Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information.

Course Numbers Policy
Definitions of Course Characteristics (pdf)

Course Descriptions: Search Results

ISS 305  Evaluating Evidence: Becoming a Smart Research Consumer (N)

Fall of every year
Total Credits: 4   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
ISS 210 or ISS 215 or ISS 220 or ISS 225
Statistical and methodological principles from the perspective of a critical consumer of social science research results. Recognizing non-empirical assertions, necessary bases for inferring relationships and causal relationships, common threats to research validity, and pertinent biases in human judgment.
Effective Dates:
FS07 - US08

ISS 305  Evaluating Evidence: Becoming a Smart Research Consumer (N)

Fall of every year
Total Credits: 4   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
ISS 210 or ISS 215 or ISS 220 or ISS 225 or ISS 230 or ISS 235
Statistical and methodological principles from the perspective of a critical consumer of social science research results. Recognizing non-empirical assertions, necessary bases for inferring relationships and causal relationships, common threats to research validity, and pertinent biases in human judgment.
Effective Dates:
FS08 - US14

ISS 305  Evaluating Evidence: Becoming a Smart Research Consumer (N)

Fall of every year
Total Credits: 4   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
ISS 210 or ISS 215 or ISS 220 or ISS 225 or ISS 230 or ISS 235 or MC 201
Open to sophomores or juniors or seniors.
Statistical and methodological principles from the perspective of a critical consumer of social science research results. Recognizing non-empirical assertions, necessary bases for inferring relationships and causal relationships, common threats to research validity, and pertinent biases in human judgment.
Effective Dates:
FS14 - FS23

ISS 305  Evaluating Evidence: Becoming a Smart Research Consumer (N)

Fall of every year
Total Credits: 4   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 4
ISS 210 or ISS 215 or ISS 220 or ISS 225 or ISS 230 or ISS 235 or MC 201 or ISS 205
Open to sophomores or juniors or seniors.
Statistical and methodological principles from the perspective of a critical consumer of social science research results. Recognizing non-empirical assertions, necessary bases for inferring relationships and causal relationships, common threats to research validity, and pertinent biases in human judgment.
Effective Dates:
SS24 - Open