Academic Programs Catalog

College of Natural Science

Department of Mathematics

Undergraduate Programs
Computational and Applied Mathematics - Bachelor of Science

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computational and Applied Mathematics

  1. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Computational and Applied Mathematics.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Computational and Applied Mathematics major is met by completing Mathematics 309 or 310 and 496.  Those courses are referenced in item 3. c. (1) below.

    Students who are enrolled in the College of Natural Science may complete the alternative track to Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences that is described in item 1. under the heading Graduation Requirements in the College statement.  Certain courses referenced in requirement 3. below may be used to satisfy the alternative track.
  2. The requirements of the College of Natural Science for the Bachelor of Science degree.

    The credits earned in certain courses referenced in requirement 3. below may be counted toward College requirements as appropriate.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a.       The following courses outside the Department of Mathematics (a minimum of 28 credits):
    (1) One course of at least 3 credits in biological science, entomology, microbiology, physiology, plant biology, or integrative biology. 
    (2) One course from each of the following groups (8 or 10 credits):
                                  (a) CEM 141 General Chemistry 4
    CEM 151 General and Descriptive Chemistry 4
    CEM 181H Honors Chemistry I 4
                          LB 171 Principles of Chemistry I 4
    (b) CEM 142 General and Inorganic Chemistry 3
    CEM 152 Principles of Chemistry  3
    CEM 182H Honors Chemistry II 4
    LB 172 Principles of Chemistry II 3
    (c) CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1
    CEM 185H Honors Chemistry Laboratory 2
    LB 171L Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I 1
    (3) One course from each of the following groups (8 or 10 credits):
    (a) PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4
    LB 273 Physics I 4
    PHY 173 Studio Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 5
    PHY 193H Honors Physics I - Mechanics 4
    (b) LB 274 Physics II 4
    PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4
    PHY 174 Physics II 5
    PHY 294H Honors Physics II - Electromagnetism 4
              (4) At least 1 credit in laboratory in biological science, chemistry, entomology, microbiology, physiology, plant biology, or integrative biology.
                            (5) One of the following groups of courses (8 credits):
                                  (a) CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I  4
    CSE   232 Introduction to Programming II 4
    (b) CMSE 201 Computational Modeling and Data Analysis I 4
                          CMSE 202 Computational Modeling and Data Analysis II 4
    b. The following courses from the Department of Mathematics:
    (1) One course from each of the following groups (11 or 12 credits):
                         (a) MTH 132 Calculus I 3
    MTH 152H Honors Calculus I 3
    LB 118 Calculus I 4
    (b) MTH 133 Calculus II 4
    MTH 153H Honors Calculus II 4
                                  LB 119 Calculus II 4
    (c) MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4
    MTH 254H Honors Multivariable Calculus 4
    LB 220 Calculus III 4
    (2) One of the following groups (4 or 7 credits):
    (a) MTH 299 Transitions 4
    MTH 309 Linear Algebra I 3
    (b) MTH 299 Transitions 4
    MTH 314 Matrix Algebra with Computational  3
    (c) MTH 317H Honors Linear Algebra 4
    (3) Completion of one of the following groups of courses (12 credits):
    (a) Differential Equations and Numerical Methods
    (i) One of the following courses:
    MTH 235 Differential Equations 3
    MTH  340 Ordinary Differential Equations I 3
    MTH 347H Honors Ordinary Differential Equations 3
    (ii) One of the following courses:
    MTH 320 Analysis I 3
    MTH 327H Honors Introduction to Analysis 3
    (iii) The following course:
    MTH 451 Numerical Analysis I 3
    (iv) One of the following courses:
    MTH 441 Ordinary Differential Equations II 3
    MTH 442 Partial Differential Equations 3
    MTH 452 Numerical Analysis II 3
    (b) Probability and Discrete Mathematics
    (i) The following course:
    STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3
    (ii) One of the following courses:
    MTH 320 Analysis I  3
    MTH 327H Honors Introduction to Analysis 3
    (iii) Both of the following courses:
    MTH 481 Discrete Mathematics I 3
    MTH 482 Discrete Mathematics II 3
    (c) Applied Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 
    (i) One of the following courses:
                        MTH 310 Abstract Algebra I and Number Theory 3
    MTH 418H Honors Algebra I 3
    (ii) All of the following courses:
    MTH 416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3
    MTH  481 Discrete Mathematics I 3
    MTH  482 Discrete Mathematics II 3
    (d) Mathematical Machine Learning
    (i) One of the following courses:
    MTH  320 Analysis I 3
    MTH  327H  Honors Introduction to Analysis 3
    (ii) All of the following courses:
    MTH  483 Mathematical Machine Learning 3
    STT  441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3
    STT  442 Probability and Statistics II: Statistics 3
    (4) Both of the following courses (6 credits):
    MTH  415 Applied Linear Algebra 3
    MTH 496 Capstone in Mathematics (W) 3
    (5) Complete five elective courses from the following lists of electives with at least two from the Mathematics Electives list.  All courses listed may only be used if not being used to meet a course requirement in requirement (3) above (15 to 20 credits):
    Mathematics Electives
    MTH  310 Abstract Algebra 3
    MTH  418H  Honors Algebra I 3
    MTH  320 Analysis I 3
    MTH  327H  Honors Introduction to Analysis  3
    MTH  411 Abstract Algebra II 3
    MTH  419H  Honors Algebra II 3
    MTH  416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3
    MTH  417 Topics in Number Theory 3
    MTH  421 Analysis II 3
    MTH  429H  Honors Real Analysis 3
    MTH  425 Complex Analysis 3
    MTH  441 Ordinary Differential Equations II 3
    MTH  442 Partial Differential Equations 3
    MTH  451 Numerical Analysis I 3
    MTH  452 Numerical Analysis II 3
    MTH  457 Introduction to Financial Mathematics
    MTH  461 Metric and Topological Spaces 3
    MTH  481 Discrete Mathematics I 3
    MTH  482 Discrete Mathematics II 3
    MTH  483 Mathematical Machine Learning 3
    Other 400-level or above MTH courses approved by the Department of Mathematics.
    Other Electives
    Approval of the College of Engineering is required to enroll in all CSE or ECE courses listed. 
    CMSE 404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3
        CSE  402 Biometrics and Pattern Recognition 3
    CSE  404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3
    CSE  425 Introduction to Computer Security 3
    CSE  450 Translation of Programming Languages 3
    CSE  460 Computability and Formal Language Theory 3
    CSE  472 Computer Graphics 3
    CSE  482 Big Data Analysis 3
    ECE  305 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I 4
    ECE  366 Introduction to Signal Processing 3
    ECE  405 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves II 4
    ECE  446 Biomedical Signal Processing 3
    ECE  447 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging 3
    ECE  449 Fundamentals of Acoustics 3
    ECE  457 Communication Systems 3
    PHY  410 Thermal and Statistical Physics 3
    PHY  415 Methods of Theoretical Physics 4
    PHY  422 Classical Mechanics II 3
    PHY  471 Quantum Physics I 3
    PHY  472 Quantum Physics II 3
    PHY  480 Computational Physics 3
    PHY  481 Electricity and Magnetism I 3
    PHY  482 Electricity and Magnetism II 3
    STT  381 Fundamentals of Data Science Methods 4
    STT  441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3
    STT  442 Probability and Statistics II: Statistics 3
    STT  455 Actuarial Models I 3
    STT  461 Computations in Probability and Statistics 3
    STT  465 Bayesian Statistical Methods 3
    Other 400-level or above courses approved by the Department of Mathematics.