Graduate Degree

Economics - Doctor of Philosophy

Economics - Doctor of Philosophy
Plan Code:
Program Level:
Award Type:
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Social Science

Excerpt from the official Academic Programs Catalog:

Listed below are the approved requirements for the program from the official Academic Programs Catalog.
Students must consult their advisors to learn which specific requirements apply to their degree programs.

College of Social Science

Department of Economics

Graduate Study
Economics - Doctor of Philosophy

Students may be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics only for a fall semester.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the University and the College of Social Science, students must meet the requirements specified below.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Economics

1.       Complete all of the following courses (18 credits):
EC 812A Microeconomics I and its Mathematical Foundations 3
EC 812B Microeconomics II 3
EC 813A Macroeconomics I 3
EC 813B Microeconomics II and its Mathematical Foundations 3
EC 820A Econometrics IA 3
EC 820B Econometrics IB 3
2. Complete 21 credits in additional EC courses at the 800-900 level excluding Economics 920A, 920B, 950, and 951. Courses outside of Economics may be substituted for this requirement only with the written approval of the Economics Graduate Program Director.
3. Obtain a Ph.D.-level pass on the qualifying examinations in microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, and econometrics.
4. Pass the written and oral comprehensive examinations. The oral examination consists of an oral presentation at the departmental Spring research conference (typically in the third year of study), and the written examination consists of the paper presented at that conference, as judged by members of the student’s guidance committee.
5. Present a dissertation proposal to the student's guidance committee.
6. Write an acceptable dissertation and defend it successfully in a public oral examination.
7. Complete the following economics research courses, typically in the third year of study:
EC 920A Economics Research I
EC 920B Economics Research II 11
Complete the following departmental research seminar courses, typically in the fourth year of study:
EC 950 Research Seminars in Advanced Topics in Economics I 1
EC 951 Research Seminars in Advanced Topics in Economics II 1

Academic Standards

Refer to the Doctor of Philosophy degree statement in the College of Social Science section.