Sciences and Disorders, Department o -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesCommunicative Sciences and Disorders, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramCommunity and Economic Development, Center for -
University Outreach and EngagementCommunity and Student Relations -
Division of Student Life and EngagementCommunity Engaged Learning, Center for
Division of Student Life and EngagementCommunity Sustainability - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyCommunity Sustainability - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyCommunity Sustainability, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesComparative Cultures and Politics, James Madison C -
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in James Madison CollegeComparative Medicine and Integrative Biology -
College of Veterinary MedicineComposition -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputational and Applied Mathematics - Bachelor o -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputational and Applied Mathematics - Bachelor o -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputational Data Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputational Mathematics, Science and Engineering -
Graduate StudyComputational Mathematics, Science and Engineering -
College of EngineeringComputational Mathematics, Science and Engineering -
College of Natural ScienceComputational Mathematics, Science and Engineering -
Graduate StudyComputational Mathematics, Science, and Engineerin -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputational Modeling - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyComputational Plant Science - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyComputer Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputer Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsComputer Science -
Graduate StudyComputer Science -
Graduate StudyComputer Science and Engineering, Department of -
College of EngineeringComputer Science, Lyman Briggs -
Undergraduate ProgramComputer Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsConcurrent Application to a Graduate Program -
AdmissionConditional Pass Marker -
Grade MarkersConservation Law, Graduate Certificate in -
Graduate StudyConservation, Recreation and Environmental Enforce -
Undergraduate ProgramsConstruction Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsConstruction Management - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyContinuing Education Unit -
General Procedures and RegulationsCooperative Living Units -
Off-Campus HousingCoRe Experience, The Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsCorporate Accounting - Master of Business Administ -
Graduate StudyCorrection of Grades -
General Procedures and RegulationsCosts -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsCouncil of Graduate Students -
Student Governing GroupsCounseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) -
Student ServicesCounseling, Educational Psychology and Special Edu -
College of EducationCounselor Education and Supervision - Doctor of Ph -
Graduate StudyCounterfeiting, Altering and Copying MSU Ordinance -
General Procedures and RegulationsCourse Designations -
Programs and Areas of StudyCourse Fees and Tuition (2024-25) -
CostsCourse Modes, Formats and Credits -
General Procedures and RegulationsCourse Numbers -
General Procedures and RegulationsCourse Requirements -
Doctoral ProgramsCourse Work -
Master's ProgramsCourses -
General Procedures and RegulationsCR: The New Centennial Review -
College of Arts and LettersCreative Writing, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramCredit for Previous Military Training -
Department of Military ScienceCredit Requirements -
Doctoral ProgramsCredit Requirements -
Master's ProgramsCredits -
General Procedures and RegulationsCriminal Justice -
Undergraduate ProgramsCriminal Justice - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyCriminal Justice - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyCriminal Justice, Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyCriminal Justice, School of -
College of Social ScienceCrop and Soil Sciences -
Undergraduate ProgramsCrop and Soil Sciences - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyCrop and Soil Sciences- Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyCurrent/Permanent Address and Emergency Contact -
University Housing PolicyCurriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education - D -
Graduate StudyCustomer Experience Management, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyCyber Criminology and Cyber Security - Graduate Ce -
Graduate StudyCybercrime and Digital Investigation - Master of S -
Graduate StudyDDairy Management -
ProgramsDance, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsDANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DANTES) -
First-year Student AdmissionData Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsData Science - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyData Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsDean's List -
Scholastic HonorsDefense Studies and Leadership, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsDeferment/Gap Year -
Undergraduate Admission to the UniversityDefinitions of Terms Related to Calculations of Cr -
General Procedures and RegulationsDegree Granted Under Special Circumstances -
Posthumous DegreesDelayed Enrollment -
AdmissionDepartment of Aerospace Studies -
Office of the ProvostDepartment of Military Science -
Office of the ProvostDepartment of Police and Public Safety -
Other ServicesDepartment of Psychiatry -
College of Osteopathic MedicineDesign Justice, Minor in -
Residential College in the Arts and HumanitiesDF-Deferred -
Postponement of GradingDietetics -
Undergraduate ProgramsDigital Cultural Heritage and History, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramDigital Humanities - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyDigital Humanities and Social Sciences, Center for -
College of Social ScienceDigital Media - Graduate Certificate -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesDigital Storytelling, Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsDigital Storytelling, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsDigital Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Minor -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsDisciplinary Teaching Minors, Requirements for -
Department of Teacher EducationDismissal -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsDissertation and Abstract -
Doctoral ProgramsDistance Education - In-Person, Online and Hybrid -
General Procedures and RegulationsDivision of Human Pathology -
Department of PhysiologyDivision of Student Life and Engagement -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesDoctor of Education -
Doctoral ProgramsDoctor of Education -
Graduate StudyDoctoral Comprehensive Examinations -
Doctoral ProgramsDoctoral Programs -
Graduate EducationDoctoral Students -
Course Fees and Tuition (2024-25)Documentary Production, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsDual Degree Medical Scientist Training Program -
Graduate StudyDual Degree Medical Scientist Training Program -
College of Veterinary MedicineDual Degree Medical Scientist Training Program -
College of Human MedicineDual Degree Program -
Graduate EducationDual Degree Program: Bachelor of Landscape Archite -
School of Planning, Design and ConstructionDual Degree Program: Bachelor of Science and Maste -
College of Natural ScienceDual Degree Programs in the College of Veterinary -
College of Veterinary MedicineDual Enrollment -
Graduation RequirementsDual Enrollment by High School Students -
First-year Student AdmissionDual Major Doctoral Degrees -
Doctoral ProgramsEEarly Childhood and Family Policy - Graduate Certi -
Graduate StudyEarly Childhood Units -
Other ServicesEarly Termination or Resignation of Assistantships -
Graduate AssistantshipsEarly/Middle College Applicants
First-year Student AdmissionEarth and Environmental Sciences - Doctor of Philo -
Graduate StudyEarth and Environmental Sciences, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceEarth Observation and Geospatial Analytics, Minor -
Undergraduate ProgramsEarth Science, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsEat At State -
Housing and DiningEcology, Evolution, and Behavior - Dual Major -
Graduate StudyEcology, Evolution, and Behavior, Interdepartmenta -
Interdepartmental Minors and SpecializationsEconomic Geography -
Undergraduate ProgramsEconomics - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsEconomics - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsEconomics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyEconomics - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyEconomics, Department of -
College of Social ScienceEconomics, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsEconomics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsEducation - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyEducation Abroad -
Academic OpportunitiesEducation Abroad -
General Procedures and RegulationsEducation and Society, Minor -
College of EducationEducation Opportunity Fellowships -
FellowshipsEducation Policy - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyEducation Policy and Social Sciences, Graduate Spe -
