James R. Sylvain, Chairperson
Specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) are dedicated to the restoration of function for individuals who are impaired or disabled by trauma, disease or congenital disorder. The mission of PM&R physicians (physiatrists) is to restore hope and freedom in persons with disability by helping them achieve the highest level of function that can be realized for themselves, their families and for society-at-large.
The faculty, allied health professionals and staff in the Department of PM&R are involved in the education of medical students in the colleges of Osteopathic Medicine and Human Medicine. They provide local, statewide and national education and service programs for osteopathic physiatrists and related healthcare professionals including online courses and community education programs on disability and rehabilitation.
Services provided through the Department of PM&R include admissions and consults in both acute and sub-acute inpatient rehabilitation facilities and multiple subspecialty outpatient clinics including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, electrodiagnostics, muscular dystrophy, menigomyelocele, medical acupuncture, spasticity and neurolysis, osteopathic manipulation and interventional pain management.
The Department of PM&R conducts research for the advancement of physiatric techniques, knowledge and the development of diagnostic and treatment modalities for neuromusculosketal disorders. Current areas of research include peripheral nerve diagnosis, sports concussion, osteopathic manipulation and cervical spine biomechanics and hemiparetic arm movement following stroke.
The Department of PM&R conducts a graduate medical education residency program in physical medicine and rehabilitation which is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and the American Medical Association (AMA). The department also conducts post-residency fellowships in electrodiagnosis, interventional pain management and sports medicine.