Helpful Hints

  • For a detailed explanation of the University's grading systems, consult the General Procedures and Regulations section of Academic Programs and scroll down to Grading Systems.
  • The Instructor should initiate an online Administrative Action for the correction of a grade; see Academic Programs. If the Instructor cannot initiate the action, the Department Chairperson or the Associate Dean of the Course should submit the correction.
  • The Instructor, Department Chairperson of the Course, Associate Dean of the Course, and Associate Dean of the Student's College need to approve or deny the following: Add a Course, Drop a Course, Enrollment Correction, Credit Hour Change, Grade Change, and Extension of Conditional Grade.
  • The Associate Dean of the Student's College initiates the following: Grading Option Change, Late Drop without a Grade, Late Drop with a Grade, and Move Course to a New Level. The Instructor must assign a grade to the Late Drop with a Grade action.
  • The Instructor, Department Chairperson of the Course, and Associate Dean of the Course, need to approve or deny the Late Submission of Grades form.
  • If an action is denied, prior approvers will be notified by email. Access the Current Status and Archive List from the menu. The status for the denied action will have the message: Action Denied. To view details, click on the Form ID.
  • You cannot edit an Administrative Action and resend; a new action must be initiated with a detailed explanation in the Reason field.
  • The completion of conditional grades (I-Incomplete, DF-Deferred, ET-Extension, CP-Conditional Pass) is accomplished through direct entry into the Student Information System. Only colleges and departments can enter the final grades. Instructors do not have access.
  • For administrative actions on students not active in the last two years, you will need to print the hardcopy Administrative Action Form (PDF).
  • If you receive an email message indicating an Administrative Action (Form ID #) is waiting for your review and the form is not in your "Review and Approve/Deny" list, go to the Current Status and Archive List or Search forms based on Form ID to check the status of the form.

Administrative Action Form Initiate and Signature Structure

I=User group can initiate the form
S=User group must review and approve/deny the form

Form Instructor Department Offering Course College Offering Course Student Department Student College
Course - Add  I S  I S  I S 
Course - Drop  I S  I S  I S 
Credit Hour Change  I S  I S  I S 
Drop for Non-Attendance  I S  I S 
Enrollment Correction  I S  I S  I S 
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option Report  I S  I S  I S 
Extension of Conditional Grade  I S  I S  I S 
Grade Change - Change Final Grade  I S  I S  I S 
Grade Change - Conditional Grade 
Grades - Late Submission  I S  I S  I S 
Grading Option Change  I S 
H-Option Report  I S 
Interdepartmental Course  I S 
Late Drop with Grade  I S 
Late Drop without Grade  I S 
Move Courses to New Career  I S 
Repeat Enrollments and Unit Load Override  I S 
Repeat Individual Exception Form (Completed Courses Only)  I S 
Repeat Passing Graduate Level Course  I S 
Repeat to Exceed 45 Credits of 999 Level Courses  I S