Academic Programs Catalog

College of Education

Department of Educational Administration

Graduate Study
Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education - Doctor of Philosophy

The doctoral program in higher, adult, and lifelong education is designed for individuals pursuing careers as administrators, researchers, professors, or policymakers in the field.  The program emphasizes the complex and multifaceted nature of post-secondary education in the United States and other nations.  By studying the diversity of contexts, structures, practices, and participants, students in the program should gain a broad, comparative perspective on the interrelated systems that influence the provision of post-secondary education in modern societies.

The program is designed to assist students to distill from these perspectives a meaningful professional agenda and to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to carry this agenda forward. The program is based on the belief that practitioners in the field of higher, adult, and lifelong education must (1) be knowledgeable about current practices, trends, and issues and (2) be able to advance the current boundaries of professional knowledge.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Education, students must meet the requirements specified below.


The applicant must submit three letters of recommendation from persons who are acquainted with the applicant's academic and professional experience, performance, and potential.  Applicants may be required to participate in an interview and to submit a sample of scholarly writing.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education

1. Educational Inquiry and Research.
a. The following course:
CEP 930 Educational Inquiry 3
b. A graduate level course in quantitative methods approved by the student's guidance committee.
c. A graduate level course in advanced qualitative methods approved by the student's guidance committee.
d. A research practicum to be taken after the student has completed the courses referenced in items 1.a., 1.b., and 1. c. above:
EAD 995 Research Practicum in Educational Administration 3
2. Core Courses.  All of the following courses:
EAD 960 Proseminar in Postsecondary Education 3
EAD 966 Students in Postsecondary Education 3
EAD 967 Policy Development and Analysis in Postsecondary Education 3
EAD 968 Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Postsecondary Education 3
EAD 970 Organization and Administration in Postsecondary Education 3
3. Additional Educational Administration Courses.
Eighteen additional credits in 800-level Educational Administration courses or above which deal with issues of postsecondary education.
4. Successful completion and defense of the dissertation. Students must complete 24 credits but may not earn more than 30 credits in EAD 999 Doctoral Dissertation Research.