Graduate StudyEducational Administration, Department of -
College of EducationEducational Leadership - Doctor of Education -
Graduate StudyEducational Psychology - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyEducational Psychology and Educational Technology -
Graduate StudyEducational Specialist Program -
Master's ProgramsEducational Technology - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyEducational Technology - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyElectrical and Computer Engineering -
Graduate StudyElectrical and Computer Engineering -
Graduate StudyElectrical and Computer Engineering, Department of -
College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsElectrical Technology -
ProgramsElementary Education -
Undergraduate ProgramElementary STEM Education, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyElements of Global Supply Chain Management - Gradu -
Graduate StudyEli and Edythe Broad Art Museum -
The CampusEli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad GrEmergency Medicine, Department of -
College of Human MedicineEndorsements -
Department of Teacher EducationEnergy, Minor in -
College of EngineeringEnforcement -
University Housing PolicyEngineering Mechanics -
Graduate StudyEngineering Mechanics -
Graduate StudyEngineering Professional Fields, Programs With a M -
Undergraduate ProgramsEngineering Sciences, Programs With a Major in the -
Undergraduate ProgramsEngineering Study Abroad -
Undergraduate ProgramsEngineering, College ofEnglish -
Undergraduate ProgramEnglish - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyEnglish as a Second Language – Bachelor’s Degree -
Graduation RequirementsEnglish as a Second Language, Disciplinary Teachin -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsEnglish Language Center -
College of Arts and LettersEnglish Language Learner Education, Graduate Certi -
Graduate StudyEnglish Language Proficiency -
International Student AdmissionEnglish Language Proficiency Requirement -
International Student AdmissionEnglish, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersEnglish, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsEnrollment -
EnrollmentEnrollment -
Undergraduate EducationEnrollment and Registration -
Graduate EducationEnrollment, Fees, and General Information -
Enrollment and RegistrationEntomology -
Undergraduate ProgramEntomology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyEntomology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyEntomology, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesEntomology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramEntrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option -
Academic OpportunitiesEntrepreneurship and Innovation, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironment and Health, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental and Integrative Toxicological Scienc -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental and Resource Economics, Interdepartm -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental and Social System Modeling, Graduate -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental and Sustainability Studies, Minor in -
Interdepartmental Minors and SpecializationsEnvironmental Biology/Microbiology -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Biology/Plant Biology -
Undergraduate EducationEnvironmental Biology/Zoology -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Design - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Economics and Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Economics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Engineering -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Engineering -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Geosciences -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Geosciences - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Policy, Graduate Specialization -
Interdepartmental Graduate SpecializationsEnvironmental Science and Policy - Dual Major -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Sciences and Management, Lyman Brigg -
Undergraduate ProgramEnvironmental Social Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramEnvironmental Soil Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Studies and Sustainability -
Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Toxicology, Graduate Specialization -
College of EngineeringEnvironmental Toxicology, Graduate Specialization -
Graduate StudyEnvironmental Toxicology, Graduate Specialization -
Interdepartmental Minors and SpecializationsEpidemiology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyEpidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of -
College of Human MedicineEqual Opportunity and Non-Discrimination -
The Academic ProgramET-Extension -
Postponement of GradingEuropean Studies, Minor in -
James Madison CollegeEvaluation of Credits for Transfer Students for Mi -
Transfer Student AdmissionExaminations -
First-year Student AdmissionExaminations -
General Procedures and RegulationsExaminations -
Master's ProgramsExaminations Other Than Comprehensives -
Doctoral ProgramsExperience Architecture -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsExperiential Education - The Center for Spartan En -
Undergraduate ProgramsExtraordinary or Rare Circumstances -
Posthumous DegreesFFacilities for Research and Service -
Graduate StudyFacility for Rare Isotope Beams Laboratory -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesFaculty -
Organizational InformationFaculty Members of Michigan State University Admis -
AdmissionFamily and Community Medicine, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineFamily Community Services - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyFamily Medicine, Department of -
College of Human MedicineFederal Aid and Required GPA -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesFederal Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress Tow -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesFederal Direct PLUS Loan -
Student LoansFederal Direct Subsidized Loan -
Student LoansFederal Direct Unsubsidized Loan -
Student LoansFederal Financial Aid Probation and Denial -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesFee Payment -
Other InformationFellowships -
Financial Aid for Graduate StudentsFiction Filmmaking, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramField Training -
Department of Aerospace StudiesFilm Studies -
Undergraduate ProgramFilm Studies - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyFilm Studies, Minor -
Undergraduate ProgramFinal Examination Policy -
General Procedures and RegulationsFinal Oral Examination -
Doctoral ProgramsFinal Probation -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsFinance -
Undergraduate ProgramsFinance - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyFinance, Department of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementFinancial Aid -
Other InformationFinancial Aid for Graduate Students -
Graduate EducationFinancial Aid for Undergraduates -
Undergraduate EducationFinancial Aid Refund Policy -
Refund PolicyFinancial Planning and Wealth Management, Graduate -
Graduate StudyFinancial Planning and Wealth Management, Master o -
Graduate StudyFinancial Planning and Wealth Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFirst-year Student Admission -
AdmissionFirst-Year Students, College of Arts and Letters -
Undergraduate ProgramsFirst-Year Writing -
Academic Placement TestsFish and Wildlife Disease Ecology and Conservation -
Graduate StudyFisheries and Wildlife -
Undergraduate ProgramsFisheries and Wildlife - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyFisheries and Wildlife - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyFisheries and Wildlife, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesFood Industry Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsFood Industry Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFood Processing and Technology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFood Processing, Technology and Safety -
ProgramsFood Safety - Graduate Certificate -
Food Safety - Master of ScienceFood Safety - Master of Science -
College of Veterinary MedicineFood Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsFood Science - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyFood Science - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyFood Science and Human Nutrition, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesFor Further Housing Information -
Housing and DiningForeign Language Requirement -
Graduate EducationForeign Language Teaching - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyForeign Language Teaching - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyForensic Science - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyForest Carbon Science, Policy and Management - Gra -
Graduate StudyForest Technology -
ProgramsForestry -
Undergraduate ProgramsForestry - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyForestry - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyForestry, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesForestry, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFoundations in Chemical Engineering - Graduate Cer -
Graduate StudyFraternity and Sorority Community -
