Academic Programs Catalog

College of Social Science

Graduate Study

Environmental Science and Policy - Dual Major

The interdepartmental dual major in environmental science and policy is administered by the College of Social Science.  The dual major is available only to those students who are enrolled in a Ph.D. degree program that involves environmental science and policy and who have a graduate major at Michigan State University.  The student does not have the option of completing a dual major in environmental science and policy alone.

The educational objectives of the interdepartmental program are to (1) develop interdisciplinary knowledge and skills across natural and social science disciplines related to the environment and to enable collaboration with researchers and practitioners from other disciplines towards addressing environmental challenges; (2) gain knowledge of and experience with science based environmental policies, including how scientific knowledge can contribute to practical policies and how interdisciplinary collaboration can improve the effectiveness of policies; and (3) gain practical experience in communicating scientific research to multiple audiences, including scientific communities and the general public.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the University and of the College of Social Science, students must meet the requirements specified below.


In order to enroll in the dual major in environmental science and policy a student must also have been admitted to a major at Michigan State University.

The Environmental Science and Policy Program (ESPP) Graduate Program Council, composed of members of the faculty from participating departments will review applications for admission and recommend acceptance of applicants for admission.

In special cases an applicant who has deficiencies in background courses may be admitted to the dual major on a provisional basis.

Guidance Committee

The program shall be planned in accordance with the statement on Dual Major Doctoral Degrees in the Graduate Education section of this catalog. At least one member of the student’s doctoral dissertation committee shall be an environmental science and policy affiliated faculty member.

Students in the dual major in environmental science and policy are expected to attend a number of community-building activities with other students from different disciplines.

Requirements for the Dual Major in Environmental Science and Policy

1. All of the following courses with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 with no more than one course’s grade below 3.0 in courses used in fulfillment of the requirements for the dual major (12 credits):
a. The following course (3 credits):
ESP 800 Principles of Environmental Science and Policy 3
b. One of the following courses (3 credits):
ESP 801 Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes of the Environment 3
CSUS 836 Modeling Natural Resource Systems 3
ENE 801 Dynamics of Environmental Systems 3
c. One of the following courses (3 credits):
ESP 802 Human Systems and Environment 3
AFRE 829 Economics of Environmental Resources 3
CSUS 820 Social-Ecological Resilience 3
CSUS  824 Sustainable Development 3
SOC 865 Environmental Sociology 3
SOC 869 Community and Conservation 3
d. One of the following courses (3 credits):
ESP 804 Environmental Applications and Analysis 3
FW 868 Water Policy and Management 3
2. Twenty-four credits in Doctoral Dissertation Research (course number 999) from the student's departmental major.
3. Pass a comprehensive examination that will be defined by the requirements of the student's major department and that will include a written examination in which the student demonstrates a knowledge of environmental science and policy as determined by the guidance committee.
4. Submit a dissertation that, in the judgment of the student’s guidance committee, represents the integration of environmental science and policy and the student’s departmental major.