Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information.

Course Numbers Policy
Definitions of Course Characteristics (pdf)

Course Descriptions: Search Results

GEO 302  Climates of the World

Fall of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Recommended Background:
GEO 206 or GEO 203
Not open to freshmen.
Regional climates and underlying atmospheric circulation patterns. Climate classification, physical climatic processes, spatial and temporal aspects of climate, climate changes. Sources and use of climate data.
Effective Dates:
FS17 - FS22

GEO 302  Climates of the World

Fall of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Recommended Background:
GEO 206 or GEO 203
Regional climates and underlying atmospheric circulation patterns. Climate classification, physical climatic processes, spatial and temporal aspects of climate, climate changes. Sources and use of climate data.
Effective Dates:
SS23 - FS24

GEO 302  Climates of the World

Fall of odd years
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Recommended Background:
GEO 103 or GEO 203 or GEO 206 or GEO 303
Regional climates and underlying atmospheric circulation patterns. Climate classification, physical climatic processes, spatial and temporal aspects of climate, climate changes. Sources and use of climate data.
Effective Dates:
SS25 - Open