Off-Campus HousingFraternity and Sorority Life -
Student Governing GroupsFrench -
Undergraduate ProgramsFrench and Francophone Studies - Doctor of Philoso -
Graduate StudyFrench and Francophone Studies - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyFrench Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsFrench Education, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFrench, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsFrench, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsFreshmen -
Undergraduate ProgramsFruit and Vegetable Crop Management -
ProgramsFruit, Vegetable, and Organic Horticulture Managem -
ProgramsFull-and Part-time Programs, College of Law -
College of LawFull-time Program, College of Law -
College of LawFull-Time Students (Graduate) -
Maximum and Minimum CreditsFull-Time Students (Undergraduate) -
Semester Credit LoadGGame Design and Development, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsGames and Interactive Media - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsGender and Sexuality Campus Center -
Division of Student Life and EngagementGender Marker -
General Procedures and RegulationsGender, Justice, and Environmental Change, Graduat -
Graduate StudyGeneral Eligibility Requirements -
Department of Military ScienceGeneral Military Course (GMC) -
Department of Aerospace StudiesGeneral Procedures and Regulations -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsGenetics and Genome Sciences - Doctor of Philosoph -
Graduate StudyGenetics and Genome Sciences - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyGenomics and Molecular Genetics -
Undergraduate ProgramsGeographic Information Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsGeography - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyGeography - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyGeography, Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsGeography, Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsGeography, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsGeography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Depa -
College of Social ScienceGeological Sciences -
Undergraduate ProgramsGeological Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyGeological Sciences - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyGerman -
Undergraduate ProgramsGerman Studies - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyGerman Studies - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyGerman, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsGerman, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsGifted and Talented Programs -
Pre-College OpportunitiesGlobal and International Studies in Social Science -
College of Social ScienceGlobal Change and Earth Observations, Center for -
College of Social ScienceGlobal Health - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyGlobal Health - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyGlobal Health - Undergraduate Certificate -
College of Osteopathic MedicineGlobal History -
Undergraduate ProgramsGlobal Innovations in Development, Engagement, and -
International Studies and ProgramsGlobal Plant Breeding, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyGlobal Public Health and Epidemiology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramGlobal Studies in Social Science, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsGlobal Studies in the Arts and Humanities -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsGlobal Studies in the Arts and Humanities -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsGlobal Studies in the Arts and Humanities - Gradua -
Graduate StudyGood Standing -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsGrade Markers -
General Procedures and RegulationsGrading Systems -
General Procedures and RegulationsGrading Systems, College of Law -
General Procedures and RegulationsGradPlan -
Master's ProgramsGraduate Assistant (not covered by the Graduate Em -
Maximum and Minimum CreditsGraduate Assistants -
Student Health InsuranceGraduate Assistants -
Maximum and Minimum CreditsGraduate Assistantships -
Financial Aid for Graduate StudentsGraduate Certificate in Data-enabled Water Sustain -
Graduate StudyGraduate Certificate Programs -
Graduate EducationGraduate EducationGraduate Fellows -
Maximum and Minimum CreditsGraduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship -
FellowshipsGraduate Specialization in Economics of Education -
Graduate StudyGraduate Student Rights and Responsibilities -
Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesGraduate Study -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyGraduate Study -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesGraduate Study -
College of Osteopathic MedicineGraduate-Professional Student Scholarships -
Financial Aid for Graduate StudentsGraduation and Commencement -
General Procedures and RegulationsGraduation Honors -
Scholastic HonorsGraduation Rates at Michigan State University -
The Academic ProgramGraduation Requirements -
Undergraduate EducationGraduation Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree -
Graduation RequirementsGraduation Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree, A -
Undergraduate ProgramsGraduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts D -
Undergraduate ProgramsGraduation with Honor -
Graduation HonorsGraphic Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsGraphic Design, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsGrief Absence, Policy on -
General Procedures and RegulationsGuest Status at Another Institution -
EnrollmentGuest Status at Michigan State University -
General Procedures and RegulationsHHealth and Risk Communication - Graduate Certifica -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesHealth and Risk Communication - Master of Arts -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesHealth Promotion -
Student Health Services at Olin Health Center and the NeighborhoodsHealth Promotion, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsHealthcare Compliance - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyHealthcare Leadership - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyHealthcare Management, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyHigh School Curricular Requirements -
First-year Student AdmissionHigh-Performance Computing - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyHigher, Adult and Lifelong Education - Master of A -
Graduate StudyHigher, Adult, and Lifelong Education - Doctor of -
Graduate StudyHispanic Cultural Studies - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyHispanic Literatures - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyHistory -
Undergraduate ProgramsHistory - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyHistory - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyHistory Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsHistory, Department of -
College of Social ScienceHistory, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsHistory, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsHistory: Social Studies Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsHonorary Degrees -
General Procedures and RegulationsHonors College, TheHonors Study in the College of Agriculture and Nat -
Undergraduate ProgramsHorticulture -
Undergraduate ProgramHorticulture - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyHorticulture - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyHorticulture, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesHospitality Business -
Undergraduate ProgramsHospitality Business Management - Master of Scienc -
Graduate StudyHospitality Business, Graduate Specialization in -
Graduate StudyHospitality Business, Master of Business Administr -
Graduate StudyHospitality Business, The School of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementHousing -
AdmissionHousing and Dining -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsHousing Contract -
University Housing PolicyHousing Information -
Living and LearningHuman Behavior and Social Services, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramHuman Biology -
Undergraduate ProgramHuman Development and Family Studies - Bachelor of -
Undergraduate ProgramsHuman Development and Family Studies - Bachelor of -
Undergraduate ProgramsHuman Development and Family Studies - Doctor of P -
Graduate StudyHuman Development and Family Studies, Department o -
College of Social ScienceHuman Developmoent and Family Studies - Master of -
Graduate StudyHuman Medicine Research - Graduate Certificate -
College of Human MedicineHuman Medicine, College ofHuman Medicine, Program in -
College of Human MedicineHuman Nutrition - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyHuman Nutrition - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyHuman Pathology, Division -
College of Human MedicineHuman Resource Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsHuman Resource Management and Development, Graduat -
Graduate StudyHuman Resources and Labor Relations - Master of H -
Graduate StudyHuman Resources and Labor Relations - Doctor of Ph -
Graduate StudyHuman Resources and Labor Relations, Bachelor of A -
Undergraduate ProgramsHuman Resources and Labor Relations, School of -
College of Social ScienceHuman Resources and Labor Relations-Law -
