Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Open to students in the James Madison College or in the Advertising major or in the Agribusiness Management major or in the Agribusiness Management Specialization or in the Apparel and Textile Design major or in the Applied Engineering Sciences major or in the Communication major or in the Computer Science major or in the Construction Management major or in the Economics major or in the Environmental Economics and Policy major or in the Food Industry Management major or in the Food Industry Management Specialization or in the Food Science major or in the Humanities-Prelaw major or in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Human Resources and Society major or in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science-Law and Society major or in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science major or in the Journalism major or in the Packaging major or in the Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources major or in the Retailing major or in the Security Management Specialization.
Not open to students with credit in:
ACC 202