Academic Programs Catalog

College of Arts and Letters

Department of Religious Studies

Amy DeRogatis, Chairperson

Learning about religions means understanding different cultures and developing a more global perspective. The religious studies curriculum is preparation for those who seek a career in non-government organizations (NGOs), non-profit organizations, government colleges and universities, or international corporations, where a deeper understanding of cultures is essential to furthering one's future career. The department offers internships and other opportunities for students to develop work experience and to apply the study of religion in innovative ways.

Courses in religious studies are designed for students who wish to become familiar with the essential teachings, beliefs, and ethical outlooks of the world's religious traditions; for students whose future careers call for greater global cultural and religious awareness; and for students who are interested in exploring religion as a field of scholarly knowledge and human concern. Religious studies courses may be elected as single courses, in a series of related courses, or in combinations of single courses and series to form a major or a minor.

Religious studies courses investigate the multiple dimensions of religion: religious texts, myths, doctrines, and rituals, religion and ethics, religious institutions and religious experience. All courses in religious studies involve learning how to think and write about the varieties of religious phenomena and experience. Because religious world views have been such a fundamental feature of human existence, their systematic exploration widens students' perspectives, and opens us to deeper insights into the human condition. The study of religious worldviews approaches religion comparatively in a cross-cultural context.

The Department of Religious Studies offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change, and a Minor in Religious Studies..  As part of the Religious Studies major, the Department of Religious Studies also offers courses and a unique transcriptable concentration in Nonprofits and Leadership to prepare students for careers in nonprofits, non-governmental organizations, or other domestic or international organizations.

Undergraduate Program

Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change will provide students the opportunity to develop deeper knowledge of national and international nonprofit organizations, NGOs, philanthropic enterprises, charitable actions, and careers in service in the context of global cultural knowledge, religious engagements, and spiritual orientations. There are five areas of primary focus: (1) nonprofit, philanthropic, and charity governance, leadership, and legal structures; (2) NGOs, global civil society, and theories, methods, and examples of social change; (3) values, virtues, ethics, and justice in relation to global cultural and religious knowledge; (4)human, ecological, and societal flourishing in civil society, particularly in contexts that may be labeled as “religious” or “spiritual”; and (5) organizational innovation and leadership theory/practice in global religious and cultural contexts. Practical application, experiential learning, and social engagement are emphasized.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change