Graduate StudyHuman Services Administration - Graduate Certifica -
Graduate StudyHuman, Osteopathic, and Veterinary Medical Student -
Student Health InsuranceHuman-Environment and Economic Geography, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsHumanities - Prelaw Program -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsII-Incomplete -
Postponement of GradingImpact 89FM, WDMB-FM -
Campus ActivitiesImpact of Enrollment Status on Federal Pell Grant, -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesIn-State Tuition, Regulations for Qualifying for -
CostsIndependent Study -
General Procedures and RegulationsIndian and South Asian Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsIndigenous Studies - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyIndustrial Mathematics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyInfancy and Early Childhood, Interdepartmental Gra -
Interdepartmental Graduate SpecializationsInformation and Communication Technology and Devel -
Undergraduate ProgramsInformation and Media - Doctor of Philosophy -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesInformation Science - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsInformation Technology Management - Master of Busi -
Graduate StudyInformation Technology Services -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesInformation Technology, Minor in -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementIngham County Medical Society -
Graduate-Professional Student ScholarshipsInstitute of Agricultural Technology -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesInstitute of Public Utilities -
College of Social ScienceInstitute of Water Research -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesInstitutional Evaluation and Assessment -
General Procedures and RegulationsInstructions -
Principles and Instructions Governing MSU Student IdentificationInstrumentation in High Energy Physics - Graduate -
Graduate StudyInsurance and Risk Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsIntegrated Science-Secondary Education, Bachelor o -
Undergraduate ProgramsIntegrated Secondary Science Education, Master of -
Graduate StudyIntegrative Biology - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsIntegrative Biology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyIntegrative Biology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyIntegrative Biology, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceIntegrative Pharmacology - Master of Science -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyIntegrative Studies -
Graduation Requirements for a Bachelor's DegreeIntegrative Studies in Arts and Humanities, Cente -
College of Arts and LettersIntegrative Studies in General Science, Center for -
College of Natural ScienceIntegrative Studies in Social Science, Center for -
College of Social ScienceIntegrative Studies, Mathematics, and Writing Requ -
Transfer Student AdmissionIntegrative Toxicology, Institute for -
College of Veterinary MedicineIntegrity of Scholarship and Grades -
General Procedures and RegulationsInterdepartmental Degree Programs -
College of Natural ScienceInterdepartmental Graduate Program in Plant Breedi -
Graduate StudyInterdepartmental Graduate Specializations, Colleg -
College of Social ScienceInterdisciplinary Humanities, Program in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsInterdisciplinary Studies in Social Science -
College of Social ScienceInterdisciplinary Studies in Social Science - Bach -
College of Social ScienceInterior Design -
Undergraduate ProgramsInternational Baccalaureate Program -
First-year Student AdmissionInternational Business, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyInternational Business, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsInternational Center -
The CampusInternational Development, Graduate Specialization -
Interdepartmental Graduate SpecializationsInternational Development, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramInternational Digital Advertising, Dual Degree Mas -
Graduate StudyInternational Digital Advertising, Master of Scien -
Graduate StudyInternational Planning Studies -
Graduate StudyInternational Relations, James Madison College -
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in James Madison CollegeInternational Student Accident and Health Insuranc -
International Student AdmissionInternational Student Accident and Health Insuranc -
International Student AdmissionInternational Student Admission -
AdmissionInternational Student Admission -
AdmissionInternational Students -
Student Health InsuranceInternational Studies and Programs -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesInternships -
Graduate StudyIntroduction -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsItalian, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsJJames Madison CollegeJames Madison College 3 + 3 Option -
James Madison CollegeJames Madison College, Bachelor of Arts Degree -
James Madison CollegeJapanese -
Undergraduate ProgramsJapanese, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsJapanese, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsJazz Studies -
Undergraduate ProgramsJazz Studies - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyJazz Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsJewish Studies, Minor in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsJoint Degree Program -
Graduate EducationJournalism -
Graduate StudyJournalism -
Undergraduate ProgramsJournalism -
Graduate StudyJournalism - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyJournalism, School of -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesJulian Samora Research Institute -
University Outreach and EngagementJuris Doctor -
College of LawKK-12 Educational Administration - Doctor of Philos -
Graduate StudyK-12 Educational Administration - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyK-12 English as a Second Language, Graduate Specia -
Graduate StudyK12 Computer Science Education - Graduate Certific -
Graduate StudyKellogg Biological Station, W.K. -
College of Natural ScienceKellogg Hotel and Conference Center -
The CampusKinesiology -
Undergraduate ProgramsKinesiology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyKinesiology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyKinesiology, Department of -
College of EducationKorean, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsKresge Art Center -
The CampusLLaboratory Research in Pharmacology and Toxicology -
Pharmacology and ToxicologyLandscape and Nursery Management -
ProgramsLandscape Architecture -
Undergraduate ProgramsLandscape Horticulture, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramLandscape Management -
ProgramsLanguage and Literacy Education, Graduate Speciali -
Graduate StudyLanguages Other than English -
Academic Placement TestsLarge Animal Clinical Sciences, Department of -
College of Veterinary MedicineLarge Animal Clinical Sciences, Doctor of Philosop -
Graduate StudyLarge Animal Clinical Sciences, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyLatin American and Caribbean Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsLaw Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis - Master -
Graduate StudyLaw Student Rights and Responsibilities -
Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesLaw, College ofLaw, Justice and Public Policy, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsLeadership and Managing Teams, Graduate Certificat -
Graduate StudyLeadership for Equity Minded Change in Postseconda -
Graduate StudyLeadership in Integrated Learning, Minor in -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesLeadership in Medicine for the Underserved - Gradu -
College of Human MedicineLeadership in Rural Medicine - Graduate Certificat -
College of Human MedicineLeadership Laboratory -
Department of Aerospace StudiesLeadership of Organizations, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsLearning Design - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyLearning Design Leadership - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyLearning Experience Design - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyLearning Sciences - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Sex -
Undergraduate ProgramsLibrary Lending Policies -
General Procedures and RegulationsLicensure as a Professional Engineer -
Undergraduate ProgramsLifelong Education Enrollment Status -
General Procedures and RegulationsLinguistics -
Undergraduate ProgramsLinguistics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyLinguistics - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyLinguistics, Languages and Cultures, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersLinguistics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsLiteracy and Language Instruction, Graduate Specia -
Graduate StudyLiterature and Cultural Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramLiterature in English - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyLivestock Industries -
ProgramsLiving and Learning -
Undergraduate EducationLiving-Learning and Residential College Program -
Housing and DiningLyman Briggs CollegeLyman Briggs College 3 + 4 Option -
Undergraduate ProgramMManagement -
Undergraduate ProgramsManagement of Information Technology, Graduate Spe -
