Graduate Certificate

Qualitative Research Methods - Graduate Certificate

Qualitative Research Methods - Graduate Certificate
Plan Code:
Program Level:
Graduate Certification
Award Type:
Graduate Certificate Program
College of Education
Teacher Education

Excerpt from the official Academic Programs Catalog:

Listed below are the approved requirements for the program from the official Academic Programs Catalog.
Students must consult their advisors to learn which specific requirements apply to their degree programs.

College of Education

Department of Teacher Education

Graduate Study
Qualitative Research Methods - Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods is designed for doctoral students enrolled in College of Education doctoral programs. It focuses on enhancing doctoral students’ theoretical and practical preparation and expertise in conceiving, designing, conducting, analyzing, and reporting qualitative research studies as well as preparing them to teach both introductory and advanced courses in qualitative research methods when assuming faculty positions elsewhere.


Students must be currently enrolled in a doctoral program in the College of Education at Michigan State University and must complete the Intent to Enroll form on the program Web site.

Requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods

Students must complete 12 credits from the following:
1. The following course (3 credits):
TE 931 Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Educational Research 3
2. At least three of the following courses (9 credits):
HST 803 Seminar in Methodology of Historical Research 3
SOC 985 Qualitative Field Research 3
TE 938 Qualitative Data Analysis 3
TE 939A Special Topics in Advanced Qualitative Methodology 3
TE 939B Advanced Qualitative Methods: Critical Ethnography 3
TE 939C Advanced Qualitative Methods: Discourse Analysis 3
TE 939D Advanced Qualitative Methods: Case Studies 3
TE 939E Advanced Qualitative Methods: Humanities Oriented Research 3
TE 939F Advanced Qualitative Methods: Phenomenology 3
TE 939G Advanced Qualitative Methods: Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry 3
WRA 870 Research Methodologies in Rhetoric and Writing 3