Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for versions prior to Fall 2000.

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Course Descriptions: Search Results

HB 265  Hospitality Foodservice Systems

Fall of every year, Spring of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Not open to seniors.
Food and Beverage systems that enhance food safety and quality management. Standards of microbiology, sanitation, and other quality control issues in foodservice operations. Chemical, health, and workplace safety standards. Introduction of fundamental principles of cost control concepts and techniques at different control points. Food allergen management practices and food safety technology highlighted. Emerging trends that affect different segments of food and beverage operations.
Effective Dates:
US21 - US24