Graduate StudyManagement Studies, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyManagement, Department of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementManagement, Strategy, and Leadership - Master of S -
Graduate StudyManagerial Analysis for Decision Making - Graduate -
Graduate StudyMandatory, Non-Refundable Fees (per semester) -
Other CostsMandatory, Refundable Fees (per semester) (2024-25 -
Other CostsMarine Ecosystem Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsMark of Achievement -
General Procedures and RegulationsMarketing -
Undergraduate ProgramsMarketing Research and Analytics, Master of Scienc -
Graduate StudyMarketing, Department of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementMaster of Business Administration -
Graduate StudyMaster of Business Administration Degree: Program -
Graduate StudyMaster of Laws Programs -
College of LawMaster of Legal Studies -
College of LawMaster's Degrees Granted at Michigan State Univers -
Master's ProgramsMaster's Programs -
Graduate EducationMaterials Science and Engineering -
Graduate StudyMaterials Science and Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsMaterials Science and Engineering -
Graduate StudyMathematics -
Academic Placement TestsMathematics - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyMathematics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyMathematics Education - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyMathematics Education - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyMathematics Requirement -
Graduation Requirements for a Bachelor's DegreeMathematics, Advanced - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics, Advanced - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceMathematics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics-Elementary, Disciplinary Teaching Mino -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsMathematics-Secondary Education, Bachelor of Scien -
Undergraduate ProgramsMathematics-Secondary, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsMaximum and Minimum Credits -
Enrollment and RegistrationMeasurement and Quantitative Methods - Doctor of P -
Graduate StudyMechanical Engineering -
Graduate StudyMechanical Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsMechanical Engineering -
Graduate StudyMechanical Engineering, Department of -
College of EngineeringMedia Analytics - Graduate Certificate -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesMedia and Information -
Graduate StudyMedia and Information Studies, Graduate Specializa -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesMedia and Information, Department of -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesMedia Photography, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsMedical Education Research and Development, Office -
College of Human MedicineMedical Laboratory Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsMedical Neuroscience - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMedical Partners in Public Health, Graduate Certif -
College of Human MedicineMedical Student Rights and Responsibilities -
Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesMedicine, Department of -
College of Human MedicineMichigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies (MIGS) P -
Doctoral ProgramsMichigan State University Access to Student Inform -
General Procedures and RegulationsMichigan State University Extension -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesMichigan State University Faculty -
General Procedures and RegulationsMichigan State University Museum -
The CampusMicrobiology -
Undergraduate ProgramsMicrobiology and Molecular Genetics - Doctor of Ph -
Graduate StudyMicrobiology and Molecular Genetics - Master of Sc -
Graduate StudyMicrobiology, Genetics, and Immunology, Department -
College of Natural ScienceMicrobiology, Genetics, and Immunology, Department -
College of Veterinary MedicineMicrobiology, Genetics, and Immunology, Department -
College of Osteopathic MedicineMicrobiology, Genetics, and Immunology, Department -
College of Human MedicineMigration Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramMilitary Leave, Policy on -
General Procedures and RegulationsMilitary Tuition Assistance (TA) Funds Return Poli -
Refund PolicyMinimum Registration -
Course Fees and Tuition (2024-25)Minimum Requirement for Regular Admission -
International Student AdmissionMinimum Requirement for Regular Admission -
International Student AdmissionMinimum Scores for Provisional Admission, Graduate -
International Student AdmissionMinimum Scores for Provisional Admission, Undergra -
International Student AdmissionMinor in Arabic -
Undergraduate ProgramsMinor in Horticulture -
Undergraduate ProgramMinor in Materials Science and Engineering -
Undergraduate ProgramsMinor in Race and Ethnicity in the United States -
Undergraduate ProgramMinor in Science and Society -
Undergraduate ProgramMiscellaneous Fees and Deposits -
CostsMission Statement -
Organizational InformationMolecular Plant Sciences - Dual Major -
Graduate StudyMolecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology - -
Graduate StudyMolecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology- M -
Graduate StudyMotor Vehicles, Mopeds, and Electric Mobility Devi -
Transportation Services on CampusMSU AgBioResearch -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesMSU Auditorium -
The CampusMSU Bioeconomy Institute -
Office of Research and InnovationMSU Innovation Center -
Office of Research and InnovationMSU IT -
Information Technology ServicesMSU Product Center -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesMSU Safe Place -
Other ServicesMSU St. Andrews -
Office of Research and InnovationMSU Technologies -
Office of Research and InnovationMSU Union -
The CampusMSU/DOE Plant Research Laboratory -
College of Natural ScienceMSUvote -
Division of Student Life and EngagementMuseum Studies - Undergraduate Certificate -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsMuseum Studies, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMuseum Studies, Minor in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsMusic -
Undergraduate ProgramsMusic -
ArtsMusic Career Development - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMusic Cognition - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMusic Composition - Doctor of Musical Arts -
Graduate StudyMusic Composition - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyMusic Conducting - Doctor of Musical Arts -
Graduate StudyMusic Conducting - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyMusic Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsMusic Education - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyMusic Education - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyMusic Performance -
Undergraduate ProgramsMusic Performance - Doctor of Musical Arts -
Graduate StudyMusic Performance - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyMusic Theory - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMusic Theory - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyMusic, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsMusical Arts, Doctor of Musical Arts -
Doctoral ProgramsMusical Theatre, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsMusicology - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyMusicology - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyMuslim Studies, Minor in -
James Madison CollegeNName, Student -
General Procedures and RegulationsNative American Institute
University Outreach and EngagementNatural Science, College ofNeighborhood Student Success Center -
Undergraduate EducationNeurology and Ophthalmology, Department of -
College of Human MedicineNeurology and Ophthalmology, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineNeuroscience - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyNeuroscience - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyNeuroscience and the Law - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyNeuroscience, Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramNew Student Orientation -
International Student AdmissionNew Student Orientation and Transitions -
Undergraduate EducationNew Student Orientation and Transitions Process -
New Student Orientation and TransitionsNonprofit Fundraising, Graduate Specialization -
Graduate StudyNonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social -
Graduate StudyNonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social -
Graduate StudyNurse Practitioner - Adult-Gerontological Primary -
Graduate StudyNurse Practitioner - Family - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyNurse Practitioner - Psychiatric Mental Health - G -
Graduate StudyNursing -
Undergraduate ProgramNursing Practice, Doctor of Nursing Practice -
Graduate StudyNursing Practice, Doctor of Nursing Practice -
Doctoral ProgramsNursing, Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyNursing, Graduate Study -
College of NursingNursing, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyNutrition and Dietetics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyNutritional Sciences -
Undergraduate ProgramsOObstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, -
College of Human MedicineOff-Campus Housing -
Housing and DiningOff-Campus Work -
Master's ProgramsOffice for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion -
