Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information.

Course Numbers Policy
Definitions of Course Characteristics (pdf)

Course Descriptions: Search Results

ISP 220  Quarks, Spacetime, and the Big Bang

Spring of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 103 or MTH 110 or MTH 116 or (LB 118 or concurrently) or (MTH 112 or concurrently) or (MTH 124 or concurrently) or (MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 201 or concurrently) or (STT 200 or concurrently) or (STT 201 or concurrently)) or designated score on Mathematics Placement test
Elementary particle physics and the Big Bang for non-scientists. A survey of particles and forces in the early universe as it is recreated at high energy particle colliders in laboratories around the world.
Effective Dates:
SS11 - US14

ISP 220  Quarks, Spacetime, and the Big Bang

Spring of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 103 or MTH 110 or MTH 116 or (LB 118 or concurrently) or (MTH 112 or concurrently) or (MTH 124 or concurrently) or (MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 201 or concurrently) or (STT 200 or concurrently) or (STT 201 or concurrently)) or designated score on Mathematics Placement test
Elementary particle physics and the Big Bang for non-scientists. A survey of particles and forces in the early universe as it is recreated at high energy particle colliders in laboratories around the world.
Effective Dates:
FS14 - FS16

ISP 220  Quarks, Spacetime, and the Big Bang

Spring of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 101 or MTH 103 or MTH 110 or (MTH 112 or concurrently) or (MTH 116 or concurrently) or (MTH 124 or concurrently) or (MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 201 or concurrently) or (STT 200 or concurrently) or (STT 201 or concurrently)) or designated score on Mathematics Placement test
Elementary particle physics and the Big Bang for non-scientists. A survey of particles and forces in the early universe as it is recreated at high energy particle colliders in laboratories around the world.
Effective Dates:
SS17 - US19

ISP 220  Quarks, Spacetime, and the Big Bang

Spring of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 101 or MTH 103 or MTH 103B or (MTH 116 or concurrently) or (MTH 124 or concurrently) or (MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 201 or concurrently) or (LB 118 or concurrently) or (STT 200 or concurrently) or (STT 201 or concurrently)) or designated score on Mathematics Placement test
Elementary particle physics and the Big Bang for non-scientists. A survey of particles and forces in the early universe as it is recreated at high energy particle colliders in laboratories around the world.
Effective Dates:
FS19 - FS23

ISP 220  Quarks, Spacetime, and the Big Bang

Fall of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
(MTH 101 or MTH 103 or MTH 103B or (MTH 116 or concurrently) or (MTH 124 or concurrently) or (MTH 132 or concurrently) or (MTH 201 or concurrently) or (LB 118 or concurrently) or (STT 200 or concurrently) or (STT 201 or concurrently)) or designated score on Mathematics Placement test
Elementary particle physics and the Big Bang for non-scientists. A survey of particles and forces in the early universe as it is recreated at high energy particle colliders in laboratories around the world.
Effective Dates:
SS24 - Open