Graduate Degree

Nursing Practice - Doctor of Nursing Practice

Nursing Practice - Doctor of Nursing Practice
Plan Code:
Program Level:
Award Type:
Doctor of Nursing Practice
College of Nursing

Excerpt from the official Academic Programs Catalog:

Listed below are the approved requirements for the program from the official Academic Programs Catalog.
Students must consult their advisors to learn which specific requirements apply to their degree programs.

College of Nursing

Graduate Study

Nursing Practice - Doctor of Nursing Practice

The Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. entry, curriculum prepares advanced practice registered nurses to provide clinical, organizational and systems’ leadership at the highest level. The program develops practitioners who design, implement and evaluate high quality and cost-effective health care services for diverse populations including the disadvantaged and underserved. The graduate will champion healthcare policy and operational changes using evidence-based data and technology that enhances and guides nursing practice. The individual who has earned a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, actively collaborates across disciplines and organizations with providers and client groups to achieve sustainable healthcare outcomes.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. entry degree program consists of five concentrations. The Nurse Practitioner-Family, Nurse Practitioner-Adult Gerontology Primary Care,  Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner concentrations focus on the preparation of advanced practice registered nurses as nurse practitioners. The Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist focuses on the preparation of advanced practice registered nurses specialized in acute care adult-gerontology practice. The Nurse Anesthesia concentration prepares advanced practice registered nurses who will use specialized skills and knowledge in the administration of anesthesia and pain management agents.

Nurse practitioners are in direct-care provider's role and use specialty skills and knowledge in providing care to clients of all ages and stages of development in primary care settings. The nurse practitioner curriculum prepares nurses to function interdependently with other healthcare providers to provide primary care. They assess the physical, socio-emotional, and developmental states of individual clients and their families, analyze health behavior, apply clinical judgment, and intervene in a manner to improve the quality and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Nurse practitioners provide health promotion therapeutics, as well as early recognition and prompt treatment and management of illness, prevention of complications, and needed rehabilitation. Client and family education, guidance, and advocacy are vital characteristics of the nurse practitioner's role. Graduates of the program will be eligible for certification as a nurse practitioner in their population focus area.

The Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist concentration is designed to prepare registered nurses to assume an advanced practice role as a clinical nurse specialist.  This graduate assumes a professional leadership role to inform nursing practice, education, and healthcare delivery systems in the design and implementation of strategies to improve organizational, educational, and individual client, student, and nurse provider outcomes. Advanced practice clinical expertise is reflected in the application of innovative evidence-based practice interventions and the development of collaborative relationships in order to address the healthcare needs of a diverse population. Graduates of the program will be eligible for certification as an Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Nurse anesthetists are advanced practice registered nurses who use specialty skills and knowledge in the planning and administration of anesthesia and pain management agents. The Nurse Anesthesia Program is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA), 10275 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 906, Rosemont, IL  60018-5603. It is a rigorous, full-time program designed to educate registered nurses in academic knowledge, technical and clinical skills, and professional attitudes in nursing practice in preparation for safe administration of anesthesia. Graduates of the program will meet the requirements and be eligible for certification as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA).

Students must meet the requirements of the university as described in the Graduate Education section of this catalog, in addition to the requirements of the College of Nursing specified below.

Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) and Nurse Practitioner (Adult Gerontological Primary Care, Nurse Practitioner-Family, Nurse Practitioner-Psychiatric Mental Health) students enrolled in the BSN – DNP program may be granted the MSN after they have completed all the master-level requirements for their concentration and then continue with their DNP course trajectory to complete the DNP. The DNP requirements remain the same. Students who elect to pass through from the MSN to the DNP complete all the DNP requirements.

Students who are enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. entry degree program, may elect a specialization in Infancy and Early Childhood. For additional information, refer to the statement on Interdepartmental Graduate Specialization in Infancy and Early Childhood in the College of Social Science section of this catalog.


