Undergraduate Minor

Minor in African Studies

Minor in African Studies
Plan Code:
Program Level:
Award Type:
Minor Undergraduate
College of Social Science

Excerpt from the official Academic Programs Catalog:

Listed below are the approved requirements for the program from the official Academic Programs Catalog.
Students must consult their advisors to learn which specific requirements apply to their degree programs.

College of Social Science

Department of History

Undergraduate Programs
Minor in African Studies

The Minor in African Studies, which is administered by the Department of History, is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor's degree programs at Michigan State University.  Although the minor complements a number of major fields, students who plan graduate study related to Africa, who wish to pursue careers in international agencies in the United States and other countries, or who wish to work in Africa may find the minor particularly appealing.  With the approval of the department and college that administer the student's degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor's degree.

The Minor in African Studies provides a multidisciplinary educational experience for students who are interested in Africa.  The minor is designed to help students to acquire a better understanding of diverse aspects of African environments, economies, politics, societies, and cultures.

The student's program of study for the minor must be approved in advance and in writing by the advisor for African studies in the Department of History.

Requirements for the Minor in African Studies
The student must complete a minimum of 16 credits:
1. The following core course (4 credits):
HST 208 Introduction to African History, Culture and Society 4
2. One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits):
ANP 417 Introduction to Islam in Africa 3
ANP 455 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 3
GEO 338 Geography of Africa 3
GEO 339 Geography of the Middle East and North Africa 3
HST 201 Historical Methods and Skills 3
HST 360 African History to 1800 3
HST 361 African History since 1800 3
HST 364 South Africa: From Shaka Zulu to Mandela 3
HST 421 Women and Gender in Africa 3
HST 450 Special Topics in African History 3
HST 484 Seminar in African History (W) 3
PLS 422 Seminar in Political Science (W) 4
The topic of HST 201 and PLS 422 must contain specific content pertaining to African studies and be approved by the African Studies advisor.
3. Complete at least 6 credits from the following courses (6 credits):
EEP 260 World Food, Population and Poverty 3
ENG 350 Readings in African, African-American, or African Diaspora Literature 3
HA 271 African Art 3
MC 395 Cultural Dimensions of Public Affairs 4
MUS 426 Music of Africa 2
PHL 351 African Philosophy 3
RCAH 203 Transcultural Relations through the Ages 4
REL 360 African Religion 3
The topic of MC 395 and RCAH 203 must contain specific content pertaining to African studies and be approved by the African Studies advisor.
4. The following course (3 credits):
PLS 351 African Politics 3
Students are encouraged to take courses in African languages to enhance their understanding of Africa.