Academic Programs Catalog

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Graduate Study

The Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences offers programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in crop and soil sciences, plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology—crop and soil sciences, and in plant pathology. The department also offers a Master of Science degree in Global Plant Breeding.

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy degree program may elect a Specialization in Biotechnology. For additional information, refer to the statement on the specialization.

Crop and Soil Sciences - Master of Science

Crop and soil science graduate students may study in one or more emphasis areas, including plant breeding and genetics; crop physiology, ecology, and management; weed science;  turfgrass management; soil genesis and classification; soil microbiology and biochemistry; soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biophysics; soil fertility; and environmental and pollution aspects of soil science, including the study of waste disposal on land. Graduate programs of study are designed to reflect the individual needs and interests of students.

Master of Science

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Regular admission may be granted to students who have a bachelor's degree or its equivalent, a 3.00 grade-point average, and appropriate training in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. Provisional admission may be granted to students who do not meet the requirements for regular admission. Students with deficiencies in their backgrounds will be required to complete collateral courses in addition to the courses that are required for the master's degree. Collateral course work does not count towards the degree requirements.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences

The student may elect either Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30  credits is required for the degree under either Plan A or Plan B. The student's program of study is planned in consultation with the guidance committee, which includes the major professor.

Requirements for Plan A and Plan B
1. One of the following writing courses:
     CSS  880 Scientific Communication and Professional Development 1
       ENT  812 Graduate Seminar 1
       HRT  860 Scientific Writing: Workshop 1
2. Acquire experience in either (a) teaching, by serving as a teaching assistant in a course, or (b) extension through the development and delivery of outreach programs or materials, as approved by the guidance committee.
3. Complete the responsible conduct of research training.
Additional Requirements for Plan A
1. Complete 6 to 10 credits of CSS 899 Master's Thesis Research.
2. Complete a written thesis and present the results publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
3. Pass an oral examination before the guidance committee immediately after the public seminar at which the thesis results are presented.
Additional Requirements for Plan B
1. Complete a project through enrollment of up to 6 credits in CSS 890 and present the results publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
2. Pass an oral examination before the guidance committee immediately after the public seminar at which the project results are presented.

Crop and Soil Sciences- Doctor of Philosophy

Students are encouraged to take courses that provide a broad background in biological and physical sciences in addition to training in specialized areas. The doctoral program aims to provide a high quality crop and soil science experience to equip students with the skills necessary for research, teaching, and extension, or other agriculture-related positions that require the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Regular admission may be granted to students who have a master's degree or its equivalent, a 3.00 grade-point average, and appropriate training in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. Outstanding students without a master's degree may be accepted. Provisional admission may be granted to students who do not meet the requirements for regular admission. Students with deficiencies in their backgrounds will be required to complete collateral courses in addition to the courses that are required for the master's degree. Collateral course work does not count towards the degree requirements.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences

All doctoral students must plan their degree program in consultation with the guidance committee and their major professor and must meet the requirements specified below:

1. Complete at least 24 credits including one of the following writing courses:
     CSS  880 Scientific Communication and Professional Development 1
    ENT  812 Graduate Seminar 1
HRT  860 Scientific Writing: Workshop 1
2. Acquire experience in either (a) teaching, by serving as a teaching assistant in a course, or (b) extension through the development and delivery of outreach programs or materials, as approved by the guidance committee.
3. Complete the responsible conduct of research training.
4. Complete 24 credits of CSS 999 Doctoral Dissertation Research.
5. Complete a written dissertation proposal and present its results publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
6. Presentation of at least one oral seminar on the dissertation research at a professional meeting.
7. Complete oral and written comprehensive examinations.
8. Pass a final oral examination in defense of the dissertation before the guidance committee immediately after the public seminar at which the dissertation results are presented.