Office of the PresidentOffice for International Students and Scholars -
International Studies and ProgramsOffice of Academic Governance -
Selected Administrative UnitsOffice of Cultural and Academic Transitions -
Division of Student Life and EngagementOffice of Education Abroad -
International Studies and ProgramsOffice of Financial Aid -
Selected Administrative UnitsOffice of Research and Innovation -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesOffice of Research Regulatory Support -
Office of Research and InnovationOffice of Supportive Services -
First-year Student AdmissionOffice of Supportive Services -
Other ServicesOffice of the President -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesOffice of the Provost -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesOfficers -
Organizational InformationOmbudsperson -
Office of the PresidentOnline Learning -
General Procedures and RegulationsOnline Learning -
Master's ProgramsOnline Teaching and Learning - Graduate Certificat -
Graduate StudyOpportunities for High-Achieving High School Stude -
First-year Student AdmissionOpportunities for High-Achieving International Stu -
International Student AdmissionOpportunities for Individual Emphasis -
Undergraduate ProgramsOrdinance on Examinations MSU Ordinances, 17.00 -
General Procedures and RegulationsOrganization -
The Honors CollegeOrganizational Communication for Leadership - Grad -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesOrthopedics, Department of -
College of Human MedicineOrthopedics, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineOsteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineOsteopathic Medical Specialties, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineOsteopathic Surgical Specialties, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineOther Costs -
CostsOther Departments and Offices for Research and SerOther Information -
CostsOther Membership Benefits -
The Honors CollegeOther Services -
Student ServicesOther State and Federal Programs of Financial Assi -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesOwen Graduate Association (OGA) -
Student Governing GroupsPPA Medicine - Master of Science -
Department of PA MedicinePA Medicine, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicinePackaging -
Undergraduate ProgramsPackaging - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPackaging - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyPackaging, School of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesPart-time Program, College of Law -
College of LawPathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, Departm -
College of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology, Doctor of Philosophy -
PathobiologyPathobiology, Master of Science -
Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic InvestigationPathobiology, Master of Science -
PathobiologyPathology for Graduate Students in Related Fields -
Graduate StudyPavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education -
The CampusPayment Plan -
Other InformationPeace and Justice Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramPediatrics and Human Development, Department of -
College of Human MedicinePediatrics, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicinePeriod Covered By Registration -
The Academic ProgramPeriod Covered by Registration -
Enrollment and RegistrationPersonal Integrity and Conduct -
General Procedures and RegulationsPharmacology and Toxicology -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyPharmacology and Toxicology, Department of -
College of Veterinary MedicinePharmacology and Toxicology, Department of -
College of Human MedicinePharmacology and Toxicology, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicinePharmacology and Toxicology, Minor in -
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyPhilosophy -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhilosophy - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPhilosophy - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyPhilosophy and Law, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhilosophy, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersPhilosophy, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhotography, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhysical Environment and Climate, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department o -
College of Osteopathic MedicinePhysical Science - Secondary Education -
Undergraduate ProgramPhysical Science, Lyman Briggs College -
Undergraduate ProgramPhysics - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhysics - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhysics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPhysics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyPhysics and Astronomy, Department of -
College of Natural SciencePhysics, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsPhysics, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPhysiology -
Undergraduate ProgramPhysiology, Department of -
College of Natural SciencePhysiology, Department of -
College of Veterinary MedicinePhysiology, Department of -
College of Human MedicinePhysiology, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicinePiano Pedagogy - Master of Music -
Graduate StudyPiano Pedagogy, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPlanning a Doctoral Program and Appointment of a G -
Doctoral ProgramsPlanning a Master's Program and the Appointment of -
Master's ProgramsPlanning, Design and Construction - Doctor of Phil -
Graduate StudyPlanning, Design and Construction, School of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesPlanning, Design and Construction, School of -
College of Social SciencePlant Biology -
Undergraduate EducationPlant Biology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPlant Biology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyPlant Biology, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesPlant Biology, Department of -
College of Natural SciencePlant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Crop -
Graduate StudyPlant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Fores -
Graduate StudyPlant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Horti -
Graduate StudyPlant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Plant -
Department of Plant BiologyPlant Pathology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPlant Pathology - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyPlant, Animal and Microbial Biotechnology, Minor i -
Undergraduate ProgramPlant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Department of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesPolicy on Research with Human Subjects -
The StudentsPolicy on Research with Human Subjects -
Graduate EducationPolitical Economy, Minor in -
James Madison CollegePolitical Science (General) -
Undergraduate ProgramsPolitical Science - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPolitical Science - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyPolitical Science - Prelaw -
Undergraduate ProgramsPolitical Science, Department of -
College of Social SciencePolitical Science, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsPolitical Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Jam -
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in James Madison CollegePopular Culture Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramPortuguese, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsPost-D.V.M. Clinical Education Programs -
College of Veterinary MedicinePost-D.V.M. Clinical Training Programs -
Graduate StudyPostdoctoral Research Training -
Graduate StudyPosthumous Degrees -
General Procedures and RegulationsPostponement of Grading -
General Procedures and RegulationsPre-College Opportunities -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesPre-Health Preparation -
Undergraduate ProgramsPrelaw Study -
Academic OpportunitiesPreprofessional Program for Veterinary Medicine -
College of Veterinary MedicinePreprofessional Programs -
Undergraduate ProgramsPrinciples -
Principles and Instructions Governing MSU Student IdentificationPrinciples and Instructions Governing MSU Student -
CostsProbation -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsProfessional and Public Writing -
Undergraduate ProgramsProfessional Development Training (PDT)
Department of Aerospace StudiesProfessional Licensure and Certification
The Academic ProgramProfessional Officers Course (POC) -
Department of Aerospace StudiesProfessional Program in Osteopathic Medicine -
College of Osteopathic MedicineProfessional Program in Veterinary Medicine -
College of Veterinary MedicineProgram Evaluation - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyProgram Evaluation - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyProgram of Study -
Doctoral ProgramsProgramming Organizations -
Campus ActivitiesPrograms and Areas of Study -
The Academic ProgramPrograms of Study -
Master's ProgramsProtection of Scholarship and Grades General Stude -
General Procedures and RegulationsProtection of University Functions and Services Ge -
General Procedures and RegulationsPsychiatry, Department of -
