- If in any semester a student receives all semester grades of 0.0 or I where numeric grades have been given and there are at least 6 credits of 0.0, the student will be recessed unless there are compelling reasons certified to the record by the associate dean of the student's college. If recessed, the student must remain out of Michigan State University for at least one calendar year.
- If at the end of a semester during which the student was on probation the cumulative grade–point average is still below 2.00 and the semester grade–point average is below 2.00 (1.5 for students with less than 30 credits earned at MSU), the student will be recessed. The student must remain out of Michigan State University for at least one calendar year.
- If at the end of a semester during which the student was on final probation the cumulative grade–point average is not at least 2.00, the student will be recessed. The student must remain out of Michigan State University for at least one calendar year.
- If a student has previously been put on warning for lack of satisfactory progress in the major and at the end of any subsequent semester the student is not making satisfactory progress, the student will be recessed. A student recessed for lack of satisfactory progress in the major must remain out of Michigan State University for at least one calendar year.
- If at the end of the third consecutive semester of enrollment a provisionally admitted student does not reach English language proficiency or does not demonstrate consistent progress in English language proficiency as determined by the Director of the English Language Center, the student will be recessed. The student must remain out of Michigan State University for at least one calendar year.
After a recessed student has been out of Michigan State University for the prescribed period, the student may be readmitted to Michigan State University at the discretion of the appropriate associate dean. If readmitted, the student will be put on probation, final probation, or warning for lack of progress in the major, and the associate dean may impose specific conditions in writing that must be met. A second recess is dismissal.