Academic Programs Catalog

The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management

Graduate Study

International Business - Master of Science (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2018 through Spring 2024)

The Master of Science degree in International Business is designed for recent graduates with non-business undergraduate degrees for whom international business knowledge will provide a strong combination of skills for future leadership roles in global organizations. The program provides a cross-functional international perspective across the major business disciplines: management, marketing, supply chain, finance, and accounting. It offers an educational experience that combines theory and experiential learning and is available only online. Students may email for additional information.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management, students must meet the requirements specified below.


To be considered for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. Have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  2. Have a cumulative undergraduate academic record equivalent to a 3.0 or higher.
  3. Complete the following prerequisite courses or equivalent prior to admission for students who have a non-business undergraduate degree:
    ACC    230    Survey of Accounting Concepts        3
    BUS    250    Business Communications: Oral and Written Skills    3
Admission to the program is selective. Meeting the minimum standards listed above does not guarantee admission to the program.

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in International Business

The Master of Science degree in International Business is available only under Plan B (non-thesis) and is available only online. A total of 30 credits are required for the degree. 

Students must complete 30 credits from the following courses:
1. International Core. All of the following courses (21 credits):
ACC 801 International Accounting 3
FI 802 International Finance 3
MGT 854 Global Strategy 3
MKT 815 Cross-Cultural Understanding 3
MKT 842 International Marketing 3
MKT 852 Global Value Chains 3
MKT 860 Understanding and Assessing the Global Business Environment 3
2. Complete one of the following, a project or study abroad experience (3 credits):
MKT 882 International Business Field Study 3
MKT 894 The Global Marketplace 3
3. Two of the following courses (6 credits):
MGT 858 Strategic Management 3
MGT 873 Strategic Decision Making 3
SCM 870 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
SCM 873 Supply Chain Management: Sourcing, Operations and Distribution 3
4. Completion of a final oral examination or evaluation.

Academic Standards

Students who are enrolled in the Master of Science degree in International Business are expected to maintain: (1) a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 each semester, (2) a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0, and (3) complete all courses listed on the candidacy form.

A student who does not maintain a 3.0 grade-point average will be placed on probation. Such a student will be given the next semester of enrollment to achieve a cumulative 3.0 grade-point average; otherwise, dismissal from the program will result.