College of Human MedicinePsychology - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsPsychology - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramsPsychology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyPsychology - Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosop -
Graduate StudyPsychology, Department of -
College of Social SciencePsychology, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsPublic Health, Graduate Certificate -
College of Human MedicinePublic Health, Master of Public Health -
College of Human MedicinePublic Policy -
Graduate StudyPublic Policy -
Undergraduate ProgramsPublic Policy and Social Research, Institute for -
College of Social SciencePublic Relations - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramPublic Relations, Minor in -
School of JournalismPublic Relations, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramPublic Relations, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramPublication of Dissertation -
Doctoral ProgramsQQualitative Research Methods, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyQuantitative Biology - Dual Major -
Graduate StudyQuantitative Risk Analytics -
Undergraduate ProgramsRRadiology, Department of -
College of Human MedicineRadiology, Department of -
College of Osteopathic MedicineRates for University Housing -
CostsReadmission after Academic Recess or Dismissal -
Academic StandingReadmission Procedure -
AdmissionReadmission to Original Program -
AdmissionReadmission with Change of Program -
AdmissionReal Estate Development and Construction, Graduate -
Graduate StudyReal Estate, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsRecess -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsRecreational Sports and Fitness Services -
Division of Student Life and EngagementRecreational Sports and Fitness Services -
Campus ActivitiesReflection Rooms -
Campus ActivitiesRefund of Course Fees and Tuition -
Refund PolicyRefund Policy -
CostsRegistration and Credit Load Requirements -
FellowshipsRegistration and Credit Load Requirements -
Graduate AssistantshipsRehabilitation Counseling - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyReligious Activities -
Campus ActivitiesReligious Living Units -
Off-Campus HousingReligious Observance, Policy on -
General Procedures and RegulationsReligious Studies -
Undergraduate ProgramReligious Studies, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersReligious Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramRemedial-Developmental-Preparatory Courses -
New Student Orientation and TransitionsRemote Sensing and Geographic Information Science -
College of Social ScienceRepeating a Course -
General Procedures and RegulationsRequired English Language Center Attendance -
International Student AdmissionRequired English Language Center Attendance -
International Student AdmissionRequirements for a Bachelor's Degree -
Graduation RequirementsRequirements for a Joint Master's Degree and Medic -
Master's ProgramsRequirements for a Second Bachelor's Degree -
Graduation RequirementsRequirements for a Second, Joint, or Dual Master's -
Master's ProgramsRequirements for Membership -
The Honors CollegeRequirements for Teacher Certification -
Teacher CertificationRequirements for the Integrative Studies Program -
Graduation Requirements for a Bachelor's DegreeResearch -
Doctoral ProgramsResearch and Thesis Plan A -
Master's ProgramsResearch Assistant and Teaching Assistant Excluded -
Graduate AssistantshipsResearch Integrity Officer -
Office of the PresidentResearch with Animal Subjects, Policy on -
Graduate EducationReserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Army or Ai -
Academic OpportunitiesResidence -
Master's ProgramsResidence -
Doctoral ProgramsResidence Education Staff -
Housing and DiningResidence Halls and Apartment Application Procedur -
Housing and DiningResidence Halls Association -
Housing and DiningResidence Halls Association (RHA) -
Student Governing GroupsResidencies -
Graduate StudyResidency Training in Veterinary Pathology -
Graduate StudyResidential College in the Arts and HumanitiesResidential College in the Arts and Humanities 3 + -
Residential College in the Arts and HumanitiesResource Center for Persons with Disabilities -
Student ServicesResource Management from the Individual, Family, a -
Undergraduate ProgramsRetail Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsReturned Items -
Other InformationReverse Transfer -
Transfer Student AdmissionRhetoric and Writing - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyRhetoric and Writing, Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyRomance and Classical Studies, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersROTC Advanced Course -
Department of Military ScienceROTC Basic Course -
Department of Military ScienceROTC Scholarships -
Department of Military ScienceRussian -
Undergraduate ProgramsRussian and East Eurasian Studies, Minor in -
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary ProgramsRussian, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSSafety Pharmacology - Graduate Certificate -
Pharmacology and ToxicologySales Leadership, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramSales Leadership, Minor in -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementScholarships -
Department of Aerospace StudiesScholastic Honors -
Undergraduate EducationSchool of Hospitality Business -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementSchool Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudySchool Psychology - Educational Specialist -
Graduate StudySchool Psychology - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyScience and Society, Lyman Briggs College -
Undergraduate ProgramScience Education, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyScience, Technology, Environment and Public Policy -
James Madison CollegeScreenwriting, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramSecond Language Studies - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudySecond Language Studies - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudySecure and Connected Cyber-Physical Systems - Grad -
Graduate StudySecurity Management, Graduate Specialization -
Graduate StudySecurity Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSelected Administrative Units -
Office of the ProvostSelecting a Major -
EnrollmentSelecting a Minor -
EnrollmentSemester Credit Load -
EnrollmentSemiconductor Manufacturing, Processing and Device -
Graduate StudySerious Game Design and Research - Graduate Certif -
Graduate StudySessions -
The Academic ProgramShared Programs - Undergraduate to Graduate -
AdmissionSmall Animal Clinical Sciences, Department of -
College of Veterinary MedicineSmall Animal Clinical Sciences, Master of Science -
Graduate StudySmart Agricultural Systems, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramSocial Relations and Policy, James Madison College -
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in James Madison CollegeSocial Science 3 + 3 Option -
College of Social ScienceSocial Science Quantitative Data Analytics, Minor -
Undergraduate ProgramsSocial Work -
Undergraduate ProgramSocial Work - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudySocial Work, Master of -
Graduate StudySocial Work, School of -
College of Social ScienceSociology - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramSociology - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate ProgramSociology - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudySociology - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudySociology, Department of -
College of Social ScienceSociology, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramSpanish -
Undergraduate ProgramsSpanish as a Second or Bilingual Language -
Graduate StudySpanish Education -
Undergraduate ProgramsSpanish Education, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSpanish, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSpanish-Elementary, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsSpanish-Secondary, Disciplinary Teaching Minor -
Requirements for the Disciplinary Teaching MinorsSpartan Early Start -
Academic OpportunitiesSpartan Experiences -
Division of Student Life and EngagementSpartan Innovations -
Office of Research and InnovationSpatial Ecology, Graduate Certificate in -
Graduate StudySpecial Education -
Undergraduate ProgramSpecial Education - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudySpecial Education - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudySpecial Education Leadership: Multi-Tiered Systems -
Graduate StudySpecial Education Leadership: Multi-Tiered Systems -
Graduate StudySpecial Opportunities -
Department of Military ScienceSpecial Permission -
University Housing PolicySpecial Programs -
Doctoral ProgramsSponsored Programs Administration -
Office of Research and InnovationSport Coaching, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudySport Coaching, Leadership, and Administration, Ma -
Graduate StudySport Leadership and Administration, Graduate Cert -
Graduate StudySports Analytics - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudySports Business Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSports Journalism, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsState Authorization and Distance Learning -
Distance Education - In-Person, Online and Hybrid ProgramsStatistics -
Undergraduate ProgramsStatistics - Doctor of Philosophy -
