Academic Programs Catalog

General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations

General Procedures and Regulations

Protection of Scholarship and Grades General Student Regulations, 1.00

The principles of truth and honesty are fundamental to the educational process and the academic integrity of the University; therefore, no student shall:

1.01 claim or submit the academic work of another as one's own.
1.02 procure, provide, accept or use any materials containing questions or answers to any examination or assignment without proper authorization.
1.03 complete or attempt to complete any assignment or examination for another individual without proper authorization.
1.04 allow any examination or assignment to be completed for oneself, in part or in total, by another without proper authorization.
1.05 alter, tamper with, appropriate, destroy or otherwise interfere with the research, resources, or other academic work of another person.
1.06 fabricate or falsify data or results.