Education Abroad Partner Programs (Exchange and Direct Enroll)

Institution:Academic Year in Freiburg

Program: Academic Year in Freiburg (Freiburg, Germany)

Sponsored by: College of Arts and Letters; College of Music

Offered in: Fall, Spring

Grade and Credit Conversion
Graded Subject Areas: Depending on the subject area of the course taken abroad, your credit will come back in one of the following two ways:
  • Graded credit (counts toward your MSU GPA)
  • Transfer credit (pass/fail basis and does NOT count toward your MSU GPA)

All subject areas listed below will come back as graded credit. Courses taken in any subjects that are NOT listed will come back as transfer credit. You can find a list of courses that have previously been approved for transfer credit on

If there is a course you want to take but is not listed on this page or, you will need to receive approval from your academic advisor or the appropriate college contact for study abroad course approvals. When you contact/meet with someone for course approval, make sure you have relevant course descriptions from the host university. Links to course descriptions can be found at the bottom of the “details” tab of each program page on the Office for Education Abroad Website.

Subject CodeSubject NameStart DateEnd Date
AMSAmerican Studies
H AHistory of Art
RELReligious Studies
A LArts & Letters
ACMArts and Cultural ManagementSummer - 2019
AFRAfrican LanguagesSummer - 2019
ARBArabicSummer - 2019
ATDApparel and Textile DesignSummer - 2019
ASNAsian LanguagesSummer - 2019
CHSChineseSummer - 2019
DHDigital HumanitiesSummer - 2019
ENGEnglishSummer - 2019
FLMFilm StudiesSummer - 2019
FRNFrenchSummer - 2019
GDGraphic DesignSummer - 2019
GRKGreekSummer - 2019
HEBHebrewSummer - 2019
IAHIntegrative Studies Arts & HumSummer - 2019
ITLItalianSummer - 2019
KORKoreanSummer - 2019
JAPJapaneseSummer - 2019
LLLinguistics and LanguagesSummer - 2019
LLTLanguage, Learning & TeachingSummer - 2019
LTNLatinSummer - 2019
PHLPhilosophySummer - 2019
PRTPortugueseSummer - 2019
RELReligious StudiesSummer - 2019
ROMRomance LanguagesSummer - 2019
SPNSpanishSummer - 2019
STAStudio ArtSummer - 2019
THRTheatreSummer - 2019
WRAWriting, Rhet & Amer CulturesSummer - 2019
WSWomen's StudiesSummer - 2019
XAExperience ArchitectureSummer - 2019

