Q: The course I am interested in taking has a specific prerequisite course in which I am currently enrolled. When will I be able to enroll for the future course?
A: As soon as you enroll for the prerequisite course, you will be able to enroll in the subsequent course for a future semester.
Q: How can I tell which courses are offered for next semester?
Q: How do I enroll for a course for Visitor Status?
A: Enroll for the course via computer enrollment and then call the Registrar's Office at 517-355-3300 to have them indicate Visitor Status. Choice of enrollment in a credit course as a visitor on a non-credit basis must be made no later than the fifth day of the semester (or through the first 1/14 of a summer or special session) in the Office of the Registrar.
Q: How do I enroll for a course for Credit/No Credit?
A: Enroll for the course via computer enrollment and then call the Registrar's Office at 517-355-3300 to have them indicate Credit/No Credit. Choice of Option for CR-NC (Credit-No Credit) must be made no later than the fifth day of the semester (or through the first 1/14 of a summer or special session) in the Office of the Registrar.
Q: Can you send me a Course Catalog?
Q: Where does this course meet and at what time(s)?
Q: Who is the instructor and what text books are used for this course?
A: The instructor will usually be listed on the Class Schedule by Term screen in
STUINFO. If the instructor is not listed, contact the Department offering the course. Contact the instructor or the Department offering the course for the required text books.
Q: This course is required for my major and all sections are full. How do I get an override to get into it?
A: Contact the Department offering the course.
Q: I want to enter a program at MSU. What courses can I take at another college to transfer?
A: Contact the Department offering the program.
Q: I have a question related to this field. Who can help me?
A: Contact the Department offering a program in that field.
Q: Does MSU offer a degree in this major?