Education Abroad Partner Programs (Exchange and Direct Enroll)

Institution:RWTH Aachen University

Program: Aachen University (Aachen, Germany)

Sponsored by: College of Arts and Letters; College of Engineering

Offered in: Summer

Grade and Credit Conversion
Graded Subject Areas: Depending on the subject area of the course taken abroad, your credit will come back in one of the following two ways:
  • Graded credit (counts toward your MSU GPA)
  • Transfer credit (pass/fail basis and does NOT count toward your MSU GPA)

All subject areas listed below will come back as graded credit. Courses taken in any subjects that are NOT listed will come back as transfer credit. You can find a list of courses that have previously been approved for transfer credit on

If there is a course you want to take but is not listed on this page or, you will need to receive approval from your academic advisor or the appropriate college contact for study abroad course approvals. When you contact/meet with someone for course approval, make sure you have relevant course descriptions from the host university. Links to course descriptions can be found at the bottom of the “details” tab of each program page on the Office for Education Abroad Website.

Subject CodeSubject NameStart DateEnd Date
MEMechanical Engineering

Previously taken Courses:
Host School SubjectHost School Course NumberHost School Course TitleMSU Course CreditsMSU Course CodeMSU Subject AreaSubstituteStartDateEndDate
Prep Thin Pepsin Membrances 5CSX  7BNFEGREGR 400: EGR
Influ High-Pressure LubriCool5CSX  7BTJEGREGR 490: EGRUS15
DeutschA1.2.cGerman plus cultural studies4CSX  7BGVGRMGRM GCU: A&L
Inline-Impreg Glass Reindorced5CSX  7BNCEGREGR 490: EGR
DeutschB1German plus cultural Studies4CSX  7BMPGRMGRM GCU: A&L
DeutschA1.2German plus cultural Studies4CSX  7BMRGRMGRM GCU: A&L
DeutschA1.1German plus Cultural Studies4CSX  7BSJGRMGRM GCU: A&LUS15
Testing Tools for Vehicle Crash 5CSX  7BNDEGREGR 490: EGR
Undergrad Research Opportunities5CSX  7BYGMEME 490: EGRUS17
German Language Training & Culture4CSX  7BYJGRMGRM GCU: A&LUS17
18ss-46161UROP Intl German Language A14CSX  7BZUGRMGRM 102: A&LUS18
Applc reinforce learn vehicle suspe5CSX  7BZVMEME 490: EGRUS18
Struc Design Vertical Axis Wind Tur5CSX  7BZWMEME 990: EGRUS18
UROP Intl German Language A14CSX  7BZUGRMGRM 101: A&LUS19
Effect Needle Punch Composites5CSX  7BTGEGREGR 490: EGRUS15
Analysis Outer Large Scale Motion5CSX  7CCNMEME 490: EGRUS19
Additive Manufact forming Dies5CSX  7CKFMEME 490: EGRUS22
New Topic Integration Steer Concept5CSX  7CKDMEMe 490: EGRUS22
Lidar Sen Sys Smartphone GNSS-data5CSX  7BZYMEME 490: EGRUS18
Object Inspect Sensor Robt Arm sort5CSX  7CCPMEME 490: EGRUS19
LiDar Measuring Stations Mount5CSX  7CCRMEME 490: EGRUS19
FlexaRob Interface Development5CSX  7CCSMEME 490: EGRUS19
Kalman Filter Lane Track Camera5CSX  7CCTMEME 490: EGRUS19
Amplitue Modulation Turb riblets5CSX  7CCUMEME 490: EGRUS19
LV0246159UROP German Course A1.21CSX  7CMUGRMGRM GCU: A&LUS24
In-flow boundary conditions for5CSX  7CMPMEME 490: EGRUS24
LV0246159UROP German Course A1.23CSX  7CMUGRMGRM 102: A&LUS24
LV0246160UROP German Course A1.14CSX  7CLYGRMGRM GCU: A&LUS23
Optimizing noise rod-airloil Config5CSX  7CLZMEME 490: EGRUS23
Commisioning &optimiz of Light WV5CSX  7CMTMEME 490: EGRUS24
Experiment in-cylinder flow field5CSX  7CMNMEME 490: EGRUS24
Implementation of Oblique Shockwave5CSX  7CMRMEME 490: EGRUS24
Measure on a model of Human Body5CSX  7CMSMEME 490: EGRUS24