Instructor Systems

Instructions for Grade Upload

Getting Started

  1. First, download a class list. To start this process, navigate to the Instructor Systems Menu and select Class Lists and Graded Class Lists from the Class Information sub-section.
Screenshot of Instructor Menu

Selecting Classes to Include in Class List Download

  1. Individually check the course sections to include, or select multiple sections at once by checking the boxes in the Check/Uncheck: column header.
Animated GIF of using the Class List Selection page

2. At the bottom of the screen, select the Download button.

Download button

3. Choose to sort your list by Name or PID then press the Download Class List button.

Screenshot of class list download prompt

4. If prompted, choose to save the file.

Screenshot of file download prompt

Entering Grades

  1. Locate the class list file that was downloaded in the previous step. The file will be in a comma separated value (.csv) format and can be opened with a program like Microsoft Excel.
  2. Complete the grade column. Save the file, keeping it in CSV format.
Screenshot of entering grades in MS Excel

Upload the File

  1. Navigate to the Instructor Systems Menu and select Grade Upload from the Grades sub-section.
Screenshot of Instructor Menu

2. Select CSV-Classlist under Select an upload file type and check the section(s) to be uploaded.

Screenshot of Grade Upload page

3. Press the Browse button, locate your file, and upload it by selecting the Upload and Complete Grade Report button.

Upload button

Grade Reporting Form

  1. If a 0.0, F, or N grade is given, indicate if the student completed the course. If No, enter the last attendance date or enter NA for never attended.
  2. Grades may optionally be saved for accessing later by selecting the Save for Later button. This DOES NOT submit the grades to the RO. The Grade Reporting Form can be used to access grades that have been "saved for later."
  3. To finalize and officially submit grades, select the Submit Final Grades to the Office of the Registrar button.
  4. There will be an opportunity to correct any errors before grades are sent. Once grades have been sent to the Office of the Registrar, no other changes are possible.
  5. After submitting grades, wait for the next screen to display. This will either be a confirmation of success or an error report.
  6. Note: Re-uploading a grade file will replace the previously loaded grades.
Animated GIF of using the Grade Reporting Form page

Error Reports

  1. If any errors are found upon saving for later or final submission, an opportunity to correct them will be given.
  2. Errors can be corrected immediately or at a later time.
Screenshot of the Grade Reporting Form Error Report


  1. After a successful submission, a confirmation summary will appear.
  2. Upon final submission, a confirmation email will be sent to the person who submitted the grades.
  3. To log out, return to the main menu and select the Log Out button. As an added security measure, especially for users working in a public setting, please close all browser windows.
  4. Grades can be viewed in the Graded Class Lists within 1-2 business days.
Screenshot of the Grade Reporting Form Confirmation Screen