Graduate StudyStatistics - Master of Science -
Graduate StudyStatistics and Probability, Department of -
College of Natural ScienceSTEM, Master of Business Administration Degree -
Graduate StudyStipends and Benefits -
Graduate AssistantshipsStrategic Communication - Master of Arts -
College of Communication Arts and SciencesStrategic Management, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyStudent -
General Procedures and RegulationsStudent Affairs Administration - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyStudent Computer Policy -
AdmissionStudent Consumer Information -
The Academic ProgramStudent Employment -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesStudent Governing Groups -
Campus ActivitiesStudent Health Insurance -
Student ServicesStudent Health Services at Olin Health Center and -
Student ServicesStudent Housing Cooperative -
Student Governing GroupsStudent Loans -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesStudent Name -
General Procedures and RegulationsStudent Organizations -
The StudentsStudent Parent Resource Center
Division of Student Life and EngagementStudent Parent Resource Center -
Other ServicesStudent Perceptions of Learning Environments Polic -
General Procedures and RegulationsStudent Publications -
Campus ActivitiesStudent Records and the Federal Family Educational -
General Procedures and RegulationsStudent Rights and Responsibilities -
Living and LearningStudent Rights and Responsibilities -
Graduate EducationStudent Rights and Responsibilities -
The StudentsStudent Rights and Responsibilities -
Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesStudent Services -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsStudent Services Building -
The CampusStudent Spouses -
Principles and Instructions Governing MSU Student IdentificationStudent Veterans Resource Center -
Division of Student Life and EngagementStudent-Athlete Support Services -
Selected Administrative UnitsStudio Art - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsStudio Art - Bachelor of Fine Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsStudio Art - Master of Fine Arts -
Graduate StudyStudy and Participation in Theatre and Dance for N -
Undergraduate ProgramsSummer Housing - Residence Halls -
Housing and DiningSummer Session, College of Law -
College of LawSupply Chain Management -
Undergraduate ProgramSupply Chain Management - Master of Science -
Graduate StudySupply Chain Management, Department of -
The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of ManagementSupportive Services -
Undergraduate ProgramsSurgery, Department of -
College of Human MedicineSurvivors, Center for -
Student ServicesSustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, Graduate -
Graduate StudySustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsSustainable Bioproducts Science and Technology, Mi -
Undergraduate ProgramsSustainable Natural Resource Recreation Management -
Undergraduate ProgramsSustainable Parks, Recreation and Tourism -
Undergraduate ProgramsSustainable Tourism and Protected Area Management -
Graduate StudySustainable Tourism and Protected Area Management -
Graduate StudyTTaxation - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyTeacher Certification -
Programs and Areas of StudyTeacher Certification -
Department of Teacher EducationTeacher Certification Regulations in the State of -
Department of Teacher EducationTeacher Education, Department of -
College of EducationTeacher Leadership, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyTeaching and Curriculum - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyTeaching and Learning in Postsecondary Education - -
Graduate StudyTeaching Assignments -
International Student AdmissionTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages an -
Graduate StudyTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, M -
Undergraduate ProgramsTeaching in Nursing - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyTeaching Majors and Minors for Secondary Teacher C -
Department of Teacher EducationTeaching Minors for Elementary Certification -
Department of Teacher EducationTechnology Systems Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsTerminal Illness -
Posthumous DegreesThe Academic ProgramThe Academic Record -
General Procedures and RegulationsThe Academic Scholars Program -
The Honors CollegeThe Campus -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsThe Credit-No Credit System -
Grading SystemsThe Honors CollegeThe Mission of the College -
College of Osteopathic MedicineThe MSU Alumni Office -
Office of the PresidentThe Numerical System -
Grading SystemsThe Pass-No Grade System -
Grading SystemsThe Students -
General Information, Policies, Procedures and RegulationsTheatre - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsTheatre - Bachelor of Fine Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsTheatre - Master of Fine Arts -
Graduate StudyTheatre and Dance -
ArtsTheatre, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersTheatre, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsTime Limit -
Master's ProgramsTime Limit -
Doctoral ProgramsTime Limit for Completing a Bachelor's Degree -
Graduation RequirementsTransaction Services - Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyTranscripts -
General Procedures and RegulationsTransfer Courses and Credits -
General Procedures and RegulationsTransfer Credit Beyond Sophomore Standing -
AdmissionTransfer Credits -
Doctoral ProgramsTransfer Credits -
Master's ProgramsTransfer Credits -
Graduate StudyTransfer Student Admission -
AdmissionTranslation - Undergraduate Certificate -
Undergraduate ProgramsTranslational Neuroscience, Department of -
College of Human MedicineTransportation Services on Campus -
Student ServicesTrustees -
Organizational InformationTurfgrass Management -
ProgramsTurfgrass Management, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsUU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Certification -
General Procedures and RegulationsUndergraduate and Graduate -
Dual EnrollmentUndergraduate Certificate, Selecting an -
EnrollmentUndergraduate EducationUndergraduate Learning Assistants -
Academic OpportunitiesUndergraduate Pathway Programs
Neighborhood Student Success CenterUndergraduate Research and Creative Activities -
Academic OpportunitiesUniforms and Textbooks -
Department of Military ScienceUniversity Activities Board -
Programming OrganizationsUniversity Apartments Council of Residents (UACOR) -
Student Governing GroupsUniversity Credits -
Transfer Student AdmissionUniversity Distinguished and University Enrichment -
FellowshipsUniversity Housing Policy -
Housing and DiningUniversity Ombudsperson -
Other ServicesUniversity Organization -
The Academic ProgramUniversity Outreach and Engagement -
Other Departments and Offices for Research and ServicesUniversity Short-Term Loan Program -
Student LoansUpward Bound Program -
Pre-College OpportunitiesUrban and Community Forestry, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsUrban and Regional Planning -
Undergraduate ProgramsUrban and Regional Planning - Master of Urban and -
Graduate StudyUrban Education, Graduate Certificate -
Graduate StudyUrban Forest Management -
ProgramsUrban Resilient Redevelopment, Graduate Certificat -
Graduate StudyUser Experience, Master of Science -
Graduate StudyVVariable Credit Courses -
General Procedures and RegulationsVeterans Education Benefits -
Financial Aid for UndergraduatesVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Michigan State U -
College of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Medical Center -
College of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Medicine, College ofVeterinary Nursing -
College of Veterinary MedicineVisitor -
Grade MarkersViticulture -
ProgramsWW.K. Kellogg Biological Station -
College of Natural ScienceWarning for Lack of Satisfactory Progress in the M -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsWarning for Repeats -
Academic Standing of Undergraduate StudentsWater Research, Institute of -
College of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesWharton Center for Performing Arts -
The CampusWithdrawal from the University -
General Procedures and RegulationsWoman's Auxiliary Wayne County Medical Society -
Graduate-Professional Student ScholarshipsWomen's and Gender Studies -
Undergraduate ProgramsWomen's and Gender Studies, Interdisciplinary Grad -
Graduate StudyWomen's and Gender Studies, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsWomen*s Student Services
Division of Student Life and EngagementWomen, Gender, and Social Justice, Program in -
College of Arts and LettersWomen, Gender, and Social Justice, Program in -
College of Social ScienceWork in Absentia -
Doctoral ProgramsWorld Politics -
Undergraduate ProgramsWriting Requirement -
Graduation Requirements for a Bachelor's DegreeWriting, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsWriting, Rhetoric, and Cultures, Department of -
College of Arts and LettersYYouth Agency Management and Administration - Gradu -
Graduate StudyYouth and Society, Minor in -
Undergraduate ProgramsYouth Development - Master of Arts -
Graduate StudyYouth Development Specialist - Graduate Certificat -
Graduate StudyZZoology - Bachelor of Arts -
Undergraduate ProgramsZoology - Bachelor of Science -
Undergraduate Programs