Enrollment and Registration


Enrollment for students is available at student.msu.edu. Each April, enrollment begins for the following fall classes. Each October, enrollment begins for the following spring and summer classes.

Visit the SIS website sis.msu.edu for information about training, resources and help using the Student Information System.

Additional Enrollment Information

Before enrolling, see your advisor and plan a schedule. Be sure to plan alternate courses.

You must know your MSU NetID and password.  Activate your MSU NetID

If you wish to enroll in a course subject with enrollment restrictions, contact the teaching department for assistance.

You cannot access the enrollment system until your assigned enrollment appointment begins. You can find your appointment information in student.msu.edu – select the ‘Classes’ tile, then ‘Enrollment Dates’ in the left-hand navigation menu.

Per the Hold Policy, you will not be allowed to enroll until all holds are cleared. You can check for holds by selecting the ‘Tasks’ tile in student.msu.edu.


Academic Programs and Course Descriptions are the primary sources for University regulations, policies, procedures, costs, and academic program requirements.

Links to other General Regulations:

MSU does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in admissions or in access to programs.

If you need help or have questions about enrollment, contact the Registrar's Office.

Late Enrollment Fees

Students who initially enroll after the start of classes will be charged a $100 late enrollment fee.

Please visit the Controller's Office Student Accounts and Cashier Services web site for information about:
  • Tuition and Housing Fees
  • Billing and Due Dates
  • Deferred Payment Plan and Operational Policies
  • Payment Information
  • Late Payment Charges
  • Bad Check Charges
  • Refunds

If you have additional questions about tuition, billing of fees, please contact Student Accounts.

General Regulations

Administrative Fee for Sponsored International Students
Organizations sponsoring international students will be charged a per semester administrative fee for services and support rendered. The fee of $350 is assessed during the Fall and Spring semesters for International Sponsored Students who are registered during those semesters. The fee is not charged during Summer semester.

Enrolling and Registering as a Visitor
A person may be permitted to enroll in credit courses as a visitor on a non-credit basis. Credit may not be earned in courses taken as a visitor except by reenrollment for credit in the course and completion of the course with a satisfactory grade. To be enrolled as a visitor, a student must enroll in the same manner as for credit courses and pay the same tuition and fees as for a credit registration.
Choice of enrollment in a credit course as a visitor on a non-credit basis must be made by the fifth day of the semester of instruction and may not be subsequently changed. Arrange visitor enrollment in 150 Administration Building, or call 517-355-3300.
Students enrolled as visitors are expected to attend classes regularly. Those so enrolled who do not attend regularly may be dropped from the classes at the request of the instructor.

MSU ID Office

Hold Policy

Fee Classification
If there is a question on a student's right to an in-state fee classification, it is the student's responsibility to discuss it with the Associate Registrar for Enrollment and Registration (150 Administration Building, 432-3488) at least one month before registering.
Out-of-State Tuition Regulations for Michigan State University are listed in the Academic Programs section of the University catalog on the Web at www.reg.msu.edu

Graduate Students
All doctoral students must register and pay for a minimum of 24 credits of doctoral dissertation research. If a graduate student has previously registered for the minimum number of credits required for master's thesis or doctoral dissertation research, but has not completed the other requirements for the degree and continues to study using University facilities and/or faculty service to take examinations, complete the thesis or dissertation requirements, etc., the student must enroll and pay for at least one credit hour and appropriate fees.

Late Adds, Section Changes, and Drops
After the fifth day of the semester, students must process adds and section changes at the teaching department and obtain approval from authorizing officers as required. After the middle of the semester, late drops must be initiated by the college Assistant Dean or UUD advisor. The last day for dropping courses with no grade reported is the middle of the semester of instruction. See the University Calendar.

Minimum Registration
All students using University services (faculty consultation included) must be registered each semester. Minimum registration consists of one course, one credit. A student enrolling for one or more credits is assessed the matriculation fees.

Campus Information

Visit the following sites for further information on MSU services.

Addresses Changes

Career Services and Placement

Final Examination Policy and Schedules

Financial Aid

International Student Mandatory Health and Accident Insurance

Lifelong Education Regulations and Application

MSU Campus Map

MSU Library Distance Learning Services

Office of the Registrar


Student Health Services - Olin Health Center

University Housing

Vehicle, Moped and Bicycle Registration at MSU

Withdrawal from the University