Academic Programs Catalog

The Academic Program

Programs and Areas of Study

Course Designations

Throughout the programs of study given in this section, courses are identified either by course subject codes, course numbers, and course titles (example:  CSE 101 Computing Concepts and Competencies) or by course names and course numbers (example:  Computer Science and Engineering 101).

Additional information about specific courses may be found in the frequently updated online version of Course Descriptions  at:

To assist in locating information about specific courses in the Course Descriptions, the course subject codes are listed below in alphabetical order. For each subject code, the corresponding name is given.

AAAS African American and African Studies
AAE Advanced Academic English
ABM Agribusiness Management
ACC Accounting
ADV Advertising
AE Agricultural Engineering
AESC Applied Engineering Sciences
AFR African Languages
AFRE Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
AL Arts and Letters
AMS American Studies
ANP Anthropology
ANR Agriculture and Natural Resources
ANS Animal Science
ANTR Human Anatomy
ARB Arabic
AS Aerospace Studies
ASN Asian Languages
AST Astronomy and Astrophysics
AT Institute of Agricultural Technology
ATD Apparel and Textile Design
BE Biosystems Engineering
BLD Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics
BMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BME Biomedical Engineering
BMS BioMolecular Science
BS Biological Science
BUS Business
CAS Communication Arts and Sciences
CE Civil Engineering
CEM Chemistry
CEP Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education
CHE Chemical Engineering
CHS Chinese
CJ Criminal Justice
CLA Classical Studies
CLS Chicano/Latino Studies
CMB Cell and Molecular Biology
CMBA Corporate MBA Program 
CMP Construction Management Program
CMSE Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
COM Communication
CSD Communicative Sciences and Disorders
CSE Computer Science and Engineering
CSS Crop and Soil Sciences
CSUS Community Sustainability
DAN Dance
DS Digital Storytelling
EAD Educational Administration
EC Economics
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
ED Education
EEM Environmental Economics and Management
EGR Engineering
EM Emergency Medicine
EMB Executive MBA
ENE Environmental Engineering
ENG English
ENT Entomology
EPI Epidemiology
ES Earth Science
ESHP Entrepreneurship
ESL English as a Second Language
ESP Environmental Science and Policy
FCM Family and Community Medicine
FI Finance 
FIM Food Industry Management
FLM Film Studies
FLT Foreign Language Teaching
FM Family Medicine
FOR Forestry
FRN French
FRS Forensic Science
FSC Food Science
FW Fisheries and Wildlife
GBL General Business and Business Law
GD Graphic Design
GEN Genetics
GEO Geography
GLG Geological Sciences
GNL Global Non-profit Leadership
GRK Greek
GRM German
GSAH Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities
GUSP Global Urban Studies Program
HA History of Art
HB Hospitality Business
HBIO Human Biology
HCM Healthcare Management
HDFS Human Development and Family Studies
HEB Hebrew
HED Human Environment and Design
HM Human Medicine
HNF Human Nutrition and Foods
HRLR Human Resources and Labor Relations
HRT Horticulture
HST History
IAH Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities
IDES Interior Design
IM Internal Medicine
IBIO Integrative Biology
IBUS International Business
ISA Indian and South Asian Languages
ISB Integrative Studies in Biological Sciences
ISE Integrated Science Education
ISP Integrative Studies in Physical Sciences
ISS Integrative Studies in Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
ITL Italian
ITM Information Technology Management
JPN Japanese
JRN Journalism 
JS Jewish Studies
KIN Kinesiology
KOR Korean
LA Landscape Architecture
LAW MSU College of Law
LB Lyman Briggs
LCS Large Animal Clinical Sciences
LIN Linguistics
LL Linguistics and Languages
LLT Language, Learning and Teaching
LTN Latin
LWG Law Graduate Students
MBA Master of Business Administration
MC James Madison College
ME Mechanical Engineering
MED Medicine
MGT Management
MI Media and Information
MKT Marketing
MMG Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 
MS Military Science
MSE Materials Science and Engineering
MTH Mathematics
MTHE Mathematics Education
MUS Music
NEU Neuroscience
NOP Neurology and Ophthalmology
NSC Natural Science
NUR Nursing
OGR Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
OMM Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
OSS Osteopathic Surgical Specialties
OST Osteopathic Medicine
PA PA Medicine
PDC Planning, Design and Construction
PDI Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
PED Pediatrics
PH Public Health
PHD Pediatrics and Human Development
PHL Philosophy
PHM Pharmacology and Toxicology
PHY Physics
PIM Integrative Management
PKG Packaging
PLB Plant Biology
PLP Plant Pathology
PLS Political Science
PMR Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PPL Public Policy
PR Public Relations
PRT Portuguese
PSC Psychiatry
PSL Physiology
PSY Psychology
QB Quantitative Biology
RAD Radiology 
RCAH Residential College in the Arts and Humanities
REL Religious Studies
RET Retailing
ROM Romance Languages
RUS Russian
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCS Small Animal Clinical Sciences
SME Science and Mathematics Education
SOC Sociology
SPN Spanish
SSC Social Science
STA Studio Art
STT Statistics and Probability
SUR Surgery
SW Social Work
TE Teacher Education
THR Theatre
TSM Technology Systems Management
UGS Undergraduate Studies
UP Urban Planning
VM Veterinary Medicine
WRA Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures
WS Women's Studies
XA Experience Architecture