Academic Programs Catalog

The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management

Department of Accounting and Information Systems


Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting
Master of Science Degree in Accounting

The department welcomes applications from Michigan State University Accounting undergraduate students at the end of their junior year or first semester of the senior year. Admission to the program requires a minimum undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0 and an approved program of study for the Master of Science degree in Accounting at the time of admission. Admission to the Linked Bachelor’s-Master’s program allows the application of up to 9 credits toward the master’s program for qualifying 400-level and above course work taken at the undergraduate level at Michigan State University or another postsecondary accredited institution of comparable academic quality. The number of approved credits, not to exceed 9, are applied toward the credit requirement of the master’s degree. Credits applied to the Linked Bachelor’s-Master’s program are not eligible to be applied to any other graduate degree program. Students interested in pursuing the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license must have 150 credit hours of college/university credit to be eligible for certification. This will be considered and built into the student’s study plan.