Previously taken Courses:
Host School SubjectHost School Course NumberHost School Course TitleMSU Course CreditsMSU Course CodeMSU Subject AreaSubstituteStartDateEndDate
UResearch Lit: Novels, Stories,Crime3CSP  7CBFGRMGRM GCU: A&L
UTranslation (Group 2)2CSP  7CBNGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF337/368Berlin From A to Z (with field trip3CSP  7AJSGRMGRM 435: A&L
AYF490MSU Capstone:(S.Topics/Progject)1-3CSP  7AJTGRMGRM 492: A&L
AYFModern Classics (for Interntl Std.)3CSP  7AJUGRMGRM 445: A&L
AYFPoetry of Romantic. (Interntl Stds)3CSP  7AJVGRMGRM 455: A&L
AYF401Adv German Comp & Conversation I3CSP  7AFSGRMGRM 3xx: A&L
AYF402Adv German Comp & Conversation II3CSP  7AJBGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
AYF321Play-Time: Theater-Theory-Perf3CSP  7BDXGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
U20th Century American Short Story3CSP  7AMSGRMGRM 3xx: A&L
UWeimar Classics: Goethe & Schiller3CSP  7BFMGRMGRM 3xx: A&L
AYF333TurbTimes:Intro Germ Film Hist3CSP  7CDYGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS14
GermanUGRM Express Poet, Lit,Drama&Film3CSP  7CDZGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS14
AYF335Energy Trans:Renew Energy&Sustain3CSP  7CEBGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS14
AYF302German Composition &Conversation II3CSP  7AFNGRMGRM 302: A&L
AYF372Green Germany-Green Freiburg3CSP  7CGCGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS15
AYF32120th Century Austrian Literature3CSP  7BJVGRMGRM 445: A&L
PH Animal Stories3CSP  7BMDGRMGRM 491: A&L
UGothic Architureture (Lecture)2CSP  7BMFGRMGRM 342: A&L
UAmerica in the Arts2CSP  7BVSGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF333The German Media3CSP  7BRNGRMGRM 3xx: A&L
AYF369Ling Var in Contemporary German3CSP  7BDYGRMGRM 460: A&L
AYF369Variation in Spoken German3CSP  7AZYGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
AYF490Independent Study:AYF1-4CSP  7CCUGRMGRM 490: A&LFS13
UIntroduction to Syntax (Section A)3CSP  7BXMLINLIN 434: A&L
GermanPHTech Meth German:Lang/Literature3CSP  7BYPGRMGRM 461: A&L
AYF490AYF Internship Seminar3CSP  7BXXGRMGRM 493: A&L
PHAmazons:Myth, Drama, Fantasy3CSP  7BJYGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
UMinnesong3CSP  7BJZGRMGRM 455: A&L
AYF401Adv German Comp & Conversation I3CSP  7AFSGRMGRM 420: A&L
AYF333City-Country-River:German Places 3CSP  7BYZGRMGRM 491: A&L
AYF369Appl Linguistics for Study Abroad3CSP  7CAAGRMGRM 460: A&L
GermanUIntro Teach Research in German3CSP  7CABGRMGRM 400: A&L
GermanUIntro Teach Research in German3CSP  7CABGRMGRM GCU: A&L
GermanUPoems Germany from 30 Yrs War Unifi3CSP  7CACGRMGRM GCU: A&L
GermanUPoems Germany from 30 Yrs War Unifi3CSP  7CACGRMGRM 400: A&L
GermanULiter & Media: Tch Chld & Yth Fict3CSP  7CADGRMGRM 400: A&L
GermanULiter & Media: Tch Chld & Yth Fict3CSP  7CADGRMGRM GCU: A&L
UTranslation (Group 4)2CSP  7CBBGRMGRM GCU: A&L
GermanULanguage Contact German-English 3CSP  7CBDGRMGRM GCU: A&L
GermanUFrom Romantic Turn-of-the-Century3CSP  7CCTGRMGRM 341: A&LFS13
PH Books for Girls-Books for Boys3CSP  7BMEGRMGRM 342: A&L
AYF331German History from 1870/71-1989/903CSP  7AFXGRMGRM 342: A&L
AYF391The City in History:Focus Freiburg3CSP  7BVPGRMGRM 491: A&L
PHChildrens Lit & Media:Textual&Image3CSP  7CBEGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF332The European Union3CSP  7AHEGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYP321Politics & German Liter 19/20 Cent3CSP  7CDCGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS14
AYF368Berlin: A Cultural Exploration1CSP  7CDDGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS14
AYF391The City in History: Focus Freiburg3CSP  7BVPGRMGRM GCU: A&L
USecond Language Acquisition3CSP  7CDJGRMLIN GCU: A&LFS14
AYF222German Film History3CSP  7BVKGRMGRM 491: A&L
UEnlight Satires, Fables & Didactic3CSP  7BPNGRMGRM 435: A&L
UIntroduction to Morphology3CSP  7BYBGRMGRM GCU: A&L
UA Comparative Hist English & German3CSP  7BYRGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF331German History 1870-19903CSP  7AFXGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
AYF332The European Union3CSP  7AHEGRMGRM 435: A&L
AYF332The European Union3CSP  7AHEGRMGRM 445: A&L
PHA Man is A Man-Weimar Republic3CSP  7BFJGRMGRM 342: A&L
PHRelishing Horror?Scary Movie 3CSP  7BJXGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
AYF333The German Media3CSP  7BRNGRMGRM GCU: A&L