Global Plant Breeding - Master of Science

The Master of Science Degree in Global Plant Breeding provides opportunities for working professionals to obtain new knowledge in laws and regulations, design thinking and leadership, and global seed systems.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the University and of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must meet the requirements specified below.
The student must:

  1. have earned a bachelor’s degree with a grade-point average of 3.0;
  2. provide all undergraduate transcripts;
  3. provide three letters of recommendation;
  4. provide a personal statement describing the applicants interest and experience in plant breeding and their personal career goals;
  5. provide a resume or test scores from a standardized graduate or professional school test such as the GRE, GMAT, MCAT, DAT, or LSAT, which may be waived if the applicant has a previously conferred graduate or professional degree;
  6. provide test scores from an English proficiency examination if from non-English speaking country;
  7. have completed at least one college level introductory course in Advanced Mathematics, Biology, and Genetics;
  8. have completed 15 undergraduate credit hours in plant science course work.
Guidance Committee
The Global Plant Breeding Committee is composed of the director of the Global Plant Breeding program and two additional regular MSU faculty members.
Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Global Plant Breeding
A minimum of 30 credits is required for the degree under Plan B (without thesis). The program is available only online.
1.          Complete all of the following courses (24 credits):
CSS 441 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 3
CSS 451 Biotechnology Applications for Plant Breeding and Genetics 3
CSS 815 Statistics for Plant Breeders 3
CSS 816 R Modules for Plant Breeders 2
CSS 817 Global Plant Breeding Regulations 2
CSS 818 Design Thinking and Leadership for Plant Breeders 2
CSS 830 Breeding for Quantitative Traits 3
CSS 831 Breeding for Biotic and Abiotic Stresses 3
CSS 832 Global Seed Systems 3
2.          Complete both of the following courses (6 credits):
CSS 870 Capstone in Global Plant Breeding 3
CSS 890 Independent Study 3
3.          Complete training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
4.          Successfully pass a final oral evaluation in defense of a final professional breeding project.


Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Crop and Soil Sciences

The Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences offers Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs in plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology–crop and soil sciences. The requirements for admission and the requirements for the degree are specified in the statement on Interdepartmental Graduate Programs in Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology.

Plant Pathology - Master of Science

Plant pathology graduate students may study in one or more emphasis areas, including phytobacteriology, mycology, virology, epidemiology, host parasite interactions, soil microbiology, disease management and molecular biology. Commodity-oriented strategic research areas in which the above emphasis areas may be studied include vegetable crops, fruit crops, nursery, landscape and ornamentals, field crops, turf crops, and forest and tree pathology. Students are encouraged to take courses which provide a broad background in biological and physical sciences in addition to training in specialized areas.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Regular admission may be granted to those students who have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, a 3.00 grade point average, and appropriate training in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics.

Provisional admission may be granted to those students who do not meet the requirements for regular admission. Students with deficiencies in their backgrounds will be required to complete collateral courses in addition to the courses that are required for the master's degree. Collateral course work does not count towards the degree requirements.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Plant Pathology
The student may elect either Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30  credits is required for the degree under either Plan A or Plan B. The student's program of study is planned in consultation with the guidance committee, which includes the major professor.

Requirements for Plan A and Plan B
1. Both of the following courses (3 credits):
     PLP  894 Seminar in Plant Pathology 1
    PLP  805 Principles in Plant Pathology 2
2. Two of the following courses (7 or 8 credits):
     PLP  847 Advanced Mycology 4
     PLB  402 Biology of Fungi 4
     PLP  884 Prokaryotic Diseases of Plants 3
     PLP  885 Plant Diseases in the Field 2
3. One of the following courses (3 credits):
    PLP  812 Epidemiology of Plant Diseases 3
     PLP  850 Physiological Plant Pathology 3
     PLP  881 Molecular and Biochemical Plant Pathology 3
4. Acquire experience in either (a) teaching, by serving as a teaching assistant in a course or, (b) extension, through the development and delivery of outreach programs or materials, as approved by the guidance committee.
5. Other courses and/or reading knowledge of a foreign language as specified by the guidance committee.
Additional Requirements for Plan A
1. Complete 4 credits of PLP 899 Master's Thesis Research.
2. Complete a written thesis and present the result publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
3. Pass a final oral examination in defense of the thesis before the guidance committee which occurs immediately after the public seminar at which the thesis results are presented.
Additional Requirements for Plan B
1. Complete a project and present the result publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
2. Pass a final oral examination before the guidance committee which occurs immediately after the public seminar at which the project results are presented.

