Education Abroad Partner Programs (Exchange and Direct Enroll)

Institution:Sciences Po Lille

Program: Sciences Po Lille (Lille, France)

Sponsored by: James Madison College

Offered in: Fall, Spring, Summer

Grade and Credit Conversion
Graded Subject Areas: Depending on the subject area of the course taken abroad, your credit will come back in one of the following two ways:
  • Graded credit (counts toward your MSU GPA)
  • Transfer credit (pass/fail basis and does NOT count toward your MSU GPA)

All subject areas listed below will come back as graded credit. Courses taken in any subjects that are NOT listed will come back as transfer credit. You can find a list of courses that have previously been approved for transfer credit on

If there is a course you want to take but is not listed on this page or, you will need to receive approval from your academic advisor or the appropriate college contact for study abroad course approvals. When you contact/meet with someone for course approval, make sure you have relevant course descriptions from the host university. Links to course descriptions can be found at the bottom of the “details” tab of each program page on the Office for Education Abroad Website.

Subject CodeSubject NameStart DateEnd Date
MCJames Madison College

Previously taken Courses:
Host School SubjectHost School Course NumberHost School Course TitleMSU Course CreditsMSU Course CodeMSU Subject AreaSubstituteStartDateEndDate
American Politics, APO2CSX  7AVCMCMC GCU: JMC
Understanding Euro-skepticism UEU2CSX  7AVDMCMC 391: JMC
The Asian Metroplois Comp Persp2CSX  7BSNMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Ethics of Care2CSX  7BSPMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
The politics of Sin2CSX  7BSRMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
The Israel-Palestine Conflict2CSX  7BLFMCMC GCU: JMC
Arab Spring:Transition to Human Ri 2CSX  7BLGMCMC GCU: JCM
A Kingdom Disunited, New Polit 2CSX  7BJKMCMC GCU: JMC
French Politics3CSX  7BKVMCMC GCU: JMC
Political Sociology4CSX  7BKZMCMC GCU: JMC
International Law3CSX  7BLCMCMC GCU: JMC
African Conflict and Development2CSX  7BKXMCMC GCU: JMC
Literature and the Death Penalty 2CSX  7BLKMCMC GCU: JMC
Theoretical Debates Societal Contrv2CSX  7BLNMCMC GCU: JMC
History of Medic and Space2CSX  7BNWMCMC GCU: JMC
Political Thought3CSX  7BLXMCMC GCU: JMC
International Issues2CSX  7BLYMCMC GCU: JMC
The Transforming Arab World2CSX  7BLZMCMC GCU: JMC
Contemporary International Problems4CSX  7BLAMCMC GCU: JMC
Analyzing Foreign Affairs3CSX  7BLEMCMC GCU: JMC
Populism in International Perspect2CSX  7BNXMCMC GCU: JMC
Represent Race American Series2CSX  7BNYMCMC GCU: JMC
History of Cultural Politics2CSX  7BNZMCMC GCU: JMC
EU Politics & Institutions2CSX  7BPAMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
The Logics of Terroist Organization2CSX  7BPCMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Comp App, Global Sec & Crisis Mgt4CSX  7BHDMCMC GCU: JMC
French Politics & Institutions3CSX  7AXSMCMC GCU: JMCFS08
European Governance2CSX  7BPBMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
A Recipe for Eco Development? State2CSX  7BRBMCMC GCU: JMCFS13
Challenges to European Welfare Syst1CSX  7BRCMCMC GCU: JMCFS13
Innovation & Intellect Prop Global 2CSX  7BRFMCMC GCU: JMCFS13
Relations between Japan and EU/NATO2CSX  7BRDMCMC GCU: JMCFS13
Human Rights in Internatl Rel HRI2CSX  7AVEMCMC 391: JMC
Theory Sociology of Intl Relations3CSX  7BLDMCMC GCU: JMC
Practices of European Governance2CSX  7BLMMCMC GCU: JMC
Political Institution Comparison3CSX  7BNUMCMC GCU: JMC
Ethics in Business and Economics2CSX  7BNVMCMC GCU: JMC