USurvey Art Hist II:Early Modern Era3CSP  7CBMGRMGRM GCU: A&L
PHFairy Tales in a Multi Environ3CSP  7BMCGRMGRM 455: A&L
PHLanguage and Discrimination3CSP  7CGNGRMGRM 461: A&LFS15
AYF372Green Germany-Green Freiburg3CSP  7CGKGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS15
PHIntercultural Learning3CSP  7CHGGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
ULit ThirdReich:Nazi Lit ''''''''''''''''Inner Emig3CSP  7CHRGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
Castles,Monasteries,Cities:Location3CSP  7CHSGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
UComparative Typology English&German3CSP  7CHTGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
AYF332The European Union3CSP  7AHEGRMGRM 4xx: A&L
GermanUVariation & Change Pennsylvania Du 3CSP  7CBJGRMGRM GCU: 3
GermanUSynchronic & Diachronic Aspects Wor3CSP  7CBCGRMGRM GCU: A&L
UIntro Art Hist II:Architecture(G1) 4CSP  7CBKGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF334Berlin from A- Z:Cultural-Hist Expl1CSP  7CGPGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS15
PHWomen and Religion in Lit of Var Er3CSP  7CHPGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
UIntroduction to Painting &Sculpture4CSP  7CKWH AH A GCU: A&LFS16
GermanPHLanguage and Emotion3CSP  7CPRGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS17
AYF332The European Union3CSP  7AHEGRMGRM 3xx: A&L
GermanUGoethe, Poetry3CSP  7CBGGRMGRM GCU: 3
AYF333The German Media3CSP  7BRNGRMGRM GCU: A&L
PHIntroduction to Islamic Ethics3CSP  7CKPRELREL 430: A&LFS16
UMethods &Approaches Islamic Studies3CSP  7CKRRELREL 330: A&LFS16
UComm Aspects of Modern Russian II2CSP  7DRRRUSRUS GCU: A&LSS18
URussian: Grammatical Exercises II2CSP  7DRSRUSRUS GCU: A&LSS18
GermanPHIntercul Picture Books & Short Film3CSP  7DRWGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
UTch Biogr Nat Soc Erly Fed Republic3CSP  7DRXGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
AYF490Undergraduate Research Project1CSP  7DSAGRMGRM 490: A&LSS18
U Translation (Group 1)2CSP  7DSBGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
AYF490AYF Internship Seminar3CSP  7BXXGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
Comm Climate Change Storytelling3CSP  7DSDGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
HistoryUHoly Roman Empire of German Nation4CSP  7DSGGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
HistoryUWar & Peace-1908 1923 Pt 1 Surv lec2CSP  7DSJGRMGRM 4xx: SS18
HistoryUImperial Germany 1890-19144CSP  7DSKGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS19
AYF321Reading Places3CSP  7BXKGRMGRM 342: A&L
PHMovies for Children & Youth Audienc3CSP  7CHKGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
PH(IM-)Possible Worlds:Literacy Fant3CSP  7CHMGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
UGerman and its Global Standing2CSP  7CHNGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS16
AYF490Writing Workshop1CSP  7CPJGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS17
Art HistoryUIcons of Modern Architecture3CSP  7DSPH AH A GCU: A&LSS18
UWar &Peace Pol Theory & Hist Ideas3CSP  7CRTGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS17
GermanUSpoken German3CSP  7DSCGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS18
AYF301German Composition & Conversation I3CSP  7AFMGRMGRM 301: A&L
GermanPHHolocaust Lite & Cinema/Fict &Docum3CSP  7CRVGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS17
UFoundations of Internatl Politics3CSP  7DWVGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS19
AYFCont Issues & Legacies of the Past1-4CSP  7DWYGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS19
UArt and Crafts3CSP  7CHJH AH A GCU: A&LSS16
AYF333New German Cinema Contemp Film3CSP  7CPFGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS17
UE.T.A Hoffmann3CSP  7CPGGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS17
AYF333The History of German Film3CSP  7DZBGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS20
Contrastive Linguistics3CSP  7DZFLINLIN GCU: A&LFS19
Cont American Women Playwrights3CSP  7DZGIAHIAH GCU: A&LSS20
AYF391The Region & it''s People1-3CSP  7CSFGRMGRM 491: A&LSS22
UForm Govt&Coal European Comp3CSP  7EBYGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS22
UIntro Pol Sci German Comp PLS3CSP  7EBZGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS22
UNational-Socialist Careers Region3CSP  7CRUGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS17
