Academic Programs Catalog

College of Natural Science

Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program

Undergraduate Programs
Biomedical Laboratory Science

The biomedical laboratory science (BLS) academic program (major) is designed to prepare students for careers in a variety of applied biomedical sciences.  These include careers in the medical laboratory, public health, research, industry, human medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, graduate school or other human health professional education.  The BLD courses are focused in curricular spirals within six disciplines: Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunology and Immunohematology, Hematology and Hemostasis, Medical Microbiology and Professional Writing (with a research and laboratory medicine emphasis). The medical laboratory experience required for national certification as a medical laboratory scientist is not included in this program, though BLS program advisors help students plan their career pathways. Students desiring Medical Laboratory Science certification are recommended to complete the medical laboratory science concentration and are responsible for securing accredited clinical experiences subsequent to completion of the degree.  The Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program will advise students in securing clinical practicum experiences.  The program will also provide advising and career support for students pursuing career pathways in public health, research, industry, human medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or graduate school.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science
  1. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Biomedical Laboratory Science  major is met by completing Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics 456.  That course is referenced in item 3. b. below.

    Students who are enrolled in the College of Natural Science may complete the alternative track to Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences that is described in item 1. under the heading Graduation Requirements in the College statement.  Certain courses referenced in requirement 3. below may be used to satisfy the alternative track.
  2. The requirements of the College of Natural Science for the Bachelor of Science degree.

    The credits earned in certain courses referenced in requirement 3. below may be counted toward College requirements as appropriate.
  3. The following requirements for the major:
    a. Courses outside Biomedical Laboratory Science (44 to 51 credits):
    (1) All of the following courses (27 credits):
    BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3
    BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2
    CEM 141 General Chemistry 4
    CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1
    CEM 162 Chemistry Laboratory II 1
    CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3
    CEM 252 Organic Chemistry II 3
    MGI 365 Medical Microbiology 3
    MGI 365L Medical Microbiology Laboratory 1
    PHY 231 Introductory Physics I 3
    PHY 232 Introductory Physics II 3
    (2) One of the following courses (3 credits):
    MTH 124 Survey of Calculus I 3
    MTH 132 Calculus I 3
    (3) One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits):
    STT 200 Statistical Methods 3
    STT 201 Statistical Methods 4
    STT 231 Statistics for Scientists 3
    STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3
    STT 421 Statistics I 3
    (4) One of the following, either (a) or (b) (4 or 6 credits):
    (a) BMB 401 Comprehensive Biochemistry 4
    (b) BMB 461 Advanced Biochemistry I 3
    BMB 462 Advanced Biochemistry II 3
    (5) One of the following, either (a) or (b) (4 or 8 credits):
    (a) PSL 310 Physiology for Pre-Health Professionals 4
    (b) PSL 431 Human Physiology I 4
    PSL 432 Human Physiology II 4
    (6) One of the following courses (3 credits):
    MGI 201 Fundamentals of Microbiology 3
    MGI 301 Introductory Microbiology 3
    b. All of the following Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics courses (24 credits):
    BLD 121 Survive and Thrive Freshman Seminar 1
    BLD 204 Mechanisms of Disease 3
    BLD 213L Clinical Laboratory Methods 2
    BLD 302 Clinical Chemistry 2
    BLD 313 Quality in Clinical Laboratory Practice 3
    BLD 314L Advanced Clinical Laboratory Methods 1
    BLD 324 Hematology and Hemostasis  3
    BLD 430 Molecular Laboratory Diagnostics 2
    BLD 434 Clinical Immunology 3
    BLD 435 Immunohematology 2
    BLD 456 Medical Laboratory Professionalism (W) 2
    c. One of the following concentrations:
    Clinical Chemistry (12 or 13 credits):
    (1) All of the following courses (7 credits):
       BLD  402 Advanced Clinical Chemistry  4
       CEM  333 Instrumental Methods and Applications  3
    (2) Two of the following courses (5 or 6 credits):
       BE  230 Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems  3
       CEM  255 Organic Chemistry Laboratory  2
       CEM  262 Quantitative Analysis  3
       CEM  311 Inorganic Chemistry  3
       CEM  383 Introductory Physical Chemistry I  3
    PHM 321 Common Drugs 3
       PHM  350 Introductory Human Pharmacology  3
       PHM  430 Human Pharmacology  3
       PHM  450 Introduction to Chemical Toxicology  3
       Medical Microbiology (10 to 12 credits) 
    (1) All of the following courses (8 credits): 
       MGI 465 Advanced Medical Microbiology  3
       MGI 465L  Advanced Medical Microbiology Laboratory  2
       MGI 461 Molecular Pathogenesis  3
    (2) One of the following courses (2 to 4 credits):
       BE  230 Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems  3
       BLD  366 Infectious Diseases of East Africa  4
    BLD 461 Advanced Biomedical Technologies 3
       BLD  861 Emerging Infections, Emerging Technology  2
       EPI  390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health 4
       MGI 413 Virology  3
        MGI 421 Prokaryotic Cell Physiology  3
        MGI 431 Microbial Genetics  3
    PH 801 Introduction to Public Health 3
      Hematology and Hemostasis (7 to 9 credits)
    (1) All of the following courses (3 credits):
       BLD  424 Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis  2
       BLD  424L  Advanced Hematology, Hemostasis and Urinalysis Laboratory  1
    (2) Two of the following courses (2 credits):
       BLD  439 Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics  1
       BLD  446 Immunobiology of Neoplasia  1
       BLD  447 Immunomodulation and Immunotherapy  1
    (3) One of the following courses (2 to 4 credits): 
    BLD  815 Cell Biology in Health and Disease I  2
    IBIO 341 Fundamental Genetics 4
          IBIO  408 Histology  4
       IBIO  425 Cells and Development (W) 4
       IBIO  450 Cancer Biology (W) 3
    MGI 409 Eukaryotic Cell Biology  3
    PHM  350 Introductory Human Pharmacology  3
    Medical Laboratory Science (13 credits)
       All of the following courses: 
       BLD  402 Advanced Clinical Chemistry  4
       BLD  424 Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis  2
       BLD  424L  Advanced Hematology, Hemostasis and Urinalysis Laboratory  1
       BLD  435L  Immunohematology Laboratory  1
       MGI 465 Advanced Medical Microbiology  3
       MGI 465L  Advanced Medical Microbiology Laboratory  2