Academic Programs Catalog

Undergraduate Education

Financial Aid for Undergraduates

Federal Financial Aid Probation and Denial

Students who fail to meet any of the above requirements are notified by the Office of Financial Aid regarding their federal aid eligibility status. The notification will outline the appeal process for students with extenuating circumstances.

There are four kinds of federal aid eligibility status:

  1. Federal aid regular status applies to students who successfully complete 67% of their MSU assessed credits, are within the 150% maximum credit limit and have the minimum required GPA.
  2. Federal aid warning applies to students who have failed the 67% successful completion rule and/or who have fallen below the minimum cumulative GPA in the semester. This is a one-semester grace period. Students are eligible for federal aid while in this status.  
  3. Federal aid denial applies to students who, after a semester on warning have not achieved regular status, after a semester of probation have not achieved regular status or the terms outlined in the granting of probation, or have exceeded the 150% maximum credit limit. In all cases, the denial will apply unless the student submits a successful appeal or regains good standing by fulfilling the requirements.
  4. Federal aid probation applies when a student has submitted a successful appeal, for the duration of the approved appeal. 

Students who are unable to complete a bachelor's degree within 150% of the required credits for the degree are ineligible for federal financial aid and are placed on federal aid denial beginning with the semester following the one in which they enrolled in their last credit. A student granted an extension will be placed on federal aid probation.