To be considered for admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. entry program, an applicant must: 
  1. Submit a university application for admission and a curriculum vita.
  2. Complete a Bachelor of Nursing degree from an accredited college or university.
  3. Possess a current unrestricted license to practice nursing as a registered nurse in the applicant’s state or country. For those applicants practicing in Michigan, a current registered nurse Michigan license is required. Applicants who hold registered nurse licensure from other states or countries and who are in the Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Anesthesia concentration may be admitted provisionally with the requirement that a United States and Michigan registered nurse license must be obtained prior to progression to clinical courses.
  4. A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale) for total credits completed during the second-half of the four-year baccalaureate nursing program.
  5. One year of current full-time clinical experience or equivalent as a registered nurse in an intensive care unit is required for the Nurse Anesthesia concentration.
  6. Complete a 3-credit undergraduate statistics course with a grade of 2.0 (4.0 scale) or better within the last five years or complete a 3-credit graduate statistics course with a grade of 3.0 (4.0) or better within the last five years. A statistics course taken more than five years ago is acceptable with a passing grade on an Accredited Statistics Exam.
  7. Submit a written essay that addresses the applicant’s career goals and motivations for graduate study in the selected area of specialty nursing practice: nurse practitioner, adult-gerontology clinical nurse specialist, or nurse anesthetist.
  8. submit three letters of recommendation. The reference letters must be from a source that has direct knowledge of the applicant’s work and educational experience specifying the applicant’s ability to do graduate work.
  9. Complete an admission interview with the College of Nursing faculty. Recommendations for admission are made by the faculty committee to the Dean of the College based on the requirements for admission and the personal interview.
  10. if the applicant’s native language is not English, the applicant must complete the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum average score of 550, no subscore below 52 on the paper-based test (PBT).  If the applicant completes the Internet-based test (iBT), no subscore below 19 for reading, listening, and speaking; no writing subscore below 22 and a minimum average score of 80. Applicants should have all test scores sent from the testing agency directly to Michigan State University Office of Admissions.
Requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree in Nursing Practice
1. All of the following courses (28 credits):
NUR  902 Scientific Foundations for the Advanced Practice Nurse 3
   NUR  903 Healthcare Informatics  3
   EPI  840 Clinical Epidemiology for Healthcare Practice 3
   NUR  904 Health Policy and Advocacy  3
   NUR  905 Patient Safety, Quality Improvement and Quality Management in Healthcare  3
   NUR  906 Leadership in Complex Health Systems  3
   NUR  995 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project I  4
   NUR  996 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project II  3
   NUR   997 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project III  3
2. Complete one of the following concentrations:
   NUR  907 Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  908 Advanced Physical Assessment for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  909 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  912 Health Promotion – Family  3
   NUR  915 Clinical Diagnosis and Management I - Family  6
   NUR  916 Clinical Diagnosis and Management II - Family  6
   NUR  917 Clinical Diagnosis and Management III - Family  6
   NUR  918 Clinical Diagnosis and Management IV – Family  6
   NUR  919 Clinical Diagnosis and Management V – Clinical Immersion- Family  6
NUR  907 Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  908 Advanced Physical Assessment for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  909 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse  3
  NUR  913 Health Promotion – Adult-Gerontology  3
   NUR  925 Clinical Diagnosis and Management I - Adult-Gerontology  6
   NUR  926 Clinical Diagnosis and Management II - Adult-Gerontology  6
   NUR  927 Clinical Diagnosis and Management III - Adult-Gerontology  6
   NUR  928 Clinical Diagnosis and Management IV - Adult-Gerontology  6
   NUR  929 Clinical Diagnosis and Management V – Clinical Immersion - Adult-Gerontology  6
NUR 907 Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
NUR 908 Advanced Physical Assessment for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
NUR 909 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
NUR 952 Psychopharmacology and Neuropathological Basis of Mental Illness 3
NUR 953 Clinical Diagnosis and Management I - Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis 6
NUR 954 Clinical Diagnosis and Management II - Evidence Based Therapeutic Interventions 6
NUR 955 Clinical Diagnosis and Management III - Special Populations and Group 6
NUR 956 Clinical Diagnosis and Management IV - Complex and Collaborative Mental Health Care 6
NUR 957 Clinical Diagnosis and Management V - Clinical Immersion - Psychiatric Mental Health 6
   NUR  907 Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse  3
   NUR  908 Advanced Physical Assessment for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse  3
   NUR  909 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
   NUR  931 Wellness Promotion for Diverse Populations  3
   NUR  932 Clinical Decision Making and Management of Acute Chronic Complex Conditions  6
   NUR  933 Clinical Nurse Specialist Advanced Practice Role Development I  6
   NUR  934 Clinical Nurse Specialist Advanced Practice Role Development II  6
   NUR  935 Clinical Nurse Specialist Advanced Practice Role Development III  6
   NUR  936 Clinical Nurse Specialist Specialty Role Immersion I  3
   NUR  937 Clinical Nurse Specialist Specialty Role Immersion II  3
   NURSE ANESTHESIA (64 credits)
   ANTR  541 Gross Anatomy for Nurse Anesthetists 4
NUR  908 Advanced Physical Assessment for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
NUR  909 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 3
NUR  966 Applied Chemical and Physical Principles of Anesthesia Practice  3
   NUR  967 Basic Principles of Anesthesia  4
NUR  968 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology for Anesthesia Practice I  4
   NUR  969 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology for Anesthesia Practice II  4
NUR  970 Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesia I  3
   NUR  971 Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesia II  3
   NUR  972 Advanced Principles of Anesthesia I  3
NUR  973 Advanced Principles of Anesthesia II  3
NUR  974 Introduction to Clinical Practicum  1
   NUR  975 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum I  3
   NUR  976 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum II  2
   NUR  977 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III  3
   NUR  978 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum IV  4
   NUR  979 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum V  4
   NUR  980 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum VI  4
NUR  981 Anesthesia Seminar I  3
   NUR  982 Anesthesia Seminar II  3
3. Admission to the Post-Master's Degree
To be considered for admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice, post-master’s entry program, an applicant must:
1. Submit a university application for admission and a curriculum vita or resume.
2. Complete a Master of Science of Nursing degree from an accredited college or university.
3. Possess a current unrestricted license to practice nursing as a registered nurse in the applicant’s state or country. For those applicants practicing in Michigan, a current registered nurse Michigan license is required. Applicants who hold registered nurse licensure from other states or countries and who are in the Nurse Practitioner and Anesthesia concentrations may be admitted provisionally with the requirement that a United States and Michigan registered nurse license must be obtained prior to progression.
4. Possess current certification from a U.S. National Certifying Board as an NP, CRNA, CNS or CNM .
5. A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 (4.0) scale for total credits completed during the master’s program.
6. Complete a 3-credit undergraduate statistics course with a grade of 2.0 (4.0 scale) or better within the last five years or complete a 3-credit graduate statistics course with a grade of 3.0 (4.0 scale) or better in the last 5 years.
7. Submit a written essay that addresses the applicant’s career goals and motivations for doctoral study.
8. Submit three letters of recommendation. The reference letters must be from a source that has direct knowledge of the applicant’s work and educational experience specifying the applicant’s ability to do doctoral work.
9. Complete an admission interview with the College of Nursing faculty. Recommendations for admission are made by the faculty committee to the Dean of the College based on requirements for admission and the personal interview.
10. If the applicant’s native language is not English, the applicant must complete the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum average score of 550, no subscore below 52 on the paper-based test (PBT). If the applicant completes the Internet-based test (iBT), no subscore below 19 for reading, listening, and speaking; no writing subscore below 22 and a minimum average score of 80. Applicants should have all test scores sent from the testing agency directly to Michigan State University Office of Admissions.
Students will have an option to complete an additional APRN specialty if requested, and be admitted to a concentration.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the College of Nursing, and the admission requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree, students must meet the requirements specified below.
1. All of the following courses:
NUR  995 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project I  4
   NUR  996 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project II  3
   NUR  997 Doctor of Nursing Practice Project III  3
   Elective – or core courses as determined by review of previous APRN education
2. Completion of a minimum of 1000 supervised clinical hours between the master’s degree program and the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program. Students will enroll in NUR 990 Special Problems to complete an individualized clinical learning plan that will achieve the remaining required hours.