HST of Economic Ideas & Doctrines2CSX  7BVSMCMC GCU: JMCFS16
Mutations, revolutions & conflicts3CSX  7BWNMCMC GCU: JMCFS16
Urban Conflicts2CSX  7BXZMCMC GCU: JMCSS17
Society, values and identity2CSX  7BYAMCMC GCU: JMCSS17
Comparative Political Institutions3CSX  7BLBMCMC GCU: JMC
Intro to Economic Philosophy2CSX  7BVUMCMC GCU: JMCFS16
American Politics Trade Foreign Pol2CSX  7BLOMCMC GCU: JMC
Comparing Attitudes towards in EU2CSX  7BVKMCMC GCU: JMCSS16
Political Life & French Institution3CSX  7BVMMCMC GCU: JMCSS16
Level 1 French2CSX  7BVNMCMC GCU: JMCSS16
American politics and government2CSX  7CBGMCMC GCU: JMCSS19
Happiness and Public Policy3CSX  7CBJMCMC GCU: JMCSS19
The US &Europe: Relation Question?3CSX  7CBKMCMC GCU: JMCSS19
US Immigration Policy3CSX  7CBMMCMC GCU: JMCSS19
Geopolitics Caucasus Central Asia2CSX  7BJMMCMC GCU: JMC
Globalization, Diversity, Equality2CSX  7BKWMCMC GCU: JMC
Envir Mobilisations Comparative App2CSX  7BKYMCMC GCU: JMC
Culture Goal International Policies2CSX  7BPGMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Global Climate & Energy Politics2CSX  7BPJMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Political Philosophy2CSX  7BPKMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Human Rights/Humanitarian Rights3CSX  7BPNMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
Left and Right in Global Politics3CSX  7BHBMCMC GCU: JMCSS12
Voting in the UN General Assembly2CSX  7BPPMCMC GCU: JMCSS15
EU Political Systerm3CSX  7CFJMCMC GCU: JMCSS20
Cont Ec Social Iss:SciPerspect3CSX  7CFPMCMC GCU: JCMFS19
Faminism in the age of me too3CSX  7CGYMCMC GCU: JMCSS20
The Digestion of "I have a dream"3CSX  7CGZMCMC GCU: JMCFS19
Energy Security2CSX  7BXXMCMC GCU: JMCSS17
The Politics of Rogue States2CSX  7BXYMCMC GCU: JMCSS17
Principles of Internat'l Security4CSX  7CLKMCMC GCU: JMCSS23
Conflict Prevention Post-Conflict3CSX  7BZPMCMC GCU: JMCFS17
Conflicts & Development in Africa2CSX  7BZRMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
Overview world defense 21st cent2CSX  7BZRMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
European Climate & energy policy2CSX  7BZTMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
Theories of War2CSX  7CLMMCMC GCU: JMCSS23
Socio EU Inst & Internat'l Orgs3CSX  7CLNMCMC GCU: JMCSS23
HST of Modern Middle East3CSX  7CMWMCMC GCU: JMCFS24
Pol spectacle/Alcidiades to Trump3CSX  7CAFMCMC GCU: JMCFS18
Rel& Pol US?Fnd Father present day3CSX  7CAGMCMC GCU: JMCFS18
Eu Union Institu &law-making proces3CSX  7CAKMCMC GCU: JMCFS18
Contemporary Environ Challenges3CSX  7BVYMCMC GCU: JMCFS16
War & Peace in the Middle East2CSX  7BVTMCMC GCU: JMCFS16
Debt Issue in Comparative Perspect2CSX  7BYFMCMC GCU: JMCFS17
Society,Values & Identity Europe3CSX  7BYEMCMC GCU: JMCFS17
Chall Public Act: Comp Approach3CSX  7BZCMCMC GCU: JMCFS17
Multidisciplinary Approache to Dev2CSX  7BZDMCMC GCU: JMCFS17
French Political Life3CSX  7BZBMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
Foundation of Liberal Democracies2CSX  7BZFMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
Great European Debates3CSX  7BZEMCMC GCU: JMCSS18
Back in the future:Trump,Biden3CSX  7CJNMCMC GCU: JMCSS22
Political Violence &Conflict3CSX  7CLJMCMC GCU: JMCSS23
EC found European Intergration3CSX  7CMVMCMC GCU: JMCFS24
Unsettled Quest about European Idea3CSX  7CMXMCMC GCU: JMCFS24
Cont Econ Social Iss:Sci Perspect3CSX  7CFPMCMC GCU: JMCFS19
Econ Issues in Retrospect3CSX  7CJPMCMC GCU: JMCSS22
Bus Law & Human Right Global Gov3CSX  7CMAMCMC GCU: JMCFS23
Epistemic Injustices3CSX  7CMBMCMC GCU: JMCFS23
Pol Spectacle Alcib Volody Zelensky3CSX  7CMCMCMC GCU: JMCFS23