Graduate assistants must be registered each semester in which they hold assistantships. The minimum and maximum credit loads are as follows:
For a quarter–time graduate assistant, minimum enrollment is 6 credits for master’s degree students and 3 credits for doctoral students (including credits in courses numbered 899 or 999); maximum enrollment is 16 credits (excluding credits in courses numbered 899 or 999).
For a half–time assistant minimum enrollment is 6 credits for master’s degree students and 3 credits for doctoral students (including credits in courses numbered 899 or 999); maximum enrollment is 12 credits (excluding credits in courses numbered 899 or 999).
For a three–quarter–time assistant, minimum enrollment is 3 credits (including credits in courses numbered 899 or 999); maximum enrollment is 8 credits (excluding credits in courses numbered 899 or 999).
Minimum enrollment for doctoral students who have successfully completed all comprehensive exams is 1 credit.
Deviation from the minimum enrollment requirements listed above is permitted only during:
- summer session, when a 3–credit minimum enrollment is allowed for all types of assistants with 1-credit minimum for doctoral students successfully completing all comprehensive exams.
- the semester in which the degree is granted, when all types of assistants must enroll for at least the number of credits required to complete the degree or meet the university minimum registration requirement.
Any deviation from the maximum enrollment requirements listed above must have the approval of the dean of the college prior to enrollment.
In meeting the credit requirements, graduate assistants should be enrolled in courses that are recognized as being of graduate level unless the student's department or school has granted written permission for course work constituting an exception to this rule. Visitor credits may count as part of a graduate assistant's credit load, if approved, in writing, by the student’s department chair or unit director and the Dean of the Graduate School.