Provisional Status
Applicants who do not meet the requirements for regular admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. in Nursing program may be accepted provisionally.  Provisionally admitted students are required to satisfy deficiencies as specified in the letter of admission and will be formally removed from provisional status once the deficiencies are satisfied. Students on provisional status may not progress in the program if deficiencies are not satisfied in the specified time frame. Provisional course work does not count towards fulfillment of degree requirements.   

Part-time Students
Although many nursing students pursue the Doctor of Nursing Practice, post B.S.N. on a part–time basis, all degree candidates will be expected to maintain minimum degree progress standards established by the College and published in the College of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook. Students are also expected to complete at least one course per semester until the degree is earned.

Guidance Committee
Students will receive advisement throughout the D.N.P. Project.

Academic Standards
A cumulative grade–point average of 3.0 and a grade of 3.0 in each nursing course is required.

Comprehensive Examinations
In lieu of a comprehensive examination, students will complete 10 credits in a synthesis project. Students will be assigned a guidance committee who provides regular written and verbal feedback on project components, assists the student in setting reasonable timelines, and leads the proposal defense and final project presentation session.

Transfer Credits
Up to 25% of graduate course work may be transferred into the Doctor of Nursing Practice program from other accredited programs upon approval of the College of Nursing, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLNCNEA), and/or Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

Time Limit
The time limit for completing the degree is six years from the beginning of the first semester in which credit toward the degree was earned.