Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions catalog describes all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Michigan State University. The searches below only return course versions Fall 2000 and forward. Please refer to the Archived Course Descriptions for additional information.

Course Numbers Policy
Definitions of Course Characteristics (pdf)

Course Descriptions: Search Results

CMSE 821  Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

Spring of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Recommended Background:
CMSE 802 or equivalent experience in programming and numerical methods. Differential equations at the level of (MTH 235 or MTH 255H or (MTH 340 and MTH 442) or (MTH 347H and MTH 442)). Linear algebra at the level of (MTH 309 or MTH 317H)
Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, including hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic equations. Explicit and implicit solutions. Numerical stability.
Effective Dates:
FS16 - SS17

CMSE 821  Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

Spring of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3
Recommended Background:
CMSE 802 or equivalent experience in programming and numerical methods. Differential equations at the level of (MTH 235 or MTH 255H or (MTH 340 and MTH 442) or (MTH 347H and MTH 442)). Linear algebra at the level of (MTH 309 or MTH 317H)
Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, including hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic equations. Explicit and implicit solutions. Numerical stability.
Effective Dates:
US17 - Open