  1. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Nonprofit Leadership, Religion, and Social Change major is met by completing Religious Studies 485 or 490 or 491 or 499. Those courses are referenced in item 3. e. below.
  2. The requirements of the College of Arts and Letters for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
  3. The following requirements for the major (minimum of 40 credits):
    Foundations of Religious Studies (6 credits)
    a. One of the following courses (3 credits):
    REL 101 Exploring Religion  3
    REL 102 Exploring Spirituality 3
    REL 150 Exploring Biblical Literature 3
    REL 206 Spirituality, Belonging, and the Quest for Purpose 3
    REL 301 Methods and Theories in the Study of Religion  3
    b. One of the following courses in global religion (3 credits): 
    REL  306 Native American Religions 3
    REL 308 Black Spirituality and Religion 3
    REL 310 Judaism 3
    REL 320 Christianity 3
    REL 325 East Asian Buddhism  3
    REL 330 Islam 3
    REL  335 East Asian Religions 3
    REL  340 Hinduism  3
    REL  350 Buddhism in South Asia 3
    REL  355 Southeast Asian Religions 3
    REL  360 African Religion  3
    REL  365 Evangelicalism in the U.S.  3
    REL  414 Jewish Identity (W) 3
    REL  420 Birth of Christianity (W) 3
    REL  425 Apocalypse Then and Now (W)  3
    REL  430 The Qur'an and Its Interpreters (W)  3
    REL  432 Modern Muslim Thought (W)  3
    REL  441 Devotional Hinduism (W)  3
    c. All of the following nonprofit leadership courses (15 credits):
    REL  185 Introduction to Religion and Nonprofits 3
    REL  207 Intercultural Competence, Religious Diversity, and Self-awareness 3
    REL  285 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Religion 3
    REL  455 Introduction to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Nonprofits 3
    REL  485 Religion and Nonprofit Leadership (W) 3
    d. Nine credits from the following religious studies nonprofit courses. At least 3 credits must be at the 300 or 400 level.
    REL  210 Religion and the Environment 3
    REL  250 Religion and the Arts 3
    REL  305 Spirituality, Peacebuilding, and Social Change 3
    REL  311 International Development and NGO Management 3
    REL  385 Religion, Health, and Healthcare 3
    REL  456 Indigenous Environmental Stewardship, Ontologies, and Governance 3
    REL  457 Indigenous Research Methodologies and Ethics 3
    e. Two of the following nonprofit courses from the following (6 credits):
    AAAS  300 Communities in Action 3
    AAAS  401 Social Media and New Journalism 3
    ACM  461 Financial Management and Planning of Arts, Cultural, and Museum Management 3
    ACM  462 Marketing and Public Relations in Arts, Cultural, and Museum Management 3
    ACM  465 Leadership and Innovation for Arts, Cultural and Museum Management 3
    ACM  467 Development and Fundraising for Arts, Cultural Management, and Museums 3
    CSUS  322 Leadership for Community Sustainability 3
    CSUS  429 Program Evaluation for Community Sustainability 3
    CSUS  430 Nonprofit Organizational Management for Community Sustainability 3
    CSUS  433 Grant Writing and Fund Development 3
    WRA  260 Writing, Rhetoric, Cultures, and Community 3
    WRA  331 Writing in the Public Interest (W) 3
    WRA  337 Writing and Public Policy 3
    WRA  401 Rhetoric, Leadership, and Innovation 3
    WRA  441 Social Justice as Rhetorical Practice 3
    WRA  453 Grant and Proposal Writing 3
    f. Complete 3 credits of Experiential Learning through one or more of the following experiences:
    Study Away or Study Abroad  1 to 4
    REL  490 Independent Study (W) 1 to 4
    REL  493 Religious Studies Internship 1 to 4
    REL  499 Senior Thesis or Project (W) 1 to 4

Religious Studies

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies

  1. The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of this catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies.

    The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Religious Studies major is met by completing Religious Studies 410 or 412 or 414 or 420 or 425 or 430 or 432 or 441 or 460 or 461 or 465 or 471 or 480 or 485 or 490 or 491 or 499. Those courses are referenced in item 3. e. below.
  2. The requirements of the College of Arts and Letters for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
  3. The following requirements for the major (34 to 40 credits):
a. One of the following courses (3 credits):
REL 101 Exploring Religion 3
REL 150 Introduction to Biblical Literature 3
REL 185 Introduction to Religion and Nonprofits 3
REL 205 Myth, Self, and Religion 3
b. Both of the following courses (6 credits):
REL 220 Religion in America 3
REL 301 Methods and Theories in the Study of Religion 3
c. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
REL 310 Judaism 3
REL 320 Christianity 3
REL 330 Islam 3
d. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
REL 306 Native American Religions 3
REL 307 Shamanism 3
REL 325 East Asian Buddhism 3
REL 335 East Asian Religions 3
REL 340 Hinduism 3
REL 345 Religions of South Asia 3
REL 350 Buddhism in South Asia 3
REL 355 Southeast Asian Religions 3
REL 360 African Religion 3
REL 380 New Religions 3
REL 385 Religion, Health, and Healthcare 3
e. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
REL 412 Jewish Mysticism (W) 3
REL 414 Jewish Identity (W) 3
REL 420 Birth of Christianity (W) 3
REL 425 Apocalypse Then and Now (W) 3
REL 430 The Qur'an and its Interpreters (W) 3
REL 432 Modern Muslim Thought (W) 3
REL 441 Devotional Hinduism (W) 3
REL 460 Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Religion (W) 3
REL 461 South Asian Religions and Bollywood Film (W) 3
REL 471 The Ritual Process (W) 3
REL 480 Comparative Studies in Religion (W) 3
REL 485 Religion and Nonprofit Leadership (W) 3
REL 490 Independent Study (W) 3
REL 491 Special Topics in Religious Studies (W) 3
REL 493 Religious Studies Internship 1 to 4
f. The following course (1 to 4 credits):
REL 499 Senior Thesis or Project (W) 1 to 4
The completion of Religious Studies 499 satisfies the capstone course requirement for the major in Religious Studies.
g. Religious Studies electives: Six additional credits in Religious Studies courses as needed to meet the requirement of at least 34, but not more than 40, credits in courses in the major.
Nonprofit Leadership Concentration
The Nonprofit Leadership concentration is available to students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies. Students who elect this concentration must complete the following courses, all of which may count toward the 34 credits in courses for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies. The concentration will be noted on the student’s transcript.
Complete 12 to 16 credits from the following:
At least one of the following courses (3 credits):
REL 185 Introduction to Religion and Nonprofits 3
REL 210 Religion and the Environment 3
REL 385 Religion, Health, and Healthcare 3
All of the following courses (7 to 10 credits):
REL 485 Religion and Nonprofit Leadership (W) 3
REL 493 Religious Studies Internship 1 to 4
REL 499 Senior Thesis or Project (W) 3

