Academic Programs Catalog

General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations

General Procedures and Regulations

Course Modes, Formats and Credits

The formats described in this document apply to courses in which credits are earned. (For the definition of a credit, refer to Credits.)

In all courses for credit, regardless of format, there will be instructor evaluation of individual learning. In this document, instructor is defined as a person authorized to teach the course by the administrator of the academic unit that administers the course.

The formats acceptable for courses offered for credit are those listed below. Two or more of the formats listed may be combined; for example, lecture and laboratory, discussion and lecture, etc.

Instruction Modes: Michigan State University offers three instruction modes: in-person, online, and hybrid.

In Person

Definition: A class with regularly scheduled classroom time or required in-person contact. Material is presented in one of the listed formats (lecture, discussion, recitation, etc.) or a combination of multiple formats. In-person courses may offer an online component, but that component should not exceed 49 percent of the class instruction.

Definition:   A class in which all instruction is delivered in an online environment. Online courses are classified as on-campus courses. Course content may be delivered in one of the following formats: Asynchronous instruction provides learning materials and requirements for online interaction with faculty and other students. The course will not have required attendance at regularly scheduled meeting times. Includes deadlines for completion of learning objectives and testing (may be proctored) to meet course requirements. Synchronous instruction requires online interaction at scheduled meeting times as posted on the class search page.  A synchronous class has required attendance and includes deadlines for completion of learning objectives and testing (may be proctored) to meet course requirements.

Hybrid (Blended)
Definition:  A class that blends online instruction with required or scheduled in-person contact, including examinations, laboratories, etc. At least 50% of the class is delivered through online instruction. Proctored examinations, texts, reading lists, and/or other materials are stipulated. Hybrid courses with on-campus meetings are classified as on-campus courses


In the following course formats (except master's thesis research and doctoral dissertation research), a minimum combined total of 30 instructor-student contact hours and student class/study/work hours per credit per semester is expected. The division among these hours will be determined by the instructor, in consultation, as needed, with other qualified supervisors.

Definition:  A regularly scheduled class in which the instructor takes the dominant role and the primary emphasis is on transmitting a body of knowledge or information and explaining ideas or principles. Student comments or questions will be accommodated as circumstances permit. In some courses, students may be expected to participate in classroom activities by means appropriate to the subject matter, such as discussion, performance, etc. Information regarding required text and reading list is provided.

Definition: A regularly scheduled interactive class in which the instructor supplements lectures by clarifying concepts and responding to student questions. Students may be expected to participate in classroom activities by means appropriate to the subject matter through discussion, solving problems, or group learning. Papers, projects, etc., may be assigned.

Definition:  A regularly scheduled class in which a group of students, under the direction of the instructor, considers predetermined topics, issues, or problems and exchanges evidence, analyses, reactions, and conclusions about them with one another. Papers, projects, etc., may be assigned.  A list of topics for discussion; basic texts, reading list, or other materials are specified. Enrollment normally limited.

Definition:  A regularly scheduled class in which a small group of students is engaged, under the leadership of the instructor, in research or advanced study. Topics may be interdisciplinary or highly specialized. Maximal opportunity for peer exchange is provided. Instructor provides broad outline of possible topics and procedures. Enrollment normally limited to 15 students.

Definition:  A regularly scheduled class with primary emphasis on learning by doing or observing, with the burden of course activity placed on the student, under the direction and supervision of the instructor, for the purpose of giving first-hand experience, developing and practicing skills, translating theory into practice, and developing, testing, and applying principles.  Manuals, needed materials, instruments, equipment, and/or tools are provided, or recommendations are made for their acquisition.

Definition:  A regularly scheduled class with primary emphasis on student activity leading to skill development and the enhancement and encouragement of the student's artistic growth. Needed materials, instruments, equipment, and/or tools are provided, or recommendations are made for their acquisition. Evaluation of individual learning may include public display of proficiency and/or evaluation by faculty other than the student's instructor. Each student receives from the instructor an end-of-semester assessment of accomplishment.

Definition:  An organized learning experience with the same purposes and methods as the laboratory or studio, usually offered in a concentrated period shorter than a semester. Broad outline of possible activities and procedures is provided.

Definition:  An organized learning experience which brings together specialists in a given area for instruction for a concentrated period shorter than a semester. Broad outline of possible topics and procedures is provided.

Field Study
Definition:  A learning experience arranged by an instructor for a student or group of students to carry out a project outside the classroom by observation, participation in a work experience, or field research.  Advance planning, involving instructor and students, for activity are required.

Professional Practicum
Definition:  Professional practice under supervision of an instructor, assisted, where necessary, by additional experienced professionals. Broad outline of possible topics and procedures is provided.

Clinical Clerkship
Definition:  An organized learning experience which employs professional practice as a means to acquire clinical skills and apply knowledge. Broadens knowledge acquired in prior course work by providing additional instruction and experiences. Activities include supervised clinical practice, small-group instruction, lecture, independent study, etc. Instruction is delivered by multiple faculty and/or other qualified professionals in a campus or community-based clinical facility (hospital, ambulatory care center, health professional's office, practice environment, etc.) Objectives, instructional materials, and evaluation procedures are determined by faculty assigned to the clerkship.

Definition: Professional activity, under general supervision of an experienced professional, in a job situation which places a high degree of responsibility on the student. Specific job description must be approved by instructor or instructional unit. Evaluation by instructor with assistance of supervisor.

Teaching Internship
Definition: Sustained observation and practice in a classroom under supervision of an experienced teacher and a university field supervisor.  Careful advance planning involving a university field supervisor, the school system and supervising teacher, as well as procedures for evaluation by the field supervisor, with the assistance of the supervising teacher are required.

Independent Study
Definition: Planned study, highly individualized, which is not addressable through any other format. Advance planning between instructor and student, with goals, scope of the project, and evaluation method are specified in writing. At least two contact hours are required for the first credit of Independent Study. Contact hours thereafter are to be determined by agreement between instructor and student.

Competency-Based Instruction (CBI)
Definition: Objectives, materials, procedures, and methods of evaluation are specified at the beginning of the course. The requirements are satisfied at the student's own pace, subject to arrangements with the course supervisor and to the university's time-period requirements. This format, as distinguished from Independent Study, will ordinarily be used in established courses. Courses by correspondence and some online courses are generally included in this format. Instructional materials and procedures developed by instructor. Frequency and nature of student-faculty contact determined at the beginning of the course.

Master's Thesis Research
Definition: Highly individualized, investigative study, usually continuing over more than one semester. Subject of research agreed to by student and research supervisor (instructor), in consultation, when required, with guidance committee. Grade deferred until completion of master's program. Exclusively 899 course number. Advance planning occurs between research supervisor (instructor) and student, with goals and scope of project prearranged; minimum contact hours per semester determined by agreement between supervisor and student.

Doctoral Dissertation Research
Definition: Highly individualized, investigative study, usually continuing over several semesters. Subject of research agreed to by student and research supervisor (instructor), in consultation with student's guidance committee. Grade deferred until completion of doctoral program. Exclusively 999 course number. Advance planning occurs between research supervisor (instructor) and student, in consultation with guidance committee.