Graduate Degree

Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy

Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy
Plan Code:
Program Level:
Award Type:
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Social Science

Excerpt from the official Academic Programs Catalog:

Listed below are the approved requirements for the program from the official Academic Programs Catalog.
Students must consult their advisors to learn which specific requirements apply to their degree programs.

College of Social Science

Department of Psychology

Graduate Study
Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy

Students are accepted for graduate study in psychology only if judged by a departmental committee to be qualified to complete a doctoral degree, and programs of study are planned with this goal in mind; the master's sequence is generally developed as an integral part of the doctoral program with special attention given to the plans and needs of each student. Additional details are given under the doctoral program as outlined below. 

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Social Science, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Admissions decisions are made by a holistic evaluation of candidate applications. Factors given major consideration for admission to the graduate program at the first -year level include (1) an approved bachelor's degree from a college or university recognized by MSU as comparable to a 4-year bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, (2) a junior -senior undergraduate grade -point average of 3.20 or better in academic studies, (3) undergraduate courses in relevant psychology content and statistics, (4) favorable evaluations of the applicant by three referees, preferably instructors or research advisors  in the applicants undergraduate major; and (5) approval by faculty in the area of interest and the Graduate Program Director that an applicant has achieved the above is not sufficient for admission. The number of applicants with superior qualifications exceeds the number of students that can be accommodated.

The department is especially interested in quality students and generally considers applicants regardless of their undergraduate majors if they have adequate background for graduate study in psychology.

Completed applications must be received by December 1 for consideration for the subsequent fall semester. 

Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Psychology

To meet individual needs, every student has a guidance committee with the student's advisor as chairperson. The committee develops a program of studies in consultation with the student. Students who are accepted into the doctoral program will fulfill the following program requirements for the degree:
  1. Successful completion of all components of the comprehensive examination.
  2. Completion of 24 to 36 credits of PSY 999 Doctoral Dissertation Research.
  3. Develop a written dissertation proposal and a successfully complete the oral defense of the proposal.
  4. Successful completion and defense of a dissertation.
  5. Complete Responsible Conduct of Research requirements.

Academic Standards 

Students must maintain a grade-point average of 3.0 with not more than two courses with a grade of 3.0 or lower.