Minor in Religious Studies

The Minor in Religious Studies, which is administered by the Department of Religious Studies, provides students with a foundational understanding of religious traditions around the world.

The minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University other than the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies or the Minor in Religion in the Americas.  With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Students who plan to complete the requirements for the minor should consult an undergraduate advisor in Religious Studies.

Requirements for the Minor in Religious Studies

Complete 15 to 19 credits from the following:

1. One of the following courses (3 credits):
REL 101 Exploring Religion 3
REL 150 Introduction to Biblical Literature 3
REL 185 Introduction to Religion and Nonprofits 3
REL 220 Religion in America 3
2. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
REL 306 Native American Religions 3
REL 307 Shamanism 3
REL 310 Judaism 3
REL 320 Christianity 3
REL 325 East Asian Buddhism 3
REL 330 Islam 3
REL 335 East Asian Religions 3
REL 340 Hinduism 3
REL 345 Religions of South Asia 3
REL 350 Buddhism in South Asia 3
REL 355 Southeast Asian Religions 3
REL 360 African Religion 3
REL 380 New Religions 3
3. Complete one 400-level Religious Studies course as approved by the student's academic advisor 3 or 4
4. Complete an additional 3 to 6 credits in Religious Studies as approved by the student's academic advisor.

Graduate Study

The Department of Religious Studies offers a Master of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise. This program is innovative and combines nonprofit leadership and social enterprise with knowledge of global cultures and religions in a humanities context. The program is available only online. A Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise is also available and only online.

Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise - Master of Arts

The Master of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise is a transdisciplinary degree administered by the Department of Religious Studies in the College of Arts and Letters. Students will develop expertise in the national and international nonprofit, non-governmental organization, or philanthropic sectors in the context of global cultural knowledge. Emphasis will be placed on leadership, ethics, values, and human and ecological flourishing in civil society, particularly in a religious context. The areas of primary focus are: 1) nonprofit organizations and leadership; 2) global cultural and religious knowledge, ethics and values; 3) individual and cultural renewal and flourishing; and 4) social entrepreneurship.  Practical application and social engagement is emphasized.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the College of Arts and Letters, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be considered for admission to the Master of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise students must:

  1. have a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
  2. have a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of at least 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate study.
  3. submit an admissions portfolio consisting of a personal statement, an academic statement, a resume or curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and copies of official university or college transcripts.
  4. have an ACM minimum TOEFL score of 90 on the non-native language proficiency test if the student is an international applicant.
Students who have deficiencies for regular admission to the program may be admitted provisionally. These deficiencies may require additional course work to make up the deficiencies. This course work will not count towards the requirements for the degree.