Plant Pathology - Doctor of Philosophy

The objective of this program is to provide a high quality plant pathology graduate experience to equip students with the skills necessary for research, teaching and extension, or other agriculture-related positions that require the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, students must meet the requirements specified below.


Regular admission may be granted to those students having a master’s degree or its equivalent, a 3.00 grade point average, and appropriate training in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. Outstanding students without a master’s degree may be accepted.

Provisional admission may be granted to those students who do not meet the requirements for regular admission.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Plant Pathology

All doctoral students in plant pathology must meet the requirements specified below:

1. Pass a preliminary examination.
2. Acquire experience in either (a) teaching, by serving as a teaching assistant in a course or, (b) extension, through the development and delivery of outreach programs or materials, as approved by the guidance committee.
3. Complete all of the following courses:
PLP  805 Principles of Plant Diseases 3
PLP  812 Epidemiology of Plant Diseases 3
PLP  847 Advanced Mycology 4
PLB  402 Biology of Fungi 4
PLP  850 Physiological Plant Pathology 3
PLP  881 Molecular and Biochemical Plant Pathology 3
PLP  884 Prokaryotic Diseases of Plants 3
PLP  885 Plant Diseases in the Field 2
PLP  894 Seminar in Plant Pathology 3
PLP  999 Doctoral Dissertation Research 24
Students who completed 2 credits of PLP 894 at MSU as a master's student must complete 3 additional credits of PLP 894.
4. Other courses and/or reading knowledge of a foreign language as specified by the guidance committee.
5. Complete oral and written comprehensive examinations.
6. Complete a written thesis and present the result publicly at a departmental seminar prior to graduation.
7. Pass an oral examination in defense of the thesis before the guidance committee which occurs immediately after the public seminar at which the thesis results are presented.

Graduate Specialization in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

The Graduate Specialization in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems is designed to foster an understanding of biogeochemical, socioeconomic, and policy concepts using experiential learning within the individual’s program of study as a venue for multidisciplinary work. For global perspectives, students are encouraged to participate in either a study abroad course with ecological food and farming systems content, or in a course with international focus.

The specialization is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in master’s or doctoral degree programs at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the specialization may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the master’s or doctoral degree. The students program of study must be approved by the advisor for the specialization in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences in advance and in writing.

Requirements for the Graduate Specialization in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

The student must complete 9 credits from the following:

1. Both of the following courses (3 credits):
CSS 824 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Field Practicum 2
CSS 826 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Capstone Seminar 1
2. One of the following courses (3 credits):
CSS 424 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Integration and Synthesis 3
CSS 431 International Agricultural Systems 3
CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3
CSS 893 Special Topics 3
ENT 479 Organic Pest Management (W) 3
ENT 848 Biological Control of Insects and Weeds 3
HRT 486 Biotechnology in Agriculture: Applications and Ethical Issues 3
3. One of the following courses (3 credits):
AFRE 300 Public Policy Issues in the Agri-Food System 3
AFRE 861 Agriculture in Economic Development 3
CSUS 463 Food Fight: Politics of Food 3
CSUS 811 Community, Food and Agriculture: A Survey 3
CSUS 838 Participatory Modes of Inquiry 3
CSUS 848 Community Based Natural Resource Management in International Development
CSUS 855 Political Ecology of Food
CSUS 858 Gender, Justice, and Environmental Change: Issues and Concepts 3
GEO 410 Geography of Food and Agriculture 3
HNF 406 Global Foods and Culture 3