AYF368The History of German Museums3CSP  7DYSGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS20
AYF332Germany in the 21st Century3CSP  7DYTGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS20
GermanPHGerman Grammar in Contrast3CSP  7EBCGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS21
UTheories of Society1CSP  7EDWGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS23
UExpress:Lite, Visual Arts, Cinema2CSP  7EEGGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS22
PHLiterary Learning w/ Digital Media3CSP  7EFMGRMGRM 3XX: A&LSS24
GermanPHAdventure3CSP  7EFTGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS23
GermanPHTranscultural Communication3CSP  7DRFGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS18
AYF321The Metropolis in German Literature1-4CSP  7CKGGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS16
AYF369The German Language Past & Present3CSP  7CKJGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS16
AYF301German Composition &Conversation I3CSP  7AFMGRMGRM GCU: A&L
AYF302German Composition &Conversation II3CSP  7AFNGRMGRM GCU: A&L
UReligion and Culture of Islam3CSP  7CPKRELREL GCU: A&LSS17
UIslam and Bioethics3CSP  7CPMRELREL 385: A&LSS17
AYFGerman&European Museum Hist&Memory4CSP  7DWDGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS18
PHTeach Literature Pic Books,Comics&G3CSP  7DWFGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS18
GermanUGoethe''''s "Werther" & its Reception3CSP  7DWWGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS19
PhilosophyUAccusat National Human Righ3CSP  7DWXGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS19
AYF369German as a Global Language3CSP  7DYUGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS20
AYF337Under Control:Surveillance&Culture3CSP  7DYVGRMGRM 325: A&LSS20
AYF402Advanced German Language Course3CSP  7DYWGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS20
UTranslating Wikipedia3CSP  7DYXGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS20
PHSustainable Development Goals3CSP  7DZTGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS20
Introduction to English Syntax3CSP  7DZJLINLIN 434: A&LSS20
UPaint Renais Ct Ferrara & Mantua4CSP  7EBAH AH A 491: A&LFS21
UThe Neglected North3CSP  7EBDIAHIAH 241C: A&LFS21
AYF368Romans & Natives in Germany4CSP  7ECUGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS22
UFilm History as Media Hist(Lecture)2CSP  7EDRGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS22
UIntroduction to Linguistics3CSP  7BYNLINLIN GCU: A&LFS22
PHStudio Arts:Sculpture3CSP  7EEAGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS23
PHStudio Arts Course:Painting3CSP  7EEBGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS23
History of the New Women's Move19703CSP  7EEEGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS23
UClimate: Cultures, Arts, Media1CSP  7EECGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS23
UIntro the Wild?Nature & Wilderness4CSP  7EEDGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS23
AYF331German History from 1870-20003CSP  7EFNGRMGRM 4XX: A&LSS24
USeven Deadly Sins in Middle Ages3CSP  7ECVRELREL GCU: A&LFS22
PHStudio Arts:Drawing3CSP  7EDYGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS22
Personal Name Linguistic Lens3CSP  7DZNLINLIN GCU: A&LSS20
UIntro to GRM Phonetics & Phonology3CSP  7CSYGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS22
UPop Art-Triumph of the Banal4CSP  7EBBH AH A 491: A&LFS21
UTranslation (Group 3)CSP  7CSZGRMGRM GCU: A&LSS22
EnglishULanguage and the Media(Sec 1)2CSP  7ECWENGENG GCU: A&LFS22
USoviet Union, Russia, &Ukraine19532CSP  7EDSGRMGRM 4xx: A&LFS22
PHTeaching Lit with Digital Media3CSP  7EDTGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS23
USci-Fi:Future Escapism & Soc Crit3CSP  7EDUGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS23
UHist Colonialism II 1918-to Today2CSP  7EDVGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS23
GermanPHIntroduction to Linguistics3CSP  7BYNGRMGRM GCU: A&LFS12
UChina and the West2CSP  7EDXGRMGRM 4xx: A&LSS23
UTechniques & Meth of Lite Research3CSP  7EDZGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS22
AYF368German/Europe/USA20-21st centuries4CSP  7EEWGRMGRM 4XX: A&LFS23
USoiolinguistic Variatio Media3CSP  7EEXLINLIN GCU: A&LFS23
GermanPHProj Mgt (Video Prod for Lang Inst)3CSP  7EFUGRMGRM 3XX: A&LSS24