Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information.

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Definitions of Course Characteristics (pdf)

Course Descriptions: Search Results

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Topics chosen from separable and exact equations, linear equations and variation of parameters, series solutions, higher order linear equations, Laplace transforms, systems of first order linear equations, nonlinear equations and stability, introduction to partial differential equations.
Effective Dates:
FS98 - US99

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Topics chosen from separable and exact equations, linear equations and variation of parameters, series solutions, higher order linear equations, Laplace transforms, systems of first order linear equations, nonlinear equations and stability, introduction to partial differential equations.
Effective Dates:
FS99 - US01

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Separable and exact equations, linear equations and variation of parameters, series solutions, higher order linear equations, systems of first order linear equations, introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier Series.
Effective Dates:
FS01 - FS03

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
SS04 - SS05

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 234 or MTH 254H)
Not open to students in the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics or Lyman Briggs School Mathematics coordinate majors.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 255H
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
US05 - US06

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H
Not open to students in the Department of Mathematics or in the Lyman Briggs School-Mathematics Coordinate Major.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 255H
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
FS06 - FS06

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LBS 220
Not open to students in the Lyman Briggs School-Mathematics Coordinate Major or in the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics or in the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 255H
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
SS07 - US08

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LB 220
Not open to students in the Department of Mathematics or in the Lyman Briggs Computational Mathematics Coordinate Major or in the Lyman Briggs Mathematics Coordinate Major.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 255H
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
FS08 - SS15

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LB 220
Not open to students in the Department of Mathematics or in the Lyman Briggs Computational Mathematics Coordinate Major or in the Lyman Briggs Mathematics Coordinate Major.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 255H or MTH 340 or MTH 347H
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
US15 - SS17

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LB 220
Not open to students in the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics or in the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics or in the Lyman Briggs Mathematics Coordinate Major.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 347H or MTH 340
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
US17 - US24

MTH 235  Differential Equations

Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LB 220
Not open to students in the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics or in the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics or in the Lyman Briggs Mathematics Coordinate Major.
Not open to students with credit in:
MTH 347H or MTH 340
Separable and exact equations. Linear equations and variation of parameters. Higher order linear equations. Laplace transforms. Systems of first-order linear equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and Fourier series.
Effective Dates:
FS24 - Open