Requirements for the Master of Arts Degree in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise

At least 30 credits are required for the degree under Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis). At least 15 credits must be at the 800-level. The students program of study is planned and approved in consultation with their advisor. The program is available only online.
Requirements for Both Plan A and Plan B
Complete a minimum of 26 credits from the following:
Cultural Knowledge
REL 817 Religion, Cultural Knowledge, and Nonprofits 2
REL 818 Global Religions, NGOs, and Social Change 2
REL 819 Religious Organizations and Civil Society in Asia 2
REL 820 Secularism, Publics, and Religions in Asia 2
Skills and Competencies Group
GNL 821 Values and Ethics in Applied Leadership 2
GNL 822 Cross Cultural Dialogue and Collaboration 2
GNL 823 Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Religion 2
GNL 824 Social Entrepreneurship and Religion: Case Studies 2
GNL 825 Creativity in Organizations 2
GNL 826 Flourishing Under Stress 2
Structural Knowledge
GNL 827 Nonprofit Institutions and Civil Society in a Global Context 2
GNL 828 Nonprofit Governance 2
GNL 829 Nonprofits and the Legal Environment 2
GNL 830 Nonprofit and NGO Marketing and Fundraising 2
GNL 831 Grant-writing for Nonprofits 2
Other Relevant Courses
GNL 890 Independent Study 1 to 4
MGT 810 Human Resource Management for General Managers 2
MGT 840 Leadership and Team Management 2
MGT 842 Leading a Strategy Change 2
Students may enroll in a maximum of two of the MGT courses with approval of the MGT academic advisor.
Additional Requirements for Plan A
1. The following course:
GNL 899 Master’s Thesis Research 4
2. Completion of a master’s thesis.
Additional Requirements for Plan B
1. Completion of 4 credits of additional course work to meet the requirement of 30 credits for the degree.
2. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.


Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise is a transdisciplinary graduate certificate administered by the Department of Religious Studies in the College of Arts and Letters. Students will develop expertise in the national and international nonprofit, NGO, or philanthropic sectors in the context of global cultural knowledge, with an emphasis on leadership, ethics, values, and human and ecological flourishing in civil society, particularly in a religious context. There are four areas of primary focus: (1) nonprofit organizations and leadership; (2) global cultural and religious knowledge, ethics and values; (3) individual and cultural renewal and flourishing; and (4) social entrepreneurship. Practical application and social engagement is emphasized.

To be considered for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise students must:

  1. have a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally or nationally accredited institution, or be a current advanced undergraduate student at a recognized institution.
  2. have a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of at least 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate study. This requirement is waived for students currently pursuing a master's or doctoral degree program at MSU.
  3. submit an admissions portfolio consisting of a statement of purpose/letter of intent, a resume or curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, copies of official university or college transcripts.
  4. have an ACM minimum TOEFL score of 90 on the non-native language proficiency test if the student is an international applicant.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the College of Arts and Letters, students must meet the requirements specified below. The graduate certificate is available only online. 

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership, Global Cultures, and Social Enterprise

Students must complete 10 credits from the following:
1. The following course (2 credits):
REL 817 Religion, Cultural Knowledge, and Nonprofits 2
2. Complete four courses from the following (8 credits):
GNL  821 Values and Ethics in Applied Leadership  2
GNL  822 Cross Cultural Dialogue and Collaboration 2
GNL  823 Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Religion  2
GNL  824 Social Entrepreneurship and Religion: Case Studies  2
GNL  825 Creativity in Organizations  2
GNL  826 Flourishing Under Stress  2
GNL  827 Nonprofit Institutions and Civil Society in a Global Context  2
GNL  828 Nonprofit Governance  2
GNL  829 Nonprofits and the Legal Environment  2
GNL  830 Nonprofit and NGO Marketing and Fundraising  2
GNL  831 Grant-writing for Nonprofits 2
REL  818 Global Religions, NGOs, and Social Change  2
REL  819 Religious Organizations and Civil Society in Asia  2
REL  820 Secularisms, Publics, and Religions in Asia  2